I Prayed have prayed
Father, no government authority is above Yours, and nothing said or done in darkness can stay hidden from Your light.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Can you use some encouragement in praying for the nation?

From time to time, I need a fresh spiritual perspective on how best to pray for our government, especially when that government seems to be faltering at every turn and is leading our nation further away from reliance upon God.

Connect with others in your state in prayer.


This week, I came across a gem from the book of Daniel that set my mind buzzing, so I thought Iā€™d share it with the IFA community.

In Daniel, the Babylonian literati are in a state of panic. Their king, Nebuchadnezzar, has had troubling dreams, and no one seems to be able to interpret them. As was often the case with ancient rulers, he took out his frustrations on the wise men of Babylon, ordering that they be killed. When word of this came to Daniel, he implored the king to give him time to find an interpretation for the dreams. He began seeking the Lord for an answer, so that the killing would stop and so that Nebuchadnezzar himself might hear the Lordā€™s counsel. Daniel and three friends prayed that God would show them what the kingā€™s dream meant. Daniel received the interpretation that night in a vision. Then, Daniel worshipped God with this gem of a prayer:

Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, for wisdom and might are His. And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him (Daniel 2:20ā€“22).

It struck me that Danielā€™s prayer of praise offers some valuable insights into praying for government ā€” for any government, not just the despotic rule of ancient kings.

Daniel recognizes a couple of things:

  1. There is no wisdom and power greater than Godā€™s. No worldly sources of wisdom can come close. Kings, presidents, and people of authority may turn to science, new age, philosophy, and ideology to find direction in their government, but God alone has unlimited knowledge and understanding of mankind and the universe. He changes the course of history according to His will. No man can do that apart from Him.
  2. God has absolute authority over government. It may seem on the outside that kings, emperors, sultans, presidents, and prime ministers are born, appointed, or chosen by the will of the people, but they are not. It is God Who creates royal bloodlines and works through elections to appoint the people of His choosing ā€“ even ones that donā€™t acknowledge or follow Him and persecute His Church.
  3. Political dealings often happen in darkness, but Godā€™s light reveals everything. Backroom deals, lies, broken promises, ulterior motives, secret manipulations ā€“ you name it ā€“ seem to rise as time passes. Bad things happen, and we, the people, are kept in the dark about what is happening and why. But God, Who sees in secret, knows and will deal with it justly in His time.
  4. God gives wisdom to the wise and those with understanding, i.e., His people. We are the ones who understand and embrace spiritual truths that come from Him. Armed with those, we are His voice and make His counsel known to a nation and its government. It can be a thankless and sometimes dangerous task as a worldly government hostile to God may reject it and punish His messengers.

Danielā€™s blessing provides a position of faith from which intercessors pray for their government, especially when it doesnā€™t do Godā€™s will. There is no doubt that Nebuchadnezzar didnā€™t, and there is equally little doubt that our government isnā€™t working according to the godly principles on which our nation was founded. It is difficult to believe that God would allow such a government to be in power, but based on Daniel 2, we have to trust that He does and that He works His kingdom purposes through it. We canā€™t understand it but must accept it by faith and pray accordingly.

Danielā€™s prayer also provides hope: nothing done in darkness can withstand the scrutiny of Godā€™s light, and one day, everything will be revealed, and all will be held to account.

The spiritual insights Daniel references in his blessing not only provide us with faith principles to bolster our prayers but also a direction for intercession.

Calling Down Godā€™s Authority
Intercessors call down Godā€™s authority over a secular government in the knowledge that it exists by His grace and that all the power is His. We cry out to Him to do His will through the government to advance His kingdom, knowing that He has chosen to work through the prayers of His people. A praying Church has the greatest influence on a nationā€™s government.

Calling Down Godā€™s Wisdom
Running a nation, especially one as big and diverse as ours, requires a great deal of supernatural wisdom. So, we call upon God on behalf of our leaders to give them godly wisdom and to raise up men and women who seek God for wisdom to be elected into places of authority.

Calling Down Godā€™s Revelation
We must pray for His Church to be given insight into the spiritual nature of what is happening, not just for our own benefit but also to be a voice of prophetic warning and guidance to our nation and leaders. Along with insight into the secret things of God, we must pray for courage because a prophetic Church will face rejection and possibly persecution from a nation that is turning away from God.

Calling Down Godā€™s Light
Ever since the strong indications that the 2020 elections were being tampered with on a grand scale, many of us have prayed that what was hidden in darkness would come to light. God is answering that prayer, which encourages us to keep praying for His light to reveal what is hidden in darkness and bring justice to the perpetrators of deceit and evil. Praying for light and justice is a way for His people to hold our nation accountable for claiming to be ā€œone nation under Godā€ because being under God implies walking in light instead of darkness.

So, let us praise God with Daniel that He is above all earthly power and authority and is not aloof ā€” He reveals His deep secrets and gives us wisdom and understanding with which to pray.

