Prayers From the Senate and House Chaplains
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Prayers From the Senate and House Chaplains
Friday, February 14, 2025
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
On this day, when many take time to appreciate their loved ones and sweethearts, may we discover that when we love each other, that that love is a gift from You, O Lord. We love because You first loved us.
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So whether we are on the giving or receiving end of cards, flowers, or chocolates, all three or none at all, let us take the time to appreciate the love You have shown to each of us from the beginning of our lives, a love that has enabled every one of us to receive Your gifts of forgiveness and mercy, hope and grace.
From this deep well of love we have from You, may we draw cups of compassion for one another. May we offer rich appreciation for those with whom You have surrounded us, and may we share in the blessings we receive from Your hand with all who need to feel the tenderness of Your embrace.
For You, O God, have loved us with an everlasting love. You are the source of unfailing kindness that draws us toward You.
Sure of Your love this day, we pray in the joy of Your name. Amen.
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Almighty God, who taught us it is more blessed to give than receive. As we prepare to celebrate Presidents Day, thank You for the great gift of leadership. May this wonderful ability to mobilize people toward a shared objective become the strength of our legislative branch. Help our lawmakers find the correct balance that leads to true influence.
Lord, give them the wisdom to prefer listening to speaking and learning to teaching, as they seek to make bipartisan progress. Infuse them with the serenity to accept the things they cannot change, the courage to change the things they can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
We pray in your wonderful Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
Blessed are those who fear You, O Lord, and walk in Your ways. We pray Your blessings on this day, but it is too often not You we fear but the multitude of challenges that confront us.
Whether our anxiety is for things political or personal, changes environmental or emotional, upheaval suppositional or spiritual, we too often find the uncertainty of our days has eclipsed our ability to acknowledge or appreciate Your power and authority over every aspect of our lives.
Teach us then to walk in Your ways, to affirm Your majesty over every aspect of our lives. Would that we allow, within our own spirits, Your Holiness to transform the hostility, Your kindness every cruelty, Your love every malevolence.
Blessed are those who fear the Lord. May this day and all the days of our lives receive Your blessing that the work of our hands may prosper.
In Your merciful name, we pray. Amen.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
God of mystery and clarity, open our eyes to see the unexpected ways You come to us. Lord, reveal to us Your presence in the beauties of nature and the promises of Sacred Scriptures and in the challenges that deepen our dependence on You.
Make clear Your plans to our lawmakers and infuse them with confidence in Your power. Inspire them to use their talents as instruments of liberation and healing. Lord, keep them purposeful and expectant so they will experience a deeper friendship with You in the living of their days.
We pray in Your abiding Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
Holy and most wise God, we seek Your wisdom: Wisdom to meet the challenges of this day, wisdom to discern what is the direction You would have us go, wisdom to determine what is the truth You wish us both to hear and speak.
How does a person become as wise as this? The first step You have said is to trust and honor You, O Lord.
So we take our first step today, before any legislative matters are brought forth, before our committees are convened, and in advance of any votes brought to the floor, to show our reverence for You, O Lord.
May we also trust that You will equip us, You will guide us, and You will speak to us with the sufficiency of Your wisdom for the living of this day.
Believing in You and leaning on the strength of Your name, we pray. Amen.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Gracious God, who reveals Yourself gloriously in the rising and setting of the Sun, make us good stewards of your blessings. Lord, give us opportunities to help solve the problems in our world by using our minds to produce creative solutions. Inspire our Senators. As they abide in Your presence, make them receptive to Your guidance. Fill their minds with insights and wisdom, and give them resiliency and courage. Today, provide them with the grace to think not of what they can get but of what they can give. Empower them to practice conciliation without compromise. Lord, place your arms of protection around them and their families.
We pray in Your all-powerful Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
Wise God, what wondrous words You offer us: Your words of counsel, Your words of guidance, Your words of wisdom. Such knowledge is too wonderful for us. Who are we that You are mindful of us? Yet You made us a little lower than the angels, have crowned us with glory and honor, and placed everything at our feet.
Then how important it is for us to pay attention to the words You speak and to hear the insight you reveal to us. Your thoughts are not our thoughts, and so it behooves us to listen closely to Your voice, lest we become inured to it. Your ways are not our ways, and so we must discipline our steps to walk in the path You lay before us, lest we drift from it.
Hold us accountable to our stewardship of the knowledge and wisdom You provide, that nothing we say or do would cause us to stray from Your intent.
In faith we approach You with arms wide open to receive the abundance of spiritual truths You measure out for us this day.
In Your merciful name we pray. Amen.
Monday, February 10, 2025
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Great and everlasting God, who was and is and is to come, inspire all who work on Capitol Hill. Lord, help us to see Your image in each other and to draw strength from an awareness of Your sovereignty. Empower us to serve with the spirit of humility and gratitude, remembering that to whom much is given, much is expected.
Lord, strengthen our Senators. Give them the wisdom to know your will and the courage to obey your precepts. May they comprehend your vision for our Nation and world, becoming instruments for Your glory. Lord, fill them with your power so that no weapon formed against them will prosper. Help them to view the shortcomings of others with patience and to be grateful for the exemplary virtues they witness each day.
We pray in your glorious Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
In the spirit of a national pastime and a game well played, we rejoice with those who rejoice and do our best to refrain from gloating in the company of those who weep.
For it is not in our victory but the Lord’s in which we trust. In the Lord, we will renew our strength. In the Lord’s protection, do we find shelter. Inspired by Lord’s abiding presence hovering over us, we run and do not grow weary. With the Lord’s guidance and care, we will soar to new heights of faith.
In Proverbs, we read that there are many mysteries only the Lord can answer, like how a ship sails on the sea or how an eagle soars to the heights of the sky. But those who trust in the Lord will spread their wings and fly like eagles.
In faith, let us soar and humbly serve the Lord this day.
In Your strong name we pray. Amen.
Friday, February 7, 2025
House of Representatives – Dr. Kevin Moore
Heavenly Father, creator, and sustainer of all things, thank You for Your hand of blessing on the United States of America. Thank You for guiding and protecting the land of the free and the home of the brave.
I humbly ask You to pour out Your peace, mercy, and grace on our country. I pray that You would grant lawmakers in this assembly, the integrity of Joseph, the strength of Joshua, the faithfulness of Moses, the courage of King David, the wisdom of Solomon, the determination of Nehemiah, the endurance of Job, and the obedience of Jesus Christ as they face the challenges of our country.
Empower them to work efficiently for the justice of all people. Sustain them, encourage them, protect them, provide for them, guide them, and bless them as they work together in the service to our country.
In the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, Amen.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
O God of Earth and sea and sky, as people from all over this world have gathered together in the Nation’s Capital for the National Prayer Breakfast to lift up their voices in praise and adoration, thanksgiving and supplication, we see that such a marvelous chorus of gratitude and such solemn strains of concern are the prayers of Your people this day.
In Your Heaven, O Lord, hear our prayers.
Give each one mercy in their humility as they have set aside the business of the day and the busyness of their lives to come before Your mercy seat. In repentance, we, as Your people who call on Your name, profess our deep desire to turn from our wicked ways and seek Your face this day and every day.
In Your Heaven, O Lord, hear our prayers.
In Your incomprehensible mercy and unfathomable grace, forgive us our sins, both our individual and corporate transgressions, the iniquities of body and mind, and our trespasses against others and against You.
In Your Heaven, hear our prayers, O Lord.
And heal our land, that it would once again know of Your will and receive Your favor. May all those who are called by Your name yield the fruits of Your holy spirit, that we would live lives of love, joy, peace, and forbearance, showing kindness, goodness, and faithfulness in our walk with You.
It is in Your merciful name, we pray. Amen.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Almighty God, preserver, redeemer, and judge, strengthen our Senators for their work today. Lord, provide them with the wisdom needed to handle challenges and pressures. As You illuminate their path with the light of Your wisdom, infuse them with patience to persevere in their efforts to do Your will.
In the storms and strains of leadership, may they not deplete their faith by majoring in minors and minoring in majors. Instead, may they trust You in the face of perplexities.
Empower them to practice the Golden Rule of treating others the way they themselves desire to be treated.
And, Lord, bless the National Prayer Breakfast program tomorrow.
We pray in Your holy Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
Show us Your unfailing love, O Lord, and grant us Your deliverance. For we find ourselves in times of turmoil and tension, disagreements and dissension. But if we can open our hearts to receive Your life- changing mercy and experience Your soul-penetrating grace, we will be redeemed from our own discord, restored to common purpose and mutual respect.
Let us listen that we will hear what You speak. When You pronounce health in our afflictions, may we receive it. When You promise peace to Your people, may we live it. When we walk to the right or to the left, may our ears hear Your word behind us, saying, “This is the way. Walk in it.”
The Word of the Lord is alive and powerful, sharper than any two- edged sword. The voice of the Lord is over the waters. The glory of God is heard in the thunder over many waters. Lord, pierce our soul and spirit, our joints and marrow, and discern our thoughts and the intentions of our hearts. Then may we in this place hear and heed Your Word.
It is on the foundation of this word we stand, and in the strength of Your name we pray. Amen.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Senate – Chaplain Barry C. Black
Eternal Lord God, in whose life we find our life, today hold our Senators within Your providential hands. Lord, guide them when they feel perplexed and empower them with faith to meet every obstacle. Infuse them with courage and keep them close to You.
As they seek to represent You, fill them with Your peace. Do for them what they cannot accomplish in their own strength. Give them a new delight for mundane matters, a new patience with difficult people, and a new zest for unfinished details. Let Your spirit rule in their lives.
We pray in Your merciful Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
You are the Lord. There is no other. On this day, may we appreciate that all that surrounds us is of Your making. All that lives and breathes finds its life in You.
May we look for the ways You call us to participate in Your creative work in the world, to desire to be laborers in Your vineyard, stewards of the bounty You have generously bestowed on us.
May we dedicate ourselves to give our best efforts to reveal the creative reality of Your peace, Your justice, and Your love around the globe and in our communities.
So, in our appreciation for what You have done, our participation in what You are doing, and our dedication to what You in Your grace plan will do, may we prove faithful this day.
In Your sovereign name, we pray. Amen.
Monday, February 3, 2025
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Move deeply in our hearts today, O Lord, so that we will conform to Your ways. Help us to understand Your purposes and submit to Your providence. Empower our lawmakers to do Your will. Make them thirsty and hungry for Your Spirit and power. Show them Your plans. Teach them Your paths.
Lord, instruct them on how to make our Nation and world better. Open doors of greater opportunity for service as our Senators seek to be instruments for Your glory. May pleasing You become the primary aim of their work.
We pray in Your mighty Name. Amen.
Friday, January 31, 2025
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
Eternal God, we commend into Your keeping the 67 souls who died in this week’s tragic aircraft accident here in our Nation’s Capital. As the Psalmist acknowledged: “Our days may come to 70 years, 80 if our strength endures,” but, sadly, for those who perished, even fewer.
Our days, how many or how few, quickly pass. Like dew in the morning, by evening they are gone.
Teach us, O Lord, to number our days, to appreciate how even in the longest of lives, our time on Earth is fleeting. Grant us each a heart of wisdom that we would greet each new day as priceless and every moment a gift of Your grace.
In our living of today, may we not waste the time You have given us, but may we cherish those whom we love, love the opportunities You give, and give You our gratitude for the days we have.
Grant favor and comfort to those who grieve, and in Your everlasting mercy, may they find peace.
In the hope that is found only in You, we pray. Amen.
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Merciful Father, our refuge and strength, we pause to thank You for the courageous contributions of Mark Gazelle during his 34 years of dedicated service with the U.S. Capitol Police. Be with him in all of his tomorrows, doing for him more than he can ask or imagine.
In the midst of our gratitude, our hearts are also filled with sorrow. We mourn the loss of precious life last evening at Reagan National Airport because of the collision of a jet with an Army Black Hawk helicopter.
Our grief reminds us of Your words in Proverbs 27:1, which states:
Don’t brag about tomorrow; you don’t know what may happen then.
You are kind, Lord. Please have pity on us and all who mourn. We pray in Your merciful Name. Amen.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Immortal God, Your Name is great throughout the Earth. We thank You for the undeserved blessings You give us each day. Lord, You bless us with life, health, faith, hope, and love. You give us Your peace. Great and marvelous are Your works.
Today, guide the Members of this body with Your wisdom. Help them to resolve to become part of the solutions to our Nation’s problems. Make clear to them the path of duty, and lead them in the doing of Your will. Lord, provide them with counsel to deal with complex challenges and infuse them with divine discernment to accomplish Your purposes.
We pray in Your strong Name. Amen.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Our Father in Heaven, You have created us for Your glory. Bless our Senators in their work. Lord, unite them in their efforts to find common ground and to work for the good of the Nation. May they seek creative ways of living a life of service that honors You.
Lord, guard them from danger and keep them from transgression. As You work out Your plan for humanity, inspire our lawmakers with a joy that makes all difficulties seem worthwhile. Spare them from desiring success that focuses on things that pass away and ignores the things that last forever.
We pray in Your loving Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend John Kellogg
Gracious God, we pray that You would send Your holy spirit to lead and guide our Representatives in Congress. Bless them with patience, humility, and wisdom as they consider what steps would create the best future for all of those who live in our land.
Monday, January 27, 2025
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
O God of constant newness, in You all renewal abides and all hope originates. Help us to honor You with both our words and deeds. Give us the courage to help carve tunnels of hope through mountains of despair. Lord, make us unafraid to confront prejudice and pride as You attune our spirits to Your truth and light.
Bless our Senators. Energize them until their presence radiates a light that no darkness can overcome. Give them wisdom and courage, vision and discipline for the right living of these days. Lord, empower them to be kind to one another, forgiving and affirming each other.
We pray in Your righteous Name. Amen.
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Eternal Lord God, this morning we again invite You to enter the gates of our hearts. Come into our lives and remove all faults, pride, and disunity, replacing them with humility and harmony.
Reside with the Members of this legislative body. Create within them a hunger for holiness. Lord, may they dedicate their work as a gift of love to You, consecrating even their thoughts for Your honor. Generate in their minds a spirit of expectancy that the best is yet to be. Increase their joy and peace as they experience the power of Your presence.
We pray in Your mighty Name. Amen.
Friday, January 24, 2025
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Holy God, who calls out to us, help us to listen. May we hear Your voice in the beauties of the Earth and the glories of the skies. Whisper Your messages in the glory of a sunrise and the splendor of a sunset. Remind us of Your sovereignty in the orderly transition of the seasons.
Speak, Lord, for we wait to hear Your voice. Speak to our Senators. Teach them Your plans and priorities. Show them Your paths. Remind them of the power of unfettered faith, hope, and love, as You awaken their sympathy for those who live without joy.
We pray in Your Holy Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Dr. Benny Tate
Our most kind and gracious Heavenly Father, I simply want to begin by thanking You for this wonderful opportunity to pray in this sacred place.
Lord, as we come before You today, we thank You for Your faithfulness to our Nation for almost 250 years. The Scripture teaches us blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.
God, I thank You for Your presence, preservation, and protection throughout these many years. May we always remember that righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.
The nation that is a city upon a hill is truly salt and light to the world, making whatsoever and whosoever around them better and brighter.
Lord, our only hope is You. May everyone serving and every Member under this Capitol dome heed the words of President Abraham Lincoln who simply prayed and said:
I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day.
Our only hope, God, is through the power of Your spirit. Only there can our land be healed.
