I Prayed have prayed
Dear Father in Heaven, we humbly ask You to heal our land. Grant us a godly President who will govern righteously. Protect the election so that it is fair and honest for all. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Are you worried about the 2024 Presidential election?

I don’t know anyone who is not concerned to some degree. This country is indeed at a tipping point, whether for good or for evil. BUT, we serve a merciful God whose promise to heal our land is still good. The grass may wither, and the flower may fade; but the word of our God still stands forever!

Connect with others in your state in prayer.


If you are concerned about how this upcoming national election will turn out, please: let us all join together in praying this prayer for the Lord to grant us a righteous President.

If your spirit agrees, join me in praying for the following prayer points for the 2024 Presidential election:

“Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You in Jesus’ name.

Abba Father, thank You that Your mercies are new every day. Thank You for hearing and answering our prayers, even when we do not know how to pray as we ought.

Thank You also that Your Holy Spirit is praying through us and for us right now, interceding for us with moaning and groaning that cannot be uttered—and You know exactly what He is saying as He translates our prayers.

Father God, we praise You for Your sovereignty, for Your power, and for Your guiding hand on this country.

You have been present in every era of our national journey, from the first settlers to the Founding Fathers to where we are now. And even when our actions have not pleased You, You have still had mercy and forgiven us.

Over and over, You have sent revival, even when we did not deserve it. And so we come to You again, Father: not from a position of deserving anything, but because we are crying out to You for mercy, and believing You to grant it.

Holy Father, Your Word says that if Your people, who are called by Your name, will humble themselves—ourselves, that is—and pray and seek Your face and turn from our wicked ways, then You will hear from Heaven and forgive our sins; and You will heal our land. Therefore, as I have been repenting and seeking Your face, I join today with the other saints around this nation who have been doing the same thing. And together, we ask You to heal our land.

In particular, Father, we ask that You would turn the 2024 Presidential election on our behalf. Give us a President who will govern righteously.

And to that end, we pray today in Jesus’ name:

  • Let righteous voters turn out en masse and vote for the cause of righteousness and justice.
  • Protect the polling places. Keep them safe from corruption and corrupt people. Let nothing hinder or interfere with the proper function of the polling places, and with the proper, honest, and fair collection of votes.
  • Let the election results be counted fairly, reported fairly, and let everything be done honestly and above reproach.
  • Do not let any fraudulent votes be counted in the election at all, in Jesus’ name.
  • If there are loopholes where criminals could influence the election results—whether before, during, or after the election—let them be exposed and resolved before they do any damage. Let no criminals have any influence over the election at all.
  • Bring us a President who will govern America in support of Americans, not who will govern for other nations’ benefit or for personal gain.
  • Bring us a President who will walk in and support ONLY righteousness and justice, which are the foundations of Your throne.
  • Give us a President who will communicate truthfully, transparently, and clearly with the American people.
  • Bring us a President who will support Israel.
  • Bring us a righteous President who, even if they are still learning Your ways, will still seek You with all of their heart. Let our President be a man or woman of prayer, of Your Word, and even of fasting to seek Your face.
  • Let them be a person after Your heart!
  • Bring us a President with clean hands and a pure heart.
  • Give them divine strategies to heal our land in every way—from advocacy for life to healing the economy—and let them carry out those strategies without reprisal or hindrance.
  • Give our President the anointing of the sons of Issachar, that they may know the times and seasons, to know what America ought to do!
  • Endue them with Your supernatural wisdom from on high, Father, and help them to act from it at all times!
  • Set a watch on Your man or woman’s mouth, and let them speak ONLY as the oracles of God. Let their tongue cleave to the roof of their mouth if they are even tempted to speak out anything that is not from you, from now through the time their office is over!
  • Heal our land, O righteous Father; and use this President as a tool and weapon in Your hands to do it!

Father, only You can do this. It will take a miracle to turn this nation.