Blessed is Your Name, O God. We echo Danielā€™s praise of Your power and authority, and we place our hope in Your knowledge, understanding, and wisdom in all things. We commit ourselves afresh to Your revelation to pray with insight, and we call down Your authority and wisdom upon our government, Your revelation upon the Church, and Your light upon the works of darkness. Refresh us in our prayers through Your Spirit, in Jesusā€™ name. Amen.

What does Daniel’s prayer stir within you? Share your own prayers and revelations with other intercessors in the comments.

Remco Brommet is a pastor, spiritual-growth teacher, and prayer leader with over 40 years of experience in Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, and the U.S. He was born and raised in the Netherlands and pastored his first church in Amsterdam. He moved to the U.S. in 1986. He and his wife, Jennifer, live north of Atlanta. When not writing books, he blogs atĀ www.deeperlifeblog.com and assists his wife as a content developer and prayer coordinator for True Identity Ministries. Jennifer and Remco are passionate about bringing people into a deeper relationship with Christ. Photo Credit: PonyWang/Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro.

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Cindy Fox
March 20, 2024

Thank you so much for sharing this with us. It is very good! I prayed as I read through it. Jesus richly bless you!

Kathy G
March 11, 2024

Praying for White House staff, inside in the kitchen, cleaning staff… those who know You Lord will be covered by your blood. They will pray with insight and see evil unravel. Light to break forth.

March 11, 2024

I am praying earnestly daily that 2024 will bring another Great Awakening throughout our nation and the world and that this Pentecost will be remembered forever.
We had the beginnings last year at Asbury University and then at Auburn.
Please add your prayers to mine. We need revival so very badly.
Oh, Holy Spirit, fill us with your transforming power and love.

March 11, 2024

From listening to many speakers, I have learned that the problem in this country is that many, many Christians don’t bother to vote!

If every Christian voted in line with the clear teachings of scripture, we would have Christian leaders in this country and the problems would be solved.


Brian Lynch
March 11, 2024

As intercessors, we need to take authority over the evil spirits which are influences in our secular government. Until we have a government that is Christ-centered, this is going to be an ongoing reality. This will come to pass eventually with the Millenial Reign of Jesus; until then, we have a task to perform where these evil spirits are concerned. The people in government themselves are not the problem, it is the evil, satanic spirits that influence our secular government. We are reaping what we have sown by pushing God out of our government and society. When one evil spirit is allowed to have influence, other evil spirits follow. It says in the Bible that satan is the ruler of this world. Because of being part of a totally different kingdom, Christianity, we need to take authority over these evil spirits

    Jo Delaney
    March 11, 2024

    I believe we are in the last days and pray for our families and friends who need Jesus in their lives. I have prayed and shared each one who needs God for those who may not be raptured and cry out for God!

    March 11, 2024

    Shoulder to shoulder with you Brian ā€¦. In our saviors name and covered with His blood !!

Larry A Sparks
March 11, 2024

We must pray for the people of the United States to have discernment between truth and falsehood and choose truth over falsehood and evil. People push back the forces of evil and falsehood in every form and every way.

March 11, 2024

I pray that We The People, the American citizens, the Body of Jesus Christ will realize that our forefathers left a country with a ruling king and established a Republic according to God’s Word.

Since America is a Republic and not a Democracy which includes a Constitution based also on God’s Word, We The People are actually the individuals who have the authority according to Word and the American Constitution.

Politicians are our elected representatives (similar to employees). These politicians are to govern in adherence to the Constitution of America and according to the American citizens who voted them into office.

My Prayer:
May we, the Body of Jesus, The Christ who are called by His Name humble ourselves, pray and seek His Face and turn from our wicked ways; then He will hear from heaven and He will forgive our sin and He will heal our land (which is the earth and the fullness thereof). (2 Chronicles 7:14)

This is our invitation from Jesus, The Christ to exercise our God given free will to respond to His Loving Heart that desires to bless and care for us.

Kathy Murray Leisure MD
March 11, 2024

Thank you, Prophet Daniel and Pastor Remco Brommet, for your courage and grace while facing deeply evil forces. We need strength and courage to challenge evil overwhelming powers and corrupt influences. As ancient Chinese say from Confucius times, when we have virtue and strength with governance, the crops flourish and people are happy. When evil rulers reign, the people groan and suffer. Help the ways of the divine with virtue and godliness to triumph now with the elections of 2024. ,Hear Us O Lord, we cry out to Thee!

