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I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, thank You for the intercessors all across the nation who are committed to fulfilling Your purposes for them and the nation. Give us boldness, Lord.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

One of our intercessors, who lives in the Helena capitol area, alerted the group that two pride flags had been hung up in the Capitol rotunda the day after the Primary election in Montana (June 5).  She encouraged us to pray and call the governor’s office to express our disapproval.

Many of us called and did this. I personally called to inquire about whether this was true and to ask how this was approved. We were told that the governor did not approve this directly, but it was part of a “shared space” under the oversight of the building administration. They said it was a matter of “public expression.”  Later details confirmed that it was approved by the General Services Division (part of the MT Department of Administration).

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I formally requested that the governor order the flags removed since (I asserted) “they are not representative of all the people of Montana and show a political bias.”  A few of us called the building administration, which only went to voicemail—my voicemail offered the same objections I had given to the governor’s office.

Our intercessors privately discussed requesting to have an “Appeal to Heaven” flag, a Christian flag, or a Jesus flag flown at the Capitol. We have not yet proceeded with that request.

In the meantime, all of our prayers and action brought a breakthrough. We were told the flags would be removed on June 7, 2024.

We spent some time afterward praising the Lord for hearing our prayers. We also rejoiced because the primary elections had selected some great God-fearing candidates.

Much prayer is still needed, especially regarding the two open seats on the Montana Supreme Court – the chief justice seat and seat #3.  The race seems “tight” at this point between justices who will uphold the Constitution, fair rulings, and the separation of powers, in contrast to those who are progressive, liberal, and activist in their judicial approach.  The Montana voters need clarity and perspective since all judicial candidates run under a “nonpartisan” election.

Does this encourage you about your state? Please share!

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June 10, 2024

In Jesus’ Name, We know that it is an abomination, and I thank all that were not Passive.
Also, many need to hear this from the American College of Pediatricians, which just put out a 🔥🔥🔥 statement calling out all the major medical associations by name for pushing the gender transition craze on kids.
Should be shared fare and wide

June 10, 2024

I live in a small town in New Mexico. 3 of us Intercessors go to the main street every year in May and pray for our small town. That’s where the pride parade is Supposed to take place. So far it hasn’t. To God be the Glory! I wish that we Christians would realize how much power Jesus has given us, to take authority over the enemy. To take back our cities from the enemy. This is warfare! Like Caleb, I am constantly praying/ declaring, Give Me This City, for your Glory Lord..

Penny Marrone
June 9, 2024

Yes this shows that when we engage in what matters that’s against our beliefs as Christians things will change with prayer also. We need both stand up for what is right and pray.

June 9, 2024

Praise Jesus for this victory! I just bought the An Appeal to Heaven flag and would love to see it flown everywhere the pride flag is allowed to be flown. We pray more people become aware of this flag flown during the American Revolution. I just heard about it from the founder of Gab. After I read about this amazing flag, I bought one.
God bless.

Kim dougherty
June 8, 2024

I’m very concerned and please pray against gov. Newsom and his democrat majority. California has more people leaving than coming but like Carl demaio we have to fight although I don’t” feel” like it!!!!

    June 9, 2024

    Kim – and ALL remaining “Californians” – always remember that EVERY taxpaying Ex-Californian who votes with his/her feet really means that those who choose to stay will share a greater portion of the ever-growing Tax Burden – the ONLY thing you can totally rely upon EVERY year with the Demonrats running the show !
    How long will it be before selling a house in California become next to impossible as “Buyers” have ALL DEPARTED ?

