I Prayed have prayed
Father, You tell us in Your Word that the tongue is a fire, full of deadly poison. We ask that You temper our tongues, our mouths, and the words we speak. Let every word that comes forth from our lips honor You.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Words are powerful. The Bible teaches us this truth. May we always use our words to encourage and lift up, never to tear down. May we, as God’s intercessors, love well with our words. Daily apply these twelve scriptures to your life – as you do, your words will bring forth the healing and encouragement they were meant to.

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God, today I ask You to set a guard over my mouth. Do not allow me to sin with my words, keep watch over the door of my lips, and quicken me of any words that are not pleasing to You (Ps 141:3).

God, let no corrupt words come out of my mouth. Let me only speak words that are encouraging words, and words that build others up (Eph 4:29).

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be pleasing to You. You are my strength and my redeemer (Ps 19:14).

God, I realize I will give an account for every useless or careless word I speak. I understand that by my words I am justified or condemned. Therefore, help me speak words of kindness, gentleness, and love at all times (Mt 12:36-37).

God, Your Word says, “Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Today, I choose life. I choose to speak only words that please You. Thank You for allowing me to eat the GOOD and PLEASANT fruit of my words (Prv 18:21).

A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger; I thank You God that only soft words come out of my mouth each and every day. I refuse to speak harsh words, regardless of the situation (Prv 15:1).

I thank You, God, that as I guard my mouth and watch over the words that come out of it, I keep my soul from trouble (Prv 21:23).

God, it is my desire to see those around me walking in perfect healing. Your word says pleasant words are sweet and delightful to the soul and bring healing to the body – may my words bring healing to all those around me. May my words always be sweet and delightful to those who hear them (Prv 16:24).

God, I ask You to give me daily restraint. Cause me to be careful with my words. Help me to be a person of understanding and wisdom, who walks in self-control with an even temper. May I always watch the words that come out of my mouth (Prv 17:27).

Today, I rid myself completely of anger, rage, malice, slander, abusive and filthy language. I only speak words that are pleasing to God from this day forth (Col 3:8).

God, Your Word says, “A soothing tongue, speaking words that build up and encourage is a tree of life, but words that overwhelm and depress crush the spirit.” Help me God, to only speak words that encourage and build up. Stop me from ever speaking words that depress or crush the spirit. This I ask in Jesus’ name (Prv 15:4).

God, I thank You, that Your Word will not depart from my mouth, but I will read and meditate on it day and night. I thank You that You make my way prosperous and I have good success as I daily speak Your unchanging Word out of my mouth (Joshua 1:8)

Add your own prayers in the comments below.

(Photo Credit: Puwadon Sang-ngern’s Images via Canva Pro)

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October 15, 2024

I disagree. Christians have long been complacent contrite and well-mannered,- and that got us Jimmy Carter in the late 70s and Barack Obama in 2008. It is time to speak out -..be bold and stand against evil..confirming your convictions and boldly declare a lie when you see a lie.. the time for tasit complicity is long past ..its time to take up the sword of the spirit and the weapon of the word.. and go forward decimating the enemy at any and all costs.. Lest we lose our country. Remember in our founding tories were the ones that favored the crown.. and thought that those that were creating and standing for America we’re Traitors and poo-pooed them and wagged their bony finger at them..and now it is happening again. How can you stand to allow that to happen. What will it take to wake up your Warrior spirit and stop cowering.

October 15, 2024


Arlene Smith
October 15, 2024

Thank you for this publication it is confirmation to what God has placed on my heart. Words are powerful, more powerful than most of us understand. God grant me the wisdom and knowledge to speak what is meaningful and gives you glory. Hold my tongue from harsh and damaging words. Let me speak life and hope.

Mary Beth
October 15, 2024

When the Lord began to deal with this issue in my life, the book of James hit me hard. Thank you for these Biblical reminders of how important it is to bridle our tongues, and I might add our written words since that is the primary way we communicate on IFA’s Headline News. If it is of practical help, for a period of time the Lord instructed me to literally “bite my tongue” if necessary and count to 10 slowly before responding to people. That gave Him time to engage my spirit and mind. To rephrase an old adage my parents used, “Put your mind (your transformed mind) in gear, before you put your mouth in motion.”

    October 15, 2024

    I love this! I need to “bite my tongue” and give Holy Spirit room to speak or silence my mouth altogether. Thank you for this encouraging tool that helped you. God bless🙏🏻

Doris Ehlenfeldt
October 15, 2024

This is a much needed article.
I prepare myself spiritually for the new year, by praying for Scripture to guide me. At the end of 2023 I was discouraged by negative comments coming form my mouth.
God gently guided me to Scriptures to remind and instruct me . The verses by my kitchen sink, like the in the article, encourage me to speak truth in love in order to build up others.

October 15, 2024

Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord! Amen.

Darlene Estlow
October 15, 2024

Amen and amen. I pray this prayer for myself. Thank you.

October 15, 2024

This is excellent. I need this every day. It is such a struggle to remain godly in this way. I will use the scripture you have given us to fight this battle against the enemy and my flesh today.
Lord, I am not the only one fouling my immediate surroundings with “unclean lips.”
Be with us and give us victory in your ways and commands. Give me dominion over my own heart and mouth.

    Doris Ehlenfeldt
    October 15, 2024

    Joey, it’s a challenge especially in this political season.
    You can do this! It might be helpful to write a verse to carry in your pocket.
    I’m praying for you.


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