March 10, 2024

God is now judging America and the world. Why? One reason, the shed blood of innocents requires retribution- this started with Cain. On our watch, millions of gallons of innocent babies blood (almost 2 billion children) has been shed into the worldā€™s sewer systems, over five decadesā€¦
Today, Americanā€™s largely sidestep that a soft coup reversed a presidential election- in plain sight. We do not know who is running our country. Especially confusing will be this global judgement, because Satan will pour out his wrath at the same time as Godā€™s judgment. We trust Jesusā€™ death on the cross and his resurrection, to take away our sins. ā€œWhosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, SHALL be savedā€ Rom. 10:13 What we are seeing on earth now, in fact, should be expected by Bible believing Christians. Itā€™s written about in detail throughout the Bible. One verse soon to occur: ā€as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.ā€ A new book on Amazon delineates many of the major aspects: ā€œDear Christian, Do Not Fall Awayā€. Certainly, people today need rock solid understanding and clear reasons from scripture, for what to believe and why! Peace to you who are in Christ! Those not in Christ, please, drop everything and sprint to God, calling on Jesus, and for his mercy. We are at the same place now as just before the flood of Noah. Christian leaders seem to be avoiding discussion of the great tribulation. Who have you heard has speak of the ā€œend of the worldā€; a subject Jesus and his disciples casually talked about.
Luke 21:32-34
Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.
Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.
And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. (God wants us looking for the very things we are now seeing! Oh Lord, give us understanding of how we are to ā€œtake heedā€to ourselves- that the end of the world might NOT snare us or surprise us)

Debra Jones
March 10, 2024

Thank you, I have been struggling for the words to pray about this lately. This prayer and blog refreshed me.

March 10, 2024

Light over Darkness

March 10, 2024

God allows suffering and oppression of his people to bring them back to him in humility and repentance. He uses governments to do so. We brought these oppressions on ourselves. This country has murdered more than 65 million unborn children. God does not overlook that. This country was more outraged by a beer advertisement and spoke up with their voices and their dollars more than we ever have about abortion. No candidate whatsoever will bring this country back to where God wants it unless God’s people get real. God says it this way: “If my people that are called by my name shall humble themselves and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14. “Wicked ways” does not just mean blatant deliberate sinful behaviors it includes apathy towards God’s word, self-interest to the exclusion of all others, unkind language and foul speech, hatred, gluttony and lack of compassion as well as a whole host of others. May God have mercy on his people and fill us with a blaze of the Holy Spirit that we may humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord.

    R M
    March 11, 2024

    Kathe…many Americans feel they have no voice with an outspoken heathen as president and a blue majority of heathens in Congress. The outspoken heathen president (hopped up on crank or something) shouted at Americans last week, and hopefully most of us will shout back at the polls in November.

Katherine Haag
March 10, 2024

I so appreciate all the prayers that go up through IFA for our country. God bless you all.

FYI, God gave me a vision (really, a series of visions and a calling) back in the 1990’s, right after arranging for me to end up at the Vineyard Metrowest, where John Paul Jackson, prophetic person, was teaching the basics of the prophetic. I discovered I had a specific prophetic gift, even though I came out of the evangelical church. I’m told I’m an “example of the believers.” I mirror what’s going on in the Body in some way, and so seem to physically be a message others can read. (There were other variations of that at the Vineyard when I was there.)

FYI, the visions began with a letter God asked me to write to someone at a Jewish temple in Newton, Massachusetts, about His plan for their escape when they would be out of favor in this country. And subsequently there are all these other things God was showing me for a “snow job” (that’s what He called it, when I asked Him once), which included a different way to run for President. And it appeared God would be bringing some other people into their callings as well as a part of this.

There are enough complexities to this I’ve had trouble explaining much of it, especially to those who might be called to be a part of it. Thus it’s never really gone anywhere, and I’ve been asking Him how it can even come to be. But it really seems to me that that series of visions was for NOW. I would love to be able to share some of it, in case God calls anyone to be a part of it.

For a long time I really thought it was for ME to do, as immature as I was in my “gift,” so I spent a lot of time trying to make it happen, and going nowhere with it. I’ve pretty much given up on it now. I still have trouble figuring some of that out–which is best interpreted by others, often. But I do know, as part of the “Presidential Olympics,” “I” was debating Hillary Clinton. I “saw” myself doing it up on stage.

I am believing through this process that God maybe would be going to be pointing out someone else as our next President, yet unknown, and maybe it won’t come through the election process at all.

Ultimately I have believed God was going to use this process to bring the Church to the forefront, such that WE would be the ones bringing provision at a time of great impoverishment here in our country.

There are more things than I can share here. Indeed, I’m old enough that I’m starting to be forgetful about a lot of things. I hope I can even remember it all. God had me writing letters every day, first thing in the morning, for about seven years. At about 3:00 each morning He’d point out this person or that person and asked me to write about something in particular. Sometimes it turned into a series of letters. I kept copies from many of them. (I was told to by the person who told me what my gift was. He also told me I’d be writing letters, to be sure to keep enough stamps on hand.) Alas, they are all so long. It would probably be better to find a way to synthesize them before sharing.

