Praying Miryam’s Song
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Praying Miryam’s Song
Then Miryam said,
“My soul magnifies Adonai;
and my spirit rejoices in God, my Savior,
who has taken notice of his servant-girl
in her humble position.
For — imagine it! — from now on, all generations will call me blessed!
“The Mighty One has done great things for me!
Indeed, his name is holy; and in every generation
he has mercy on those who fear him.
“He has performed mighty deeds with his arm,
routed the secretly proud,
brought down rulers from their thrones,
raised up the humble,
filled the hungry with good things,
but sent the rich away empty.
“He has taken the part of his servant Isra’el,
mindful of the mercy
which he promised to our fathers,
to Avraham and his seed forever.” Luke 1: 45-55 CJB
For many believers, reading through the first two chapters of Luke is a devotional tradition at Christmas. These chapters are rich with action, prophecy, worship, dreams, and prayer. Let’s make Luke 1:45-44, Miryam’s Song, our prayer, praise, and prophetic declaration this incarnational season.
Pray for your fellow intercessor.
Heavenly Messages
Even before His birth, Miryam (the Hebrew name of Jesus’ mother), worshiped Adonai, giving thanks and prophesying the restoration of all things through Yeshua Messiah. While visiting her cousin, Elisabeth- the now pregnant, once barren wife of Zechariah- Miryam had confirmation that the awe-filled revelations from Gabriel (Luke 1:30-35) were in fact God’s words. In humility, she accepted the role assigned her by the Most High – pregnant virgin betrothed and carrying the Son of God (Luke 1:38). As Elisabeth’s own prophesied child leaped in her womb (Luke 1:12-17) at Miryam’s approach, she herself burst into spontaneous thanksgiving and worship. As the Spirit moved on these kinswomen, Miryam then erupted in her own song of praise.
Miryam’s Song
Her spontaneous song recorded here is a beautiful pattern for us to focus our hearts on the Christ child and declare God’s prophetic purposes still being fulfilled in us, our families, the nation and the world. It encompasses praise, humility, thanksgiving, and a bold declaration of God’s covenant relationship to Israel. Let’s pray.
Our souls magnify You, Lord of Lords and King of Kings (ps.34:3)!
Our spirits rejoice in Yeshua our Savior! You came to earth, taking on a servant’s nature (Phil.2:9-11), leaving Your God-power behind and noticing us who need You.
We bow low declaring that generations will call us blessed as we receive by faith Your work on the cross and the blood that calls us chosen (John 15:16) and set free from sin and death (Rom.8:2). Let our generations know You and Your saving power (Is.51:8).
O Mighty One of Israel, You have done great things for us! Indeed Your name – Yeshua – is Holy and You have mercy on those who fear You (Ps.103:11). Indeed, Your word says that You send rain on the just and the unjust (Matt.5:45), allowing us to stand in the gap to call down Your mercy on the lost and the least. Those who live in great darkness are seeing a great LIGHT (Is.9:2)!
You have performed mighty deeds with Your arm, routing the secretly proud (Matt.23:12), bringing down those ruling haughtily -in the church and the nations – and raising up the humble. We worship You because YOU are meek, and You tell us that the meek will inherit the earth (Ps.37:11) ruling and reigning with You! There is none like You!
You fill the hungry and thirsty with good things, feeding us on Your word and Your will (John 4:34). You are the Bread of Life (John 6:35) and we come to You joyfully to feast on Your faithfulness (Ps.37:3).
You send the rich away empty- handed, causing their hearts to seek You.
You have remembered Your covenant and taken up the part of Your servant Israel – to help Israel and espouse their cause – mindful of the promises and mercy that You promised Abraham and His seed forever (Gen.17:7; 18:18; 22:17; 1 Sam.2:1-10;Mic.7:20). Because of Your faithfulness to Israel we can know that Your promises are yes and Amen in Yeshua Messiah.
Make this song your own as you pray it this season. Add in the names of lost loved ones, and specific cries of your heart for unjust rulers and situations needing justice and mercy. Pray for Israel in its season of war.
Luke 1 and 2 are packed with scriptural inspiration for prayer and praise. Looking for more? Check out Zechariah’s spoken prophetic praise in verses Luke 1:68 – 79 and the declaration to shepherds in Luke 2 as well as Simeon and Anna’s prophecies over the infant Jesus!
“Shine on those living in darkness, living in the shadow of death, and guide our feet in the paths of peace. Luke 1:79
Share your own prayers and scriptures in the comments below.
Lori Meed is a leader on IFA’s Headline Prayer Live and an IFA contributing writer. In 2004, God moved her family from Canada to the U.S., imparting to them His heart for this country and for revival. Having walked out her own journey of freedom after being radically born again in 1992, Lori has a heart to see others set free to walk fully in their destiny. She is also passionate about teaching on aliyah (“going up,” the return of the Jews to the land of Israel), the feasts of the Lord, and the rich connections of the gentile churches to Israel. Lori is blogging now at All Things Restored on Photo Credit: Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato – Web Gallery of Art: Image Info about artwork, Public Domain,
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I have always loved Miryam’s song! Thank you for expanding on it with more verses from Scripture!
Father, thank you for this joyful song. It is good to praise you. I pray for my lost loved ones that they may understand and grasp what you are saying through it.