Lana Vawser
February 22, 2020
IFA Staff
February 22, 2020
From First Liberty News
February 21, 2020
From Keith and Kristyn...
February 21, 2020
From LifeNews
February 21, 2020
Lana Vawser
February 22, 2020
Lord, we pray for a fresh fire to fall on Your people and for a boldness to share the gospel in places that were not open before. We pray for the Kingdom of God to come to earth as it is in heaven.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Recently I heard the Lord say, “Come into the upper room, My fire is falling for the new frontiers.”
There is a weighty invitation from the Lord right now to the people of God to come into the upper room, the place of prayer and waiting on Him like never before, for His fire is falling for the new frontiers.
There is a deep place of encounter awaiting God’s people right now where there is a FRESH COMMISSIONING taking place in the UPPER ROOM for the new frontiers that are before the people of God. There is an invitation to leave behind the noise and distractions and come into the upper room for the fire of God is falling and the Spirit of God is about to fall in such POWER it will cause everything that can be shaken, to be shaken.
The Lord showed me MIGHTY deliverances that are taking place in the upper room. The Spirit of God falling in such power there is SUDDEN deliverances taking place. There is SUDDEN healing taking place. There is SUDDEN alignment taking place. The fog is SUDDENLY breaking. Time is SUDDENLY being restored. Vision is SUDDENLY increasing.
I heard the Lord say: “In order for My people to move into the new frontiers they must be in the upper room to receive the FRESH FIRE”
When the Lord spoke “FRESH FIRE” I felt everything shake in the spirit. There is FRESH FIRE the Lord is releasing upon His people that come into the upper room of prayer and waiting upon Him that is going to be the FRESH FIRE for the PIONEERING that is before them…
The urgency to answer the call to the upper room gripped me. I felt the longing heart of the Lord so strongly. Where you are going, where we are going, we have never been before. Where the Lord is ‘sending’ His people in this new apostolic age, the age of the Kingdom, we haven’t been before and I heard the Lord say “You cannot go as you are”. What is required for the journey ahead requires a fresh baptism of His fire. It requires a fresh impartation of faith. It requires the place of fresh encounters with the Lord. It’s the place of stepping completely and totally into the NEW to move into where He is going. It’s a complete shedding and shaking off of the OLD.
The encounters with Jesus in the upper room are going to be revolutionary. It is the place where the Lord is going to download His wisdom and teach His people His ways and give them understanding of His ways (Psalm 119:23-24).
In this encounter I saw the new frontier ahead, the uncharted territories and there was a keyhole to be passed through to enter into these new frontiers and I asked the Lord what is the key and I heard the Lord say: “IT’S THE UPPER ROOM”
EVERYTHING that is needed will flow IN and FROM the upper room. In this season of unprecedented acceleration, pioneering and extending and building the Kingdom of God with Him, it requires MUCH prayer and fasting and WAITING/LINGERING with the Lord.
It is the season to RUN but it is the season to RUN with the Lord FROM the upper room. The saints are going to be empowered by the Spirit of God like never before…
Excerpt from Lana Vawser Minstries.
(Editor’s Note: IFA seeks the Lord for discernment in selecting all of the information we post, and especially when sharing prophetic words. We encourage you to ask the Lord whether and how prophetic words may apply to you personally or to the Body, as well as how to pray. Every prophetic word is to be tested by each believer, in accordance with 1 Jn 4; 1 Thes 5:1; and Acts 17:11.)
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Awesome Word – may we be obedient to enter the Upper Room and let the Fire of the Holy Spirit fall on us and then bring that Fire to our Houses of Worship and to the World.
God’s word says he will pour forth His spirit in the end times. I believe this is happening. Time is short and we need to pray like never before for those who need to come to a saving knowledge of our King of Kings. Whether it is in the Upper Room or not, now is the time to humble ourselves and seek His holy face. May the Holy Spirit grant all who love Him insight and wisdom like never before to reach the lost. God is moving! Praise His name. Those who seek Him will be filled with His Spirit. He will direct our paths. Prayer is the key and is a powerful tool indeed. The “Upper Room” is exciting and encouraging to my spirit.
Yes, my spirit bears witness with this word. I have been encouraged by Holy Spirit to shut myself in with Him to pray as never before. He showed me an intense fire that was all consuming and that would propel those who have waited on Him into the world that His Kingdom would be seen and known as never before. I open my heart to receive all that He has for us. Thank you Jesus for encouraging us to wait on You for this fire.
Hallelujah… yes & AMEN…
Lord…we also pray for a Spirit of CONVICTION & REPENTANCE
Amen and thank our Heavenly Father. For the timeliness of His Revelations. This is the 4th prophetic word that Yahweh, Himself has ordered. All four words are consistent with the same theme. Our Heavenly Father is Himself spearheading a Mighty and Monumental Unprecedented Move of His Supernatural Powers that have never ever been seen before nor will never ever be seen again. This is a New Era. Read the Book of Exodus and note the Display of the Power of our Heavenly Father. What we are about to experience is Greater and it is happening right now. Yahweh hath said and will not relent that He, Yahweh, shall place a New Spirit in all those who acknowledge and heed and accept all of the Display of His Power. Yahweh hath said and will not relent that He, Yahweh, shall personally place one of His cloven tongues of His Fire upon all of the heads of those who bow down and worship Him, Yahweh, in spirit and in truth. And His, Yahweh’s, cloven tongues of Fire shall impart a new anointing to empower those that are His to go forth to the ends of the earth. To teach and to preach exclusively on the Second Coming of His, Yahweh’s, Only Begotten Son, Yeshua.
Wow, that was a POWERFUL MESS. abt. being CALLED in-2 the Upper Rm., where the fire💥💥💥will surely fall. Very well written. And it tells us where the Believers should B headed. Join a group OF PRAYING, Fervent BELIEVERS 2 pray/travail, PRAISE HIM AND LISTEN INTENSELY 2 WHAT HE IS TELLING THEM. LIN
Awesome Word; God’s trumpet sound to His elect. May we hear and heed what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to His church. By the Spirit of the Lord I recently preached a couple messages from Revelation 4:1 where John heard a voice like a trumpet telling him to “Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.” How the Lord gave the Upper Room message to me was to invite the people to His mountain. Same Spirit. Again,Lord help us hear and heed what Holy Spirit is saying to your Church. Thank God for your hearing and delivering His message to His people.