But, that’s exactly what we are asking You for: a miracle. You promised it in Your Word, and we have humbled ourselves, sought Your face, and turned from our wicked ways.

Hear our prayers, therefore, and keep Your promises, O God. Turn our nation back to Yourself, we pray in Jesus’ name.

We plead the blood of Jesus over our nation. Please, Father: Give us a President in THIS election cycle, who will be kept safe and healthy, AND who will be permitted to take office, who will govern only for the cause of righteousness, justice, and truth.

Thank You, Abba Father. In Jesus’ holy and precious name we pray, amen and amen.”

Beloved, even when times look dismal, we must stand in faith.

Remember that the soul of the Lord has no pleasure in those who draw back from faith. God is not a man, that He should lie. He has promised to heal our land if we will humble ourselves, pray, and turn and repent from our own sins.

Be sure that you have done that today, so that His conditions will be met. And then, pray the short prayer above until God heals our land and blesses us with a righteous President!

What additional prayer points or Scriptures are you praying over the 2024 Presidential election? Leave a comment below!

Jamie Rohrbaugh equips people to walk in the manifest presence of God. She is the author of Healing from Church Wounds: You Can Be Whole Again and How to Become an Intercessor: You Can Shake Heaven and Earth. She blogs for a global readership at FromHisPresence.com, where she writes about prayer, the prophetic word, living supernaturally, inner healing, and Kingdom wealth. Her writing is featured on YouVersion, Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Download her free prayer tool, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them in Prayer and Worship, here. Photo credit: Lorie Shaull from St Paul, United States – Kamala Harris, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=80272344 and Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America – Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=66881640.

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November 5, 2024

God Bless you for these prayers and thoughts, I have been so troubled by this election, you helped me to see what Jesus wants us to see and do, His Will Ne Done

Sharon Cundy
November 5, 2024

This is a blessings, the words were so just right.

Larry Weiler
October 1, 2024

Let us see the democrats want open borders, health care for the whole world at tax payers expense, criminals set free while arresting and imprisoning anyone who opposes their agenda, give the WHO complete control in deciding which rights we are entitled to, pushing the idea of choosing your sex, and the lists goes on. They are joined by some of the rich, the athletes, the entertainers, and the media who hold themselves to be served by the rest. If Trump wins which he should unless all the cheating of last election is allowed again, then I believe that God will guide him to lead us through the evil that has come upon the US and the world. If harris wins, which would be by dishonest means, then we will watch the US and the world enter very dark and evil times. Those who choose God will need to pray for his mercy and protection. God is in charge our free will only pertains to the choices we make and we will receive the consequences of those choices. As for me I trust in God and may His will be done. Amen.

Venasta Denise Parsons
September 29, 2024

I stand with the word of God to move mightily by His spirit over the 2024 election! May the blood 🩸 of Jesus cover every states polling station

Brian Lynch
September 29, 2024

Lord Jesus, You know the beginning from the end. I pray for the upcoming presidential election. In spite of any and all evil dishonest things that can be done to manipulate the votes, I pray, that, by Your grace, that everything involved in this election, every minute detail, will be above board and will be full of integrity and honesty. Thank You, Jesus.

Billie Cash
September 29, 2024

Holy Father ; I agree with every word prayed . I know You hear the cries of your people. . We plead the Blood of Jesus over this election. We ask that for the largest turnout in history of believers to rise up and be willing to vote early. Rein down conviction . Cause them to repent for slothfulness. Stir them with the seriousness of abdicating their lack of concern in the past . Cause churches to tell their people to vote. You will guide each one to the candidate who loves the people. . This is a crossroads of decision which Will affect generations ! Oh Father Pierce the hearts of Your people who have been careless in understanding why their vote counts. Flood our land with millions to come and vote righteousness . A democracy must be saved from communism/ Marxism. You brought pilgrims from England to establish freedom of religion.. Do not allow inconvenience or weather to cripple this opportunity! Send the church to vote . Send the marginalized folks at home who have never voted to vote !Crush evil . Teach us to live every day in Your strength and presence as we pray this word from 1 Chronicles 16:11.. Yes, we will pray on day by day . We will not cease because You are our Father , prompting and compelling us to pray, believe, respond and act . We seek You in all things because You sent Jesus to rescue us from sin. It took a cross and his suffering to provide the Supreme Sacrifice which would cover the sin of all humanity “ once and for all” He was holy as You are . His body was placed in a tomb but 3 days later He arose ! He is our Risen Savior ! Our country needs Jesus desperately . It is in His name we gladly pray for the miracle of this election! Show forth Your power, as we pray on daily in Jesus’ Name Acts 17:28

