I Prayed have prayed
Father God, thank you for the leadership and faithfulness of Dr. Dobson here in America and these leaders from Ukraine. Help us tear down strongholds in both countries with the spiritual weapons You have given us.
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For over a decade, IFA intercessors have been persistent in praying against the moral decline in America and the public policies that were hurrying this decline. The same thing was happening in Ukraine. Did you miss yesterday’s call with faith and family hero Dr. James Dobson and Ukrainian prayer ministry leaders in our studio with IFA President Dave Kubal? Watch and pray here.



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Donna Nelson
February 10, 2020

Donna (Canada)
So good! Love this and add these prayers for Canada as well! Wow! So powerful! I add my amen! Here in Canada we’ve got a Battle for Canada going on and are so grateful for the 3 prophets or more coming from the U.S. to join us in this move on Feb. 18th, 19th and 20th. We are one of the Eagles nests here in Kelowna. Please be lifting us up in prayer as well! Blessings & Shalom

February 9, 2020

Thank you so much, IFA Prayer Warriors, for joining in this prayer effort that connects our nations. What an irony with the political impeachment effort!
We join with you in praying against the damaging attacks of immorality that bludgeon our societies.
My family is blessed with Ukraine connections. God bless you.

February 9, 2020

The time of prayer and insight was excellent! from Both Dr. Dobson and Guest from Ukraine
Coming in agreement with what was said, prayed, and what to be praying for, I will listen to again!
Thanking the Lord for the move of the God in the Ukraine. Thanking God for Dr. Dobson ā€œs steadfastness Concerning Family Values.
Than you also, Dave Kabul and staff of IFA. God Bless!

February 8, 2020

Though i played the First Fri. Prayer mtg w/ Dr. DOBSON & the 2 humble & in service 2 others mtg. of the 2 Ukranian Ukranian intercessors,i was so GLAD I did. I learned alot & was so surprised abt. the.lady ambassa. who was removed by P.TRUMP. NOW WE no more of the back story, right? Tk.U. So much. I have shared it. Lin

    February 9, 2020

    You are so right! This has bothered me for years. I am a school volunteer and see it often. I sense it does bother some, but people do not speak up !

February 8, 2020

In regard to the shameful display at the halftime show and NFL responsibility, I would ask why we have tolerated for years scantily clad young women on football fields and basketball courts, calling them cheerleaders? They do suggestive, seductive dances and moves and are meant to be “pleasing to the eye” of the male sports fans. To me, this has been tolerated, if not totally embraced for years. It is to pornography what certain substances are to drugs…….gateways to something worse. We shouldn’t be surprised that we have allowed ourselves to be drug even deeper into disgusting use of women for these “shows.” Isn’t this prostituting our daughters as well? May God have mercy on us.

Carole Santiago
February 8, 2020

Thank you IFA for having Dr. Dobson and the 2 Ukranian believers who shared so much about what is happening in the spiritual realm all over the world. It is so very helpful to be connected in prayer. God bless you.

Regina Brent
February 8, 2020

Jesus Christ led the way in encouraging prayer to His people and the world. Intercessors are a necessity in reaching God for the nations. I thank God for all of them and am privileged to be among them. Seeking God is the only solution to love and peace in this world. It acknowledges God’s presence and His willingness to listen and respond. Thanks to all who pray for America and the nations.
Pastor Regina

Toni Kushner
February 8, 2020

Thank father for raising up men who are willing to take the lead in prayer, we pray for their protection, wisdom and guidance as they continue this prayer effort. It reminds of the account in the book The Intercessor and the account of how Reese Howell and others raised up prayers and intercessors to pray for Dunkirk during World War 11. This interview has recharged my heart for the battle ahead but with God all things are possible and to Him be all glory. How thankful to be in His army.

Maria Walker
February 8, 2020

As I listened to the prayer call, prayed along and joined my agreement to David Kubal prayers the following words were given to me around 8:45 am, Saturday February 8th, 2020
The Spirit of the Lord says
My sons and My daughters be assured I see your tears, I hear your prayers and My Love and My Mercy is shed upon this nation you call America!
Keep praying and praising Me for all that is yet to come!
Speak in the Mighty Powerful Name of Jesus to all areas that need deliverance from the strongholds that are holding them captive!
Then take the Mighty Powerful Blood of My Son Jesus Christ and place it upon every area that need deliverance!
My Spirit in you My sons and daughters guides you into all Truth!
Therefore be watchful, be willing to listen, be willing to do what My Spirit tells you to do, or where to go to do the work that still need to be done in the earth for such a time as this!
Go forth My sons and My daughters under the direction of My Spirit in you, leading and guiding you!
Know that the Mighty Powerful Name of Jesus is your weapon, your protection and you have victory over all the evil that comes against you!
And so believe also in the Mighty Powerful Blood of My Son!
This concludes the words given!!
And so I say Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah, Glory Glory Glory to our Lord God Almighty for all that is yet to come! In Jesus Name! Amen!

