I Prayed have prayed
Heavenly Father, we lift up President-elect Trump, VP Vance, and the entire transitional team to You. Keep and protect them, Lord. Destroy any wicked devices the enemy sends against them, and let the entire transition of government be peaceful. Thank You.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Do you feel a sense of victory after this last election? If so, for many, the temptation is to sit back, rest, and cease from our contending. But, I encourage you today not to rest from your prayers, but rather to redouble your efforts.

Connect with others in your state in prayer.


Although the American people won many victories for the cause of righteousness in this election, the enemy would love to stop our newly elected leaders from taking office.

That is why we must continue to pray. Only God—the One who brought us the victories we are standing on today—can preserve those victories and bring people into office. In order to see that happen, we must pray.

Would you join with us today in praying the following prayer points for President-elect Trump, Vice President-elect J.D. Vance, and their families and team?

Let’s pray as follows:

“Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You in Jesus’ name.

Father, we thank You for moving in our nation in this last election. We thank You that many righteous people were elected, and that You turned so many hearts toward Your wisdom—even for people who do not yet know You.

Father, now that the results of the election are in, we would be remiss if we did not lift up the transitional period to You.

You have moved and helped us, but we still need more of Your help. Your Word says that we cannot do anything without You, so we are desperately needy for You in all things.

Lord, in Jesus’ name, we pray for the current period of transitions between one government and another:

  • Bless and protect President-elect Trump and his family, as well as Vice President-elect J.D. Vance and his family. Keep them safe from all harm and danger.
  • If any plots or traps have been set against the newly elected President and Vice President, or their staff, cabinet, or families, then we pray that You would expose those machinations of the enemy and bring them to nothing.
  • Keep the new leaders and their cabinets safe from inappropriate surveillance, wiretapping, or illegitimate observation of any kind.
  • Deliver them from every kind of interference set up by unrighteous people who do not love our nation, and who do not have our nation’s best interests at heart.
  • Give the new leaders and their transitional team great wisdom from on high.
  • Pour out the anointing of the sons of Issachar on them. Help them to know the times and the seasons, to know what our nation ought to do.
  • Remove every barrier, hindrance, and obstacle that would even attempt to prevent President Trump from being inaugurated and seated as the 47th President of the United States.
  • Let the transition of government remain entirely peaceful. In the name of Jesus, we bind off riots and violence of every type in Jesus’ name, and we LOOSE peace on earth, good will to men, into our nation—and into this governmental transition.
  • Destroy and utterly obliterate every spiritual attack against President Trump, VP-elect Vance, and their families and teams.
  • We ask that You would double and even triple the contingent of Your angels that are assigned to President Trump and his entire team.
  • Please open every door that needs to be opened for them as they transition into governmental power.
  • Close every door and avenue that needs to be closed. If these new leaders even try to go down any path that is not Your highest or most perfect will, send an angel with a flaming sword to turn them back from that wrong path.
  • Give them favor everywhere they go, so they may accomplish Your purposes without further delay.
  • We ask You to give President Trump and his team witty inventions and creative ideas by Your Spirit. Give them divine strategies that have never been used on earth before, but which will perfectly accomplish Your will in our nation for this time.
  • Give them courage, Lord, and strengthen them in You—and in the power of Your might.

Holy Father, we thank You that You are not a distant God.

Instead, You are near—and You do involve Yourself with the affairs of men. Our nation was formed for Your purposes, and that You have not left us and never will.

Therefore, in this time, Father, we pray that Your Kingdom would come and Your will would be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Help President Trump and his team, Lord. Bring them to Yourself. For any who do not yet know You, we pray that You would pour out Your Spirit upon them and bring them to salvation in Christ Jesus.

Thank You, Heavenly Father. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.”

Friend, even if we feel a great sense of victory, we must not stop praying.

Our enemy still prowls the earth, seeking whom he may devour … BUT GOD. Our God is still greater, still stronger, and still has the last laugh. He is the Alpha and the Omega; He is both the First Word and the Last Word, and His will is going to happen … if we will continue praying.