But would anyone even be interested in knowing about any of this? I’ve thought it might be best to “show you what I mean” in some way, rather than try to expound. I’d need help even getting this off the ground. Mostly it has boiled down to praying for God to do the work, because I can’t.

But I bless you. Thank you for your very important work. I’m learning so much just from reading your articles.

March 9, 2024

Yes prayer is first in my book but christians need to research people running for office and vote. We have our daughters loosing their athletics to transgender men. Why aren’t we talking to our parents that always were democrats. That party is dead. They are socialist. They don’t ‘t care about us!
Jesus wants us to get involved in who is running our government. You see what happens when you let evil people take over.

March 9, 2024

As difficult as it is, we must pray for our leaders – even falsely appointed people who used criminal activity to achieve what they could not have achieved what some can accomplish who actually follow election integrity & rules. People across our land are incredibly & understandably angry – both believers or others who do not (yet). I struggle like many – that we would prefer justice be brought upon those who have traded their consciences for power & illicit gain. But I’ve learned something about our God in my 68 years. He is merciful, forgiving, full of grace while, at the exact same time, He is also holy & delivers perfect justice in His timing. So I have faith that He will bring justice in the most unpredictable ways. He will break people, allow them to suffer all sorts of consequences…and still extend His hand of salvation to those who will repent of their ugly, selfish ways. Through the last 4 presidential terms, America has watched 3 terms of mocking & spitting in God’s face, doing the exact opposite of God’s word, etc. We have watched 1 term of a president that honored God, in the best way he knew how, while working with & for God’s laws to be upheld & promoted. And we have watched the difference it has made in our nation. That term taught me how important leaders are & how important it is that we pray for them.
I don’t care for our present president. I never have. I’m like all of you – I value truth, honesty, integrity, values, moral traditions, sacrifice, etc. I hate lying, cheating, deception. But the most wicked heart of mankind has to be changed by the spirit of God – it cannot & will never change by itself. So we must pray for our leaders – including that many be removed from power, influence, control, etc. It is often when God breaks a person completely that the transformation of the heart begins.

Linda Rice
March 9, 2024

YHVH chose Nebuchadnezzar, whom He called his servant, to bring Israel into captivity. When God was done with Babylon, Babylon was done. When God was done with Persia, Persia was done. When God was done with Greece, Greece was done. When God was done with ancient Rome, ancient Rome was done.

After God used Britain to bring about the mideast mandates, Britain lost its empire. When God is finished with America…no one will admit that we are just another superpower that will come and go…

Judy Lokits
March 9, 2024

His advice to pray for the Light(Truth) confirms what God has been speaking to me for many months. I pray for the Holy Spirit to raise huge Spiritual balloons over mass governmental gatherings and meetings Then burst them and bring His Truth showering down on everyone. And as they view or understand the Truth, let The Holy Spirit bring repentance and changed hearts in those that have been deceived. Thank you pastor Brommet for this big confirmation. .,, also Daniel.

Vaughn Cassidy
March 9, 2024

At this point in the history of our nation, we have spent down that principle of Godly wisdom and humility. We have jettisoned God from enough of our institutions that all we have left is a pittance of that principle. Once you kick God out, you CANNOT keep the souvenirs like reason, logic and morality. We end up spinning unchained from the gravity of His presence. Like Nietzsche wrote of the death of God, “Is it not suddenly colder? Do we not now need to light the lanterns in the morning hours? Who unchained this earth from the Sun?” God has not moved. We have.

Grant Windholz
March 9, 2024

Amen Lord God šŸ™! You see it all and no government power has or ever be more powerful than you. How foolish, pride fillled and arrogant man is because we are all sinners and need you to reveal the truth and light!

Rhonda Vaccarello
March 9, 2024

God’s kingdom come God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven

March 9, 2024

I pray a Damascus Road Experience for All in authority that need to know Your name!!

    Mary Beth
    March 9, 2024

    Yes, every knee will bow – but the timing is eternally important. Those who bow now willingly and do so in repentance, it will be to their salvation. To those who do not, it will be to their damnation. LORD, use us to bring in the harvest of those who would be heirs of salvation now.

Kathy Bolam
March 9, 2024

This article and prayers are so appropriate for the times we live in . God has also shared them with me. Thank you for reminding me that whatever happens, all is in Godā€™s hands. I have been anxious as to who to vote for but have surrender this concern, confident that God will lead me. Thank you for all you do.

    March 9, 2024

    Dear heart, my name is Kathy, too. I urge you to vote for Donald J Trump. I just saw him in person at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Nashville on February 22nd. He spoke for over an hour, and proclaimed to us his absolute faith in Jesus Christ. Yes, he has a sinful past. But he has repented and put his faith in Jesus, and that means that he is redeemed! Anyone who still holds his past against him is falling into the trap that Scripture warns about, forgetting that we, too, have been cleansed of our past sins by the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit’s presence was so very strong all during the President’s speech. Many of our nation’s greatest Christian leaders were there, and we were all on our feet cheering and worshiping the LORD.

