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I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, we pray that You would protect Israel. Let the Church in America stand proudly beside Your people in the Middle East.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

At the 50th Anniversary Gala for IFA, Michele Bachmann, Dean of the Robertson School of Government at Regent University and former congresswoman for Minnesota, brought a powerful and clarifying word about our governmentā€™s current policies regarding the nation of Israel and Israelā€™s ā€˜Operation Iron Swordsā€™ war initiative against Hamas in Gaza. This address brought the entire gathering to its feet, as the power and presence of God filled the room, and all participants began to cry out in intercession for Israel and the USA.

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Derek Prince, author of Shaping History Through Prayer & Fasting and an IFA co-founder, has written: ā€œIn the eternal counsel of God, He has determined to make Jerusalem the decisive issue by which He will deal with the nations. Those nations who align themselves with Godā€™s purposes for Jerusalem will receive His blessing. But those who follow a policy in opposition to Godā€™s purposes will be severely dealt with.ā€

There are fundamental biblical principles that define Godā€™s heart of intercession for Israel and make it a mandatory activity for all who profess the Lord (see Isaiah 62:6ā€“7). Bachmann detailed our governmentā€™s anti-Israel policies, including forbidding Israel to make its own armaments, and desiring for the Palestinian Authority to rule Gaza post-war ā€” despite its declared desire to eradicate all Jews from the land and to drive them into the sea. Openly anti-Semitic protests are occurring in many U.S. cities. Our nationā€™s prophetic destiny hangs in the balance.

The Body of Messiah in the U.S., all who follow Yeshua the Jewish Messiah, are commanded in this day and hour to favor Zion (see Psalm 102:13) and to cry out day and night for her (see Isaiah 62:6). It is paramount that we stand with Israel in this hour and cleave to her as Ruth cleaved to Naomi when all her earthly hope was gone (see Ruth 1). We are His voice on the earth, crying out: ā€œ ā€¦ Spare Your People, O Lord, and do not give Your heritage to reproach, that the nations should rule over them. Why should they say among the peoples, ā€˜Where is their God?ā€™ ā€ (Joel 2:17). God promises to bless those who bless Israel and to curse those who curse her (see Genesis 12:3). Israel, Godā€™s chosen, is in a battle for her very existence, and much of the world curses her. Let us as intercessors for America continue to stand in the gap for her, and also for America to return to blessing, and not cursing, the apple of Godā€™s eye.

Watch Bachmann’s powerful prayer and speech here:

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Lori Nicole Meed (Bachelor of Science; Bachelor of Education, Special Education) is a wife, mother, and grandmother who home-schooled her now adult children. In 2004, God moved her family from Canada to the U.S., imparting His heart for the U.S. and for revival. Having walked out her own journey of freedom after being radically born again in 1992, Lori has a heart to see others set free to walk fully in their destiny. She is a leader of an inner-healing and deliverance ministry at her home church in Pennsylvania. She also gathers and equips prayer groups for the U.S. and Israel. Lori has a passion for teaching on aliyah (ā€œgoing up,ā€ the return of the Jews to the land of Israel), the feasts of the Lord, and the rich connections of the gentile churches to Israel. She is a prayer leader on IFAā€™s Headline Prayer, as well as being a contributing writer. Photo Credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images.

