I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, thank You for giving us dreams and visions. Please give us the discernment to understand what You are saying to us.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Here is a message of exhortation and encouragement from one of IFA’s seasoned intercessors, Gloria R.:

In the past few weeks the Lord has been speaking to me about honor and the lack thereof among the body of Christ. The Lord confirmed this to me a few weeks ago. Someone (you probably know who) recently dropped out of the presidential race. Although I had no plans on voting for this man because of what he stood for, all across social media was an influx of insults and mockery. I saw a few that popped up and all the comments were negative and very insulting. My heart felt grieved. The Lord brought this scripture to my mind instantly: “Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when they stumble, do not let your heart rejoice” (Proverbs 24:17). I felt that the Lord was grieved by the words people were speaking. Whether we disagree with the policies, he is still a person Jesus Christ can and wants to save.

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So I have been praying for God’s people to be honorable with our actions, but also with our words. We are the light of the world, people look to us and we should look and sound, and love like Jesus. I know it’s hard and can be challenging, especially when our values differ. I want it to be said that we walk in honor and as we honor others, God will honor us.

The Lord recently spoke to me about the Supreme Court. I believe that God was telling me that we need to be praying for upcoming rulings. In a dream, I was given a pair of tennis shoes and on them were written several Scriptures and words but the one Scripture that stood out to me wasĀ Isaiah 49:8,9:

ThisĀ what the LORD says: “I’ll answer you in a time of favor, and on a day of salvation I’ll help you. I have watched over you, and given you as a covenant for the people, to restore the land, to reassign the inheritances that have been devastated;Ā I will say to the prisoners, ā€˜Come out in freedom,ā€™ and to those in darkness, ā€˜Come into the light.ā€™ They will be my sheep, grazing in green pastures and on hills that were previously bare.”

And that reminded me of a verse the Lord gave me months ago, 2 Corinthians 6:1,2 which is the fulfillment of the verse Isaiah 49:

As Godā€™s co-workers, we urge you not to receive Godā€™s grace in vain. For he says, ā€œIn the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.ā€ I tell you, now is the time of Godā€™s favor, now is the day of salvation.

I have been praying for the Supreme Court justices to use discernment and heavenly wisdom from God over upcoming cases, for boldness and grace and favor with God as they make decisions that affect our nation.

Pray for the Supreme Court justices, leaders in Congress, and the
Executive Branch, with our prayer guide. Click to download.

Can you identify with this word?Ā  How is the Lord speaking to you about this topic?Ā  Share in the comments below.

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November 17, 2019

Imagine what could happen if all of Christ’s followers prayed like Jesus and Stephen prayed. What would the result be? Look at Paul/Saul.

Acts 7:59-60 And as they were stoning Stephen, he called out, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” And falling to his knees he cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” And when he had said this, a he fell asleep.

Luke 23:33-34 And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left. 34 Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.

If we are not able by our own strength, then we must ask God to give us the ability to love and see others as he does. How can we offer anything less to the King of Kings? His will be done. Not ours.

James 5:16 Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

November 16, 2019

We also need to be cautious with how we pray for people with whom we disagree or we wish to change. We should never pray for changes that are motivated by our personal desire for that person to change that would result in our direct personal benefit. An example comes to mind: When I was married, my mother-in-law was not a pleasant woman to be around…and I prayed. During the divorce, it was worse…and I prayed. On the heels of the divorce, I ran into her at the post office. She was so nice, hugging my neck and wishing me well. As I walked away from that encounter, I asked the Lord why she could not have been that way toward me when I was married to her son. His answer loudly and clearly was…because you were praying for her to change FOR YOUR BENEFIT, and NOT FOR HER BENEFIT. He showed me that, to pray otherwise was an attempt to control and manipulate a person to suit my needs and desires. Having said that, my prayer for our nation is for God’s perfect will to be done. God’s kingdom is non-partisan…we are all saved and redeemed by the blood of Jesus…we are not defined by a political party, nor by a race or ethnicity. There is no place for “schisms” and “us versus them”.