Jo Anne
March 9, 2024

Thank you, Daniel, for repenting on behalf of your people. May we do the same.

    March 9, 2024

    Emun in Hebrew speaks to which is sure, solid and true. Emun and Amen to your post!!! .

    Emunah is Hebrew word for faith. Also means steadfast, established, stable and steady. (Definitions taken from Jonathon Cahn: The Book of Mysteries)

    Faith that God will do again what He did for/with Daniel. May we all fall on our faces in prayer to the Most Holy. And let us remember the Scriptures where we see ā€œ But Godā€¦..ā€. –

    Raised him from the dead- Acts 13:30
    Demonstrates His own love for us- Romans 5:8
    Had chosen the foolish things of the worldā€¦ā€¦ 1 Corinthians 1:27
    Has revealed them to us through His Sprit ā€¦.. 1 Corinthians 2:10
    But God gave the increase. 1 Corinthians 3:6.

    And many more ā€¦

    Thank You for Your Word, the LORD Christ and Your Written Word,

Bonnie Cantrell
March 9, 2024

Thank you for this reminder to keep praying even when we see evil agendas being advanced by our government all around us! God is in control, and He will not be mocked… whatsoever you sow you will reap! We just need to stay in faith, draw closer to God as these evil days are upon us, and never, never, never quit praying and seeking the Lord for wisdom and answers for our present-day problems.

Stephen Hicks
March 9, 2024

Excellent article!!
Thank you for what you do for us out in the prayer ā€˜campsā€™

Mary Beth
March 9, 2024

Thank you, Remco! It is because of the truths you’ve shared that we do not have to be shaken, regardless of what we see. I simply pray that our nation will fulfill it’s God-given destiny in His divine plan!

Mari Williams
March 9, 2024

The Truth is all this could have been avoided if God’s people would have obeyed Almighty GOD. “My House shall be called a House of Prayer or all Nations.”
I have been a Christian for 50 years and in that time I have watched things deteriorate rapidly. There was a time when churches held mid-week Prayer Meetings. And a time on Sunday evenings when the church gathered together again for prayer and fellowship with wholesome activities provided for the youth. But for many churches, especially those in the state where I live, those blessed meetings all came to an end and I haven’t been able to find a church with a mid-week prayer meeting in years. We need to read Leonard Ravenhill’s writings about prayerlessness, and repent of our disobedience. Matthew 21:13 “My House shall be called a House of Prayer for all nations.” If your church does not hold weekly Prayer Meetings, you would be well advised to find one that does.

    Tom Cooper
    March 9, 2024

    Or perhaps be the catalyst for starting the prayer meeting yourself. Our churches need people within to be spiritual firebrands that re-ignite faith in those who are losing their passion. Yes, if a church has turned from true faith and embraced the world, there is a time to leave, but it is encumbant upon us to try and confront a dying church with the truth and inspire repentance before we abandon it and take flight.

March 9, 2024

After reading this message, opened my eye to see that we are not only being attacked in other countries, but in our own. I come before the THRONE OF OUR MIGHTY CREATOR ASKING HIM TO INTERCEDE for us. Asking YOU FATHER GOD TO lead us as a NATION UNDER GOD, giving us YOUR STRENGTH to stand up under the pressure that our government is cause us to be under. I ask YOU FATHER GOD for YOUR WISDOM we need to KNOW how and when to get on our knees and when to stand up and fight for what it is YOUR FATHER ARE GIVING US TO FIGHT FOR. I LIFT THESE PRAYER AND SO MANT MORE IN JESUS HOLY NAME, KNOWING THAT YOU FATHER GOD ARE IN CONTROL, BUT we YOUR CHILDREN HAVE TO STAND UP AND VOICE OUR ALLEGIANCE TO YOU. TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY AMEN AMEN AND AGAIN I SAY AMEN SO BE IT

Virginia Mayer
March 9, 2024

I believe God created America for His Glory, and I believe His Plan is still in place and very much alive and moving forward. Sometimes it takes a strong shaking to remove the old leaves from the tree so that the tree can continue its path, its growth! America is still growing and glowing in Godā€™s Glory!!

March 9, 2024

I watched on T.V. as the broken-hearted father of one of the 13 soldiers killed in Afghanistan was being roughly arrested and handcuffed at the Union Address meeting.
My heart sank !
Never, in my long life have I ever seen such cruelty!
Abusing the broken-hearted father of a brave soldier who had given his life for this country.
My GOD! What has happened to America!?

