Do you feel like you are at a crossroad of sorts? Where almost EVERY area of your life feels up and the air and you are unsure of what’s up ahead? You aren’t alone. For the past week I keep hearing the Lord say to me “This is the EXCHANGE point!”
Exchange means an act of giving one thing and receiving another in return, and it’s the transaction where one thing is replaced by something of equal or better value. The word exchange comes from the word “change” which describes the process of something altering it’s shape, function, location, and purpose. In the bible the word change and exchange is expressed through the Greek word “katalasso” which means also “reconcile”. (In 2 Corinthians 5:18 the word reconcile is saying that Jesus death was “exchanged” for us to experience life)
For the past few weeks I’ve been sensing such a heightened movement in the spirit over people’s lives specifically regarding this transition and God aligning them with his purposes and the finished work of Jesus and I believe the rest of May and into June will be months of amazing breakthrough.
I remember a powerful scene of a movie I saw as a kid where an adventurer’s ship was making its voyage to a newly discovered land but due to the weight in the ship they had to throw items overboard to lighten it. Many of these items were costly and valuable items BUT the prize of reaching the land was far more valuable to them than the belongings. “Empty your hands” the Lord is saying to many in this season. “Empty your hands so I can fill them!”
It can be uncomfortable in a season of the unknown to let go of the familiar but that is the very thing He is asking of us so we can exchange it for the new…
In the process of transition many have felt like they have been pushed to the breaking point, feeling like they can’t handle any more of the pressure, pain, and mind warfare that has come with this season. One night last week I woke up in deep intercession and I could see many who were feeling like they were at this breaking point. “This is the final straw!” many were saying. But what they thought was their breaking was in fact the catalyst for breakthrough! I saw a vision of people falling to the ground and sighing their last breath when suddenly the Holy Spirit came like a mighty rushing wind and stood them to their feet.
The breaking point is where you end and HE begins. It is the place of depletion that brings your old season to completion and opens the door to the next. The exchange is your timing for His, your expectations for His, your plans for His, and your methods and ways to bring it about for His. It’s been the breaking down of us and our limited thinking to accommodate something divinely orchestrated that is so much out of the confines and limitations of our paradigm.
“This is the trade off point says the Lord, where you have done in all your own strength and have been wearied and worn down, broken and battered, now I will bring my word to pass and I, the Lord of the breakthrough, will open the way for you!”
It’s a shaking off of heaviness, burdens, and everything that could hold you back and limit you.
This is where you are not only restored in passion and strength, but this is your second wind!
(Excerpted from Nate and Christy Johnston’s blog. Read full article here.)
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amen. this is a big encouragement from HIM. i will be having a transition and this is the WORD i have been longing for. thank You, Lord!
We are seeing this happen in our church leaders and now among the church partners as well. Pushed to the breaking point all the way to breakthrough! Thank you, Lord Jesus – Holy Spirit come!
Very encouraging!!
This is a confirmation to us. Thank you for this Word. It blessed our hearts and increased our faith.
We have been in the field ministering and teaching for years. Have websites,, etc., and this last month it was prophecied to us that we were to take a Sabbatical.
At this time we have been led to empty our hands of the ministries given us, and being pruned and changed requires submitting, yielding, and truly EMPTYING OUR HANDS!!!
As we
offer up to Him all He has given us to do in the past with thanksgiving and giving glory all to Him for all He has done and blessed us with, He is filling our hearts with love and prayers, and a renewal, more joy and peace than we thought possible.
It first came with obedience to give it all to him with our hearts, then He took it in the physical, just like 37 years ago when we sold all we had and quit our jobs and followed Jesus.
We are still
following Him now in a new way…
after the exchange.
Thank You God for reminding us that we are the creation and You are the Creator. We need not ever think we are in this alone or try to attempt it because that is a no entrance zone to not successful in life plain and simple . I ask You to stay by my side and all these precious folks because with You we can go through anything, conquer all that is set before us and win because when You are in it we become overcomers. For Your Presence, Your Word and Your Spirit we thank You and gladly lean into You.
Excellent timely word…i receive it
Ask God to bring deep conviction of sin. spiritual brokenness, a holy fear of God and genuine repentance among His people.(2Co 7:10)
Pray for deep cleansing, genuine repentance. and spiritual power to engulf pastors and Christian leaders. (Ep 6:14-20)
Pray for God to bestow spiritual hunger in His people and draw them to fervent intercession.(God has to grant people the genuine faith and fervent desire for prayer. With all our promotions and programming, we cannot produce a genuine prayer movement.) (Philippians 2:13)
Pray for God to fill His passion to see people saved.(Only God can give a genuine burden for souls.)
Specifically pray for God to pour out His Spirit in a fashion even greater than He did in America in 1858 and Wales in 1904.(Ten percent of Wales’ population was saved in 5 months. (Mark 11:22/34;John 14:13-14).