November 15, 2019

We should always remember that 1: We do not battle against flesh and blood ….and 2: God loves “those people” as much he loves us.

Kathy Warrington
November 14, 2019

Yes, I have been grieved over this very thing as well. The Lord had me share with several people, “But I tell you that everyone will have to give an account on the day of judgment for every idle word we utter”. Matthew 12:36 (this verse is also very convicting to me!) Also “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you judge, you will be judged: and with the measure you use, it will be used to measure you.” Matthew 7:1.

Barbara Stich
November 14, 2019

I think this is the great temptation and tragedy in our present political dynamics to want justice done, now, as we think it ought to be done. The problem is, we are in effect judging with incomplete information. This is the time to come up higher and see with God’s heart and eyes. We are told in Scripture that God is the righteous Judge, He will recompense everyone for what they have done. Our challenge (and calling) is to speak life, hope and love with the wisdom that comes from above. Honor is huge with God. If for no other reason, we ought to be aware of the kind of seeds we are sowing with our words, because there will be a harvest. God said so. Ref. Galatians 6:7.

    Janice Allen
    November 14, 2019

    Amen Barbara, our words are seeds we will reap. If we sow hate, bitterness, unforgiveness how can we expect to reap love, kindness, and forgiveness? Let us strive to imitate Jesus, and pray for our country to make Him Lord not politicians so that truth and righteousness rule.

Edward Sitzman SR
November 14, 2019

Proverbs 11:10 NKJV
” When it goes well with the righteous the city rejoices; And when the wicked perish there is jubilation.

Ronda Orchard
November 14, 2019

This is a confirmation for me personally to live and speak the truth, in love, which is easier said than done. No gloating when our prayers are answered and visual demonstrations of His hand over our country (i.e. picture all those prisoners in Oklahoma being released from prison … coming out of darkness … having the scales of deception removed from their eyes, making personal decisions for Christ …)! I receive this word from the Lord as his full throated exhortation to take the high road in every circumstance. Yes, we will feast in the presence of our enemies because of fervent prayers and fasting for God’s intervention over our circumstances.

Carolyn Reeves
November 14, 2019

The Proverbs 24:17 admonishment not to gloat when our enemies fall is important to remember as we pray for our nation. Unkind responses only further the divides between citizens. I do pray that Godā€™s enemies would fall into the traps they leave, but this is still not a reason to gloat when they fall, as they surely will.

For the past two years I am frequently prompted to pray specifically for Justice Sonia Sotomayor, asking God to grant her clarity to see the issues she is considering from Godā€™s perspective.

November 14, 2019

” When it goes well with the righteous, the city rejoices;And when the wicked perish there is jubilation.”
Proverbs 11:10
(Pray a genuine prayer of salvation for them before they perish).

November 14, 2019

This is a very good word. LORD, forgive us where we have failed to reveal your beautiful character in the words that we speak and with the attitudes we display. Your Word tells us what you require of us: “To love justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly before YOU.” Grant us Father GOD the grace to obey YOU in all our ways. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Pamela Price
November 14, 2019

Amen and amen to Gloriaā€™s exhortation confirmed by Godā€™s own Word! We are Godā€™s ambassadors, for the purpose of reconciling the world to Jesus Christ! John 1:17 says ā€œthe law was given through Moses, but GRACE and TRUTH came through Jesus Christ.ā€ Grace, dear friends!!

November 14, 2019

Lord forgive us when we stumble and fall. Let us be light to the world and bring light where there is darkness and love where there is hatred. Lord let us as your followers be a reflection of you, let us become more of you and less of ourselves.

November 14, 2019

We need to show Christ love in all but it is lacking in all.

Mike Morgan
November 14, 2019

You are so right about showing honor. It is sadly lacking throughout our culture. 1 Peter 2:17 says very simply “Honor all people”. Even when we strongly disagree with someone’s position, we can still honor the person who was created in the image of God.

Politics is a brutal business. Someone can serve honorably for decades and make one careless statement that destroys them. Proverbs says in an abundance of words transgression is unavoidable. It is inevitable that people who talk for a living will misspeak at times.