    R M
    March 9, 2024

    Please note that Biden is a godless heathen pure and simple. Anyone who saw Biden deliver the SOTU speech knows he was hopped up on drugs to last through the speech and insult American citizens. Include Biden’s entire cabinet for that matter. God in the past opened the sea in Exodus to allow migration to the Promised Land, then closed the sea over the Egyption army. God saw the end of King Herod and others throughout the testaments. Maybe Mr. Biden and his lot will be modern-day examples. Pray daily for change in our time and vanquish the heathens in all branches of our government.

CJ Lackay
March 9, 2024

God of “love”….sometimes. If God is “in charge” should would be nice if he showed those who are trying their best to trust in Him! When I look at the state of the world He left he to live in…especially when he takes someone we love so dearly, should would be helpful to not just surprise us by leaving us alone. I’ve watched the Chosen…he rose Lazarus from the dead…why not others, as so obviously shown in the Chosen. It appears His kindness does not extend to all His people. Why bother praying…he doesn’t heal when we pray so fervently…guess his miracles ended when He went up to heaven to be with his Father. He certainly suffered, but was healed immediately upon returning to heaven. I just keep asking WHY WHY WHY

    March 9, 2024

    You are broken-hearted! And in your pain, it is very difficult to reason in line with God’s Word. The scripture tells us Psalm 34:18, 19 that GOD is close to those whose hearts are breaking. I pray that you would feel HIS comfort today. GOD makes no mistakes. There are reasons our human mind cannot fathom, but GOD loves you, and HE loves the one whom you miss so much. GOD knows the pain of death–His only begotten Son died a cruel death. When we get to Heaven, we will understand why things are the way they are, until then, draw close to GOD in prayer and let HIM heal your broken heart. I know what it is to be broken hearted, so I pray for you that GOD would send you comfort from Heaven and assure you of HIS Presence with you. In Jesus Name, Amen.

    Mary Beth
    March 9, 2024

    I agree with Mari’s prayer for you, CJ.

Mark Eisenlord
March 9, 2024

I first ā€œsawā€ this in Daniel as the nation was preparing for the 2020 Presidential Election. Faced with two candidates of less than remarkable character, it was fitting that I simply leave it to His wisdom, His control.
As things have unfolded, we are in exactly the same situation. I trust God! His will be done.
He builds up, and He tears down!

Tom Cooper
March 9, 2024

This is a wonderful and perfect way to pray for our nation. Thank you Pastor Brommet for this message.
I will share this with prayer partners in my church and hope everyone reading it will as well.

There is so much division in our land over political parties, and yet there is corruption on both sides of the aisle. The times we are in have clearly surpassed political ideologies and surfaced for what they truly are, the heart of man vs the Heart of God.

The problem each of us faces is that in the flesh, our wicked hearts want to raise ourselves above the throne of God, just as Isaiah tells us Satan did.

ā€œHow you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart: ā€˜I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most Highā€ā€™ (Isaiah 14:12-14)

What did Satan promise Eve? “You too can be like God”. Ever since Adam and Eve took that fall, our natures have been polluted with that same evil desire. It is at the root of all evil.

This prayer from Daniel shows us the correct way to pray for our leaders. To bring Spiritual Wisdom and Revelation into the situation at hand. Not a political solution, but a spiritual one.
We Praise you Father, and we thank you for your Son. Please fill all of us with your Holy Spirit and put our natural man to death. Make us like you that we may go forward without fear but rather full of faith, and proclaim your truth.


March 9, 2024

Thank you for posting the well written article. I needed to be reminded that God is in charge, even when it looks like He has given up on America.

    Tom Cooper
    March 9, 2024

    I have no doubt you know this Richard, but it is never He who gives up on us, but we who give up on Him.

Sheila Price
March 9, 2024

Father so many still don’t know what they don’t know. They can’t begin to know unless You open their spiritual eyes and ears. We’re asking You to supernaturally awaken the masses to the truth of the corruption and things hidden in darkness. Shine Your Light of Truth into every nook and cranny. Expose and help us fix our electoral system so it cannot be tampered with again.
Give us wisdom and discernment to know which people are trustworthy to help finish draining the swamp and help Your Ecclesia to stay diligent in praying for their wisdom and discernment and spiritual eyes and ears to be open and for supernatural protection for them as well as the importance of teaching the next generations what to guard against so this nation doesn’t let this happen again.
In Yeshua’s Holy Name. Yes and Amen.

Vivian Sizemore
March 9, 2024

This time of hearing Daniel praying has been uplifting to me. The SOTU address was hard for me to watch. It put me in a downward spiral of sadness for our country. Today, reading about Daniel and his prayer gives me hope and puts me back on the right path. I serve a living God who is in control of all this world. He is with us (me) through all things, and I donā€™t need to fear. Thank you for all you do to help Christians (and many others) to stay focused on our mission to stand strong in the midst of turmoil. May God continue His work through IFA.

March 9, 2024

Thank you Abba Father for such a powerful reminder through beloved Daniel and this strong and timely article to lead and guide our prayers for our nation to once again be One Nation Under God!