We love You, we exalt You, we praise You, and we pray this prayer certainly respecting all faiths, but we pray this prayer this morning in the name above every name, and that is the name of Your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ, the lamb of glory. Amen.
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Divine Master, You are our stronghold and the pioneer of our future. Teach us to work with greater faithfulness. May pleasing You become our primary focus as You place a song in our hearts for each burden on our shoulders.
Guide our lawmakers today. Lead them to Your fortress of love, patience, and kindness. Lord, remind them that any success alien to Your way is worse than failure and that any failure in Your Spirit is better than gold.
And, Lord, please be with our faithful pages as they prepare for tomorrow’s graduation. In all of their tomorrows, do for them more than they can ask or imagine.
We pray in Your wonderful Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Judy Malana
Almighty God, You are the creator and sustainer of all life, the God of new beginnings, and because of this, we humbly invoke Your presence among us here this afternoon inside the United States Capitol, the people’s House.
Dear Lord, may those of the House of Representatives be faithful stewards of the higher purpose of their calling. Grant them discerning hearts of wisdom, as they work together in a spirit of unity, to carry out the promises of our Constitution and our enduring democracy.
Most merciful God, may Your grace fill the Chamber of this honorable assembly. Bring our lawmakers clarity of mind in the midst of the complexities of the issues they face. Strengthen them, their families, and their loved ones who support them.
O sovereign Lord, continue to hold our Nation in the very hollow of Your hands. May Your peace permeate and prevail in the hearts, minds, and souls of the American people.
For all of us, may we ever strive to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with You in service to our Nation and each other with utmost compassion, gratitude, and love.
We ask these things in Your most holy and precious name. Amen.
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Eternal God, who restores the soul and gives light in the midst of decay, empower our Senators to do Your will. Be to them a faithful guide on the challenging road they travel.
Lord, teach them to find contentment in striving to please You and provide them with Your powerful companionship. As tomorrow’s difficulties loom large, remind them that You can move mountains and create opportunities. Blaze the trail ahead for our lawmakers with Your might and wisdom, for You are our shelter and hope. Keep them from flinching before the unknown ways that spread before them, and give them Your peace.
We pray in Your Holy Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
Teach us to know that, You, O Lord, are our God. You are faithful to us, keeping covenant with us. Your mercy and loving kindness rests on those who love You and who keep Your commandments from one generation to the next.
On this day, may we, in our generation, be faithful to this covenant. While it seems an easy task to love You, Your commandment demands that we love You with all our heart, soul, and mind.
Open our hearts that we would show our loyalty to You by loving others with Your great love. Plumb the depths of our souls and attend to all that we fear and desire so that we, in response and faith, will commit ourselves to work with others to eliminate hatred and to grow together in compassion.
Search our minds that we would know what is of You and what is of our own deception by bringing every thought into obedience with Your will. Receive the best and the worst in us, the weakness and the strength in us, the despair and the hope in us, and show Your compassion that we may reveal Your steadfast love that You give to all of us.
In Your eternal name, we pray. Amen.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
O God, our Father, how excellent is Your Name in all the Earth. From dawn to sunset, Your mercies sustain us.
Today, inspire our Senators to embrace Your promises. May they remember Your promises to supply their needs, to never forsake them, and to prevent anything from separating them from Your love.
Lord, bestow Your blessings upon our lawmakers, making them wiser, stronger, and better, glorifying You in their work. Use them to advance Your Kingdom in our Nation and world as they attune their will to Your purposes. Create in them a life of purity, honesty, and altruism that contributes to solving the problems we face.
We pray in Your blessed Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
On these days after the long-sought ceasefire in Israel and Gaza, we pray in thanks to You, Lord Almighty, that as You promised, You have given freedom to the captives. You have broken the shackles of their confinement, that the Israeli and Palestinian men, women, and children, soldiers and civilians, sick and infirmed, may be returned to their homelands and to the embrace of their loved ones.
Bind up the brokenhearted, those whose arms remain empty, grieving the death of the ones who did not live to see this day. Bind up the wounds of the hostages released as they suffer injury of mind and body that has penetrated their very souls.
In these next weeks, Sovereign God, intercede and effect the end of the region’s warfare. Abolish the bow and the sword, put an end to the gunfire and bombardment, silence the battle that rages, and remove from the land all desire for vengeance.
Clear the way for safe troop withdrawal and swift delivery of humanitarian aid. May all, under Your watchful eye, soon lie down in safety. In You, may we find everlasting peace, and in Your name, may we lift up our prayers. Amen.
Monday, January 20, 2025
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Eternal God, on this Martin Luther King and Inauguration Day, we thank You for being our hope for the years to come. You store up blessings for all who honor You. If angels must veil their faces in Your presence, shouldn’t we mere mortals embrace referential awe?
Empower our Senators to be strong and courageous as they make loyalty to You their highest priority. Lord, smile on them with Your blessings, for You are the author and finisher of our salvation. Grant that our lawmakers may know what is conducive for Your glory.
Today, we lift our hearts in ceaseless praise to You, our strong deliverer.
We pray in Your magnificent Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
You, O Lord, reign forever judging from Your throne with justice. You rule the nations with fairness. On this day, when our Nation’s power is transferred from President Joseph Biden to President Donald Trump, we pray Your reign of peace in this moment, in this Nation, and in the hearts of the American people.
Grant President Biden the blessing of Your reward for his faithfulness to You and to this country. And as You lay the mantle of responsibility on the shoulders of our new President, Donald Trump, grant him, as You did Solomon, a discerning heart to govern Your people to distinguish between right and wrong. Grant him the faithfulness of Abraham who heard Your voice and obeyed. And may he have the heart of David, that You would bestow on him Your grace and mercy as he carries out his solemn duties.
Then bestow on us, divided though we may be, the unity of Your spirit through the bond of peace, that we would each commit to live into the gifts of that same spirit and to serve one another as faithful stewards of Your grace.
We humble ourselves this day, and we call upon Your name. Hear us from Your Heaven, forgive us our sin, and heal our land. God bless America. Amen.
Friday, January 17, 2025
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Our Father in Heaven, our shelter in the time of storm, teach our Senators to live as You would have them live. Give them the wisdom to serve others as You desire, providing an example worthy of the high calling they have received from You.
Lord, inspire them to be kind to one another, ever seeking for truth in all their endeavors. Keep them totally dependent on You for guidance and strength, freeing them from anxiety and fear. May Your blessing and benediction enable them to work together in harmony and peace.
We pray in Your sacred Name. Amen.
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hidden, abide with our lawmakers. Teach them to speak the right words at the right time. Make their speech like precious gold set in silver. May they seek to persuade with patient and gentle words. Lord, give them the wisdom to be friends of that which is eternal and abiding. Teach them reverence for the transcendent as You induce them to ascribe all good things to You.
We pray in Your precious Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
Sovereign God, it is You who searches our hearts, examines our minds, and tests our spirits. And in so doing, You know us intimately and completely. You know when we sit down and when we rise. You perceive our thoughts even before we have voiced them. Before a word is on our tongue, You, O Lord, know it completely.
Such knowledge is both overwhelming and comforting. May we come to understand and accept that even knowing us as well as You do, You love us anyway. When we are grieved by various trials, may we trust that You will perceive the genuineness of our faith.
Even gold perishes when it is tested by fire. Remind us again, and all those who are overwhelmed by disaster and destruction, warfare, and ill will, that in Your esteem, we, as Your children, are much more precious than the most valuable treasure on Earth.
In all things, may we find it within our hearts, minds, and spirits, even in the face of the harshest of tests, to bring praise and honor to You and proclaim our belief that Your powerful hand directs our lives.
In Your enduring name we pray. Amen.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Eternal God, You are our rock and fortress. Keep us from disappointing You.
Help our lawmakers to walk in Your precepts so that they can remain within the circle of Your protection and blessings. Lord, turn their ears to listen to Your admonition as You infuse them with the courage to obey Your commands. We have trusted You since the birth of this land we love. That is why we will declare Your glory all day long. Lord, as our Senators strive to please You today, we declare that You alone are our hope.
And, Lord, continue to be with those who battle the catastrophic wildfires in Southern California.
We pray in Your strong Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
Lord, our God and our protector, who with a word can calm the storms and hold back the Sun, we pray that You would move Your spirit over the chaos that ravages our country and speak Your word of peace.
Arrest the fire that still burns in Los Angeles and its surrounding communities. Bring relief to those who found themselves in the paths of the hurricane that devastated Tennessee and North Carolina, who feel its destruction all the more keenly in the depth of winter. Be merciful to those, O Lord, who remain fearful in the surround of danger.
Be merciful to those who feel helpless and hopeless before the great power of fire and wind. Be merciful to those who have lost hearth and home, who seek refuge for their bodies and their souls.
In the shadow of Your wings, may they take shelter until the storms of ruin pass by. Behind the hedge of Your protection, may they find safety from the afflictions bearing down on them from all fronts.
Encourage and equip with fortitude and perseverance all those who remain in the fight against the unrelenting fires and who continue to strive to build defenses against even more harm.
For You, O Lord, are our deliverer. In You will all be restored. In the strength of Your name we pray. Amen.
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts, speak to our lawmakers and fill them with bright memories, holy commitments, and deep resolve. May their bright memories remind them of the way You have guided and protected this Nation throughout the seasons of its history. May their holy commitments prompt them to be true to their duties to stand for right, though the heavens fall. May their deep resolve motivate them to not become weary in doing Your will.
Lord, remind them that without Your power, human efforts are useless.
We pray in Your mighty Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
God, our teacher, Lord, and friend, we pray that we would walk where You lead us this day. Open our eyes to see Your guidance, to look at each encounter, regard each situation with Your eyes.
Open our ears to Your instruction, to receive every word spoken, every concern voiced, and hear as You would hear.
Open our hearts to Your wisdom, to understand the problems, to discern the solutions, and to respond to each one as You would respond.
May the perceptions of our world, the reception of those whom we meet, and the interpretation of the work You would have us do reflect that we are willing and open to learn the unforced rhythms of grace which You, Yourself, have taught each one of us.
In Your divine friendship, abide with us. We rejoice that You have called us friends and have made Yourself and Your will known to us in the name of which we offer this prayer. Amen.
Monday, January 13, 2025
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Eternal God, we whisper our prayer vocally before Your throne of grace. You have invited us to come to You with all our needs. We thank You for our requests that You have already answered. We have sought and found. We have knocked and walked through open doors.
By Your Grace and mercy, strengthen our lawmakers for their journey. Prepare them for the ravages of the valley and the chill of the mountain summits. Guide them, Great Redeemer. They are pilgrims in this land. They are weak, but You are mighty. Inspire them to keep their eyes on You and not the challenges that seem too difficult to solve.
We pray in Your great Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
Holy God, You who never change, nor change Your mind, accompany us into this day. Shine Your steady light onto our proceedings and reveal Your unwavering wisdom. Illumine every good and perfect gift that You offer us this day.
May we approach with alacrity the tasks ahead, but never let us deceive ourselves to think that we can do them all on our own, but let us seek Your assistance in our efforts. As we commit ourselves to our labors, let us not assume that it is our own strength which will carry the weight of the day, but our reliance on You to enable us to bear our burdens.
Remind us again that all we have and all that we strive to do were Yours to give us and Yours to entrust, however long, into our keeping. In the time that we have, may we steward Your gifts with integrity and in accordance with Your divine counsel.
Let us then be quick to listen and slow to speak, rejoicing in the privilege we have to serve You again this day.
Unto You we offer our prayers and do so calling on the strength of Your name. Amen.
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Lord of life, thank You for the opportunity to honor the life and legacy of the 39th President of the United States.
Lord, Your mercies are new to us every day. Take our Senators by the hand and lead them on the road You desire them to travel. Lord, help our lawmakers to seek Your guidance as they establish their priorities, always remembering their accountability to You. May this accountability motivate them to never deviate from the path of integrity but to seek to ensure that Your will is done on Earth even as it is done in Heaven. May they never forget that You are with them and will guide them.
We pray in Your sovereign Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
You, O Lord, are our rock, our fortress, and our deliverer. Be the sanctuary in which all those who flee from the deadly Palisades, Hurst, and Hollywood Hills wildfires in California can find refuge. Be their shield against the flames which threaten to engulf them, their stronghold in the midst of destruction.
Hear all those who call to You in their distress, the street people and the screen stars, and all whose homes and livelihoods are endangered. Hear those who cry to You for help. Hear their voices, and may their cries reach Your ears, that You would shelter them from the fires raging around them.
Gird up the first responders, the firefighters, the emergency medical personnel, and the rescue teams with Your strength. Be their shield and defender, that they may be effective agents in saving the imperiled. Arm their hands for the battle before them. Equip them with the weapons of deliverance. Keep them from growing weary in the face of the relentless hours ahead, and protect them from all harm.
These, our fellow Americans, are precious in Your sight. Give them shelter in these days within the protection of Your loving arms.
In Your saving name, we pray. Amen.
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Spirit of God, descend on our hearts, for apart from You, life is sound and fury signifying nothing. Lord, make our lawmakers great enough for these momentous times. Deliver them from pride and prejudice as they seek to live worthy of Your great Name.
Transform common days into transfiguring and redemptive moments because of the power of Your presence and the wisdom of Your words. Cleanse the fountains of our hearts from all that defiles and make us fit vessels for Your honor.
We pray in Your great Name. Amen.
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Eternal Father, who extends daily to our lawmakers compassionate love, we praise Your Holy Name.
Lord, in a challenging world where we often find ourselves waiting to exhale, You remain our shelter for every storm. Relieve the shadows of pessimism and cynicism, as we face a world often filled with despair.
Lord, bring our Senators from the fatigue of doubts to the buoyancy of hope. Make their lives unflickering lights that transform dark yesterdays into bright tomorrows. Give them an unflinching certainty that You are Sovereign.
We pray in Your great Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
Remind us again, eternal God, that in You all things were created, in Heaven and on Earth, visible and invisible. Allow that awareness to touch our very beings, that we would realize that all that is, and we ourselves, find life and purpose in You.
Whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities, all things were created through You and for You. As we come to appreciate Your majesty, may Your authority penetrate our consciousness in such a way that we desire nothing more than to yield to Your will in all that we do or decide.
Grant that we would also find not just comfort in Your omnipotence, but courage in Your omnipresence, that as we venture into the day You have laid before us, we would find that in You all things are held together.
Into Your hands we commend our prayers as we pray them in Your sovereign name. Amen.
Monday, January 6, 2025
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Our Father in Heaven, on this January 6, as our lawmakers prepare to validate the 2024 election results, we praise You because of the greatness of Your faithfulness. Lord, we thank You for reminding us of the fragility of freedom, for the vigilance we must pay to sustain it, and for the redemptive freedom You offer us through Your sacrificial love. Today, use the work of our lawmakers to let this generation know about the unfolding of Your powerful providence.
Lord, forgive us when we forget that Your mercies are new each day. We thank You for the rising and the setting of the Sun, for supplying our daily needs, and for the hope we have in Your redemptive power.
We pray in Your loving Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
Holy and eternal God, we pray Your presence among us on this day. Shine again Your light in the darkness, that we would be aware of Your abiding favor and sure of Your divine guidance. May we faithfully follow in the way You lead, O Lord, that You will show mercy on us and on the day’s work ahead.
Reveal to us Your gracious and eternal perspective. Give us the insight You would have us gain when we turn our eyes to You and away from the futile paths that vie for our attention and distract us from appreciating that Your grace plan alone determines our life’s work.
Guide us in the way we should go, and protect us from any adversarial attitudes that threaten us from within or without, the inimical intrusions that seek to undermine the divine work You desire us to do.
