(Editor’s note: I’ve noticed recently an increase in discouragement among our intercessors, because the news seems so overwhelming. I hope this article will remind us that God is bigger than anything we read or see, or anything that the enemy tries to use against us.)
I’ve shared before how my father in a sense first opened the door for me to look at world events as connected with God’s Word and His purposes unfolding on planet Earth. It has been a joy and an exciting adventure to watch the news on television or read a newspaper and see happenings as something more than a depiction of events that are out of my control. Instead, the very things taking place around us are an indication that God is indeed in control and has put in His word some amazing details of what is about to happen.
All too often, Christians feel powerless and at the mercy of a very big world. Watching or reading of news events can feel like an exercise in futility and even worse, bring a sense of anxiety and worry into our lives. One way to deal with this is to shut yourself off from the world. Turn off the television news and unsubscribe to your daily newspaper. Doing so may provide temporary relief, but certainly does nothing to change the situation.
There is a better way. It involves a commitment to change your world through prayer. It happens as you see God’s commitment to prayer as a change agent. You begin to see yourself as a player on the world stage. Rather than passively watching and worrying, or ignoring and hiding, you begin to take significant action to bring God’s power to bear on situations going on in the world. You pray!
The Bible is filled with examples of God’s people watching political and national events unfold around them, and then intervening through prayer to bring change. Sometimes a national leader, such as King Asa or King Jehoshaphat of Judah, prayed when faced with a crisis. In both cases, a military attack against the nation was overcome by the prayer of a godly leader.
Sometimes, though, the intervention of God comes through the prayers of more common people, such as Anna and Simeon in the New Testament. These two faithful prayer warriors were watching the signs of the times and understanding the prophetic Old Testament scriptures that pointed to the soon appearing of the Messiah. God used their prayers to prepare for Messiah’s coming in ways that we won’t understand until heaven….
Let’s talk about some practical ways to pray about the news.
First of all, decide to become mentally and spiritually prepared and involved. Very intentional praying is required. It doesn’t happen accidentally. We don’t just sit down to watch a news show and in the midst of a particular segment suddenly remember or decide to pray. This is not bad, but it is so irregular. Make a decision to sit down and watch the news as a prayer event. It will change everything about your experience.
Second, ask the Lord to guide you as you pray. There are so many times we respond to events by telling God what He should do. You’d think we would have learned that He really isn’t looking for our advice. He is, however, looking for our cooperation in releasing His power into situations. Many times the best question we can ask is, “God, what are You doing in this situation?” Then follow that up by asking, “God, what do You want to do?” Then pray with God’s heart about what you are seeing.
Third, watch the news with God. Invite Him into the experience with you. Ask Him to allow you to see things from His perspective. Things that didn’t formerly upset you may cause you to weep in sorrow. Other things that used to make you angry now may become side issues. His ways are so far beyond ours!
Fourth, bring your journal to your prayer time. By your prayer time, I’m talking about your time of watching the news or reading the newspaper. Journal what you are praying about. Write down insights the Lord provides over situations you are watching.
Fifth, ask the Lord if there are any actions for you to take as a result of what you saw and prayed. Prayer is always the first step but rarely the last. You may need to write a letter to someone involved in a news story. You might be called to give money to someone or something. There might be action steps for your family, especially as it relates to preparation for difficult days ahead. The Lord may direct you to change where your money is invested. He may even call you to move from one city (or nation) to another. Prayerful watching can help prepare you to be a more effective servant in the Lord’s hands.
Sixth, bring your Bible with you when you watch the news or read the newspaper. As you pay closer attention to the prophetic Word of God, you will often be reminded of a passage of scripture as you are watching or reading. Having your Bible with you will help you look up passages and verify that you are, in fact, literally living the Bible as you see things happen right before your eyes….
What dramatic times of intercession might be unleashed as we pray together over the great events of our day!
(Excerpt from Harvest Prayer Ministries.)
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The way I look at is that God wanted to make the odds look impossible for Gideon and his men. That way God would get the glory. Meanwhile, the enemy was having prophetic nightmares about their defeat. All we have to do is pray and listen to God’s guidance. He is always there, ready to encourage and comfort. He wants us never to forget:”For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.” -2 Timothy 1:7. The war is already won; we are just trying to liberate the prisoners that the defeated enemy is refusing to let go. Our worldly opponents are actually prisoners who don’t know it. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” -Ephesians 6:12 We must never get caught up in believing the world is what we see. God is always at work. Didn’t the sun rise this morning? Praise Him.