What are your current prayer points for this transitional period between governments? Leave a comment below!

Jamie Rohrbaugh is the founder and CEO of From His Presence, a global discipleship ministry. She has written over 40 books, including The Way Forward: 10 Prayers for Your Journey Into the Promised LandAll Things NewFinding Deep Soul Healing 101, and Healing from Father Wounds. She seeks to equip you to carry God’s manifest glory everywhere you go. Her resources have been published by YouVersion Bible Plans, The Elijah List, Crosswalk, and various other ministry outlets. You can find free mentoring and encouragement on her website or YouTube channel. Download her free prayer tool, 25 Prayers That Will Build Your Life, here. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America – Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=157319667.

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Carol McClain Bassett
January 8, 2025

As I prayed the excellent, sound prayers that IFA shared with us, I found myself thinking of Nehemiah and Ezra, of San ballot and Tobia, of the constant tension of the deception and the temptation to be distracted from the work of rebuilding. So I pray that prayer over Donald Trump, JD Vance, their wives and children, all who advise them… That nothing will deceive, detour or delay the work of rebuilding. And that the subterfuge of all false advisers would be exposed in such a way that people will laugh that anyone ever gave these wolves in sheep clothes the first bit of attention.

January 4, 2025

Lord, set your angels to block any of those in Trump’s administration that wisdom would disavow and are not qualified to fill.

Ben Ogilvie
January 3, 2025

So great to be able to agree with such solid prayer points with so many multiple souls across this nation and with the greatest authority of all:JESUS CHRIST our LORD and KING! Mathew 28:18. (It is because of verse 18 that we can do verse 19-20!!!!!!! See also John 14:12-13-14; 15:7, 16; 16:23,24

January 3, 2025

I pray for wisdom and understanding for President Trump and his team. I pray that the President Trump hears the guidance of the Holy Spirit when making decisions.

January 3, 2025

Thankyou Abba Father! YOUR hand is faithful in moving the mountains before us! YOUR goodness to YOUR people is overwhelming!! We love YOU!!

January 3, 2025

Lord, wake up Christians who follow political leaders like sheep.

January 3, 2025

Lord, we live in a time where we have special privileges. We chose our leaders. Therefore, let us as Americans chose our leaders wisely! Block anyone from being placed over our military who does not have the gift of administration, understanding of our military and its issues, and has a deep faith in you and a Godly fear toward his responsibilities. Ony allow someone who has understanding of intelligence and the ability to handle the discipline of not misusing that power or of revealing vital secrets, someone who has a demonstrated gift of administration and a knowledge of you be placed over Intelligence. Give us a man to lead the FBI who will not misuse the position to go after political enemies, someone who understands law and has demonstrated an ability to lead a large organization and who knows you.

We are at a crossroads and need the right people in the right places. Haver mercy on us!

January 3, 2025

Lord, let us no longer be like children. Let common sense prevail and the parts of Trump’s administration which the wise with goldy wisdom can support be supported and the parts that should be questioned be questioned.

Let us look with honesty at Mr. Trump’s shortcomings. He became a Christian just a few years ago and has not grown deeply in his faith.

    January 7, 2025

    Wow! What evidence do you have that Trump is a Christian? When did his behavior change? I pray that he will give his life to Christ but today his character is clearly not that of a believer.

Allena Jordan
January 3, 2025

Father, I pray against any attempt to sabotage the inauguration of Pres. Elect Trump, his team and officials. The word sabotage has these synonyms: destruction, disruption, subversion, treachery, treason, vandalism. So, Father, we take all these points into account as we pray for this “gap” period, but also for the transition and for Trump’s time in office. The antonyms for “sabotage” are as follows: devotion, faithful, fidelity, loyalty. Therefore, Lord, we ask that You impart these desirable qualities to the entire Trump team, to those in Congress, to every one on staff in every department. May a sense of calm and assurance come as each one chooses to be loyal and faithful to the new direction this administration shall take. No more “we’ve always done it this way.” No more “I want it my way.” Instead, Father, cause the mindsets and souls of every worker to be loyal and faithful to Your ways, becoming loyal to the new administration. Yet, Lord, guard against any type of loyalty that may follow an incorrect, illegal, direction. I pray these things in the nighty Name of Jesus, for His glory. America shall be saved. All glory to God. Amen.