Grant us Your peace, and may Your grace bless us with abundance so that, in all things, at all times, we will realize that we have all that we need to succeed in every good work You have ordained us to complete.
For Your presence, Your perspective, Your protection, and Your peace, we are forever grateful. Lord, in Your perfect name, we pray. Amen.
Friday, January 3, 2025
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Our Father in Heaven, at a time when the dawning of the new year brings felicity and fear, we continue to acknowledge that You are still the one who stretches out the starry curtain of the heavens. May Your Name be kept holy.
As our incoming lawmakers swear today to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, may they also make a personal commitment to You to depend on Your guidance that will keep their feet on the path You have chosen. Lord, inspire them to strive always to do what is right as You give them the wisdom to discern it.
Mighty God, open Your hands to bless their work, supplying their needs out of the bounty of Your celestial riches.
We pray in Your majestic Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
Our help is in the name of the Lord, the maker of Heaven and Earth. You, O God, made the Moon to mark the seasons, and the Sun knows the time of its setting.
Now, as this 118th Congress sets down its last gavel and the journals are sealed and archived, we give You thanks, that in Your eternal mercy, You have allowed Your goodness to pass over us and privileged us to call on Your name for the strength we have needed to sustain us in these years. You have been exceedingly gracious to us and have shown us Your steadfast loving-kindness time and again.
Grant, then, that all who have labored in this vineyard and who gave of their countless hours and unwavering energy would receive Your own well done: the silent champions of the Clerk’s Office, the stalwart sentries of the Sergeant at Arms staff and the Capitol Police, the anonymous artisans and authors, and the unheralded men and women whose patient dedication to the people’s House has kept the lamp lighted and the Nation’s business principled and proper.
Receive, O Lord, the work of our hands and grant us the reward of Your blessing on the legacy of this 118th Congress.
In Your eternal name, we pray. Amen.
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
This is the day, the year, You, O Lord, have made. As we consider all that has taken place, may we find reason to rejoice and be glad, for by Your grace, You have fulfilled Your promises and guided us on the paths toward our future.
As we reflect on the year that has been 2024, we are keen to acknowledge that each moment has been a gift that You desired us to enjoy. Each challenge was an opportunity, which You strengthened us to overcome. Each disappointment was a siren to return to faith in Your mercy. Each encounter was a graced gift given that we would share the unconditional love You offer us all.
Such a graced gift was the life and witness of former President Carter, in whom we have borne testimony to what it means to be a faithful steward of Your bounty, a just arbiter of Your commandments, a compassionate witness to Your kindness, and a worthy disciple to Your Gospel of love.
We give You our gratitude for Your abiding presence in the midst of all our hopes and fears of this past year, and we offer our future to Your keeping, praying in the strength of Your name. Amen.
Friday, December 27, 2024
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
Joy to the world. Shout for joy all the Earth. Let us burst into jubilant song and make music to the Lord with the instruments at hand. Whether with harp or lyre, guitar or trumpet, with voices of joy, let us praise the Lord.
Let us sing a new song. Let us employ all that is within our mortal bodies to sing songs of praise. Let fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains repeat the sounding joy, for God has done marvelous things.
You, O Lord, are the author of our salvation, and You reveal Your righteousness to all the nations.
Remember Your love to us and Your faithfulness to Your people, that all the ends of the Earth will know of Your deliverance.
Rule the world with Your truth and grace, that all nations will prove the glories of Your righteousness and the wonders of Your love.
In the name of the one who is the source of our joy, we pray. Amen.
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
God, the source of our joy, fill our hearts with Your perfect joy, a joy that transcends all circumstances and contests, a joy that touches deep within our souls that we soon discover that we are never far from Your abiding presence and steadfast loving kindness.
God, the author of our peace, imbue our efforts with Your consummate peace, a peace that stands firm in the face of malice and spitefulness, a peace that eases our anxieties, that we remain ever confident in Your grace plan.
God of love, stir our spirits with Your merciful love, a love that rejoices in the truth, a love that enables us to bear all things, to believe all things, and to endure all things.
God of joy, peace, and love, this day and always, may we so delight in Your presence and respond to Your bountiful grace, that we would desire nothing more than to share with those around us the hope of all that is found in You.
In the name of the one who is the source of all that is good and perfect, we pray. Amen.
Friday, December 20, 2024
Senate – Senator James Lankford
Wonderful Counselor, mighty God, everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, the One who holds the government on Your shoulders, we are grateful for all the joy in this Christmas season. When we were arrogant, powerless, and without hope, You came.
The first Christmas You set the example of humility. You are the suffering servant who loved us and forgave us when we could bring You nothing. We could never say thank You enough.
A prayer of blessing on the Senators who are retiring from the Senate this week. In the days ahead, help them to hear Your voice and to know Your affection.
I pray for my friend Chaplain Barry Black and his family as they care for him. Give him rest, healing, and fresh insight into Your word and vision in the days ahead.
Father, You told us that when we lack wisdom, we should ask You. We are asking now. As we start this day, we do not know how it will end, but we are fixing our eyes on You, and we are asking for Your help. If You could guide the wise men from the East with a star, You can certainly guide us with Your wisdom and with Your presence.
Today, would You give us the clarity of mind to hear Your thoughts, the humility to listen to each other, and the boldness to do the right thing the right way.
Forgive us as only You can and heal our land as we turn to You.
I pray this in the powerful and present Name of Jesus. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
Lord, if You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.
Would that we show the maturity of faith that our lives would reflect our belief in You and that in You, we would believe all things are possible. Lord, we believe. Help our unbelief.
For you, O God, rule all things in wisdom and righteousness. You have called each one of us to serve You and be obedient to Your will. In Your providence, You lay before us the ability to trust in our present and hope for our future. Lord, we hope. Help our uncertainty.
You, O God, who are love, and in love created each one of us, and in love still cherish every person where they are and just as they are, call us to share that love with our colleagues, our family and friends, and even our enemies. Lord, we love You. Help us in our inability to love our neighbor.
In our belief, may we find the patience to hope. And in hoping may we become more loving. And in hoping and loving, may we grow stronger in our faith and closer in our walk with You.
In the name of the one who showed us how to love, we pray. Amen.
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Senate – Rev. Lisa Wink Schultz
Most merciful God, help us to remember that the Earth is Yours. You established it, and You will sustain it. Thank You that one day You will make a new Heaven and a new Earth. We long for a day when our broken bodies will be healed and our souls at rest.
Today, give our Senators clean hands and pure hearts to do Your will. May they be men and women who seek after You. As they come together to make decisions on funding the government, may they have Your wisdom to do what is best for the people they serve.
We pray in Your mighty Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
O Lord, our God, be in our midst, for You alone can change our harsh discourse into pure speech. Cleanse us from our pride, that we would humble ourselves before You, and appear unassuming and unpretentious in Your presence.
Call us to seek refuge and counsel in Your name, to listen for Your divine will, and not rely on our own. For we are not inclined to listen to any voice, even Yours, nor accept Your correction. We fail to trust in Your guidance, nor draw near to You, our God.
But You, O Lord, are righteous. You do no wrong. Every morning You render Your judgment, each dawn without fail.
O Lord, our God, on this morning may we acknowledge that You are with us in this place. So may our actions this day give You reason to be pleased with us.
We call on Your name in this moment and will strive to serve You throughout the day with one accord. As one body of many Members we can find refuge in You together in Your name, in which we pray this day. Amen.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Senate – Rev. Lisa Wink Schultz
As the Senate enters a new season of change, with Senators and staff coming and going, we thank You that You are the changeless one. May those who are leaving remember Your promise that You go with them and that You will never leave them or forsake them. May they have courage to face the future without fear.
Today, we honor the Secretary of the Senate, Ann Berry. Lord, thank You for her 45 years of faithful work. As she retires, give her a sense of accomplishment and joy. Give our Senators wisdom and understanding. May the works of their hands and the meditations of their hearts be pleasing to You.
We pray in Your holy Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
Immortal, invisible, and only wise God, in this season of darkening days and sober skies, Your light seems inaccessible, Your presence hidden from our eyes. Though we do not see You, we love You and call upon You to reveal yourself as light in our darkness.
Though we walk in life-quenching shadows and cannot see Your hand to guide us, yet we believe in You and trust You to lead us on paths of righteousness.
Strengthen our faith that, in the face of all that overwhelms and undermines our best intentions, we would be filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy that dispels all gloom and releases us from the grip of despair.
This day and always, cultivate in us the hope of salvation, that through us, Your light of love would shine.
In the name of You, O Lord, our redeemer, our sustainer, our guide, and our friend, we offer our prayers. Amen.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Senate – Rev. Lisa Wink Schultz
Lord, we come to You today full of gratefulness. We thank You for the staff who work in this Chamber, for the Capitol Police who keep us safe, for the pages who are eager to help, and for the doorkeepers who love this institution.
May we not take for granted the craftsmen and women who are building the inaugural platform, for the food service workers and the appointment desk employees and the staff at Capitol facilities.
Most of all, we praise You for the life of Chaplain Black. We pray for him and his continued recovery and for Dr. Monahan and the Attending Physicians Office who cared for him so well.
We are all members of Your body with different gifts and roles. As we work, please remind us that it is better to serve than to be served. We pray in Your strong Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
O eternal God, You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Although we cannot see You with our eyes, touch You with our hands, or hear Your voice with our ears, give us a clear awareness of Your realness and presence among us. Reveal to us the hidden power You wield in our lives and in this world.
Do not let us consider this time and place as our only reality, that the only thing that matters is our own perspective but give us sight to see that there is so much more than meets our eyes.
Do not let us grasp jealously the things that we own or which we, by our efforts, have accomplished, but give us hands to reach out to lift up one another, to enable each to succeed in discovering and using the skills and talents with which You have endowed them.
Do not let us get caught up in the noise of compliments and accolades or even criticisms and disparagements but give us ears to listen to Your wisdom that we would hear Your own “well done” when the day has ended.
You, O Lord, are the first and the last, the alpha and the omega. May our time and talents be used to glorify Your eternal name, in which we pray. Amen.
Monday, December 16, 2024
Senate – Rev. Lisa Wink Schultz
God of all comfort, we thank You that Your steadfast love endures forever. Today, we offer our thanksgiving for Your word that counsels us, for Your Spirit that guides us, and for prayer that sustains us.
Give our Senators grace and wisdom to fix their eyes on You and to meditate on all Your ways, knowing that Your testimonies are better than silver and gold. As we anticipate the end of Advent and look forward to the wondrous beginning of Christmas, we ask You to come light our world.
We pray in Your mighty Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Rear Admiral Gregory Todd
Eternal Father, ruler of wind and wave, You establish the heavens and order all of creation. Behold Your humble people, seeking only to serve and not to be served. Grant all who labor in this House a heart of humble service.
While the U.S. Navy Chaplain Corps celebrates 249 years of a sacred mission of caring for the souls of sailors, marines, coastguardsmen, and their families, we are recently reminded of the relevance of our mission as U.S. sailors in the Red Sea have faced the enemy in combat, wielding the sword for our Nation and facing their own mortality. Grant Your divine protection to all of our ships at sea and all who labor to defend our Nation. Keep their families in Your care while they are deployed, and grant them a joyful, joyful reunion.
Lord, as Navy chaplains seek to care for our flock, by Your mercy, send us more chaplains to fill our ranks. The need is great, but the laborers are few. Grant us more Navy chaplains to care for our Nation’s greatest treasure: our sons and daughters.
Into Your divine hands we commit our prayer, trusting in Your divine mercy. Amen.
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Senate – Rev. Lisa Wink Schultz
Eternal Lord God, Your Word says that those who do not walk in the counsel of the ungodly will be blessed. You also tell us that those who delight in Your Word day and night are like fruitful trees planted by streams of water.
Today, let Your Word guide those who serve here on Capitol Hill. Infuse our Senators and their staff with Your presence, power, and peace. Lord, make Your power available to them hour by hour so that they will have the physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual stamina to complete the duties of this day.
We pray in Your gracious Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
Almighty God, our shield and defender, our guide and friend, we praise You. For it is You who provides us counsel every hour of every day. Even at night, You instruct our hearts. We will never be shaken if we keep our eyes on You. With You at our right hand, we will not be led astray.
Therefore, on this day, may our hearts be glad and our tongues rejoice. May our bodies rest secure, for You will not abandon us to destruction, nor will You let those who remain faithful to You see the end of hope.
For You make known to us the path of life. You fill us with joy as You make Your presence known to us each day.
On this day, may we live, work, and love reflecting our gratitude for the bounty of countless and unimaginable gifts You have bestowed on us. May we reveal the joy of our faith in the eternal pleasure You desire for us.
In Your generous and gracious name we pray. Amen.
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Senate – Rev. Lisa Wink Schultz
Almighty God, You have given us this Nation for our heritage. Today, we ask that You keep us mindful of Your favor and glad to do Your will.
Use the Members of this body to labor for justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with You. Give them the wisdom to use their power for the healing of our land. Keep their goals high, vision clear, and minds keen. Lord, do for them more than they can ask or imagine, according to Your power, working in and through them.
We pray in Your righteous Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
Sovereign God, You and You alone know the plans You have for each one of us, for this body, and for this Nation. In Your mercy, You have promised that what You have designed for us is for our welfare and not for our harm, to give us a future with hope.
We call upon You then and pray to You, trusting in Your divine provision, claiming what You have promised, even when Your will is not always clear to us, even when the problems of the present prevent us from imagining the favorable future You have foretold.
In the concerns and confusions that clutter our lives, we search for You. We seek You with our whole hearts. Lord, let us find You.
Restore to us the fortune of faith: the assuredness, the confidence, and the conviction that is ours when we acknowledge Your divine hand in our lives and Your favor upon us. It is in Your merciful name we dare to pray. Amen.
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
O God of light and truth, in these tumultuous times, enable our Senators to hear Your still, small voice. May this awareness of Your presence renew their spirit and lift their vision of what this Nation can become by Your grace. May they be people dedicated to moral values and determined to live by the highest ethical standards possible.
Lord, keep them from success that is purchased by deviating from the path of wholehearted obedience. Enable them to experience the constancy of Your presence so that they will choose the harder right and leave a legacy that honors You.
We pray in Your mighty Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
Holy and eternal God, the source of light in our darkness and the hope of our world in these days and always, help us in opening our eyes to and rejoice in the hope that is ours on this day.
Teach us how to be patient in tribulation, to refrain from getting caught up in the arguments that pit one side against one another, to avoid fueling fires of discord and division. Show us instead how to reach within our souls and draw from Your deep well of mercy and Your steadfast loving kindness, that the urgency and sense of instancy to react would dissolve into forbearance with one another and a calm that will enable us to see Your will.
Even as we pause to bow our heads in this moment, may we be inspired to be constant in prayer, to realize that You walk with us throughout the day, ever available to receive our petitions, to hear our pleadings, and to respond to our deepest needs.
Reveal Your divine spirit among us today as we claim Your name in prayer. Amen.
Monday, December 9, 2024
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Eternal God, in a turbulent world, our eyes look to You. Today, give our Senators Your grace and wisdom. Because of Your grace, may they find such inner peace that it will prompt them to reach out to one another and accomplish great things for Your glory. Because of Your wisdom, may they face today’s challenges with confidence, knowing that You order the steps of good people.
Lord, give all who work on Capitol Hill a special discernment to know and do Your will. Remove their strain and stress, and let their ordered lives confess the beauty of Your peace.
