I Prayed have prayed
Dear Father in Heaven, we humbly ask You to heal our land. Grant us a godly President who will govern righteously. Protect the election so that it is fair and honest for all. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Are you worried about the 2024 Presidential election?

I don’t know anyone who is not concerned to some degree. This country is indeed at a tipping point, whether for good or for evil. BUT, we serve a merciful God whose promise to heal our land is still good. The grass may wither, and the flower may fade; but the word of our God still stands forever!

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If you are concerned about how this upcoming national election will turn out, please: let us all join together in praying this prayer for the Lord to grant us a righteous President.

If your spirit agrees, join me in praying for the following prayer points for the 2024 Presidential election:

“Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You in Jesus’ name.

Abba Father, thank You that Your mercies are new every day. Thank You for hearing and answering our prayers, even when we do not know how to pray as we ought.

Thank You also that Your Holy Spirit is praying through us and for us right now, interceding for us with moaning and groaning that cannot be uttered—and You know exactly what He is saying as He translates our prayers.

Father God, we praise You for Your sovereignty, for Your power, and for Your guiding hand on this country.

You have been present in every era of our national journey, from the first settlers to the Founding Fathers to where we are now. And even when our actions have not pleased You, You have still had mercy and forgiven us.

Over and over, You have sent revival, even when we did not deserve it. And so we come to You again, Father: not from a position of deserving anything, but because we are crying out to You for mercy, and believing You to grant it.

Holy Father, Your Word says that if Your people, who are called by Your name, will humble themselves—ourselves, that is—and pray and seek Your face and turn from our wicked ways, then You will hear from Heaven and forgive our sins; and You will heal our land. Therefore, as I have been repenting and seeking Your face, I join today with the other saints around this nation who have been doing the same thing. And together, we ask You to heal our land.

In particular, Father, we ask that You would turn the 2024 Presidential election on our behalf. Give us a President who will govern righteously.

And to that end, we pray today in Jesus’ name:

  • Let righteous voters turn out en masse and vote for the cause of righteousness and justice.
  • Protect the polling places. Keep them safe from corruption and corrupt people. Let nothing hinder or interfere with the proper function of the polling places, and with the proper, honest, and fair collection of votes.
  • Let the election results be counted fairly, reported fairly, and let everything be done honestly and above reproach.
  • Do not let any fraudulent votes be counted in the election at all, in Jesus’ name.
  • If there are loopholes where criminals could influence the election results—whether before, during, or after the election—let them be exposed and resolved before they do any damage. Let no criminals have any influence over the election at all.
  • Bring us a President who will govern America in support of Americans, not who will govern for other nations’ benefit or for personal gain.
  • Bring us a President who will walk in and support ONLY righteousness and justice, which are the foundations of Your throne.
  • Give us a President who will communicate truthfully, transparently, and clearly with the American people.
  • Bring us a President who will support Israel.
  • Bring us a righteous President who, even if they are still learning Your ways, will still seek You with all of their heart. Let our President be a man or woman of prayer, of Your Word, and even of fasting to seek Your face.
  • Let them be a person after Your heart!
  • Bring us a President with clean hands and a pure heart.
  • Give them divine strategies to heal our land in every way—from advocacy for life to healing the economy—and let them carry out those strategies without reprisal or hindrance.
  • Give our President the anointing of the sons of Issachar, that they may know the times and seasons, to know what America ought to do!
  • Endue them with Your supernatural wisdom from on high, Father, and help them to act from it at all times!
  • Set a watch on Your man or woman’s mouth, and let them speak ONLY as the oracles of God. Let their tongue cleave to the roof of their mouth if they are even tempted to speak out anything that is not from you, from now through the time their office is over!
  • Heal our land, O righteous Father; and use this President as a tool and weapon in Your hands to do it!

Father, only You can do this. It will take a miracle to turn this nation.

But, that’s exactly what we are asking You for: a miracle. You promised it in Your Word, and we have humbled ourselves, sought Your face, and turned from our wicked ways.

Hear our prayers, therefore, and keep Your promises, O God. Turn our nation back to Yourself, we pray in Jesus’ name.

We plead the blood of Jesus over our nation. Please, Father: Give us a President in THIS election cycle, who will be kept safe and healthy, AND who will be permitted to take office, who will govern only for the cause of righteousness, justice, and truth.

Thank You, Abba Father. In Jesus’ holy and precious name we pray, amen and amen.”

Beloved, even when times look dismal, we must stand in faith.

Remember that the soul of the Lord has no pleasure in those who draw back from faith. God is not a man, that He should lie. He has promised to heal our land if we will humble ourselves, pray, and turn and repent from our own sins.

Be sure that you have done that today, so that His conditions will be met. And then, pray the short prayer above until God heals our land and blesses us with a righteous President!

What additional prayer points or Scriptures are you praying over the 2024 Presidential election? Leave a comment below!

Jamie Rohrbaugh equips people to walk in the manifest presence of God. She is the author of Healing from Church Wounds: You Can Be Whole Again and How to Become an Intercessor: You Can Shake Heaven and Earth. She blogs for a global readership at FromHisPresence.com, where she writes about prayer, the prophetic word, living supernaturally, inner healing, and Kingdom wealth. Her writing is featured on YouVersion, Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Download her free prayer tool, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them in Prayer and Worship, here. Photo credit: Lorie Shaull from St Paul, United States – Kamala Harris, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=80272344 and Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America – Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=66881640.

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September 28, 2024

Amen to the above prayers in Jesus’ name! Bless our country!

September 28, 2024

Lord, I agree with the above prayer. Only you can do it and perform a miracle at this point. Remove both candidates and give us a leader who is filled with courage and wisdom.

    Mo King
    September 28, 2024

    One candidate is God-centered and believes in His Son. The other one is an atheist and an anti-american. Yes- remove the latter- and bless the former.

September 28, 2024

Our Father which art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name. I adore you. I stand in awe of you on a daily basis, seeing you answer prayers and trusting you with all my heart, soul, might and mind. Having had a horrible ruler for this four years has, if nothing else, has caused many of us to return to our knees in prayer. Father, you know what we have need of even before we ask. We need a ruler who will and has acknowledged you and done many things that were in accordance with your direction and YOUR will. Someone who will not turn their back on you or on Israel. Whom you have to this point, divinely protected and helped. Please Father, don’t subject us to another four years of the actual Devil roaming the White House halls and sitting in a position of power over America. Open the eyes of those that are being fooled by the current administration. Help especially those who call themselves Christians and your Followers, to vote according to your statutes which would keep them from promoting abortion, gender confusion and hate for Israel. We repent and call out to you to protect our election and let YOUR WILL be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. For this we give you all Glory, Honor, Power, and Praise for you ALONE are Worthy to be Praised. In the Mighty Name of Jesus we Pray. Amen

September 28, 2024

God help us to help ourselves. We must work harder to be a nation which honors you and your loving laws. Thy will be done.


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