Bridget A. Bonczyk
June 8, 2024

Yes, news about Montana’s government officials who removed the two flags that promoted deception made me rejoice. On behalf of ALL those who consider themselves children of evil, I pray mercy and grace on their lives, The removal of the flags made me rejoice in God, our Heavenly Father. Am so grateful for those who acted in accordance of Holy Spirit. Those who called the building administration. God, thank you for giving them clarity and wisdom. Thank you that you made a way. Am grateful and humbled that God is our Waymaker. He holds righteousness within His children’s daily decisions and answers accordingly. He is our Friend & Savior. Father, I pray for salvation, healing, and deliverance among those whose minds are blinded by their own sin. I bind the mindblinding spirits of those who walk in deception. Sin makes people stupid. Make those who celebrate the sin of PRIDE whether it be in the LGBT community or in the community of those who do not celebrate the Name of Jesus, be reduced to tears. May they each cry out for Your mercy. On Your behalf, I know you love them and died for them. I know I am a sinner who is saved by grace and walks in the fullness of who Jesus Christ is. Thank you that the voices of Your children were heard in early June & that they made a difference in the State of Montana. May love continue to flow to those who need a healing touch in their mind and heart. Am calling on the name of Jesus through the Power of Holy Spirit to lead & protect. Thank you for the armor of God and teaching us to put it on. Finally, am grateful that Your Words reminds us to be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might. Thank you, Sweet Jesus, Thank you for discernment, favor, strength, and wisdom. Thank you for answered prayer. Amen.

June 8, 2024

Thank you, Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Name, for those who stepped forward in Montana to declare the gay flag was not a representation for all the people of Montana,, and showed a, “political bias”.

By power of Holy Spirit, grant courage to many to step forward, in love, to encourage holiness and righteousness in every town and city of America. Amen

John Edwin Humphreys
June 8, 2024

Come Lord king Jesus time too Kill this Evil Stuff please King Jesus

Cheryl Bower
June 8, 2024

This demonstrates that many forces which we are fighting are not “Elected officials in office, but are the myriads of bureaucrats , un-elected who run so much in our state and Federal governments.

Clayton Rawstron
June 8, 2024

Politicians will do anything for avote. I understand they can’t help it. But don’t push it down somebody’s throat.

Nancy Luderitz
June 8, 2024

What a huge victory……
So encouraging,
And the steps in this process carried out professionally.
Nancy l.

June 8, 2024

it’s extremely easy to corrupt politician, meanly mouthed liars, cowards even traitors.they just want to goalong so they can get along. watch them like a hawk. NOT REUST WORTHY.FOLLOW THE MONEY. AND PRAY!

lordGod I pray that youinspire our leaders to follow your word with courage that intimidates the enemy and makes them run. I ask in Jesus name

Lynn Nelson
June 8, 2024

It’s not just a matter of standing our ground. It takes action! God bless the people who pursued this action! Most of us, I’m sure, didn’t even know the flags were up. Thank you IFA!!

June 8, 2024

I will pray the words of our Savior about pride and overcoming and committment.

June 8, 2024

Thanking God for this intercessor in Helena, Montana. What a great example pf prayer AND action! Even conservative leaders sometimes NEED to receive COMPLAINTS that can be used as a LEVER to REDRESS the actions of political operatives. Praising the LORD for IFA and the way it connects the church. This article brought inspiration and encouragement to my involvement with our local school district. Thank you, IFA, for your relentless leadership!

Mary Beth
June 8, 2024

Thank you, Lord, for this victory. Continue to raise up courageous men and women of faith who will intercede for each state and for our nation. Make us a blessable nation.

June 8, 2024

Lord God, we are unified in prayer, asking that the MT Chief justice & justice seat #3 will be filled by people who uphold the Constitution, MT laws as well as the overall, existing rule of law & by people who will honor your Commandments. We pray that those people will have honor, respect & fear of God Almighty as well as a servants heart for the people of MT.
Expose the complete truth about the progressive liberals or leftist beliefs regarding those who running who do not or will not honor You. Allow the people of MT to see the truth, what is best for their state & to not be deceived or tricked by meaningless or cunning language & words.
Let Your will be done Lord in the election of these judges & may it honor You. In Jesus name amen.

June 8, 2024

This is so unacceptable in the White House ,
The Evil this administration has brought upon the people will continue to be allowed by us the people our God
In Jesus mighty name


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