We pray in Your magnificent Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
The Earth belongs to You, O Lord, and the fullness thereof. Therefore, let the fullness of this day remain in Your care and keeping.
May everything that comes to our minds be filled with Your wisdom and discernment. Let every sentiment that passes through our souls reflect the fullness of Your compassion and mercy.
In all that we do or say today may our words and actions be fully laden with Your message of love and grace for Your people.
We lift up our heads, our hands, and our hearts to seek Your face. We lift up our heads, our hands, and our hearts to You, O God, the king of glory, that You would enter in.
May Your strength and might lead us in the way we should go, and may You be glorified in all that we accomplish.
In Your sovereign name, we pray. Amen.
Friday, December 6, 2024
House of Representatives – Reverend Christopher Legg
O Lord, King of Kings, Abba Father, and friend, help me to remember that every prayer is before You, the creator of all things and the lover of our souls.
Whether we acknowledge You or not, guard us and guide us. Be our vision and our wisdom, and protect us from our own.
Search us, know us, try us, and reveal us. See if there be any grievous way in us, and lead us in the way everlasting.
Forgive us our pride, our lies, lack of appreciation for Your truth and Your love. We know You are doing a new thing. We see it springing up. Make known to us the path of life, help us experience the full joy of Your presence and the eternal pleasures at Your right hand.
We ask all of this according to the sanctifying work of Your spirit, for obedience to Your Son and the sprinkling of His blood, and according to Your perfect knowledge. Amen.
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Author of Life, who put into our hearts such deep desires that we cannot be at peace until we rest in You, mercifully guide our lawmakers on the path of Your choosing. May Your Holy Word be for them a lamp and a light in these challenging times. Lord, keep them mindful of the importance of being people of integrity, striving to please You in all that they do. Make them women and men of principle, who share a strong vision of a godly nation with a promising future. May their humility match Your willingness to help them and their dependence on You liberate them from anxiety about what the future holds.
We pray in Your sovereign Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
Creator God, You have privileged us with the mandate to sow seeds of peace and love, justice and mercy. You, who are the source of all life, have entrusted us with the care for one another in the time we share together on this great Earth.
On these men and women in these Chambers You have laid the mantle of governance and leadership, calling on them to be wise in the sowing of wisdom, careful in the establishment of laws, discerning when making choices which will direct the future of our Nation.
As they bear the concerns of their constituents, give them both clarity and conscientiousness. May they aim for civility and not division.
May all of us who gather in this place who labor for both the welfare of our country and the common good of its citizens reap the joy of our labors and the fruit of our faithfulness as we each seek to be good stewards of Your generous bounty.
With the guidance of Your spirit to lead us this day, we offer our prayer in Your sovereign name. Amen.
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Eternal Lord God, You inhabit all ages and all worlds. Dwell among our Senators today. Tune their hearts to Your purposes, and open their lips to speak Your wisdom.
Lord, infuse them with Your Spirit so that their work will make a positive impact on our Nation and world. Banish their anxieties as You provide them with a faith strong enough to face whatever challenges they must confront. Give them openness of mind in order that they might perceive Your will more clearly, sincerity of heart that they might love You more profoundly, and clarity of purpose that they might serve You more devotedly.
We pray in Your loving Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
Gracious and generous God, prepare our hearts and minds to receive all that You provide, both seen and unseen, in the days that lay ahead of us.
You have opened wide doors of opportunities for us to make a difference in this place, our communities, and our world. May we walk through those doors with confidence and with firm conviction, and may we glorify You in our work today.
When those moments prove challenging, when adversaries attempt to thwart our efforts to serve as vessels for the goodness, hope, love, and peace You have poured into us, may we stand firm in our faith. May our lives in the face of all trials serve as a testament to Your mercy and grace.
We entrust this day our deliberations and our discussions into Your care, sure of Your steadfast love and emboldened by Your abiding presence.
In Your sovereign name we pray. Amen.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Eternal, unchanging God, You are our rock, our fortress, and our stronghold. Empower our lawmakers to change in ways that will render them more faithful to Your will and more responsive to Your call. May they develop such moral and ethical fitness that they will clearly comprehend Your desires and be eager to do Your will.
Lord, as they grow in grace and in knowledge of You, deliver them from the bonds of fear as You turn their spirits toward the light of Your presence. May the knowledge of Your blessings to our Nation and world bring us all to a deeper commitment to You.
We pray in Your merciful Name. Amen.
House of Representatives – Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben
Emmanuel, God with us, come and ransom us from all that seeks to hold us captive. Release us from our fears, attend to us in our loneliness, bring us back from our exile, and receive us once again into the certainty of Your favor.
You who are wisdom, who has ordered all things, show us the path of Your knowledge, and teach us the ways we should go.
Bright morning star, bring us Your comfort. Divine dayspring, shine down on us the promise of Your kingdom and bring us Your consolation. Light of the world, dispel the shadows of our night and turn our darkness into day.
O come, O King of kings, come and bind our hearts to Your own. Bid cease all our sad divisions. Shake all the nations so that our deepest desires for Your justice and mercy would be revealed. Fill this House and our lives with Your glory. King of peace, reign in our lives this day.
For it is in Your sovereign name we pray. Amen.
Monday, December 2, 2024
Senate – Dr. Barry C. Black
Eternal God, we give You our lives, for You alone are our mighty fortress. You have been our help in ages past. You continue to be our hope for the years to come. Remind us that those who trust You are on the road to peace. You show us the path of integrity and point out the way that we should follow.
Lord, continue to lead our lawmakers by Your truth, for You are the God who sustains them. May they find delight in the knowledge of Your holiness so that their lives will glorify You. Guide them as they seek to find common ground.
We pray in Your great Name. Amen.
(Prayers from the Senate and the House of Representatives. Photo Credit: Canva)
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Dignatory, I pray,
Consider this woman, who through no fault of her own, found herself beset with soul-disabling difficulties while trying to follow God: Hagar, a single mom, was forced inti the desert with her boy to die of thirst.
“The forest afflictions never appear intolerable, except when we see them in the wrong light.”
-Brother Lawrence
Elizabeth Christensen
Dignatory, I pray,
Consider this woman, who through no fault of her own, found herself beset with soul-disabling difficulties while trying to follow God: Hagar, a single mom, was forced inti the desert with her boy to die of thirst.
“The forest afflictions never appear intolerable, except when we see them in the wrong light.”
-Brother Lawrence
Elizabeth Christensen
Furthermore, Nicholas Herman 1605 France, changed his thinking to enjoy things like washing pots and pans in the monastery like Brother Lawrence, so much so, that they called him Brother Lawrence!
Dignatary, please help Trump with the task ahead of HIM!
Elizabeth Christensen
We pray for Your Holy Spirit covering over congressional members and their families. Prayer for the office of chaplaincy. Thst is be guided by Your spirit and not the spirit of men.. That no confusion exists between declaring Your will persists in any way in the People’s House.
In Yeshu’s mighty name,
Father, we thank You for allowing our nation’s leaders to be covered in prayer daily. We ask YOUR guidance & direction for the chaplains as they pray before each session opens, & individually with our Congressmen. Lord, we declare REVIVAL, RESTORATION & TRANSFORMATION of EVERY SINGLE MEMBER OF CONGRESS, their staffs & families. We decree that, in Jesus’ name, REVIVIAL will hit as chaplains pray every morning & we WILL SEE Congressmen running to the “altar”, repenting & turning (returning) to You. This will NOT be a flash in the pan occurrence, but a solid, lasting, HOLY movement of God in their midst! In Jesus’ name!
These prayers are so humbling and necessary for all the millions + voters anxious for the best…prayers thank you…..A. Tossi [email protected]
Heavenly Father, You are the just Judge and the righteous Lawgiver. Today, O Lord, we unite in prayer for our legislative branch of government, the United States Congress – the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. We pray that our senators and representatives, will be political leaders who believe in the absolute truth of Your mighty and holy Word. Give us political leaders who believe in the Ten Commandments, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America and its Bill of Rights. We ask that these political leaders who are wise and understanding and by their good conduct they will show their works in the meekness of wisdom. May they be free from bitter jealousy and selfish ambition to avoid disorder and vile practice. Give them wisdom that comes down from above, which is peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, and sincere. May we as Your children vote for candidates of integrity who will uphold the Constitution of the United States of America and its Bill of Rights, always ethical and fair in their deliberations and judgments. When temptations arise, reveal the way of escape and give our elected senators and representatives the strength to stand for truth and righteousness and pass laws that will honor You. Lord God, O Abba, give them discernment to walk in paths of righteousness, revering Your Name. We pray that those who oppose Your will for our nation, the United States of America, will come to the knowledge of the truth and choose to voluntarily carry out Your plans for our nation. In Christ Jesus’ mighty and holy Name, and by His authority, I pray. Amen.
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Date: sáb., 3 de dez. de 2022 às 11:23
On Sat, Dec 3, 2022 at 12:37 PM WALDIR DE MESQUITA wrote:
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De: Federal Bureau of Investigation
Date: sex., 2 de dez. de 2022 às 12:30
Este é para certificar que seu fundo no valor de dezessete milhões e quinhentos mil dólares americanos (US$ 17.500.000) em favor do Sr. mais atraso, não será cobrado novamente Isso está de acordo com a lei do Federal Bureau Of Investigation (FBI), Parágrafo 15, seção 10A, sub 3B, que declara que qualquer remessa que sai do mar deve ter um certificado de aprovação e deve ser certificada pagando para obter o certificado de aprovação para liberar livre de qualquer Origem Criminosa Nome do Beneficiário: Sr. Waldir De Mesquita
Valor: $ 17.500.000,00 Escritório(s) de Liquidação Nome: Federal Bureau Of Investigation(FBI) Código de referência: USA7751 CEP 001 Data de emissão: 2 de dezembro de 2022
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Este certificado é emitido hoje, 2 de dezembro de 2022
Heavenly Father, dear Abba, You are the just Judge and the righteous Lawgiver. I am here to help build up the wall and stand in the breach before You for our nation, the United States of America. Today, I unite with others in prayer for our Legislative Branch of Government – the United States Congress and our senators and representatives. I pray that they will be elected officials who believe in the absolute truth of Your Word. Please give us elected political leaders who believe in their hearts and minds in the Ten Commandments, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution of the United States of America and its Bill of Rights. I ask for Congressional candidates who are wise and understanding and by their good conduct they will show their works in the meekness of wisdom. May they be free from bitter jealousy and selfish ambition. Give them Your wisdom and discernment, which is peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, and sincere. May we, the citizens of the United States of America, cast our votes for candidates of integrity who will uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, always ethical and fair in their deliberations and judgments. When tempted, reveal the way of escape and give our Congressional Leaders the strength to stand for truth and righteousness and pass laws that will honor You. I pray that those who oppose Your will for our nation, the United States of America, will come to the knowledge of the truth and choose to carry out Your plans for our country in the mighty and holy Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by His authority. Amen.
Intervene to the glory of Your name, O God, that we get what Your name deserves and we repent for what our name deserves. Amen!
A special called global day of prayer today for America’s elections. 7-10am eastern time. We do join in prayer and asking for God’s special heart of friendship to the godly as stated in the proverbs. We also pray Jesus’ future prayer for the believers if love, unity, and protection. Strengthen our faith that we may hold on to what we have by the power poured onto mankind of the Holy Spirit to live peaceable lives under the government we deserve. Intervene to the glory of Your name, O God, that we get what Your name deserves and we repent for what our name deserves. Amen!
2 Chron 7:14-16 “Then if My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways. I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.”
Thank you Father Jesus
Father God, thank you for the prayers from those who love you,Lay on our hearts a deep desire to bow before You in contrition and worship.Forgive us thru the blood of Jesus. Bless Mike Johnson as
a leader. May he request the Republican House body to first pray for forgiveness and bow in sorrow for wrongs then seek guidance from You. When this step is taken, may you destroy wicked gifts of dirty money and pour out your gifts of money and needed funds to elect your chosen political leaders. May we walk in your guidance, protection and money. Anoint Mike Johnson with your Holy Spirit and lead him your way. In Jesus Name, Amen
Not Forgiven
Heavenly Father, As we gather today as a united prayer organization, the Intercessors for America, praying for the welfare and survival of our nation, the United States of America, and its citizens, I feel it would be prudent to reflect on the words of one of our nation’s past Presidents, President Ronald Reagan (1981-1989), who spoke these words:
“I believe with all my heart that standing up for America means standing up for the God who has blessed our land. We need God’s help to guide our nation through stormy seas. But we can’t expect Him to protect America in a crisis if we just leave Him over on the shelf in our day – to – day living.”
O Lord, I now pray that all Believers will remove You from their shelves and call You by Your Name – the Great ‘I am’; that they will humble themselves before Your mighty and holy Presence; that they will search for You; pray to You, and; turn from their evil ways. Then, O Lord, we can claim Your promise that You will hear their prayers from Heaven; forgive their sins, and; heal our country, the United States of America. Thank You for hearing our prayer on this day! In Christ Jesus’ mighty and holy Name, and b y His Authority, I pray. Amen.
Father God I pray Psalms 1:1-3 over the Senate and House Chaplain!!
Psalm 1:1-3 NKJV
Blessed is the man Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful; [2] But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night. [3] He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper.
Father God,
May our Nation turn to You. May those who share the Heritage of those who know Your Name (Ps.61:5), humble themselves to rise above divisive, political, or religious spirits to cry out in love to You that You would bring Your healing, deliverance, and Wisdom.
If we are coming to You for answers to our prayers for the United States of America, we must come humbly, under the Banner of Love for our fellow man, not hatred, or anger, or partisanship. That is the opposite of how most of us feel or react as we see our nation crumbling. That is our battlefield.
Father, as You teach us the truth, may we stand United as You brought Unity at the formation of this nation. May we keep eternity in view. And May You be glorified in our nation.
Amen 🙏
Eloquent prayers. But why are you asking God to fix what you’ve allowed to be broken. It’s your job to defund unconstitutional and communist behavior of the deep state. Do your job!
I began procuring 100/hour in my leisure time by finishing responsibilities with my PC that I got from this organization I coincidentally found on the web… ve Check it out, and begin acquiring yourself . I can say my life is improved totally! Look at it
what I do…….
Praying that GOD will raise up individual’s who have a relationship and a fear of who GOD is and are willing to say to God here i am send me
This is our goliath moment.!
And we know that God is greater than any goliath that man throws at us we serve the Lord of heaven’s armies, and God will prevail. Praise be to God, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Amen Amen Amen!!!
The last prayer entered in April 12th. Will you be adding current prayers?
I am praying for our country to turn back to God. Thank God for our chaplain s. We need total restoration in our country, schools, churches, and in our government when we repent the Lord says he hears us, and he will restore us. May God be glorified in Jesus name.
Heavenly Father, I now claim the promise of Your beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, when He proclaimed: “Also, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about something and pray for it, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. This is true because if two or three people come together in my name, I am there with them.” [Matthew 18:19-20 (NCV)] Please hear the prayers of the Intercessors for America for our beloved country, the United States of America. By Your Grace and Power, lead us into a new day of racial harmony in our country, a day in which Your name is again lifted high in our nation, the United States of America, and the rule of law is honored by all. Please grant us spiritual, political, and cultural leaders who will speak to us with Your wisdom and Your truth. Please renew us in heart, mind, and spirit that we may once again be “One Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”. Thank You for hearing my prayer! In Jesus’ mighty and holy name, and His authority, I pray. Amen.