Gloria Stadolnik
January 2, 2025

Love the sound guidance you give to your readers.and the constant reminder that Prayer is Power.

Lillian Oliveira
January 2, 2025

i pray all these prayers in earnest petition Lilian Oliveira.

Paul Dobis
January 2, 2025

I prayed for a peaceful transition also for protection and for priorities like the border and how to deal with our foreign adversaries China Russia N Korea Iran

January 2, 2025

So, you are able to pray with understanding, Mr. Trump’s nominations represent widely different viewpoints. Among those who may surprise you is Ms. Gabbard, nominated to lead 18 intelligence agencies, is a practicing Hindu. Mr. Bessent, Mr. Trump’s pick to lead Treasury, will be the second openly practicing gay person in any president’s cabinet and has served ‘for two decades as management investing chief at the Soros Fund Management.’ Mr. Oz, who is picked to lead Medicare, is a nonpracticing Moslem. Mr. Hegseth, picked to lead Defense, is a member of Christ’s Church based out of Moscow which believes that women should not have the right to vote, and which also believes only Christians should be allowed to have government jobs (don’t know what his personal beliefs are). It would take too long to mention all of them, so I mention just a few.

    Mary Beth S
    January 2, 2025

    Tom, thank you for this info, and for sharing it in a non-accusatory manner. I would be interested, as I always am in this day of fake news, to know your sources. I want to be informed but I take everything with a grain of salt – ie. Holy Spirit revelation – I hope. I take comfort, not in thinking that every person elected or appointed is a saved, Spirit-filled, Bible believing and obedient servant as well as a qualified leader – but in knowing my God is Sovereign. He is either giving us leaders who will bless us in accordance with our righteousness , or leaders whom He will use to bring judgment on our wickedness. I trust His Sovereign plan. I also know He is capable of redeeming any situation and/or person – and that’s always part of His plan. At any point, if we repent, He may relent. But I still like to be accurately informed.

      January 2, 2025

      Most of this you can find information from multiple sources with just a google search. Ms Gabbard’s faith can be found in wikipedia: “Gabbard’s childhood in Hawaii included surfing, martial arts, and yoga.[11][12][4] She was mostly home schooled,[13][14] except for two years at a girls’ school in the Philippines.[15][16] Gabbard learned spiritual principles, such as karma, from the ancient Indian text Bhagavad Gita.[4][17][18] As a teenager, she settled into the Hindu faith.[3][19][20]”

      You will notice that wikipedia references three sources.

      About Mr. Bessent, from Forbes Magazine: “Bessent worked for Soros from 1991 to 2000, rising to the firm’s head of European allocation by his departure, and returned to Soros from 2011 to 2015 as the fund’s chief investment officer, departing again to run Key Square with a $2 billion investment from the 94-year-old Soros (the Wall Street Journal reports Bessent hasn’t talked to his former boss Soros “in years”).”

      Aso from the same article in Forbes: “Bessent, who lives primarily in Charleston, S.C., with his husband John Freeman and their two children, according to the Wall Street Journal, could be the first Senate-approved LGBTQ+ member in a Republican cabinet (Richard Grenell became the first openly gay acting cabinet member when Trump tapped him as the acting director of national intelligence in 2020). “”

        Mary Beth S
        January 2, 2025

        Thank you, Tom! Some of this is new to me, or hinted at but not confirmed. I like going into things with my eyes wide open!

      January 3, 2025

      We, as Americans, choose our leaders. So, we have a voice in those that are to be selected to lead DOJ, Defense, Treasury, Homeland Security, FBI, Intelligence and other organizations.

