I Prayed have prayed
Lord we thank You that You are the Giant Slayer. Nothing is impossible for You, and we ask You to continue to bring breakthrough in our lives.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

There is a strong wind of His Spirit blowing over those who feel like they have barely survived what they have been walking through. These ones have retreated into a cave, so weary, feeling the weight of circumstances and situations they have faced. These ones have become so battle weary of the ā€œwave after waveā€ that has crashed over them attempting to knock them out.

For many they have been living in the place of ā€œgetting back up againā€ and ready to move forward and only to be knocked back down again. The Lord showed me a significant wave of opposition that has been coming against these ones and as I saw this I pondered in my heart why the wave of opposition has been so strong and relentless over themā€¦ thatā€™s when I heard the Lordā€™s voice:


The Lord showed me that many these pioneers and forerunners that have been facing such incredible onslaught when they have continued to move forward in faithfulness and obedience to the Lord, that the enemy has come against them because they are about to release the NEW WINE of His presence into the areas which He sends them.

These forerunners and pioneers are moving forward in a level of EMPOWERMENT that has not been seen before. They are being commissioned and empowered to do what they never thought they could do, and arise out of the IMPOSSIBLE.


I heard the Lord say:

ā€œThe impossible tried to cage many pioneers and forerunners but now not only will they see My power defy the impossibilities in their lives and see the greatest breakthroughs of their lives, they will be sent forth moving in the empowerment of My Spirit to see Me DEFY and BREAK DOWN impossibilities THROUGH their lives.ā€

ā€œI am calling them the Davidā€™s, I am calling them the GIANT SLAYERS!!!!ā€

ā€œThey have almost been killed and not survived the battle they faced with the giants in their land but IN that place they have found a level of dependency upon Me and My Word that is their greatest weapon and they are now arising as the GIANT SLAYERS! Overcoming the giants that have inhabited their lands for so long, those giants of stubborn resistance coming down and seeing the banner of victory, My victory risen in their land. They will go forth tearing down the giants inhabiting the lives of others in My name.ā€

ā€œThe enemy thought he had taken them out, but all along what the enemy meant for their harm (Genesis 50:20), I was causing for their good, for these Davidā€™s that are arising are SKILLED in the battle now because of the weapons that have been formed in their own battle, the place of INTIMACY. (John 15:4) The weapon of INTIMACY. They have stared death in the face, they have stared the giant eye to eye, they know what it is like to feel like they will not make it and where I become their only hope and option, they have battled for their destiny, for their anointing, for their mantle and to continue to remain faithful to all I have called them to and now they shall arise out of the ashes skilled in the battle with their greatest weapon, a depth of intimacy with Me that they have never experienced before. For My resurrection power is coming upon them to bring them up out of the ashes and stronger than ever beforeā€…

(Read full word at Lana Vawser Ministries.)

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June 13, 2019

Though I am not suffering in missionary work or in jail for my faith I have been wandering in a desert of emptiness, depression and uncertainty for two years. I have very recently been encouraged that I will be set free by the Lordā€™s cleansing power flowing through me, breaking the chains that have held me captive. I will move in the power of His anointing.
Glory to God!

ET dempsey
June 13, 2019

Thank you Father! The battle was real! What was meant for evil You have turn it to good. By Your stripes Lord Jesus I am healed!

In Jesus name,


Deborah Nunn
June 12, 2019

Yes Lord Iam saying yes. And thankyou God for this. God Prophesied not just over my life but over my future husbandā€™s life and I know that it will come to pass but he sa prophesied not just over my life but over my future husbandā€™s life and I know that it will come to pass. Yes I have been going through a Battle like Iā€™ve never been in my entire life . Being hit from what seemed all sides. This word is a great Encouragement to me it was on March 1, 2019

Alan K Veasey
June 12, 2019

The mightier the oppression, the greater the deliverance.

Cindy Feaster
June 12, 2019

How great is our God! I arose this morning with a fresh wind blowing over my circumstances, thank you LORD for your words of strength that has been coming to me daily over these last few weeks, I thought I wasn’t going to make it these last couple of months because of the intensity of the battle, but my assurance was in you, because I knew you wouldn’t let me die because of what you’re preparing me for ahead, you showed me in a dream over a year ago that the warfare would be great hereafter, and how great it has been indeed!! my God I have never felt the hand of the enemy on my life the way I have, but thanks be unto you O God for never leaving me nor forsaking me even when I erred, as for me and my house we shall serve the LORD! whatever it is you’re doing in my life O God I say yes to your will. yes to your way!! thank you for this prophetic word, may your will be done, not mine, to you be all the Glory. Honor, and Praise now and forever more in Jesus name!

June 12, 2019

I am holding God’s banner high!!!

June 12, 2019

Father, use this every word for the glory of Your Great Name! You have whispered “forward” to me and in faith I receive Your Word and thank You for affirmation and the quickening in my spirit.

“These forerunners and pioneers are moving forward in a level of EMPOWERMENT that has not been seen before.”

I pray as Your children we will live and speak and move from the righteousness of Jesus Christ in us by the power of Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.

June 12, 2019

Praise God! Amen! Thank You LORD!

Christina Ronchetti
June 12, 2019

Amen and Amen! I do feel this is a word for me and so many who have been waiting patiently, praying fervently, either in the wilderness or in the cave, and have continued to push through… through the ridicule and rejection of family and friends, through being placed in a town or city that has never felt like home, and through searching, serving and praying for the right churches and ministries in which to display and use our God given, Spiritual gifts. We have been learning, refining, growing in You and waiting for You. We have been waiting for what You have called us to do through the dreams and visions You have given us and our quiet times with You. I receive and accept this prophecy! Praise Jesus and may He ALWAYS guide us and lead us! In His Holy and Precious Name!

    Cindy Feaster
    June 12, 2019

    Amen my sister, Amen

    ET Dempsey
    June 13, 2019

    Amen! The remnant that Father is raising up for such as times as these! Lord I ask that You would unite Your people that You have called!


    June 14, 2019

    Thank you, Christina! A precise word of the circumstances, conditions, trials and tests that many of us have endured in being refined, as well as simply partaking of the sufferings of Christ. May He receive all the glory and honor and the reward of His inheritance for all He has strengthened us to overcome! God bless you richly!!

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