Heavenly Father, God of Peace and Harmony, You would have Your children on earth live together in peace and quietness. Frustrate the plans of all evil men who would stir up violence and strife; spoil the weapons of those who delight in war and bloodshed; and according to Your mighty and holy will, end all wars in the world. Mercifully hear my prayer and grant us peace in our days. In Jesus’ mighty and holy name, and by His authority, I pray. Amen.
Heavenly Father, in the Holy Scriptures, 2 Chronicles 7:14 [GW], You have promised: “However, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, pray, search for me, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear their prayer from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their country.” I now pray in sincere, faithful, and fervent intercessory prayer that Your people will call upon Your mighty and holy name; that they will humble themselves before You – the Lord God; that they will pray to You and find You in their hearts, and; that they will STOP their evil ways! Then by Your merciful and compassionate promise, You will hear their prayer from heaven; forgive their sin, and hear their land – the United States of America! In Christ Jesus’ mighty and holy name, and by His authority, I pray for the United States of America! Amen.
Strengthen and protect him in Jesus’ name!
Give us both wisdom and conviction! Thank You LORD.
Proverbs 24:24 He that saith unto the wicked, Thou are righteous; him shall the people curse, nations shall abhor him:
25 But to them that rebuke him shall be delight, and a good blessing shall come upon them.
26 Every man shall kiss his lips that giveth a right answer.
1 Samuel 25:39
: for the Lord hath returned the wickedness of Nabal upon his own head.
Proverbs 26:26-27
26 Whose hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness shall be shewed before the whole congregation.
27 Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him
Matthew 18:22
Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.
Father, may you honor your word to let the peoples eyes be opened to see the devil in our world for who he is and who is doing his bidding… Then, let the people rebuke evil humanity that works wickedness and bring about reversing the curse and the evil intended for our nation.
Bring your justice to bear upon the Bidens and all those who agree with the destruction of your lands, both Israel and America. May their evil be exposed publicly returning evil upon their own heads as you did Nabal for not only refusing to bless your people, but also for railing against them.
May even those who are brought to our land, intending to be part of our destruction, “find the righteous a delight, rewarding and thanking them.”
Jesus you instructed us to forgive over and over, because THAT’S what you do! Father God, you ARE the God of second chances. Therefore, because we KNOW that as in 2016, victory came from YOU alone; as repentant intercessors who stand in the gap for the land and a church that missed the mark then… when YOU choose once again to stretch forth your scepter of favor, to reach out your right hand of power in the FULLNESS of our season and speak your will into being, it will be to the saving of the people, the benefit of rich and poor alike and the acknowledgement by all of the gospel, giving you and you alone all the glory and honor for victory again! Do not forget us Lord, position your body. Give us the opportunity to work your works in these last days, take advantage of our last apportioned time of peace to preach the gospel, and activate a second chance to fulfill all righteousness. All praise to you our God who cannot fail, who watches over his word…who blesses those who love you to a 1000 generations..bring RENEWAL!
You are and always will be, the
In Jesus name
Father God I pray Psalm 1:1-3 NKJV
Blessed is the man Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful; [2] But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night. [3] He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper. Father that you would continue to guide the right men and women of God to our Government!!
Dear Jesus,
First. Forgive the US sins, the secret ones, the obvious ones, all the US sins from the time that God ordained and created the US. May God ,even now, reveal all the evil and lies that are in our government now. Because of our government, thousands of young people have died because of the open borders, and they will NEVER come back to life in this present body, plus all the babies that was aborted. God hates abortion.
And, we His children need to cry out day and night for directions and obeying Of God’s wisdom and directions. Praying for the Congress to only do what God wants.NOT what they think is rights or wrong.NO lies, deceptions. My way, or anything else that would limit God’s directions. We are in a VERY critical time in history, and in order to survive, the US. Must obey God. If you don’t know how, read your Bible everyday and talk, pray to Jesus. Jesus. HE WILL ANSWER.
This video answers your questions. It’s Pastor Jack Hibbs being interviewed about his prayer in Congress weeks ago that was in Jesus’ name. pastor Jack Hibbs interviewed about his Prayer in Congress weeks ago. Praying in Jesus’ name, mentioning repentance and judgment. In the interview he mentions that he had to submit an “acceptable” prayer according to some rules. He then wrote the prayer he spoke later after he felt convicted about the previous one he submitted. He also mentions how the Chaplains thanked him for his prayer.
None state ‘in the name of Jesus’ why not? If that name offends, then what good is the prayer?!
Amen. May Yoir humility be always upon them.
🙏for for the justice for 5 . Thank you.
Lord I agree with Barry Black’s prayer “in the name of Jesus, Lord of lords and King of all kings”
Matthew 16: 15 – 17. “But what about you? He asked. Who do you say I am?”
Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
Jesus replied, “Blessed are you Simon Peter, son of Jonah , for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by My Father in Heaven. ….. “
Matthew 10: 26 “So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.”
:32 “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in Heaven. But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in Heaven.”
Many have responded that the majority of these prayers are not prayed In Jesus Name and I agree.
So who are they praying to?
EL OLAM – Everlasting, Eternal God;
Jesus The Christ – Son of Man, Logos;
Holy Spirit – Paraclete:
Help us. Open eyes to Your Majesty.
Supernaturally reveal Your Holiness and Power so that those who pray for this nation pray in the Name of Immanuel,
Jesus the Christ.
I will bow to no other Name.
In Jesus the Christ Name
I love the fact we had 23k that prayed. Let’s keep the number climbing.
Father I ask in Jesus name that by the power of the Holy Spirit you breathe on these chaplains as they pray for the senators of the states each morning. Your word says in Ezekiel to prophecy to the wind and say to the wind. Come from the four winds, o breath and breathe upon the slain that they may live. We declare your word that these chaplain have a freshness of Holy Spirit on them to pray your righteous prayer in Jesus name for our senators and congressman amen!!
These are wonderful prayers, being lifted up by these chaplains. My prayer, is, that the people who are being prayed FOR will have ears to hear what Holy Spirit is saying to them. They are the people who need ALL the prayers that we can offer up for them. We need to never grow weary in doing good- in this case, interceding for our leaders. We also need to expect these prayers of intercession to change things. After all, we need to rest in the scripture, which states that with God, ALL things are possible. May Your will be done in all houses of our government- federal, state, and local. Thank You, Jesus.
Let us remember to end our prayer I Jesus Name!
Father God, Your Word declares that all nations are yours. We stand in agreement over the United States of America. We declare that it is a godly nation that serves Your purposes, in Jesus Name. Bless our leaders and give them wisdom as they seek to do Your will for our country. May they rule with equity and justice and uphold Your principles, in Jesus Name. We praise You and thank You for Your faithfulness. May Your will be done. Amen!
My prayer is that more congress men and women and judges join in morning prayer. The more we humble ourselves than you will heal our land, America.
Father I pray that the chaplains have the faith and courage to pray IN JESUS’ NAME.
Heavenly Father, I pray for protection for Senator Chuck Grassley as he continues to investigate corruption in our government. Send holy warring angels to surround him as he speaks out against the aggressors. Give others in the Senate and the House the courage to speak out against policies that intimidate citizens. In the name of Jesus I ask these things, Amen
I rely on the Faith God has given me and do trust in his ways only.
Dear Lord, may our leaders have Godly wisdom.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7
Lord , We are so grateful for Your protection against drones. We ask that You continue to protect us from harm. Pray Ps 91 over us.
Lord I ask that you would engage your army in prayer around those who see the truth and put out your wisdom and protection. Surround them with other like minded people to help them stand against the enemy, allow your truth and justice to reign,
In Jesus name amen
Amen 🙏🙌
And God Bless us, everyone
Our Father, we ask that You be will us in this time of need. We know that You tell us to look up and not be afraid. Help us to see that this Nation was built on Your word. One Nation under God and freedom for all people that believe in Jesus as our savior. So, we will Trust and Obey-for there’s no other way. Your time to come is on the way. Let all the nations awake to stand up for God’s land-ISRAEL!
Peace ✌️ and love and freedom for all people
Father God, I pray that all house members would repent from any sin You reveal to them, and that they hear Your voice louder than any other, obey what You desire and carry out their plan and purpose You have for their lives as they serve You and us for Your honor and glory in Jesus Name amen.
Father God, in the Name of Jesus our Lord, we pray for fresh annointings of Your Spirit to rest upon these Chaplains who are these vital possitions that they shall, day by , pray Your perfect will be done in the chambers of Congress and the Senate!
I agree in Jesus mighty name, Amen
Our Father in Heaven,
This is no time for poetic prayers, LORD GOD.
Desperate cries from our heart is what is needed in these days of increasing evil and unfathomable wickedness. Cries like those of the innocent little babies in agony while being murdered in the womb of their mothers. YOU hear those cries, GOD!
LORD GOD grant us the grace to be REAL with you and ask in accordance with YOUR will. YOU are not swayed by poetry but by TRUTH–the painful, agonizing TRUTH! So help me, GOD! In Jesus Name, Amen..
Abba Father, please bring our country back to Yeshua. Please block all demonic agendas, that have been afflicted on our people. Lastly, Father protect our children.
Happy 86th birthday 🎉
Amen. Amen.
Today is in the first hour of my 86th birthday and I am mad, sad and glad, all at the same time but Abba Father God and Lord Jesus are still in charge of what will be, and they will exercise their will at a time of their own choosing when they enforce their will. Amen
I did not know that house and senate started each day with prayer. I suspect that it is not very effective!
They need to tune in to Gods word more closely as he is who gave all of them life. Would they give an invitation to someone like Franklin Graham.
Give our leaders a desire from YOU Father to restore law and order, to walk with honesty and integrity and to understand the position they have to leave a legacy for their families and for our United States of America
In Jesus Name we call upon You God!
I see weak pastoring, fearing men over God. I hear bless our leaders, which they are not but mearly we the people’s servents. I hear bless them, why bless them? We are to bless Our God. We dare ask for blessings while our politicians support full tern genocide on the innocent. They have lost their way, pushing every obomination into the public, and arresting believers for preaching God’s word but pushing trans and evil. They allow Satanists in the people’s house. I pray these weak pastors will speak God’s truth and pierce the heart and soul of those listening.
Lord God,
ThankYou for the Chaplains who have been called to honor and serve You and others, in our Government, especially in a dark and troubling time. . Father I am declaring that You are bringing refreshment, wisdom, knowledge, and courage to those men and women ministering in the Name of Almighty God.
Lord, May they see Your gracious Hand upholding them and drawing them to Yourself!
I am declaring and asking for Ephesians 3:17-19 to be upon the Chaplains of the US Senate and House……Lord, I join with Paul and all who love You to Bless these Servants.
Father I ask You, Almighty God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ , the Father of Glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the Hope of His calling, what are the riches of the Glory of His inheritance in the saints,and what is the exceeding Greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the work of His Mighty power.
Be refreshed, be strengthened to go and serve the Lord in newness and Great Joy!
Why does a ‘Christian’ site post generic religious prayers – surely this is against your whole reason for existence.
Amen! Amen! I agree!
It’s information for us to know what is going on, and to pray for the Chaplins to be brave to pray IN JESUS’ NAME.
Both the Senate and House of Representative chaplains served as Naval officers and chaplains. I do not know what naval protocol is in terms of using the name of Jesus when addressing crowds with non-believers.
Scrolling down prayers from the last few months others said that name of Jesus, I saw two different pastors do this.
IFA leadership, do you have a relationship with Chaplains Black (Senate) and Kibben (House of Representatives)? Are they asking for believers in Christ to agree with them in prayer?
If so, can you please address the question brought up in this article?
This article is written by Sonny Hernandez.
FROM WND: Sonny Hernandez is the director for Reforming America Ministries and also a U.S. Air Force Chaplain. He earned a Doctorate from Tennessee Temple University and is active in public debates on theological topics and the Constitution.
In Christ, with Love,
Only the Lord sees our heart of hearts. We judge ourselves, not others.
With love.
And ye shall know them by their fruit! We judge fruit with a righteous judgement!
May we be held accountable when it made me recognize our sin maybe we confess our sin may we turn from our sin may we hold those accountable when there is know and recognized sex trafficking and exploration may the eyes and fearful of heart their neighborhood cars trailers suspected as normalize in their Community our Senate and in our legislation be revealed✨ may we father hold one another accountable am i my brother’s keeper yes we are our brothers keeper we will not hold blood stained hands lifted up to heaven and God’s Presence’
Abba Father your word says all nations belong to you. We stand that the United States of America is a Godly nation in Jesus name. Bless our leaders to seek your will for our country and rule with equity and justice and uphold God principles and rulership in Jesus name. Thankyou for inspiring and guiding our leadership with wisdom.
Thank you Reverend Asriel McLain for mentioning Jesus in your prayer. Why are the chaplains not able to say “Jesus”? Fear of man? Of a non-Christian faith?
Oh Jesus we so desperately need you in our legislature! Isaiah foretold of government upon your shoulders. Our forefathers fought and died for their love of the freedom only you provide. Oh Jesus, clean house! Bring us back to dependence on you, and honor your name and authority.
Wonderful to see JESUS name honored in these prayers Pastor Bullock. I always scroll to the end of the prayer and have never until today seen “in JESUS name”. There’s some flowery way of not using JESUS. Like “in your mighty name” etc. but not JESUS. Thanks for the courage. Hope you don’t get fired.
Not ONE in Jesus’ name!!!!!!!!!!!!
GLORY TO GOD AND PEACE TO HIS PEOPLE ON EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heavenly Father, we ask You to give Your servants boldness, if the House and Senate Chaplains are believers in Jesus, they should not be ashamed or hesitant to declare it. We know that You recognize those who are Yours, and did even before they were ready to acknowledge You. This also was true of Your son, Jesus. May those who know You be bold yet gracious, and may those who do not truly know You admit it and seek out those who do.
Sorry, not one of those prayers will be answered because not one was prayed in Jesus’ name.
Jesus, we pray over the negotiations of the debt ceiling crisis right now. We bind the purse of America in Jesus name. We cut spending in Jesus name. We rebuke every misuse of taxpayer dollars in the name of Jesus Christ. We declare it is time to reduce taxes on American citizens and spending by the federal government. We plead the blood of Jesus over these negotiations and asked that a sound budget that honors the King of kings and Lord of lords prevails! We ask for mercy Father God for we have sinned greatly. Jesus you have blessed us with trillions of dollars and we have failed to steward this money in a way that honors you or even sound financial principles. Jesus, the waste, misuse, fraud, greed, mismanagement, and purposeful spending in areas of gross and perverse sin is to our shame. To be so blessed and spend with no accountability or reverence to the One who blessed with such great wealth is humiliating. Forgive us and do not allow this gross spending to continue. Stop those who want to spend more!
Holy Spirit, we invite you into these negotiations and ask that God’s will concerning the finances of American will be made manifest.
We bind every demonic influence and seal them in the blood of Jesus. We bind the spirit of Anti Christ and decree it is not allowed to operate or spend from the purse of America any longer in the name of Jesus. We loose the will of Heaven over the negotiations and thank you Jesus for saving and delivering us from those who want to advance this gross spending.
In Jesus’s name, amen.
heavenly Father, Abba, we do glorify and magnify your name, the name that is above every name the name of Jesus! Lord, without you we are nothing, but with you and your host of heavenly angels, we are a majority. cleanse, purge, restore the lost, heal the broken, bring down the proud that they may know u are God alone there is no other. 2 kings 3:25–29, it is a simple thing for you to throw off our enemies. we have enemies within. sanctify. we ask all this in Jesus name! amen!
