I Prayed have prayed
Father, help us to maintain justice and to do what is right in Your eyes. Isaiah 56:1
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Once there was a nation alive with TRUTH; covered with shed blood from those who fought to keep this TRUTH. Integrity exalted this nation. Then one day someone said, ā€œNot all are equal. We must put to slavery those that are of lesser value.ā€ But that still loud voice of TRUTH said, ā€œNO! We must not let that be; for the God of our country has made ALL of us free!ā€

So again this land was covered with shed blood from those who fought to keep the TRUTH. As time went by it was harder and harder to keep TRUTH from decaying. Sin after sin, lie after lie, crept into this country. The hard work of keeping TRUTH alive began to sink with compromise, complacency, and apathy. Fear filled the land. Who would come to the aid of their rescue now? More silent was the voice of TRUTH, until she could be heard no longer. The sounds of sin grew louder, until TRUTH could be heard no longer. Was TRUTH ever going to be heard again? Was she going to die or regain her strength again to be heard? Was she willing to fight again or be bound in slavery as before? Was the shedding of blood worth keeping the TRUTH? Ā Worth saving Freedom? Would the enemy come in during her vulnerability?

This nation is the United States of America. She is dyingā€¦in the need of a people to stand up and fight for TRUTH and Freedom. She is in the need of God who says, ā€œMy eyes have turned from you because of your sins.ā€ (Isaiah 59:2)

Is there a people left who will pray and stand up for TRUTH and Justice? Are YOU listening to the sound of war? Are YOU going to fight for TRUTH or be slaves of unrighteousness!?

AMERICA, WAKE UP! Before it is too late! Remember your value and remember yourĀ  GOD !!!Ā  before itā€˜s too late! (II Chronicles 7:14)

IF My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; THEN will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land.

(Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

Share your thoughts on this prophetic word from 1983 and how it ties into what is going on in our nation today. . .

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Bob Oā€™Connor, Jr.
September 12, 2020

I believe that the inspiration for this word was the bias of the speaker, not the Holy Spirit, although there is a small kernel of truth in the speakerā€™s words. Truth has indeed ā€œfallen in the streetsā€ (Is. 59:14). Slavery was practiced in North America for about 156 years while the land that became the US was a colony of Great Britain. From 1776 to about 1860, the guilt of slavery accrued to the US and the guilt for that sin was harvested and paid for in the Civil War and the deaths of about 550,000 persons. Of far greater spiritual consequence than slavery, grievous as it was, is the practice of abortion, the normalization of sinful lifestyles, and widespread immorality, which were as common in 1983 as they are now. Godā€™s judgements against these practices are clearly stated in His word, yet the claimed prophecy makes no mention of them, per se, as a cause of our spiritual corruption, only slavery.

Richard Miller
September 12, 2020

Lord, the verse says, “If my people..will turn from their wicked way…” Lord I am one of Your people and I repent of my complacency and turn from my wicked way!

Richard Miller
September 12, 2020

Church, It is time to repent and turn from our wicked way of complacency and return to the fight in the name and power of Jesus Christ!

September 12, 2020

The TRUTH is that the TRUTH of bloodshed, genocide, slavery, etc. began against our indigenous people, and has never been repented of and has followed us with more of the same, layer upon layer of greedy injustice. We must get to the ROOT. The history and stories are there! Lord have mercy…..

    Kim Juarez
    September 12, 2020

    The TRUTH is the killing of babies in the womb. The deception of ” women’s health, women’s reproductive rights, and now we’ve progressed to murder up until the 9th month. LIFE is the TRUTH. The enemy is after all lives not just some lives but all lives. Children being sold into sex slavery. Children being ritualistically abused, children being sacrificed. The enemy is trying to destroy life by deception which started in the beginning of everything. John 3:16. For God so loved the world, ethos, people groups, that HE seen JESUS! JESUS died once and for all. He said, ” it is finished” now we live by the power of Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit of truth, comfort, and counsel. I need the Holy Spirit more every single day! Come Holy Spirit come!

    Michael Guidera
    September 12, 2020

    You fail to understand that sin abounds in every people and race. Some of the most ruthless groups of people In North America were the indigenous tribes. They fought countless wars against one another before any white men visited them. Read about the gruesome horror of the Comanche tribe and how they raped and tortured women and children before they killed them. It was truly horrific. Do not be deceived by this push to blame the founders of our nation for all its ills. Itā€™s a lie from the enemy and only divides our nation and causes chaos. If you go back far enough in the lineage of any family today, you will find oppression and even mass execution (ethnic cleansing). My personal walk with Jesus has had me forgive those that oppressed me, or wronged me. Never did He direct me to stand up and demand retribution. It is the way of the prince of darkness, not God.

Hugh Dover
September 12, 2020

Heavenly Father I thank You for this great country of the United States of America. I pray that Your will be done hear on earth as it is in heaven. In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus I pray Amen.

Darlene Estlow
September 11, 2020

This sounds like today. As we repent and pray, God can again raise us up. Teach our children, Father, to love you. Teach your people to honor you and truth above all else. Thank you that you are working, drawing many to yourself. May we not grow weary in the well doing of praying and speaking truth. Praise your name.

Mel Teoh
September 11, 2020

Heavenly Father,
Thank You for this article. Thank You that You have opened our eyes to see. Help us, Christians, to live our life confidently because we are always drawing close to You so that we can be an effective loving witness for You thru our life. Help us to draw close to You so that we can life a one kind of life, the life that is after Your approval. So that our children can see and follow the path. So that we don’t have to worry about Netflix making movie exploiting children or LGBTQ agenda or ANTIFA agenda because all those things may be there but they can’t over take our children because our children see what is real in their family life. Help American’s family who have been a single household family, please help us, Christian to minister to them so that they can get to know You and draw close to You in order to fix their life to align with Your plan for them. Help America to lead by example of putting Biblical Values first. Putting You above everything else. America can support progress but progress that is aligning with Your Word. In fact, You created us with this wonderful brain to think and create therefore let us use it for Your glory.
In Jesus’ Name we pray and thank You. Amen.

Julie M.
September 11, 2020

Yes, America needs to be rescued, just like the prodigal son, and Lord, we believe you will do it. It won’t be based on America’s merit, but instead on your character and covenant with many in this land through the ages. We continue to repent and cry out for your divine rescue and to fulfill our destiny in the end times harvest,in Jesus’Name!
(Read or listen to Dutch Sheets’ An Appeal to Heaven book or sermons on Youtube. You will be greatly encouraged with what God is doing to save America.)


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