September 29, 2024

There’s a lot going on, far bigger and more complicated issues than we can solve now. The Biden presidency set many things in motion that appear to be irreversible. As in any situation, large or small, complicated or simple, we are absolutely lost without God. America will be saved if that is what God is doing. As His people, we are to discern what he is doing, align ourselves with Him and pray that He will bring it about, and to do what He says. God is watching to see if there is anyone who will stand in the gap for America. Yes Lord, there are hundreds, thousands, millions of us praying for our country’s survival and for this election.
The outcome depends on what God is doing.
We are on board, Father.
Guide us and save us with your right hand, that those you love may be delivered.

    October 1, 2024

    During the first Republican debates (which Trump did not attend and MAGA did not tune into), the other candidates addressed questions about the decline of our military and out growing debt and each had a thought-out solution to offer. Why does Trump not have a plan?

    Trump’s no tax on overtime and social security and tax cuts will add to the deficit.

September 29, 2024

How many of you have noticed that neither Trump or Harris has a plan for dealing with the national debt???

September 29, 2024

How many are you aware that the stock market collapse began on Oct. 28, 1929 because a rumor spread that the Herbert Hoover’s Tariff Bill had become law?

George Leaf
September 29, 2024

Father God bring your great righteous light of heaven to earth that all intents and purposes in this election be plain to see before all. Let nothing be hidden any longer. Make clear the doings of all elected and appointed officials, judges, congress both house and senate. All government officials, lawyers and bureaucrats. Let no intent be hidden, no corruption or unrighteous intent not be plain to all. Bring clear vision to all that the weights in use on the scales of Justice are fair and equal. In Jesus Holy Name, Amen Amen.

John Soccre
September 29, 2024

It seems pretty clear that the election would be over right now and Harris would win if Trump did not have such strong support from Evangelical Christians. There is something good about the loyalty that Christians are showing, the whole hearted commitment to simply want what is right, to be single minded in a commitment to what they feel is right, and to be willing to sacrifice and take a stand to support what they see as good. If you were to go to war, Christians are the kind of people you’d want to be in a foxhole with. They’d clearly have your back and lay their life on the line for you. It is tragic that so many are unable to question whether supporting Trump really is a good thing or not. This is tragic. There has never been a president in the history of our country whose own vice president and the majority of former cabinet officials refuse to endorse him. The people closest to him know that he is not a good person. Christians are so committed to demonizing anyone who disagrees with them and overlooking the fraud, the adultery, the lying that they cannot see that they are being taken in by someone that does not care about them. This is tragic.

    September 29, 2024

    Wholehearted commitment to what is right??????? Did you realize that Donald Trump wants to gut the DOJ and replacement them–not with knowledgeable people dedicated to the idea of justice being equally enforced–but with people WHO ARE PERSONALLY LAYLOR TO HIM?????

    September 29, 2024

    MAGA Christians do not have the back of the Ukrainians!!!!

      September 29, 2024

      I don’t think that Donald Trump had the back of our military when he stored top secret military secrets in his bathroom and was flashing attack plans at a country club in New Jersey and showing a military map to an employee. During his first term, he was in constant conflict with our military leaders. He also failed to turn around the decline in our military strength. With his not acknowledging his past errors and indicating a turnaround in his thinking, I would understand if the military was uncomfortable with his leading this country, especially with the likelihood of conflict in the South China Sea and the Middle East.