Lord, hear the prayers of righteous leaders, and of all aligned to your Word — and prick the hearts of your people to pray DAILY in your name in order to cause repentance and healing in our land — healing that can only come through you. We hold to your promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14.
Father God we pray for wisdom today for the Texas Legislature that is voting on SB 14 and gender surgeries which are harmful to young adults. Let them vote to keep the people’s body parts in tact while we pray for their salvation. In Jesus name I pray .Amen
2 Chronicles 7:14 New Century Version (NCV)
Then if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, if they will pray and seek me and stop their evil ways, I will hear them from heaven. I will forgive their sin, and I will heal their land. Sovereign Father, Lord God, I Am, cause this prayer to be the truth of our lives, and those representing Your Nation, America, that we will hear from You, and You alone will defeat the enemy of all souls, and heal our broken land.In the Holy name of Yeshua, Amen.
Father God the government rests on Jesus’s shoulders Wonderful Councilor let all that represent us also represent Him … 🙏 please come into the hearts minds and souls of our leaders and convictt their hearts to do right by You and in turn us Christians … thank You for hearing our prayers in Jesus mighty name we pray 🙏 ✨✝️✨
Lord in heaven praise your Holy name. You know what is best for our nation. Please enter the hearts of our leaders and guide them to make decisions that will align with Christian values and to protect our children. In Jesus name Amen
Honesty, Patience, Kindness, Moderation, Humility, Courage, Perserverance, Compassion, Hope, Charity, Generosity, Wisdom, Gentleness.
We all possess these qualities…
In business, politics, relationships and in acts——when we pollute the water upstream, the people downstream will suffer.
Praying. From Maryland
Father, we ask that your light would be over our nation. Stop evil; replace false gods that are ruling with the light of your Word and the Holy Spirit hovering over our nation, bringing us repentance and restoration. We praise your name.
The way to our Father is only through Jesus Christ. It’s so sad how all these prayers fail (by design apparently) to mention the ONLY One who gave His blood to make us righteous and the ONLY One, JESUS, who gives us the privilege of approaching the throne of God with our requests.
Father God we pray in JESUS’ NAME, for these chaplains to be bold and courageous, to know You and embrace Your Son Jesus. Not to shrink back and cower in the face of persecution and pressure or whitewash their prayers to be “politically correct.”
I believe God has turned away from this nation. We have corrupt servents and spineless ones in our government. They have no clue what is written in our constitution or federalist papers, as it is not required any longer to read them. Government is to serve americans. They are not leaders but servents. It is we the people. We have corrupt faux church bodies allowing every blasphemous act against a Holy God. This nation is a stain filled wirh rotten fruit. We have allowed other countries to infiltrate our ways that reject Christ. Our lord allowed isreal to be overcome by enemies for forgetting him and practicing pagan worship. The Lord’s judgement is upon us because of weak faux churches, who are supposedly representing Him. To many support abortion, and the alphabet cult because they are self appointed teachers and have no fear of denying His authority in scripture. You cannot mix faiths to build a bridge.
God is doing powerful things in this nation. Don’t believe the lies of the enemy to make you think that God has turned away from this nation.
The move against Roe vs. Wade was the first domino to fall against the corruption in this country. It’s a belief war, a spiritual war, and an information war.
God has spoke to many people about this country and it’s coming rise again and I even saw in a vision about what the role of the Church is in this next stage of growth for the USA. By God’s grace.
We are to lift up the nation and to help to heal it as representatives of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
Yes LORD, now more than ever, please let YOUR HOLY SPIRIT move in each heart with The Truth of How YOU are. Also, that all believers in the political system stand for what is YOUR WILL. Also that all the corruption be exposed. In JESUS NAME, amen. Thank YOU LORD for answered prayer
In Jesus Name , we give thanks for the United States and its Government. We hold up in prayer before you the men and women who are in positions of Authority. We pray and intercede for The President members of Congress both in the senate and The House of Representatives. Reveal yourself to them and bring them closer to you , each in their own unique way that they may hear your voice clearly and district. Speak to them truth , integrity Justice , and fairness Let them declare as King David did that how and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity Psalms 133: 1 Jesus we believe what you said what is impossible with man is possible with God.
I pray that our leaders would be God -fearing and recognize that they are accountable to Him for each decision and act.
Proverbs 9:10
I pray in Jesus Name for John Voight. And I stand with him , as we continue to stand with President Trump. He’s still our President as far as I’m concerned. Not Biden.
Holy Holy Holy God. You are sovereign over all the earth. Your Name is precious to your people.. We appeal to You now to set everything in Your perfect working order.. YOU alone, are GOD and there is no other. Your Kingdom COME, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven! Hallelujah
God Bless everyone in our Country, Defend our Constitutional laws. Stop the fraud and killing of innocent people being used as human trafficking and prostitution. Thank Jesus every day for His taking care of our country and the world. One day every nation will bow before our Lord. Amen
I don’t see the mighty glorious Name of Jesus in any of these prayers.
Did not the disciples say, “:Lord teach us to pray” ?
And did Jesus not say, ‘Whatsoever you ask in My Name it will be done for you.”
You have not because you ask not.
You ask amiss.
In the mighty, glorious Name of our wonderful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, may you learn how to pray in accordance with His will, in accordance with His directions. In Jesus Name, Amen.
According to I Timothy 2:1-3. I Pray for Righteousness and Integrity that our Government will act in accordance with God’s with God’s will. Pray for Wisdom for The Cabinet,and leading Civil Servants. Pray for Christians working in the various Government departments. That God will use them as positive influence and a powerful witness. I pray in The Name of the Lord Jesus for our Former President,Current President Vice President, all the Cabinet and The Chief Justices and Associate Justices of The Supreme Court to receive the Wisdom and for the Power of God to flow in their lives. In Jesus Name. Amen
I have a word for President Trump. On the AM of Jan. 20th, 2021 was praying and wondering what one little woman could do in this situation. I was in the Word and turned to Job Chapter 5, vs 12 & 13 in the Amplified version. I pray, decree and declare this over the situation we are in right now. Please come into agreement!
12. He frustrates the devices of the crafty so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise or anything of lasting worth.
13. He catches the so called wise in their trickiness and the counsel of the schemers is brought to a quick end!
I pray that the Lord will strengthen and reinforce President Trump in his inner man. The Word of the Lord says.. ..This weapon that has been formed against him will not prosper. Every word that has risen up against him will be shown to be in the worn! Now the angels watch over the Word of the Lord to perform it! AMEN!!!
Woo-Hoo Ekklesia, arise! In Jesus’ name and for His honor and glory. Amen!
Romans 12
father God we come to you this morning with all supplication we come to you in all of humbleness and graciousness just to praise your holy name not asking you for anything today Father God just to tell you thank you thank you for being king of King Lord of lords ruler of everything what you guys to have a very blessed day to the Senate to all chaplains and everyone in the White House Husslaz faith White House .
Our God was protect our Country and leaders to make the choices through our Lord Amen. Protect our children from the evil of lesbians and gay lifestyle teaching and transgender treatment. With God every minute of the day. God Bless America Amen
Our God, thank You for Chaplain Grun Kibben and Chaplain Black.
The prayer of Your chaplain servant is right.
We are a nation in terrible trouble. We are a nation in distress. We are a nation that has lost its way. We are overwhelmed with sorrow and anxiety, and we suffocate in thick darkness.
We have forgotten You, and we have ceased to ask for the ancient ways, for the good path. This morning, families grieve. LORD, These levels of demented violence are more than we can take. And yes, the nation is torn — like the curtain in the temple, from top to bottom. And yes, the nation is divided — not united. This is because we have forsaken You.
Yes, we have sinned. We have strayed far. “Woe to us, for we have sinned.”
Chaplain Kibben’s prayer is true.
LORD, will You forgive us? Will You turn Your eye, Your ear, Your heart toward us — will You return us to You? Please bring us back to Yourself. We can’t survive without You.
We are desperate. Will You hear us, help us, save us?
Lord, we thank You for the Chaplains of the Senate and the House, Dr. Barry C. Black and Reverend Margaret Grun Kibben. Thank You for allowing them to keep God in our government. Strengthen them as they guide and shepherd our elected leaders. Bless them and establish the work of their hands, Father.
Lord Jesus be with us at this time as we aim to grow in our faith. Help us to trust in you lord and to know that you are working all things out for our good. Please forgive us of our sins lord and let your word be the proof in our lives. Let our faith be the evidence. We know your ways are higher and that we are sometimes weak but we also know that you are with us in our struggles. In times of silence you carry us through. Always. Let your word prevail in our leaders as we push through struggle and as we aim to form a better nation that walks closer to you. Help us teach our children and each other. Help us to help one another and to be good warriors for Christ.
In your name,
Father God, thank you for all that we have, all that you have given us. Thank you for our families and friends Lord. Thank you for being who you are. Thank you for your protection, your support and love. Thank you for your compassion and kindness. Thank you for being you. Please guide us during these difficult times Lord when we are uncertain where to turn and what to do. Please be a light to our path and show us your ways. We live you Lord. Amen
“Ask anything in MY NAME and I will do it!” That NAME is JESUS! Who seems to not be mentioned by name in these prayers! FATHER GOD please let these chaplains come into a saving knowledge of YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST and let them pray scripture in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS! Amen!
Thank you, Chaplains of the House and Senate, for these heartfelt and inspiring prayers to our God and Father–and thank you, IFA, for bringing them to our attention!
Amen to that. Our Father is a good God.
Just as the Apostle Paul at Iconium, give these Senators and Chaplains the same courage to speak body with reliance upon You, Lord! Give them each an overwhelming amount of opportunities to preach the Gospel to those that You are drawing to Yourself!
Lord, it is a heavy responsibility our leaders face. We ask for a desire on their part to seek Your will in all they do. And we ask protection for them, their families and their character. We thank You in advance for hearing and answering our prayers, in Jesus’ Name. Amen
I am sharing a portion of The Flashpoint prayers and Decrees for our Government and Leaders. Pray and Decree with me and others—Whereas: * We, the church are Gods governing Body on the earth. *We have been given legal power and authority from heaven. * Through the power of God, we are His world influencers. We make our Declarations: • We decree that Americas executive branch of Government will honor God and defend The Constitution. • We decree that our legislative branch ( Congress will write only laws that are righteous and constitutional). • We decree that our judicial system will issue rulings that are Biblical and constitutional. • We decree that that we stand against wokeness, the occult, and every attempt against our Nation. • These are a few I will share more when it is needed. Be Blessed this gives us extra power to speak directly to God. Thank you Jesus for all of the power that will come from voices to go Directly to Heaven. 🧎♀️🧎♀️🧎♀️🧎♀️🧎♀️🧎♀️🧎♀️🇺🇸✝️ I thank all of the prayer Warriors who join in and believe.
Thank you for your Devine hand that has placed each one of these chaplains in this place of government. I pray Psalms 91 over each of them and their families. Renew them daily with your wisdom and discernment. Open the hearts of those you have put them there to minister to. I ask in agreement of the prayers of the saints Father that way be made for your Glory, that a breakthrough is coming for your complete glory in our government. Let America be the light Father that you intended. We stand with you Father. In Jesus mighty powerful name. Amen
I thank you Father God for our powerful praying Chaplins in our government I will agree and decree with their prayers for our nation and our world.
Matthew 18:19-20 “Again, I say unto you, That if two (or more) of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father, which is in heaven. For where two or more are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them.
You arevthe author of life out pour upon your servant as you have designed and purposed of heavens alignment all that this Senator will be Strong and Courages to obey your will upon this land.
To please you in all that she thinks feels moves by your devine Holy Spirits will
In Jesus name
Thank you and bless each of you, Chaplains Kibben, Black and Pastors! It is a privilege to pray your prayers and to pray for you as you lead our nation’s legislators spiritually.
Thank you Lord, for these servants of our nation. Give them wisdom and understanding and guide their words and actions as they lead us.
Thank you Lord for your word to guide us.. strengthen us Lord every morning,noon and all day long to be steadfast growing in the knowledge and understanding of you and your word so that we do not turn away from your commandments and precepts in the mighty name of Jesus and we give you thanks and praise… Amen
Amen. And NC the lab grown meat plant going up in Wilson… probably not a good idea. Best to stay in the what God gave us lane. Lab grown meat doesn’t seem safe, and could possibly have a mutating effect on health. I love Israel 🇮🇱, but this is America 🇺🇸.
We thank the LORD for our Constitution and our founding Fathers,and our Congress and Senate members that want to do the right thing and try to keep some christian values in our society.But the truth of the matter is that really nothing is going to change unless our leaders come to the reality of JESUS as their Savior. GOD want’s is to pray for their salvation,but until that time comes we will live in a society that hates GOD. These are the cold hard facts. AMEN.
God has used even unbelieving, pagan, and unrighteous leaders–even believing leaders walking in disobedience to accomplish His will in history: Saul, Solomon, Ahab, Hezekiah, Nebuchadnezzar, Abraham’s father-in-law Jethro, Samson, Moses, Eli, David, Peter.
Behold I am the LORD, the God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for me? Jeremiah 32:27..Heaven Father’s put into the hearts and minds of our leaders to better the Nation in their respective roles. Righteousness will rule as a septure good laws to rule the land. No00am compromises. Changes hearts today today, give solutions that benefit right living no dysfunctional.
Father, thank You for this country and thie Constitution that is unique and honors You. Thank You for every sincere congress member and senate member and their staff. Bless them with wisdom and courage and discernment. Help them to prioritize what You prioritize and to not get bogged down by pettiness and less worthy battles. Deliver them from those who would try to corrupt them with bribes or threats or deception. Empower them to do their jobs well, and if any have been deceived, reveal it to them and help them to take the responsibility they hold seriously. Father, You have delivered us in the past in miraculous ways, and You are still able to expose what needs to be exposed and to stop any destructive plans in their tracks. Have mercy on us and help us to walk worthy as individuals and as a nation. In Jesus’ Name. Amen
I pray for God’s will to be done in each of their lives so that they become who Yehovah God created them to be for the destiny He designed for them to accomplish.
In Yeshua’s Holy Name. Yes and Amen!
Que Dieu protege vos Etats et Representant
Please also give them eyes to see the truth of what they are being told. Please also give them ears to hear YOUR TRUTH in all decision matters as our governing representatives in this Congress, each day. We ask this in The Name above every name . JESUS.
Father God as you continue to speak to us that listen to you let us always remember to start our day with prayer thanking you for everything that you do father God this country needs you so much needs prayer and we need to put you back where you belong in our homes in our schools and the United States of America continue to wake people up realizing there’s nothing in this Evil dark and dying world we need to be in your light all the time and Jesus name I pray
Father God forgive us. Lord change our hearts from serving ourselves to living Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Help us God, to turn from sin and flowery words, and to lay our hearts before you seeking your mercy and your will. Save our great country Lord which you ordained when we choose your ways. Help us to repent from choosing evil over good. Bring us to our knees as a country. Cause your people to rise up and look onto you, repent and to hear from heaven as you stated in your word. Our hope is only in you God! Root out the evil and deception from our society and leader ship.
Yes, but who are they praying to when a majority voted to pass that bogus marriage (equity) oops, equality act? If the congress voters supporting all of the evil done since biden got in office are on the congressional prayer team, no wonder our country is in such a mess! FATHER GOD please help those true believers in congress that know YOU to pray for YOUR Will alone to be done in America from now on! Let the true believers come out from among the congressional non-believers and “be ye separate” in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!
