I Prayed have prayed
Father, show us how to teach children and youth to respect authority.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Viral videos show defiant suspects refusing to obey the simple requests of law enforcement officers all across the U.S. Although the Bible warns us about disobedience and lawlessness in the last days, we must still pray and work against this endemic lack of respect for authority.

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Let’s pray for and teach children to respect law enforcement officers.

A prayer for respect for law enforcement in our schools

In the 1950s, public school curricula included officer-friendly programs that taught students to appreciate law enforcement officers who served in their communities. Those programs no longer exist. Today, some police departments sponsor community service programs where officers visit classrooms to talk directly with the students. At a time when police approval is low, and funding is not always available many communities do not participate, leaving a void in teaching our students the value of the police who serve the community.

Prayer: Father, we ask for teachers, school administrators, and resource officers who will teach our children to respect the laws of the land and those who enforce those laws. We ask for funding for law enforcement to engage with students to promote goodwill and understanding. Let peace reign in our classrooms and the halls of our schools so that learning takes place, citizenship is prized, and respect for those in authority is taught.

A Prayer for the posting of the Ten Commandments in classrooms

In 1980, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled the posting of the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms unconstitutional, stating their reason for the denial that the first three commandments of the Ten Commandments violated the First Amendment freedom of religion clause. A movement now proposes overturning the prohibition of posting the Ten Commandments at the state level. Louisiana just enacted a law requiring posting the Ten Commandments in public schools.

Prayer: Father, many of our public schools no longer teach respect for law enforcement, which protects our schools, churches, streets, and neighborhoods. You said You would put Your laws in their minds and write them on their hearts, so we pray that the Ten Commandments be posted in every classroom in America (Hebrews 8:10).

Prayer for School Resource Officers

Earlier this year, the National Center for School Statistics reported 857,500 violent incidents and 479,500 non-violent incidents in America’s public schools during the 2021-2022 school year. As school violence incidents soared over the past ten years, many schools saw the need to employ school resource officers to handle severe discipline issues.

Prayer: Father, we pray for the safety of school resources officers. They walk in Your light and not in darkness. They are not surprised by a thief in the night, but they surprise thieves. They are sober, vigilant, alert, and brave. The spirit of wisdom guides as they interact with the students and staff. We pray for the safety of the officer and every student in the school (see 1 Thessalonians 5:4-8).

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Nancy Huff is an educator with a mission to equip believers to pray strategically for the Cultural Mountain of Education. She has authoredĀ Taking the Mountain of Education: A Strategic Prayer Guide to Transform Americaā€™s Schools,Ā Ā Safety Zone: Scriptural Prayers to Revolutionize Your School, andĀ Decrees for Your School. She leads prayer groups to pray at key educational locations across the US. For additional information, go to:Ā https://takingthemountainofeducation.com/author/nancyahuff/. Photo credit: Andrew Neel on Unsplash.

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July 28, 2024

Very very valid article !!! Iā€™m from the generation that can still remember school morning prayers and the Ten Commandments in school. We loved the policeman and his dog whenever they would visit our school.
Iā€™ve come out of my retirement to provide for six of my grandkids. Iā€™m blessed to have them in my home. Theyā€™re aged four to fourteen and are described by your article as their lack of respect for authority is evident. My wife and I are turning this around through much prayer, church involvement and activities at schoolā€¦. But it is a plateful and we absolutely cannot be successful without the HOLY SPIRIT girding us up ! Father as we begin each day fully arrayed with the armor of god we unite to pray for the respect for authority to return to where it was fifty years ago. We stand shoulder to shoulder as intercessors and face satans minions as they seek to destroy America through these tactics. We BOLDLY intercede and stand in the gap to erase this lie and teach them of YOUR love and authority!!! Even if it is one child and one school at a time YOU WILL PREVAIL !!!! In the blessed name of Yeshua and by the power of his blood we DECLARE and DECREE!! Hallelujah!!!

July 27, 2024


Brian Lynch
July 27, 2024

First of all, we need to give authority back to the police, so that they can indeed protect and defend. We need to stop this evil Defund the Police movement immediately. We need to hire enough policemen to adequately provide the law and order of this country. All of the radical/ progressive evil needs to be thwarted if this country is going to overcome the evil lawlessness in our nation. Lord Jesus, You see what needs to happen. By Your grace, cause this to happen. Give ALL people a healthy fear and respect for law and order in our nation. Thank you, Jesus.

July 27, 2024

Dear Heavenly Father: We pray your divine protection over our children, schools, and law enforcement. It is extremely difficult to be a young person in this ever darkening world. We have young people killing each other at alarming rates. We have to have metal detectors in the doorways to our schools. So many parents are either too busy trying to provide or are otherwise disengaged from raising (training) their children and the devil is using this to his advantage. We have whole generations of people who seemingly don’t KNOW you or want to know you. Parents have not taken their children to church nor talked about you in their homes. My neighbors two year old throws up the middle finger when she gets mad and this is what they are learning. Bibles are nearly non-existent in homes now days and this is in America not a third world country far away. Father we need your help. Not only in teaching respect for law enforcement and those in authority, but in helping these young people come to know YOU. Please help us learn how and work more diligently to reach them. Meet them where they are Savior and help them see and understand how much you love them. Trouble and stir their parents to once again remember and assume the job of training up their children in the way they should go. You alone are our only hope. To you be all Praise, Honor, Glory and Power. In the Mighty Name of Jesus we pray. Amen


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