It will be much easier for people to listen to believers if we speak and act with kindness and show honor to others even when they disagree with us.

Gloria Hall
November 14, 2019

Dear Gloria R.
Coming in agreement as the Lord also gave me a grieving spirit of the words being spoken towards one another. The bible tells us the guard our tongues James 3:1-10.
The Lord gave me Luke 10:17-22
Jesus said to the seventy rejoicing in v19 I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy…….but v20 never the less do not rejoice in this, but rather rejoice because your name is written in the book of life.
Please read whole account…..we must do our best to even be at peace with our enemies, and pray for their salvation but not let words of evil come our of our mouth. We are to pray for God’s intervention of vengeance. We are to tear down the spiritual strong hold that keep those from seeing truth. We are to pray for God’s continue mercy and grace upon us as we await for Him to deliver us, for the Word of God says He will.
v22-“All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and not one knows who the Son is bu the Father, and who the Father is but the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.”
We must continue to pray for the unveiled eyes of those who are blinded by the truth. For the truth shall set them free.
God Bless you, God Bless Intercessors of America, and May once again God Bless America!

November 14, 2019

Years ago a friend asked me and my husband to be intercessors at the first mission inD.C. It was for 72 hours of prayer with different churches coming in every hour. We where supposed to have a team. Well we where the team. As other churches came in we went to them to ask who was on there prayer team. Well they sent the music group and singers to worship. A few sent a member of there prayer team.This was 72 hours of worship and prayer. People who lived in the streets of D C came into the mission. Some of them brought instruments and we allowed them to join the groups. Well it was 3 am and I had been praying and exhausted from no sleep. My husband had to test and went to the hotel but I stayed as we where the team. We where in worship. It was 4 am and I had an open vision of the Glory of Hid coming into DC near a Park. It was in the sky beautiful light and as I looked it settled on the Capital Building. It was the most beautiful sun rise I have every seen Over the years I forgot about it. A friend asked me to go to DC and pray with another group. President Trump had been elected and was in office. We went to several houses of prayer in D C and prayed. We went to have lunch at the old post office that Pres Trump made into a hotel. We gathered with other intecrssors for lunch. While I was sitting they mentioned about a picture that someone took at 6:30 or 7:00 am the morning the Pres was sworn in ad President. My friend went and got the picture. I almost fell off of my chair. It was exactly the vision I had over 16 years ago. The same Glory of God coming on the Capital building.I could not believe it. Then I remembered something else. The morning I had the vision as I walked out of the mission the whole road in front of the mission had been dug up and repacked. I said out with the old and into the new. Father is in charge of DC and His Glory is over the Capital Building. GOD IS CHARGE OF OUR PRESIDENT AND THE CAPITAL Building

    Daisy Bailey
    November 14, 2019

    Thanks for sharing. Trips to DC with worship and prayer are doing what needs to be done to bring His glory!

      November 14, 2019

      I felt this needed to be sharedas this vision was years ago. As intercessors we receive visions and scriptures to benefit the Body of Christ . Itā€™s Gods timing to encourage others. There was an intercessors years ago who was assigned to stand in front of the Supreme Court to pray. I met her she stood in rain , snow and nice weather praying for years. Then the guards let her come in and stay dry and pray . I dont remember her name.

    Mary Thompson
    November 14, 2019

    I’m still learning on this topic. I submit to th e authority of Scripture for sure but sometimes a teaching Scripture comes to mind that admonishes believers and Scripture is sometimes to admonish. I know we,are told to do it gently. That is my pruning. May we be pruned for the great task that lays ahead.

    November 14, 2019

    Praise be unto God that His light is greater and more powerful than the kingdom of darkness.

November 14, 2019

I pray in agreement, in Jesus name, Amen.

Mary Davis
November 14, 2019

Amen to all!
The Lord put this on my heart and Iā€™ve been praying Psalm 19:14 for myself and to imbed it in my ā¤ļø. LET THE WORDS OF MY MOUTH AND THE MEDITATIONS OF MY HEART BE ACCEPTABLE IN YOUR SIGHT, O LORD MY STRENGTH AND MY REDEEMER!