Father God I praise you for people that begin their day in government with prayer Lord asking you to show them what they need to do Lord for that day and direct their steps let it overflow to the people that need to understand who is truly in charge it is you Lord touch the people that are totally oblivious to Lord and make them aware that you will have your way in everything in life father God thank you for bringing awareness to people to pray to you you want all your children to pray Lord to you this is our conversation too in Jesus name I pray thank you Lord for everything you do and who you are
Oh Father, Holy is your name, above and below and in between. Thank you for this day, thank you for the many blessings, the many truths that you bring forth in our lives. While many cry for this country and their comfortable lives, I cry for their souls, I cry for words to pray in the name of Jesus Christ. I do not write empty words to impress, but words from my heart with power from above to reach into the depths of men’s souls who produce lip service to this nation and God of all creation.
I pray these words Father, from the book of Matthew 12. “25 And knowing their thoughts Jesus said to them, “Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and any city or house divided against itself will not stand. 26 If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then will his kingdom stand? 27 If I by Beelzebul cast out demons, by whom do your sons cast them out? For this reason they will be your judges. 28 But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. 29 Or how can anyone enter the strong man’s house and carry off his property, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house.
30 He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me scatters.
31 “Therefore I say to you, any sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven people, but blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven. 32 Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come.
33 “Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for the tree is known by its fruit. 34 You brood of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak [ad]what is good? For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart. 35 The good man brings out of his good treasure [ae]what is good; and the evil man brings out of his evil treasure [what is evil. 36 But I tell you that every [ag]careless word that people [ah]speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment. 37 For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”
Thank you Father God for your word, thank you for hearing my prayer, for hearing my heart and the hearts of your children being enslaved daily in this world and in this nation. Let Jesus reign, by His blood and the power of the resurrection overcome these dark and evil forces and roll the stone away. Let us rise up to you in power and in grace, by your word and in your love everlasting once again trample the walls of Jericho and of evil men. In Jesus almighty name, Amen.
Oh dear Lord, our country is a hot mess. Lives are being destroyed. Children are being used in unlawful ways. Please protect the small ones. Give parents the right to safe their children.
Dear God, I am never going to stop praying for our beloved nation that you have blessed us with. May the USA be a continuing blessing for all who inhabit it. May you change the hearts and minds of all who wish to change it from your blessings. God, please restrain the evil doers from having any triumph against those who love you. Please strip the evil ones from power immediately and install your people into those positions. I am never going to stop praying. I am never going to stop believing. I will never give up. Never ever. Not for one moment, because you are more than great enough to change this nation into the most wonderful and righteous place to live on earth. I pray with steadfastness that you will deliver your people from the bondage placed on your nation by evil people. Many will be the days that I will endure all necessary to see the glory of your promises on this wonderful nation again. We ask of all this in the name of your precious son, Jesus. Amen.
Almighty Father, let your light hold me to my Faith, and commitment to serve you alone.
May your light shine through me speaking of your Glory.
I be strong in Spirit, (holy spirit) to serve. May I be open to learn your will through all I do.
May my energy be one of Peaceful intent and may my words be of kind consideration of your will.
Father I thank you that congress and senate open up with prayer! I think that this should be shown to the American people and the world every time they open up!! Amen
Sadly many pray to an “all inclusive” god and not to Creator Yehovah God.
God thank you for your blessings on your people. God, we know that your plan for our nation is better than our own.
Please guide all your children who love you to victory. Wonderful God, please destroy the plans of the wicked against our nation. Please our beloved God, change the hearts of all in power who choose to do evil in darkness. Dear God, we ask for a brilliant light to guide and place your anointed children to lead this nation.
Oh wonderful God, please turn the plans of the evil into the weapon we need to overthrow all of them, from their positions of power.
Let us all praise the name of Jesus in the United States of America and all surrender to the perfect will that you have for us who love and fear you.
To you, God, who can do all of this for us, we ask of this in the name of your glorious son, Jesus. Amen
Father God I pray for this nation we call home. We praise You we live in such a nation. The freedoms we share, the liberty we have. May Your hand of mercy be upon our leaders and the people of this nation to be bold and stand for what is right and not cower from the enemy. May righteousness prevail, truth prevail and justice to stand as a benchmark for all the world to see. Your hand, Your love and Your great peace upon this land. May there be repentance and an outcry for more of You Lord and to set our eyes and our hearts on things above, not things of this world which are passing away. In Jesus Holy name. Amen.
What is wrong with you? Not one of these “prayers” are addressed to Jehovah God in the name of Jesus Christ His Son!!!!!!!!!!!!
Father God I lift up everybody that is in a political position maybe I realize who comes first and that you father God then the people of each and every state and Country comes second in the last is the politicians that are hired by the people father God give them a heart that wants to serve you fully protector rights Lord we have rights that no one in this world can take away from us only you can Lord took the people that are in these political positions the wisdom to know right from wrong God grant them serenity to realize what their job is and to do it to the best ability as Servants of many many people father God take all this evilness and make it right in Jesus name I pray
Father God you are definitely Jehovah Jireh my provider my father God my everything in Jesus name I pray
Please keep comments positive everyone is praying to the same God there is three in one the father Son and Holy Spirit to argue about this at these very dark and evil times is not what this site is all about it’s okay how you feel but not everybody thinks the same way but praise the same way thank you God bless you I will be praying for you
The Truth is always positive whether anyone wants to hear it or not! Our GOD in HIS WORD the Bible is very specific on how we should pray! We are to make our requests known in the Name of JESUS! If Congress is not praying to the GOD of the Bible in the Name of JESUS, they may as well shut up! Generic, ecumenical prayers fall to the ground and die! FATHER GOD please let YOUR people read YOUR WORD and be governed by it alone in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS! Amen!
And that Name is Jesus. Amen.
Lord, Mighty in strength and in battle, I as for You to show up as congress prays. Fill the room with Your presence and holy angels. Terrify the corrupt in their hearts or woo them gently, but what ever happens, please let freedom ring and Your glorious will be done.
In Jesus’ all mighty name, Amen.
Lord God Almighty, Creator of all, Holy are You. I ask for You to bless America with a spirit of repentance and turn us from our stiff necked ways. I repent for our idolatry, our callousness toward Your gift of human life, humanism and our independent spirit that says we don’t need God we are sufficient. We see how frail and undone we are since we have rejected You and the safety of Your ways. I declare Jesus Lord over America and Your Holy Ghost fire of cleansing to sweep over our nation from coast to coast and border to border and throughout the nations of the world. Lord, nothing is impossible for You. Amen
Lord, please pray for the Federal Leadership our country needs desperately to Congress and Senate. We have budget’s out of wack because of past and present Covid19 spending.
We need your guidance on the raises from COLA for seniors who receive money from Social Security.
We need to be aware of President Biden’s spending with our NATO countries around the world.
We have our own natural disasters like hurricane Ian which has ravaged part’s of Florida. And unfortunately we have other hurricane’s coming in over next few weeks. Father God Florida needs a repreve and not get another major hurricane on the west coast of Florida.
Please watch over all those without food, electricity and gas. That help is is coming soon.
In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.
Lord have mercy on Florida..please help her recover..protect her vulnerability in this time..let your guardian angels keep watch in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen
by Eva
Hide! Distort! Misuse! Abuse!
Weaken all thoughts, leaving minds confused
About the Holy Scriptures (G-D’s Word divine),
His power and authority, His works and signs.
“No sin!” you say. “No Savior!” “No Cross!”
“No throne of G-D!” “He’s dead!” “No loss!”
Deception has entered the House of G-D.
False prophets and teachers on His Holy Word have trod.
Seducing spirits have entered in:
Deceiving spirits encouraging sin.
Satanic confederacy is fast at work;
Around every corner, great evil lurks.
O’ Saints of G-D, keep G-D’s camp free!
Obey His voice and with His Word, agree!
Be not afraid! Be strong and true
In your allegiance to Christ: G-D’s Hope born in you!
Come out of the world and be one with Him!
Let not the Light of His glory in you grow dim!
Stand guard! Stand faithful! Stand ever so true!
Do all for G-D’s glory in all that you do!
My Faith Votes Weekly Devotional
My Faith Votes / This Week’s Focus: I Can Only Imagine
“I can only imagine what it would be like when I walk by Your side….”
Like millions of others, I love the song I can only imagine by MercyMe. The lyrics adequately express how words can’t describe what it will be like to walk with Jesus and see Him face to face. Until He returns, we can only imagine.
Unlike us, the disciples in the New Testament didn’t have to imagine what it was like to be in the physical presence of God. They heard His stories, laughed with Him, learned from Him, and prayed with Him. There was never a dull moment as His followers watched Jesus restore sight to the blind, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons, calm angry storms, raise the dead, and feed the multitudes. Word spread quickly; before long, it was hard for Jesus to go anywhere without crowds surrounding Him.
Fast forward to the Garden of Gethsemane, where a large multitude came to arrest Jesus. The religious leaders wanted to destroy Him, so they made false accusations, had mock trials during the night, and brought Jesus before Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor, the next day.
During Passover, a custom in Jerusalem allowed Pilate to commute one prisoner’s death sentence by popular acclaim. The crowd was allowed to choose one prisoner to be released. Before them stood Jesus, the Righteous One, and Barabbas, a murderer. The angry mob cast their vote and chose Barabbas. The Bible tells us, “they were insistent, with loud voices, demanding that He be crucified. And their voices began to prevail” (Luke 23:23). The religious leaders understood the best way to push Pilate in a specific direction was by the voice of the multitudes.
My question has always been, where were the multitudes who previously surrounded Jesus? Where were the crowds who witnessed His power and glory? Where were the 5,000 people who Jesus lovingly provided for and fed? Where were the lepers He cleansed? Where were the people He healed? Why didn’t those who knew Jesus show up (despite their fear) and take a stand for righteousness as passionately as those with an evil plan did? In today’s terms, where were His constituents? Why weren’t they there to counter the false narratives and lies with the truth? Why weren’t their voices loud and insistent?
We know that Jesus fulfilled prophecy and did what He entered our world to do when He went to the cross on our behalf. That being said, the actions of those who participated in betraying Him (unless they truly repented) will have to stand before God fully accountable for their sin.
Today, wicked agendas and evil plans are once again trying to destroy righteousness. We must counter these attacks. One of the ways is by making our voices heard at the ballot box by casting our votes for biblical values. If we remain silent, rest assured that the opposition won’t. When we genuinely love our neighbor as ourselves, we will speak on behalf of the unborn, marriages, families, and the religious freedoms that the enemy seeks to eradicate.
I can only imagine what it was like to walk with Jesus as the disciples did. I can only imagine what it will be like to walk with Him in eternity. Until then, may we walk in step with the Spirit to protect and defend those things we hold dear.
Can you imagine how this world would look if God’s children stood as one, courageously took action, and chased the darkness away?
by: Jennifer McAlister, Communications, My Faith Votes
This Week’s Passage: Daniel 11:32
“The people who know their God will be strong and take action.”
Pray: Dear Lord, We praise you for protecting and defending us. You faced evil head-on and prevailed. Remind our hearts that You called us to be lights in this world. When we unite as one, darkness has no choice but to flee. May we never hide in fear but rise and shine for our good and Your glory. In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen
Think: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” – Ronald Reagan
Act: Today, we see everything that has to do with life and godliness being arbitrated through the court systems, which is why a basic understanding of how our judicial branch works is critical. To this end, My Faith Votes created A Christian Voter’s Resource Guide to Understanding the American Justice Systems. This downloadable PDF provides an easy overview of our federal and state courts, ideas on how to pray for your judges, and a description of the role you play in determining who sits in those seats. Please make use of this free resource and share it with others!
Dear Lord our God,
Please guide and transmit Your will to these leaders that are in the White House, whether or not they’re Christian. If they are not believers then they need Your guidance more than ever. Also, draw each of these leaders to Jesus as none can come to the Father except through the Son, and none can come to the Son except the Spirit of the Lord draw them.
We ask You and thank You in Jesus Most Holy Name.
Father of grace and mercy, You have not dealt with us according to our sins, nor punished us according to our iniquities. For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is Your mercy toward those who fear You; as far as the east is from the west, so far have You removed our transgressions from us. Just as a father has compassion on his children, so You O Lord have compassion on those who fear You. (Ps 103: 10-13)
Praise God, His purpose is being lived out in our government! This is so encouraging, King Jesus has our government on His shoulders! We live you Jesus! Keep praying saints!
I found a booked written by Rand Paul at a used book store yesterday its title is Our Presidents & Their Prayers Proclamations of Faith by American Leaders.
Praise God for His work in our nation! Lord, forgive us as we have sinned against you and Lord, help us. We are weak, but we still have You! Amen
Holy God Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth and all that is therein, I repent and ask forgiveness for the sins of America and for our iniquities which are many.
I am not impressed by the nonsectarian prayers by Chaplains. We need Your Spirit of Repentance and prayer in the name of Jesus/Yeshua, Wonderful, Counselor, Prince of Peace Who carry’s the government on His shoulder. We need to realize the lack of true repentance and the consequences of departing from Your Word.
Jesus paid the price for our Freedom and redemption to Heavenly Father. Father, we lift Jesus higher than any other name for He is the soon coming Bridegroom, our King of kings and Lord of Lords and ask You to have mercy upon us. Your mercies are new each morning and Your grace is sufficient for us. We are weak but Your strength is made perfect in our weakness. Forgive us for doing things in our own strength and by our own wisdom instead of relying totally upon YOU.
I agree. Salvation is in no other name than Jesus. Prayers- without directing them to Jesus, out of fear and regardless of consequences – will fall to the ground they have nowhere to go.
Yes, Father, I do thank you that our Congress continues to open their daily sessions in prayer. But are their hearts far from You, Mighty God? Can they not say The NAME? For it is by the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord that we are saved, and at that name that every knee should bow and every tongue should confess the LORDSHIP of Jesus Christ, to the glory of God the Father. No, I haven’t read every prayer recorded here, but these first several are spoken only in “your name”. Yes, it is precious. Yes it is merciful, but it is to be spoken. Speak it, may Your saints, speak it out loud! Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! or Yeshua! By what language we address our Christ, men may judge, but speak it! For only by that Name will this land be purged of its curse and redeemed. May a fervor break out in the hearts of believers among our representatives, among our Senate. May truth be spoken in boldness and may the blinders fall from the unsaved among their peers and a great awakening occur in our United States. Father, please grant this plea spoken in the Matchless Name of Jesus my LORD.
Father God, good leaders, come from you. Lord, this nation needs leaders with discerning hearts and wise minds. We come to you today asking you to give us wise leaders that will lead this nation in the right direction. Remove wrong people that are corrupt and living against your word from influential positions. Let our leaders be people who honor your holy name for it is only from you that they will get true wisdom. It is in the mighty name of Jesus that we believe and pray, Amen.
Abba Father, Thank you for your grace and mercy. As we come together in agreement in the Commonwealth of Virginia, we ask you forgive our sins and send revival. Awaken the church to fight the battle that is waging war on our children. Give us wisdom knowledge and understanding in this very present battle. Amen
Just a note to all come from John 20:31. May the God and creator of all and sustainer of
all, watch over us and draw us back to you, O Lord our God, amen.