      Since he is constantly changing his platform, I guess he could still indicate a change of heart?

      Just to say that there are many Christians who have concerns about his leadership, and he has done nothing to address their concerns.

        September 29, 2024

        And if those very Christians who are waiting for their concerns to be addressed sit back and do not vote, they will allow the country to continue to be flooded with millions of illegal immigrants, the continuation of a communist/Marxist/global cabal government that silences speech, weaponizes the DOJ and FBI to jail its political opponents, and, among other atrocities, legalizes the killing of infants. Lord, help us all to wake up to the consequences of the choices we are making.

          September 30, 2024

          I think it is on Donald Trump to listen to and address the concerns of those who are moderate. If he loses it is on him.

        October 27, 2024

        Don’t forget, Biden had sensitive documents stored in his garage.

September 29, 2024

Our Father, Master, Creator and Ruler of the universe, we know that you are the omniscient, omnipotent, only true God. As a people, America has sinned, yet there remains a remnant that has remained faithful to You. We are sorry for our apathy and for not seeking You as we should. We repent of not showing love to the poor, the downtrodden, the confused and the distressed. Lord help us to reach out to those we should. We know that You are both a loving and a just God. We know that you are not willing for any to perish but that all should come to repentance. You sent your Son not to condemn the world but that the world through His suffering and death would be saved. He was the sacrificial Lamb that paid the price for all of our sins. Then He rose again that we might have eternal life with You.
LORD our nation, our world is embattled. It is not a political battle but a battle between good and evil. Our nation has been a leader in this world. Our nation has been a city on a hill. Our nation has stood for freedom of all. This is truly a fight for the soul of our nation. We humbly ask that you be merciful and give our nation one more chance. Give us a fair election. LORD we ask for a president that will be a true leader but one who follows You. Most of all, we ask that Your will be done. Amen

Cynthia Kernohan
September 28, 2024

Pres.Trump often raises his hand and eyes to God and speaks his name! God has given him wisdom and the election is in God’s hand. Each one of us is not perfect and we need to be humble! and allow for other’s frailties!
As an aside note I saw an interview with Kamala Harris and she was a disaster! Also apropos the Border Wall and she lied! God said Liars will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven!

Darlene Estlow
September 28, 2024

I pray in agreement with Jamie. Father, may we walk in holiness before you and be bold before you to proclaim your word and works. Thank you Jesus.

September 28, 2024

Thank you, Jamie! A BIG AMEN!

Kirk and Mary Beth
September 28, 2024

Yes, Jamie, we stand with you in agreement on every prayer point – and will continue to cry out with you for God’s intervention. Your will be done, Your Kingdom come – for You are King of kings, and Lord of lords!!

Peg B
September 28, 2024

Heavenly Father, I stand in agreement with this prayer. LORD, we know that a man or woman cannot lead this nation alone, but in fact, MOST SURELY need YOUR divine guidance. Please bring wise counsel alongside our next president, not false speaking representatives. We desire Your footsteps to lead in every decision and for You to be exalted in the midst of every meeting. Continue to minister to every intercessor Your true desires, both today and in the days ahead. Let Your words be spoken out of our mouths for Your glory and Your divine purpose. We thank You! In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

September 28, 2024

Our father, in heaven, with a humble heart and submission to your will , i come to your throne father with my petition; I stand before you Lord and place, the United States of America at your feet.
Father, we have forgotten you, we only call upon you in the storm of our lives, forgive us, Lord, for placing other idols before you and worshiping them, we have worshiped the demon of drugs, prostitution, money, and idols that offer babies to other gods. Father in heaven, prostitution, racketeering and abortion has clouded our country. I asked father that you forgive us for disowning you for forgetting about you for placing other idols in front of you, and neglecting to worship with you. Father God in the old testament, there was only one or two faithful people in sodom and gamorah and you saved your few people, I pray for forgiveness, of our sins, and pray that we return to your throne, I asked father, that you cleanse our world, our country of all these despicable, unsafe practices, father I pray that you can open our eyes and clear our ears to hear the truth and come before the throne again, and dedicate the United States of America back to you .
My Lord my God, forgive us for straying so far from you, we ask all these things in your sons name, Christ, the Lord, amen

    September 28, 2024

    Amen! The word of God says that if my people who are called by my name will humble theirselves and repent that you would hear us from heaven and save our land. Father I humble myself and repent of all sin. Please heal America . In the mighty name of Jesus I ask.