      If you felt that you doing nothing was the same as letting God, take control, then way did you vote at all?

      We have a responsibility for those who come after us to make wise choices.

        Mary Beth S
        January 3, 2025

        Megan, I’m sorry, but your reply doesn’t make sense to me in the context of what Tom or I said. But just to clarify, I am faithful to vote, but I also acknowledge YHVH’s Sovereignty. Don’t you?

          January 3, 2025

          I think you are aware that there is a balance between God’s will and His giving us free will. You said “He is either giving us leaders who will bless us in accordance with our righteousness , or leaders whom He will use to bring judgment on our wickedness, ” as though we are passive and have no say in the manner. We live in America and have a vote. So, we are in the unique position of picking our leaders and should not advocate our responsibilities. I noticed in an earlier posting, you said you didn’t have an opinion and didn’t know enough to say anything about cabinet positions, so someone else goes out and googles it for you and gives you the information and then you say ‘whatever happens is God’s will’. You have a responsibility. Trump’s picks for cabinet positions have to be approved by the Senate, so the Senate plays a part. You and everyone else can express an opinion to your representative.

          January 4, 2025

          I agree with Megan.

January 2, 2025


Dorene H.
January 2, 2025

Heavenly Father, we ask you to keep President Trump in perfect health. May his body, soul and spirit prosper. May he have increased strength and vigor for all the years ahead, in Jesus Name.

Darlene Estlow
January 2, 2025

We praise your name, Lord, for all you are doing and for calling us to pray. May we be faithful to bring these needs before you, trusting in you with patience as you work things out to your glory and our good.

Brenda Borrell
January 2, 2025

James 4:10
Humble yourselves before the Lord and he will lift you up. Praying that those in power will be humble and wise for then the hand of the Lord will protect and provide so they can accomplish God’s purpose and plan.

Cindy Hackett
January 2, 2025

May God grant mercy on all of us who want to persevere in this transition. Let us not stop praying daily. Let us be brave to claim God Victory in this election. Thy WILL BE DONE AMEN

January 2, 2025

My prayer in this time of respit given by the Lord to the body of Christ for such a time as this, is for us to make the changes needed. We were not commanded to retain ourselves and our influence and impact upon the world inside of the four walls of a church building. I personally believe that is what this huge window of opportunity is truly about.
May the shepherds in the pulpits see and understand this huge change and be able to lead the sheep in the right direction.

    January 2, 2025

    Yes! The contented, comfortable, inactive church has been given a respite when we have the freedom to boldly share the light of the gospel of Christ. May we not shrink back from it.

January 2, 2025

I live in St Paul,Minnesota

January 2, 2025

Yes let us all increase our prayers and thanksgiving to the true living God. Let us invite others to join in our prayers to God and may God send His love upon all who have fallen for satan’s lies that they may repent and return to God. Trust in God. 🙏😇🙏❤️

January 2, 2025

I prayed

Linda Dippman
January 2, 2025

May the many prayers for President Trump and Vice President Vance, along with their administration, staff and families, be as an Iron Dome covering them, thwarting any attacks from the evil one. In this time of transition, may we be keenly aware of the Lord’s nudge to pray for them throughout the day and night as He leads.

Cynthia Gill.
January 2, 2025

I pray for confusion in the ranks of the enemy. Like in Hezekiah’s time, please protect us from them.

Susan Eddlemon
January 2, 2025

Each of the prayers above undoubtedly corresponds to one of the prayers in the Psalms. Perhaps the writer of this article could point out the corresponding biblical references either from the Psalms or some other book of scripture.

Fe Roode
January 2, 2025

Thank you so much for this great reminder how to pray . We need God desperately in our nation. We need the God’s divine wisdom like what He did to King Solomon in
1 Kings 3:16-28 for the new administration that our creator God will put into every hearts of the politicians to have divine unity and divine peace how to work together start with our party in Washington..They need psalm 1 and the book of James to start a new beginning with Isaiah 43:18,19 and 26.
for us to pray for all the pastor’s and all the Born Again People in fifty states to pray.
Daniel 9,
Ezra9 and
Nehemiah 9.