March 9, 2024

Hello intercessors my name is Jonathan I live in central Massachusetts Worcester I am 57 years old now and I have become aware of a great darkness that is planning very bad things for this state Massachusetts is one of the oldest colonies and the United States of America and people who stepped off that first boat many of them were people of faith in good values and a fear of God but there were also those who got out of that boat with evil intentions so speaking from one of the oldest colonies in the United States of America I want to tell you what is happening here and I am asking for your prayers and intercession to stand up against this darkness that has stood up against the values in principles of God Massachusetts elected its first woman governor in all of its history she is openly gay one of the decisions she did was she reached over into the City of Salem Massachusetts which is the capital of witchcraft occultism in satanism and she picked their Chief of Police to a very great place of authority in Massachusetts even though there are very very large cities compared to that City she picked from she picked from an evil city somebody to come in also alongside of her for plans she has then on top of that she just elected her ex lover to be basically the head of the judicial system with judges in the state of Massachusetts so she has taken to herself basically the head of police that would submit to her will and the head of the judicial system that would also submit to her will to go about with evil plans that will only bring judgment to this state I am asking for your prayers asking that that would not go without a standard being lifted against it the word of God tells us when the enemy shall come in like a flood the spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against him I am asking for you whoever might read this to stand with me in prayer against this wicked scheme thank you Jesus is Lord and heaven rules

    March 9, 2024

    I am standing and will stand in prayer with you.

    I will call out by name your state, the names of the Governor and her mouthpieces. I will pray fervently for the release of their grasp on the government.

    Be strong in the LORD and HIS mighty power. Ephesians 6:10

    Tom Cooper
    March 9, 2024

    I live in Colorado which has much the same dynamic. I have refused to leave the state and instead remain to stand in prayer for it. I’m grateful to see you doing the same for the beautiful state of Massachusetts. This is God’s country. He blessed it with so many things that the devil wants to destroy.

    I pray Lord for our Brother Jonathan, that you give him peace, wisdom, and a powerful voice that cannot be quieted. Let him speak Truth to power. Lord, we join with him for your divine intervention to cover the state of Massachusetts, and to bring revelation, repentance, and salvation to the elected leaders there. Let them confess their dark plans and repent of them, and proclaim Your Glory Lord. For those who refuse to turn to you, bring Judgment as you did with Pharaoh, remove them from places of power, and expose them for who they are that all of the people would also be moved to repentance.

    Thank you, Father.
    In the name of Yeshua

Hattie Booker
March 9, 2024

We pray for our nation to return to our ancient path of trusting God for wisdom and insight in ruling this nation. We pray for godly leaders who have a fear of God and wants to do yhe right thing in leading the people.

March 9, 2024

Praying for the Holy Spirit to draw prayer warriors together! Bind us together Lord with chords that cannot be broken in Jesus name. Holy Spirit move among the government leaders that are trusting in you. Bind them together in strength and reaching out to you in prayer for wisdom in making decisions . Protect them and their families physically and mentally. Thwart every strategy of Satan that causes fear and discouragement in Jesus name .Amen

March 9, 2024

Thank you! This was SO GOOD and I agree with it wholeheartedly !

March 9, 2024

Sometimes votes are not allowed to come to the floor until the circumstances determine whether they will pass or not according (in this case) to the desire of the person controlling the vote. With a potential Easter recess approaching, waiting until enough pro-vote senators leave so the measures will not pass is a strategy used especially for votes held in the middle of the night. We may need to be wise as serpents in our prayers concerning these measures, thus, Lord, we ask for Your wisdom in our prayers.

Bill Wiegand
March 9, 2024

ABBA Lord God Almighty,

Today I pray that you give all of us Americans guidance to heal our nation from the evil ones.
You are the only and Supreme God that can save all of us from the UnGodly.
Give us the strength to come back on top as a powerful nation and to continue to worship you our Maker and Savior.
Enable our Country to have a fair election this year to choose the right leaders to protect us from the ungodly!
In Jesus Christ’s Name!
Bill Wiegand
Conway, South Carolina

March 9, 2024

I really think after the presidents state of the union speech, especially his statement about overturning the Dobbs decision and wanting to make abortion legal throughout the USA, that the church needs to do everything we can to prevent this from happening.
We need to ask our pastors to speak about this life and death issue, and implore their congregations to go and vote. We need to ask our friends and relatives in other cities and states to do the same thing. We need to deeply pray about this.

March 9, 2024

The tragic downside of prosperity is losing sight of the source of that prosperity:

    Kathy Murray Leisure MD
    March 11, 2024

    Excellent, Roger! We loose sight of the Source of our prosperity. Beautiful Massachusetts, as noted above, is guilty!