God of Israel I pray for your grace of the Holy Spirit to be at work in us to have faith in your promise of 2 Chron 7:14! That if we yield to your Spirit and confess and repent of all our evil you will heal our land and remove the ungodly leaders we now have! Who are pushing their ungodly policies with all the power of their heart mind and soul! So that they can lie with full conviction they are saying the truth! And show no care that open borders are like forcing others (but not them) to unlock their front door and put a sign in their front yard of ALL ARE WELCOME HERE‼
God I lift up prayers for Families today that suffered lost one’s in 911. I lift up And ask for Gods blessings on America. Today I stand in honor of The One True God that keeps us and protects us. I ask for Gods protection over us we seem to be fighting many attacks on us. God bring on your fire of an Awakening that will transpose your presence, because again we seem to be under attack of evil darkness again. We will take this country back, we call upon you to send your Angels to protect us from the fiery darts the enemy are planning to use against us. Jesus we are waiting for your directions and knowledge to guide us as we proceed to stand agains this evil wokeness. Thank u Father for all u do through your power to help make us ambassadors over earth. 🧎♀️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
As I was reading my Bible this morning I was reminded of Our Covenant with God. In the Old Testament God had a Covenant with Abraham, God made promises to Abraham that many seeds would be one. God promised to care for Abraham and his ( descendants), we have that same promise today as you read through Genesis / Exodus things were not always perfect. Nature existed from the fall of Adam/Eve called sin. As I prayed today Gods revealing love was understandably powerful and supreme. Israel trampled the Covenant but through Moses intervention God forgave them. Jesus thank you making me understand the importance of your son Jesus that paid the ultimate sacrifice on the cross with shed blood and this had to be resolved. The curse remains today and we see what is happening in America and other nations. The curse was in the earth when Adam bowed his ( knee) to Satan. Thank you Father God for the plan of Forgiveness you made a way through your son Christ Jesus who had no SIN—Jesus walked perfect before God under the Covenant to control laws of nature. In Hebrews 4:15 it explains that Jesus was tempted as much as man is today to take on sin. Jesus fulfilled the terms of the old covenant and brought a new covenant into being. This covenant was sealed for life to stand is between our God and Jesus Christ. Christ a immortal man incapable of failure. God will not fail. Jesus was capable of failure as he walked on earth but he stood the test as we stand tests daily as humans. Jesus paid it All for US.—(He was taken ILLEGALLY by Satan into the bowels of earth; Satan thought he had Won A victory “ but God proclaimed” “ it is enough” Jesus came out of Hell in the Power of God. I lift up prayer that hundreds of people men, women, children will feel the urgency and power of God tugging at their souls to understand Redemption in their homes, in their lives, pray they feel the tub of the Holy Spirit speaking to them as they pray asking forgiveness. The old covent was shedding of the blood through circumcision, the New Convent was shedding of blood on the cross.🩸 John: 1:29) Jesus who was the sacrificial Lamb. I pray that many will pull their Bibles out and understand what Father God is doing now to save His Children making them realize that as His Children he cares about stolen elections, he cares about the Ministers of churches failing people, he cares about our schools and the dirt being taught, he cares about getting good food, he cares about us getting to heaven after death that is why he has given the GIFT of SALVATION to us so that we may have eternal life with him. I pray that people realize Jesus Ministry of salvation is available to the Believers today. Believing in Jesus and asking forgiveness is essential, Gods words is what feeds us daily and promises to keep us safe and promises if we ask him to protect us & our families. Build up your Faith to stand against the principality we are fighting. This destructive force we face daily is violent, dangerous; this radical group of un- believers that has been filled with demonic spirits of hate want the God in us to be gone. Satan thinks he has power to destroy God.😂 I am laughing because it will not happen. We must keep our tools of prayer ready to push back against all they throw at us using Gods words and Decrees. We decree that evil Carrie’s no Power, have no Authority over us, our homes, schools, churches, our Land, we declare now we are taking back our God-Given Freedoms according to our Constitution and God’s Words. Father God we pray for our Leaders in Congress, Senators, Governor’s, and other officials representing America that they stand against wokeness, and evil agendas against our Nation. God I lift up the Bill that ILLINOIS has formed to pass in January 2023. It is straight from the mouth of Satan so evil it could finish off IL. I take authority and bind this demonic spirit bill that it will not pass even if the Governor has his signature plastered on it. I am thanking God in advance for His intervention that this Bill and others that are being brought forward will FAIL. I lift the other Intercessor’s in prayer today that they will be filled with such power these prayers will shake the earth. God I hope I did justice to what you showed me too speak on today. I praise you for all you do. I am truly blessed to be a part of a powerful group that is fighting to save America. 🧎♀️
Awesome job Pricilla!
May this be Done Lord. Amen!
Lord, embolden us who are praying men and women so that when we pray unto You we use Your Holy name- Jesus. Let it be that the name of Jesus is invoked in prayer, for You Jesus, our Lord, have paid the heavy price of salvation for all of humanity and through You we have been given grace and mercy forever! May You be glorified for Your great work of love for us all forever! You, Lord Jesus, are Holy and worthy of all honor, praise, and glory! Amen!
I am blessed and encouraged. Chaplain Kibben has the gift of lacing the Sciptures through her prayers. I think our Father is pleased. May He bless many hearts as they hear.
May God continue to increase His great power upon those who receive revelation in understanding and wisdom. Therefore, all instructions have been given to all man-kind. The Bible covers all things good and bad concerns, as to how we all should and should not live?
May the Holy Spirit once more pour out His virture and antointing upon those who receive it to do His will in the earth as it is in Heaven.
May we receive revelation concerning our spoken words and what we are “thinking” daily. We were not created to think ungodly things. So whatever is in a man’s heart is what He shall speak. We should on things above in heaven. Says, the Aposle Paul and Jesus our Great High Priest.
We all must stand in remembrance that God himself through Christ has given us great delegated authority. Every born again believer has His Name and Jesus in Lord.
May God the Father, God the Holy Spirit and God the Son of the Living God bestow upon even greater works than Jesus Christ. One can put flight a thousand and Seven can put to flight One Billion. May unity of the Holy Spirit fall upon the Lord’s anointed ones in Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
Heavenly Father, thank you for your love, wisdom, and plan. Please keep our representoratives within your sights and strengthen them to be wise for all of us and not have their own agenda. I pray for their families and friends for hope, joy, and love from you, so that they acknowledge your presence and power. I ask all of this in Jesus’s Holy and precious name… Amen!!!
Thank you, Father for prayers from our Congress and leaders seeking your guidance.
Father, breathe on the praying church today. Work through the power of Holy Spirit to offset weariness, confusion, despair, and fear. You have raised up a company of spiritual warriors, determined representatives of Christ, who intend to see Your Kingdom come and will be done on earth. Strengthen them to finish well.. We ask for divine intervention regarding China and the other evil forces in the world. We do not refer to the Chinese people whom we love and pray for as evil, but of evil dictators there and elsewhere. Keep them from overcoming America in this hour of weakness. Jesus we lift up our words toward the gates of Heaven that they will not fall on stony ground. Jesus we have released our prayers to cover many delicate situations ( like the one in Kansas), several primaries. Jesus I know many people are getting weary, but I remind them Phil: 4:13 is essential/ I (we) can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (us). Apply these words from our Father they work.
We decree that with Holy Spirit’s help, we are turning America back to God! Amen. Acts 10:38
The Kraken was released with Obergefell. Every prediction of Christian persecution in America warned about has happened.
Don’t let Republican Senators overturn Bill Clinton’s Defense of Marriage Act and make Obergefell a Federal law.
Should be the only prayer from everyone right now. And as John Stonestreet begs, please call your Senator.
If he was a real chaplain he’d be praying that Republican Senators not overturn Bill Clinton’s Defense of Marriage Act.
See what Breakpoint and John Stonestreet have to say.
http s://
Like that you pray. So needed.
Like that you pray. So needed.
Thank you Lord for your ever lasting love I pray for our leaders and people in authority to hear your voice, I speak life and understanding for our country that we submit to your ways and not our ways. May the bridges be built in love, faith and you as our foundation. Amen
Our government is corrupt and yet God’s presence is still evident by the prayers of Godly people allowed by the corrupt. God knows who they are talking about when the prayer ends in one of Jesus names, such as Redeemer. Praise God. Open eyes and ears as only you can. Renew minds and change desires of hearts as only you can. Heavenly Father. Raise up bold and courageous prayer warriors. Glorify yourself in the midst of the corruption. Bring forth your light out of the darkness.
I had no idea that prayers are being prayed at the start of each day in our legislative branch of government. May our saving Father God hear the prayers prayed and guide each and every one of the legislature’s decisions, ideas, thoughts and ❤️!
Watch “Is Government the New God? – The Religion of Totalitarianism” on YouTube
So very eloquent.. but I’m with the group of you who wonder why they-every one- left JESUS out.
I think a great prayer topic would be that these chaplains would be filled with th Holy Spirit and maybe even pray in th spirit from th house floor!! I can’t imagine approaching the Father without the blood of Jesus covering my humanness . God may your spirit fall on these guys and spread through the politicians hearing their prayers.. In Jesus blessed name we petition your throne
Amen! I wonder if their prayers are even heard. (Acts 4: 17-20) 17 But to stop this thing from spreading any further among the people, we must warn them to speak no longer to anyone in this name.”
18 Then they called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. 19 But Peter and John replied, “Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judges! 20 As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”
👍 perfect scripture verse Carmen !!
Amen, I am in agreement. Lord we also ask for wisdom and guidance as we take our stand against evil in Jesus name.
“Just now I implore a renewal of those prayers with increased earnestness, for a revival of religion is greatly needed; and it would be a sure evidence of its speedy coming, if believers united in prayer for it. Already the flame is kindled at the Tabernacle, but it needs to be fanned into a mighty conflagration. Our country requires a divine visitation, and the promise of it only needs to be pleaded to be fulfilled. Brethren, as one man, cry mightily to the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, beseeching him to put his hand to the work, and magnify his Son in the eyes of all the people. Standing where Satan’s seat is, in the midst of ten thousand idols, I beseech those who worship God in the spirit to wrestle in prayer for times of refreshing, that all lands may know that Jesus Christ is Lord. How long shall the name of Jesus be blasphemed by the idolatries of Antichrist? It may be that the times of darkness will last till the children of light cry out bitterly, day and night, by reason of soul anguish. Then will God avenge his own elect, and that speedily.
As I have trodden the Appian way I have rejoiced that Jesus, whom Paul preached, is yet alive, and is certain in due season to put down his enemies. Already he has desolated the Colosseum where his faithful martyrs poured forth their blood; the pagan power has fallen, and so also shall the papal, and all other which opposes his kingdom. Let us proclaim a spiritual crusade, and set up our banners by redoubled prayer. It is certain that supplication produces marvellous results in heaven and earth; its power is proven in our own personal experience, and throughout the history of the church. Brethren, LET US PRAY.”
Yours, for Jesus’ sake,
Thank You for placing God first with prayer, as He deserves to be. God bless the House and Senate. May You lead as instructed with wisdom from on high. Lead and not follow. Hearing the voice of God.
Father, We ThankYou for the people You have called to guide and minister to the men and women serving in the United States Congress. We know this is a challenging mission in the best of times, but as our Nation is in serious crisis and division, even more so. We ask You, Holy Father to impart Your wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to these Servants as they seek You for Your direction. May they always seek You first, and speak Your truth in love and stand in Your righteousness as You keep them under Your Wings! In the beautiful Name of Your Son, Yeshua. Amen
Truth. Amen. Glory to God as those who Know Him as Lord And King .. JESUS. Pray in His Name and do, in Actuality and Fact. R Prevailing !! Thank You Jesus Christ for Watching Over Your Word to Perform it!! Amen Ukraine 🇺🇦. Look to The Lord JESUS CHRIST. Only. !!
Father, thank you for the prayers of these Chaplains. May they touch the heart of each Senator and Representative, given each the desire to hear your voice and give their lives to you.
Heavenly Father in Jesus Christ name please send your Holy Spirit to reign in our hearts so that the words of Congresses prayers can be lived out. Forgive us for our hard and stoney hearts and once again give us a heart of flesh with love and devotion to you and our nation and our communities. We can’t do any of this without your help. For Christ in us is the hope of our glory and Yours. Amen
Amen, it was good, everything was in its place working the way You created it. It was good.
Father may Thy Kingdom come and Thy will be done now in our lives and in our country, a country founded by you. May Your Light that overcomes the darkness shine bright in D.C., the Capitol, the White House, and the Supreme Court. Have mercy on us. In Your Mighty Name Yeshua we pray, amen.
Father, please send your angels to protect your people–alll who stand with You in love and compassion, standing for goodness and for life. Please protect them as well as the locations where they live and serve. May those who hate be astounded by your power and glory, and may their eyes and hearts finally perceive your love for them. Come, Holy Spirit.
Amen, We specifically name the Supreme Court Justices who stood for pre-born life and the Tenth Amendment, Senator Rand Paul and others who have been attacked (such as Steve Scalise) and all who would stand for your truth as House members and Senators.
None of the chaplains mention the name Jesus in their prayers. What’s up with that?
I pray for each members body, soul, spirit, heart & mind. I pray they they are (or soon will be) born again tongue talking believers who are madly in love with doing government according to God’s WORD. I pray that they actively pray during prayer meetings. That they are strong encouragers to fellow believers and that they are open doors to finding Jesus to those whom are yet to become believers. I pray that they are open conduits for miracles, signs, and wonders to flow through them. I pray that they are exceedingly accomplished in explaining why governing God’s way is the right way and why any other way will lead to a great downfall. I thank YOU Jesus for saving them and placing them in Your seats of authority in the governing of the USA! AMEN!
I just started listening to, and casually following.. our modern prophets, last summer… they give me a lot of hope.. and they do not follow the same line of thinking that we hear, even in Christian Media …it is much more hopeful.
Wonderful prayers, reminiscent of the prayers of our Founding Fathers in these same chambers! Most of our Founding Fathers’ prayers addressed and referred to Almighty God, Creator, Father, Lord, Redeemer, Savior–I am not sure any of them actually used the proper name Jesus. Yet He is the One they were describing and I am sure God heard every one of those prayers.
Loed-,I Rejoice that our nation has installed in her government Chambers these glorious prayer support stewards,that You-, in the tradition of our foundations.. which emanate from your word.
I thank you that they hold fast to the foundations of Liberty ..that were given to us as a gift- by You.. from the institution of our country in your Word-, may continue to be encouraged to stand fast.. in faith and prayer Lord-,and be guarded by your glorious angels and may their families and loved ones be at peace.
Lord and I pray that you would help us stand strong against evil as these poor precious families have lost their children Lord-, in this egregious wrong that I cannot even fathom, Lord ..may they be healed and may their lives bear abundant resemblance to peace and fruit bearing-, as they attempt to go forward.. in Jesus name-,Amen
I decree and declare that every chaplain in government across America is born again and filled with the Holy Spirit in the mighty name of Jesus!
I wonder if these prayers are being heard as there is no mention of Jesus in any. Jesus said “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. Jesus also said, all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Paul adds..there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. I pray the Name of Jesus Christ is heard in every prayer.
John 14:6, Matthew 28:18, 1 Timothy 2:5
Agreed. Thank you for mentioning this, Susan!
The father and Jesus are One
And we are to make our requests known in the NAME of JESUS! Period!
Amen. Hear our prayers, dear Father. And may those who pray in these sessions, realize that Jesus is the way, truth, and life.
In agreement… In The Name of Yeshua HaMashiach Amen
I’m agreement… In The Name of Yeshua HaMashiach Amen
Father, God we thank you for the efforts that people in Congress and the Senate to pray in the morning. Let their hearts be touched by the
“Our Father who art in heaven hallowed it be thy name” May they truly follow this prayer, when they make decisions for this country, America of whom they represent. That the government is on your shoulders. In Jesus’ name I pray.