Despite evidence that millions of Hispanics and immigrants could go uncounted, the Supreme Court’s conservative majority seemed ready Tuesday to uphold the Trump administration’s plan to inquire about U.S. citizenship on the 2020 census in a case that could affect American elections for the next decade.
There appeared to be a clear divide between the court’s liberal and conservative justices in arguments in a case that could affect how many seats states have in the House of Representatives and their share of federal dollars over the next 10 years. States with a large number of immigrants tend to vote Democratic. . . .
Kavanaugh, the court’s newest member and an appointee of President Donald Trump, suggested Congress could change the law if it so concerned that the accuracy of the once-a-decade population count will suffer. “Why doesn’t Congress prohibit the asking of the citizenship question?” Kavanaugh asked near the end of the morning session.
Kavanaugh and the other conservatives were mostly silent when Solicitor General Noel Francisco, the administration’s top Supreme Court lawyer, defended Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross’ decision to add the citizenship question. Ross has said the Justice Department wanted the citizenship data, the detailed information it would produce on where eligible voters live, to improve enforcement of the Voting Rights Act.
Lower courts found that Ross’ explanation was a pretext for adding the question, noting that he had consulted early in his tenure with Stephen Bannon, Trump’s former top political adviser and immigration hardliner Kris Kobach, the former Kansas secretary of state.
The liberal justices peppered Francisco with questions about the administration plan, but they would lack the votes to stop it without support from at least one conservative justice.
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our religious heritage is basic to this issue. also this issue requires common sense juddgement. please share the list of countrys that allow voting by non-citizens. each of these countries experiences deserve evaluation of the benefits derived from allowing this practice. Further information of the current funding the U.S. gives to the countries that people leave to come to the U.S. should be considered. Is it wise to fund countries where families must leave. Could it be the U.S. has developed a system where some U.S. citizens or states profit in some way with no regard to the price families in each of these countries pay daily. I have worked with one such family 10 years ago. I have also worked with U.S military personnel who have paid with the loss of their life as they have served in these countries to secure a better life from their home land. My prayer at this moment of time in our history we place value on what we have created with great cost to each U.S. citizen and family for 244 years. It need not be supreme court to asked to make this decision in this moment of crisis. CONGRESS and the EXECUTIVE branch of our government have failed to function in the exercise of DUTIES for which they are paid and will receive RETIREMENT benefits. My prayer: GOD HELP US TO SEEK YOUR DEVINE PROTECTION NOW.
A no-brainer, citizens can vote and weigh more heavily than a mere head count of non-citizens. Stop this Dem sneak attack to dilute the value of citizenship.
If a person wants to live in the UNITED STATES of AMERICA you should be a citizen. NO rights,voting or any constitiobal rights should be given to you. And we have no business giving any money at all to people coming into our country.
Dear Father,
I pray that you would touch the hearts of the Supreme Court Justices so that they would vote to protect those Americans who are actually citizens of the United States and not non-citizens. It is important to know who citizens are in order to vote. Non-citizens do not have that right not should they. It’s important on the 2020 census to have this information.
There are a lot of non-citizen immigrants who are here legally.
So I assume the question is asking, “Are you a citizen of the US or not?” It is not asking,”Are you in the US illegally?” Unless there are other questions ferreting out legal status, I don’t see why even illegal immigrants would not complete the census form. I heartily approve of the First Step legislation which will help rehabilitate prison inmates, but I don’t support a political atmosphere that gives more rights to the criminals than it gives to the law-abiders. The objections of the liberals are self-serving. The purpose of the census is to enable informed policy for citizens, not promote siphoning of federal funds for corrupt politicians. Romans 13:1 says,
“Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.” I pray that if the court does not support the citizenship question by applying Biblical principles, that they will at least apply common sense. May God enlighten the judges as to their proper duty in serving the citizens of the country. Amen.
It is unfair to give more money to states that have higher number of noncitizens. The illegals cost this country billions of dollars and siphon off money that could be used for all Americans.
I agree, and there are so many War Veterans that deserve assistance and decent housing
These people are still ignored, yet illegals are getting those benefits!! It’s just wrong!! I pray that this changes and that our USA can survive this mass influx of illegals and not become a 3rd world country!!
The American Society has turned every thing up side down !! We now call Evil Good and Good Evil !! The Kansas Supreme Court, on a 6 to 1 decision, has determined that the Kansas Constitution guaranties a right to an abortion !!
If the goal of taking a census is to determine the number of representatives a state should have in Congress, than asking about citizenship is clearly important. Citizens of the nation choose their representatives in this government of the people, by the people and for the people of the nation. Non-citizens do not have the right to vote in this nation or to choose representatives in a nation where they may live but are not citizens of.
California has 6 representatives more than they should because of the illegal population.
Texas has 4 , the question should be asked , simple because it will give the US a better account of how many Illegal are actually here.