February 8, 2020

Theocracy: Every government is predicated on precepts that reflect their world view, which by definition is a religious foundation::
Merriam-Webster: reĀ·liĀ·gion /rəĖˆlijən/ noun
1. a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.
The USA government is predicated on Old Testament laws, tempered with the New Testament principles of Jesus! After Reagan’s term in office, their was a divergence from a Jesus centered Theocracy to a man centered official government approved religion called Humanism, followed by a further divaricating into the religion of Atheism, Socialism, homosexuaIism, and even Mid Eastern religion. However Jesus being the foundation of our “Constitutional Republic” & even the “Federalist Papers,” we must return to our original theocracy, where the government/state is divided from the 1st Amendment power of the church [the real Thomas Jefferson of division of Church & State]. A return to a government centered in the creator of the universe, which is Jesus, the highest form of governing in the world [far above all others], which made America the number one economy on the earth, that is until the religion of Humanism eclipsed it, and we began the downward cycle of entropy, fast becoming 3rd world county. Now we have an apostle in the white house and a hope [a spiritual excitement and expectation greatness again] of returning to Jesus as a nation.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. From John Adams to Massachusetts Militia, 11 October 1798
The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.1 John Adams

Michael Guidera
February 8, 2020

I watched this interview today and was so touched by these 2 men from Ukraine. There story was a revelation to me that connected events to open my eyes to the plans of the enemy. During the interview, pictures were shown of our former US ambassador Yovanovich leading an LGBTQ parade in Ukraine. During the interview it was stated that she got involved In this march by her own accord with I think 50 or so others from our state department. It was also said that she used her power to in a quid pro quo, forcing the Ukrainians to accept the idea of spreading the gay agenda to be able to use resources provided by our government.
I got up from my bed tonight and started praying about this whole situation and God began to reveal to me how the impeachment effort was tied into the demonic forces that also was unleashed in Ukraine. As I prayed, a heaviness and sorrow come upon me so strong, I wept and wept. I felt such love for the people of Ukraine and all the intercessors there. As I remembered the interview today, I saw the man from Ukraine praying and become broken before the Lord. As I prayed for him and his country I sensed similar forces of darkness working over there. It was amazing how God is raising up people all over the world to pray and restore our countries and its citizens.

Over the last couple of days I have encountered a handful of people that I have known for many many years, some family, some old friends and even one who is a Christian, who have demonstrated such forceful, at times irrational behavior that shows such anger toward our President. It was absolutely bizarre watching them manifest such hatred and spew such lies. As I tried to speak truth, they would have none of it. With one fellow, I just stopped the conversation. It really disturbed me to see these people I have known and loved for many years behave this way. As I was praying tonight my focused turned to each one and again, I felt such love for them and such anger toward the forces of evil that has them so deceived. I realized in such a deep way that our country and others around the world are engaged in a spiritual battle of epic proportions. I sensed that the enemy is not a happy camper at the moment as it is losing battles and not getting its way. The prayers are having an impact, and the enemy is getting frustrated and manifesting in ways that are exposing its true intentions. As I was praying I realized God gives us the ability to literally enter into a place surrounded by his awesome love, but be able to see, understand, and hear Him directing us to pray and fight against these forces of darkness that have our loved ones in such bondage. I grieved to such depths of sadness as I saw the enemy robbing the people I love from the ability to live in peace, fueled by the wickedness of the enemy, they lash out against the truth. It was quite a revelation as God showed me how the enemy takes people captive and leads them astray. I felt no condemnation or judgement towards them, just love, but anger and grief toward the enemy. The scripture came to mind, ā€œFather forgive them, for they know not what they doā€.

I want to thank and encourage all intercessors on here for your dedication and prayers at this time for country. The prayers going forth daily by each of you is the catalyst for changing the world. I have learned so much reading the prayers of others that have been at this longer than I. Bless everyone and may God continue to pour out His spirit on all of us and equip us to battle and this enemy.

    February 8, 2020

    Michael this was so beautifully articulated. Thank you for reminding me it should be the enemy we hate and towards the evil one we should direct our righteous anger; we should love and pray for those who are so blinded by the enemy they cannot see or understand truth- itā€™s all foolishness to them… as it once was to Paul.
    We ask our Father in Heaven to open the eyes of the blind.

Anna Marie Natale
February 8, 2020

Thank you IFA – asking God to help us move on our hearts for the spiritual temperature of Americans and the Church in the days ahead in this election year God Bless IFA for launching the Prayer Movement -we as intercessors are with you covering you in prayer in Jesus name


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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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