January 2, 2025

I actually had been praying most of the prayer points you put out today, as I attempt always to be led by His spirit, that I may pray in his will. I was blessed to see more prayer points that I agreed in prayer for them. I know it is a high priority that we continue in prayer. I would add, I felt very strongly to pray for binding the evil coming from a particular man that has over 16 years tried to destroy our Republic. I prayed that in the name of Jesus, this evil one would be bound and no other could be loosed to take over where the evil one left off in Jesus name. Continuing in prayer, IFA partner in prayer

Paula Pettit Skender
January 2, 2025

I have prayed even before this election that the Father would tear down the laws in conflict with His Word — abortion, euthanasia, gambling, imminent domain, same sex marriage, etc … any law that promotes murder, theft, perversion … however since Trump again chose to run for office and won, I have prayed for his and his family’s safety, his appointees who serve in God’s will also kept in safety,. I ask God will deliver our nation out of the hands of the spiritual enemy and our physical enemies.
Appreciated all the points written in the prayer from your organization, and I am adding those points, also to my prayers and will send my five grown kids the same mentioned requests. May God deliver our nation out of the hands of the Evil One.

Shellie Maheu
January 2, 2025

I pray Isaiah 54:17 over President Trump, J.D. Vance, and their family DAILY:::::
Dear Heavenly Father, you didn’t say that the weapons would not form, you said in your word that they shall NOT prosper!!! THIS is what we will stand on and in agreement for!!! NO WEAPON formed against President Trump shall prosper! EVERY tongue that rises against him in judgment SHALL BE CONDEMNED!!!! Please keep your biggest warrior angels surrounded around President Trump, J.D. Vance, and their family! Please keep them all safe and free from harm and evil!—In the mighty matchless name of our LORD, and Risen savior, JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth of the Holy Bible! Amen!

Peg Futvoye-Sterling
January 2, 2025

Heavenly Father, Jesus our Savior King, Holy Spirit, Mother Mary of God , all Angels, SAINTS, and Souls accepted and waiting … pray and guide us to do the right thing according to Your Will and Eyes … not ours. Amen.

Kim French
January 2, 2025

Lord, please send a spiritual red wave over this country that dwarfs the political red wave you sent last November

January 2, 2025


Maria F
January 2, 2025

Thank you, father God for intercessors for America. We pray a blessing over them Your wisdom and direction. May we all continue to pray for our country and our leaders in the name of Jesus we thank you God amen.

    Shellie Maheu
    January 2, 2025

    A HUGE AMEN! I believe the confusion is in all families too.
    Many have what the world would simply call and does call “Trump derangement syndrome” but it’s so much more than that. LORD GOD, PLEASE intervene and open up blind eyes and deaf ears too to the truth, in JESUS CHRIST’S mighty name AMEN!

      Judy Orr
      January 2, 2025

      We pray against the spirit of delusion and anger that have come over so many people, dividing families and causing great pain. You are Lord, and always have been and will be! Father, open the eyes of the blind and deluded; cause them to remember You, Your great love and salvation, and turn them from their deception and back to you. We bind the spirit of blindness and deception in the strong and mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

Norman E Peterson
January 2, 2025

Lord, there are families and friends divided by this election. Give us wisdom and the way to converse with them. A peace that can radiate your glory as we speak with humility. We desire an extraordinary ability to listen to our people and gently help them listen to you.

Mary Beth S
January 2, 2025

Thank you, Jamie. I wholeheartedly agree with your prayer! YHVH, may we continue to see Your mighty hand at work, to accomplish Your plans and purposes for our nation. Stir us to pray and intercede at the slightest prompting of Holy Spirit, in alignment with Your Word, Your will and Your character.

January 2, 2025

Excellent article and excellent prayer, Jamie!
Thank you for this important reminder to “stay the course” in prayer.


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