I’ve been reading the book of Acts lately. It is EXACTLY what is happening today . From fake news to false accusations to trying to kill leaders. Your suggestion to watch the news with a prayer journal is excellent.
Thanks for new input and reminder of the old since there have been days recently when there seemed to be more questions about the personal And national than resolutions.
That’s when it’s time to Trust and keep on keeping on.😏🎵
Abba (Father) Let God arise and may His enemies be silenced. Grant the us unity as ONE as You anoint Your Church with the mantel of Jehu to defeat the jezebel spirit over the news media. Help the church take a strong “no compromising” stance as we intercede for the leaders in office and for a change in media to broadcast the truth and stop the political propaganda and rhetoric! Open the media’s eyes and ears to see that they have been deceived by the manipulation of the jezebel spirit and change the tide as You move mightily to cast down the jezebel spirit from its high tower to die on the ground. No compromise -jezebel will not continue to influence the media in the mighty all powerful Name Of Jesus! We bless and speak truth over every media newscaster, eyes and ears be open and truth of God prevail from this day forth! We rejoice to see victory as You Abba rise and silence the enemy!
In Jesus Name. Amen
Lord, your Word in Matthew 24 admonished us to when we see these things taking place, to look and rejoice for our redemption is drawing nigh.
I know that God hears our prayers and when we pray in tandem with Him, mountains are removed before us.
Be encouraged. I have looked around and I’ve been listening. God is moving in our Nation and people are being drawn into the kingdom. People who have been slumbering are waking up. It is not a big splashy revival, it is almost an underground movement, but it is happening. And God is building His church crossing denominational lines and drawing us into a unity of the Spirit.
Take heart and believe. God is working in amazing ways.
Thank you for the reminder of the strong prayer! 🙏🏻
So often lately I just feel so grieved whenever watching the news. Thank you so much for these reminders and guidance on what our attitude toward world events and prayer should be.
Thank you for this encouraging word about watching the news with You God in mind. Thank you for suggesting we have our Bibles near us, and pray about God’s will in the situations we see. May we confess our own sins, be humble, and see Your way. May we pray for our world to seek Jesus instead of rejecting him. May we be open to actions encouraged by God’s word. May we love our neighbors as ourselves, and be Jesus to a lost world.
Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm discouraging Christians. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground, in Jesus name, Amen.
I thank you Lord that I can join with other fellow Believers to intercede on behalf of the things that you care about no God. Thank you God for the evidence of your power has been released through the prayers of people who believe you and what you say. Especially for myself I am excited encouraged and thrilled to be part of this Army of power and hope in you to have influence in high places for your power and glory to be displayed to the nation’s! I praise your Mighty holy name Heavenly [email protected]
Dear Lord God Almighty thank for everything. Thank You for prayer. Lord through prayer I can talk to You about what is going on in this world. Lord too often too many are doing too much inappropriate things. Sin and temptations are pulling people apart but it is not pulling them down to their knees. Lord please help people to believe more in You. May they get tired of the uselessness of sin. May they repent of their sins and turn towards You. Take away arrogant pride and replace it with a desire for You Lord. I pray that You pour out Your Holy Spirit liberally. Make all believers more like Your Holy Son. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
1 WE WHO are strong [in our convictions and of robust faith] ought to bear with the failings and the frailties and the tender scruples of the weak; [we ought to help carry the doubts and qualms of others] and not to please ourselves.
2 Let each one of us make it a practice to please (make happy) his neighbor for his good and for his true welfare, to edify him [to strengthen him and build him up spiritually].
3 For Christ did not please Himself [gave no thought to His own interests]; but, as it is written, The reproaches and abuses of those who reproached and abused you fell on Me. [Ps. 69:9.]
4 For whatever was thus written in former days was written for our instruction, that by [our steadfast and patient] endurance and the encouragement [drawn] from the Scriptures we might hold fast to and cherish hope.
5 Now may the God Who gives the power of patient endurance (steadfastness) and Who supplies encouragement, grant you to live in such mutual harmony and such full sympathy with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus,
6 That together you may [unanimously] with united hearts and one voice, praise and glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah).
Amen David agreeing with you
Beautifully said
Great input for effective prayer, calling on God to guide us in the needs of each days news, being anxious for nothing, but in all things, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, placing all in His faithful, wise, sovereign Lordship. His will be done, for His glory, and His alone!
Amen to that