Brian Lynch
March 9, 2024

thank you, Remco, for this great encouragement. I confess that I do grow weary in praying for our government, especially when I don’t see much evidence in the natural that things are changing for the better. Lord Jesus, please help me and other intercessors to remain faithful, and to trust that Your timing is perfect, and that you are still in control of everything. you will move as you see fit. we just need to never grow weary in doing good. Thank you, Jesus.

Aileen Dyson
March 9, 2024

Praise God for His authority over our Nation (USA) and the world.
May we continually be in prayer and love for all to come before the
throne of God and repent of the evil and corruption. May mighty
revival continually flow through our world in repentance and mercy. We pray
for our borders to be shut down and a revival to begin to all who are
coming into our Nation. Dear Lord may we continually pray and stay in your will.
To God be the Glory! AMEN!

March 9, 2024

Thank you for these prayer points to give Your people fresh perspective to pray effectively for these days we find ourselves in. I have them noted for battle in prayer. But God!

March 9, 2024

God’s will be done that America and all it’s leaders be saved

March 9, 2024

Father, we know that the government rests on Your shoulders, yet our government seems to have forgotten, and make decisions contrary to You. Father, thank You for Your word that gives is assurance that You raise them up and You can remove them. May You Holy Spirit draw those who are going their own way, bring destruction by their actions or votes have heart change to do Your will, Your purposes so we will lead a peaceful life, for Your glory! Jesus Christ, Your death was not in vain
, You conquered the grave, defeated the evil ones agenda, so we pray in Your name to again destroy the plans of the wicked and bring revival, repentance, a turning to You.

Anita Malaro
March 9, 2024

Father God in the Name of Jesus Christ, Americaā€™s Lord & Savior I am committing to pray for Your Sovereignty to rule in my country. That the United States submits to Your rule & reign. That Your Light & Your Justice removes the wicked from authority & replaces them with earnest believers that would seek Your will & Your Justice. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen!

March 9, 2024

Father God we put our faith and trust in You to bring what is done in darkness, in our government, to light.
Call and cry out to God.
Americans, “Come back to God!”
Revive us again!
May we repent as a nation of our many sins against You Father God.
May Christ’s love control us as we receive our new lives, knowing and accepting that He willfully died on the cross that we who make Him Lord of our lives, have died and rose with Him. Transformed from our old lives to live a new life in Him. Living for Jesus not ourselves. Reconciled back to God. “Made right with God” because of Jesus’ finished work on the cross. We live no longer for our own selfish gain but to serve and please You as ambassadors of Christ. Serving You with love, confidence, peace, self control and a sincere heart. May we as we serve others do so bringing glory, honor and power to Your Holy name. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray. Amen

Cheri Risch
March 9, 2024

Lord Jesus, we declare Isaiah 9:7 over California & the USA: “Of the increase of His government & peace there will be no end. Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.”

March 9, 2024


David Coe
March 9, 2024

I pray for the faithful including myself to have the courage of Daniel the faith it takes to face the lions den knowing that our God will be as faithful to us as he was to Daniel.
How is that faith obtained? Ask for it! He withholds no good thing from us His children. To the one reading this who doubts spend more time in His presence than you currently do watching news, rather fill your heart and mind with His good news. Yes God is watching you, because He loves you so much He canā€™t take His eyes off of you.

David Porter
March 9, 2024

I would like to ask for prayer for Congressman Bob Good/ Congressman from Virginia. He is one that will stand up for the Lord Jesus Christ and the unborn. Come what may!

    March 9, 2024

    Father, Thank You that right here, right now and all days forward that Your mighty Hand of Grace, Mercy , Wisdom and Strength is and will be upon Congressman Good and those standing with him. Thank You for girding up him and those who belong to You to stand for the Your ways and tenets.

    Give them a supernatural, divine sense of peace and tenacity that will cause those who have turned against You to turn to You. Make those that belong to You, a MIGHTY mouthpiece with Your Words! Order their words as You order their footsteps.

    Adonai, we also lift to You the families of these mighty men and women . We thank You for their support and sacrifice . Keep those who belong to You well as we continue to fight and stand for a mighty cause.

    In the Name of Jesus the Bright Shining Star, the Eternal Shepard of His People.

    The Prophecy of Jahaziel. 2 Chronicles 20:15

    And he said, ā€œListen, all you people of Judah and Jerusalem! Listen King Jehoshaphat! This is what the Lord says, ā€˜Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army, for the battle does not belong to you, but to Godā€™.ā€

    It is well with my soul.

Cynthia Schoch
March 9, 2024

My prayer & confidence is in our Lord Jesus Christ. We are sovereign living souls. Bless Miki Klann & what she and Steele have accomplished in Maricopa!
2nd Tim. 1:9šŸ™šŸ»āœļøšŸ‘‘šŸ•Šļøā¤ļø

March 9, 2024

Thank you Father God for these words for this encouragement for Your Word to us may we stand strong and faithful to you and trust you in all things we love you Jesus in your name we pray amen


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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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