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November 28, 2023

We are called to know God intimately and to pray for our brothers and sisters. We bind the lies of the enemies that have been planted in their minds from the enemy. God itā€™s like they have lost all reasoning, they cannot think clearly or the power is so heavy on them all they want to do is kill anyone who tries to do one thing to act against them. Father I ask you to pour out your spirit upon them so they might be filled with different thoughts instead of killing. God we understand that they are also on drugs which makes them worst at what they are doing. We will not stop praying for a miracle nor will we stop believing God will prevail. God we ask that if you see this hostage situation has a ploy involved to not be truthful wanting this time off to-gather a more evil agenda to try and come back at Israel. I pray more people will gather together as instruments to pray for a jubilee to happen with them. Father God we thank you for this great nation. We thank you for the freedom and the abundance of blessings that you have shared with us. God we are at a risk of losing our heritage. God we pray that you will intervene upon us in America to get bold and take back our nation without war. God we ask for removal of the demonic spirits that are pushing to remove and remove all life from Israel. Awaken the people to pray and praise that this battle is being won with Gods help. God – about the Israel soldiers and the leaders give them wisdom to pray your words so the battle will cease and will be won. Psalms 91 says redemption is the Lords and this is what our prayers are full of these words/ Israel is redeemed from the curse of the law, hopelessness and sorrow. Godā€™s words are those who dwell in the secret place of the most high shall be under the shadow of the almighty. We need to cry out that God is our refuge and our Fortress and we should rely on Him to trust as we trust Him completely to guide them (us)! to stand with the best tools ever. Gods words! God says call upon His name and He will direct their paths and be with them during trouble. God has not forsaken Israel nor America, itā€™s us who live in the wall of fear. Gods words are the greatest sword ever to be used as was intended. God I release Your words that declare when we use His words as followed – we have victory because of the power in Gods Words. Gods words releases the power of the Holy Spirit to prevail. We decree the wicked will not prosper in the land of Israel. God we pray that Your purpose in Israel will prosper, because this is the Fathers land not the enemies. God I pray they will keep their focus on God not manā€™s words nor listen to the corrupt people in command of America. . God I speak peace over Israel as they, the enemies try to destroy what is Gods. In James 4-7 ā€œ Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. ā€œ We must submit our selves to God using His words – then the evil forces will flee! Thank You Heavenly Father for Your love and guidance. šŸ§Žā€ā™€ļøšŸ§Žā€ā™€ļøšŸ§Žā€ā™€ļøšŸ§Žā€ā™€ļø

Nancy Carpenter
November 27, 2023

Yes I will continue to pray for Israel šŸ‡®šŸ‡± šŸ™

November 27, 2023

Dear God you are so awesome good and righteous and merciful. I pray in the name of Jesus That You Will Open the Eyes of the blind that you will use those in power to bring about your plans. May our country the United States of America be in line and obedient to your word. May your people continue to pray that you will come and heal our land. Please forgive us for our rebellious ways may we all humble ourselves before you to you Jesus we pray in your name amen

marilyn mcclintock
November 26, 2023

One more thought… God is allowing all His people (Jew and Gentile alike) to see what life is like after we have rejected Him as our Lord and final authority. Our country and Israel have both turned far from Him. We are seeing the natural consequences of wanting our own way, to the neglect of His commands. He has been so patient with us! What we need is a return to Him (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Ann Bradbury
November 26, 2023

I stand in agreement with God to protect Israel and the people.
Do away with the terrorists and bring peace to the region. Praise be to God.
In Jesus mighty name. Amen

Brian Lynch
November 26, 2023

It is a shame that our government does not stand in complete alliance with Israel. In these End Times, this is not shocking, but it is very disappointing. Lord Jesus, we thank you that you are making a way for the nation of Israel in this terrible situation. I thank You that You will continue to bless this nation, and cause them to continue to prosper, in spite of the many voices who are condemning her in this time. Lord, I pray for the peace and safety of Jerusalem, and the nation of Israel. Thank you, Lord.

November 26, 2023

Pray šŸ™ for Israel and Christians all over the world. Pray for United States.

Mari Williams
November 26, 2023

Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be THY Name, THY Kingdom come, THY will be done on earth in Israel as it is in Heaven.
Our Father we are shocked beyond words by the wickedness and the absolute demonic cruelty of the enemy. This is not a battle between men, LORD GOD, this is a spiritual battle involving evil spirits. We pray Our Father that today you would assign Holy Angels to defend and protect your own people as well as others who are innocent and caught up in this battle, and quickly destroy all the works of the devil. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Cheryl Baird
November 25, 2023

Praying for speaker Johnson!! Be strong and courageous!
NO. NO NO to WHO , please father GOD let them have NO power over the USA

November 25, 2023

Oh Lord our God, in this hour of great need of Your people in the land You promised and gave to them, give strength, power and wisdom to Your people of and in Israel that they may not only vanquish the eternal enemy but may eradicate the evil that dwells in the minds of all who hate You and Your people. Amen.

angelo sturino
November 25, 2023

Israel, our friend and ally always is vital for now and the future of the globe, as in the past, over five thousand years ago, our Creator mission and good and good works,. Our prayers , many, for all victims, and those held in captivity as well. amen

Grant Windholz
November 25, 2023

I pray šŸ™ that all Israel will operate as a Christian society to believe and know Christ Jesus is the answer to all conflicts within their country!