Your Word I have hidden in my ā¤ļø that I might not sin against You. Psalm 119:11

    November 14, 2019

    I have been impressed that should be my personal prayer also, Mary. Psalm 19:14

November 14, 2019

Amen, Lord keep our hearts and minds pure as we pray for our broken nation! We pray for Pres Trump, Vice Pres Pence, their families and the entire Cabinet…..Lord keep their hearts pure as well!!!


    Mary Thompson
    November 14, 2019

    I agree 100% and felt a burden in my heart for this prayer request. Praying for the Executive Office brought Holy Ghost tears to my heart and mind.

November 14, 2019

Father God, I pray for the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of Government and the News Media from the national level all the way down to the local level. I pray and invite Your Holy Spirit into all these levels of government and the news media. May He strengthen the godly, draw the ungodly, and for those not drawn unto You, move them out and replace them with godly, Spirit-led men and woman. In Jesus Mighty Name

    Gail D
    November 14, 2019

    Amen and Amen! Lord, bring to Life all that is hidden I darkness!

Lisa Plummer
November 14, 2019

I agree with all of these posts!
Set a guard over my mouth, over our mouths!

ā€œA wholesome tongue is a tree of life! But perverseness in it breaks the spirit.ā€ Proverbs 15:4
Father, we especially pray for the Body of Christ to speak LIFE to our nation, our leaders, and yes, even those we perceive as ā€œenemies ā€œ!
We marvel at the shift in culture through the salvation and transformation of Kanye West!
Father we bring you every sphere of society and speak LIFE AND TRUTH to media, the church, the family, education, the entertainment industry, government and the sectors Iā€™m missing! Father, we cry out RESURRECTION LIFE to every part of our society and for your broken, desperate truth seekers to come out of their graves ALIVE!
We speak LIFE AND TRUTH into the public sector, into The recesses of men and womenā€™s hearts-
Reveal Yourself we pray!
Father of Lights, illuminate the dark places, for Your glory!
We are hungry and desperate for truth! Forgive us for thinking we are above You as a society. Have mercy on us!
We love you and ask You to forgive us and those who have spoken death and vile things to our nation!
We break the power of their words, by faith-
In agreement-
In unity-
With Your heart.

    Sandy Aletraris
    November 14, 2019

    Spot on and Beautiful pray… in agreement šŸ’“

    Mary Thompson
    November 14, 2019

    Amen!Especially the explosive spiritual dynamic of Kayne and Kim getting radically and joyfully saved and delivered. He loves our President and saying so over the airwaves. This is immeasurably powerful in the spiritual realm of Light!

Lady Liberty
November 14, 2019

Amen! I have been praying the Words of Jesus! ā€œForgive them Father, they know not what they doā€
His grace is sufficient for all! As others prayed me into the kingdom, we are called to do the same. They need our prayers! John 17:20-ā€œI pray also for those who will believe in Me through their message.ā€ Let us unite and show them the love of Christ and pray for them diligently and do not repay evil for evil. Let us honor Jesus with our actions and look different than the world. I have also been led to the book of Isaiah! Woe to us if we donā€™t heed His Words! I was given a dream in 2018 for the Supreme Court and saw their black robes turned to white! I believe our prayers are being answered and they will be purified and come to salvation through the prayers of the saints. ā€œOpen their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.ā€ Acts 26:18

    November 14, 2019

    I agree with everything you have spoken so eloquently!

    May JUSTICE reign in our country and Light of TRUTH come forth in the Impeachment Hearings!

November 14, 2019

Proverbs 4:23

ā€œKeep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.ā€ Proverbs 4:23

It’s not simply refraining from speaking the critical and condemning words, but going deeper, allowing God to transform our hearts that our words might be a reflection of His grace and forgiveness to a broken world. It takes phenomenal courage to run for the highest office of the land. Let’s pray that God would raise up leaders willing to serve in that role.

Kathy Chupp
November 14, 2019

I so agree I have been grieving for months because we have fail to show the spirit of Christ and with Integrity speaking of those we do not agree with

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