November 25, 2023

How can we get a written copy of Michelle’s prayer?

November 25, 2023

Our governmentā€™s anti-Israel policies, including forbidding Israel to make its own armaments IS LIKE THE PHILISTINES – NOT ALLOWING ISRAEL SHARPENING THEIR OWN KNIVES & PLOW SHARES.

FATHER, WE APPEAL to Heaven for Your intervention in our antisemitic government, media-nites, professor’s, pastors and useful idiots that do not know history IN YESHUA’S HOLY NAME AMEN AMEN


The People of Israel LIVE

Denise Moore
November 25, 2023

My King Jesus, My Warrior GOD, I pray that everything is in Control by your Hands, it’s Not Man Will controlling nothing, , it’s Your Will being done on earth As it is in Heaven, Father my King these Are you people’s is crying Out to You, Let them See the wondering worker that don’t sleep or slumber, YOU ARE Faithful even if We your people don’t deserves it, My King Jesus Let the HOLY SPIRIT burn into All Our hearts and be thirsty for you my King šŸ‘‘šŸ”„ We asked You with humble Gratitude Heart,. Amen your Son YESUHA the CHRIST NAME AMEN šŸ”„šŸ‘‘

Linda Rice
November 25, 2023

Born and raised in Minnesota, I don’t find much to be proud of. But I am proud of Michelle Bachman. Can anything good come out of Minnesota? I did! Michelle did! As we know, we are not our government.

    November 25, 2023

    Michelle Bachmann was guided by RUACH HAKODESH and was on the RIGHT side of 2020. She also was on the RIGHT side on J6.

    Fellow ex-Minnesotan
    West of the looney left cities!
    (They are like eastern Oregon)

    November 25, 2023

    But- we ARE.. Supposed to be.. our government

Mary Beth
November 25, 2023

I continually cry out to You, LORD!! Fulfill every covenant promise You have made to Your chosen people. May this be the set time to favor her. Accomplish Your plans and purposes in the earth-realm – as it is in heaven let it be done on earth. Let this be the time that the veil falls away, the scales on their eyes are removed and they see Yeshua HaMashiach. Let a spirit of repentance fall upon Israel and the nations.

November 25, 2023


November 25, 2023

It is difficult to pray for Israel when one learns an realizes that Israel itself, has hand in what is transpiring, there. Very deep corruption and sinister agendas; not unlike the United States.

    November 25, 2023

    All the governments of the nations are corrupt. We pray for the people knowing they have the right to exist. Will you feel the same when war comes to our soil?

    Mary Beth
    November 25, 2023

    I understand your disillusionment, but if we only pray for the Godly, we are not expressing God’s heart of compassion toward the lost. No nation qualifies for prayer if it must be free of corruption and sinister agendas, even the USA. It is for that very reason we need to pray. The self-admitted chief of sinners, Paul, the former terrorist, had a deep desire to see his people come to repentance and salvation. I want that same heart for Israel, and the nations.

    November 25, 2023

    I do not agree with you. You are listening to lies. When you know the truth you will be set free.

    November 25, 2023

    She is only trying to DEFEND HERSELF!
    How could you POSSIBLY be against her!!

Bob Huseby
November 25, 2023

Father may your Israel thrive as a nation and most importantly may there be a great revival of finding Jesus.
We all speak Yeshua throughout the land !!

November 25, 2023

Agreeing in prayer with Michael Bachman, praying for Israel an our leaders

Ada Andrist
November 25, 2023

I stand for Isreal. Amen.

    November 25, 2023

    Ada – I also AM YISRAEL CHAI . May the Lord God preserve, protect and grant her strength and victorious wisdom. Amen.

Thomas Bockhaus
November 25, 2023

agreed praying


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