September 28, 2024

What I believe we’re seeing.
I am a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. I am in him, and he is in me, by virtue of the work done on the cross by Jesus, singularly, and as I have placed my faith in that finished work of the cross, I am no longer considered a fallen human being, one who is wicked. I am not perfect, but as scripture says, that which is perfect, has not come for believers. We are still get a work in and the Lord is fine with that. Like all who are in Christ, I try to live my life for him and through him each and every day. I am not found in “high places sacrificing to idols.” HE is my Lord and King.
However, there are, among us in this world today, those who are doing very wicked things. The exposure of this level of wickedness these last four years has been at a level none of us could have dreamed of. These are people that are cooperating with God’s enemy, as well as our own, satan. Their wickedness has risen to the heights of heaven, where God Himself dwells. I believe their cup is full. What we are about to witness in this world is his wrath and judgment on the wicked and their wickedness. Could there be some collateral damage as they fight against His justice? Absolutely. Hitler by historical assessment did not “win” World War II. However, as we all know, he did great collateral damage in many ways. We must be prepared and ready for what God will bring in order to cause his creation to come back into alignment with His will. As the darkness is exposed by his justice, there will be darkness for us to live through as our enemy will fight back. Hang onto your faith as it’s going to be a bumpy ride. It is darkest before the dawn!

Isa 26:20  Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.
21 For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.

September 28, 2024

Father God, we praise You for Your sovereignty, for Your power, and for Your guiding hand on this country.
I ask in Jesus’name

September 28, 2024

Yes God will heal IF we turn from our wicked ways. We need prayer for repentance for our sins and forsaking of our evil ways.

    LA MacKay
    November 3, 2024

    Yes, Peggy. Dear Lord, grant me personally to see and forsake any sin in my life today and to walk with You daily, and grant America a powerful, life-changing conviction—and desire to return to You.

Liz Portwood
September 28, 2024

Lord I agree with this prayer. You are mighty to save! We love you Lord. In Jesus name

September 28, 2024

Amen to the above prayers in Jesus’ name! Bless our country!

September 28, 2024

Lord, I agree with the above prayer. Only you can do it and perform a miracle at this point. Remove both candidates and give us a leader who is filled with courage and wisdom.

    Mo King
    September 28, 2024

    One candidate is God-centered and believes in His Son. The other one is an atheist and an anti-american. Yes- remove the latter- and bless the former.

      September 28, 2024

      Donald Trump is NOT focused on God as much as on himself. The lack of discernment on the part on the church is shocking.

        September 29, 2024

        Could the lack thereof of discernment be on your part Megan?

        September 30, 2024

        Were you there to witness the rape? If not, this is what you heard in the
        Main stream media and other opposers. In corrupt NYC, they will indict a ham sandwich. And with a set of ungodly accuser presenting false evidence, ungodly and wicked prosecutors and a set of ungodly judge and jurors, Who can Win? I find most of the so-called Christians are so full of deceit themselves. Just like satan- want to be an accuser of the people, be careful that you are not being used as his puppet. If the LORD wants a perfect man without any spot or wrinkles, the HE would have to come down from Heaven and reign and rule in this wicked world.

        September 30, 2024

        Donald Trump conviction probably owes a lot to what he said in court.

September 28, 2024

Our Father which art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name. I adore you. I stand in awe of you on a daily basis, seeing you answer prayers and trusting you with all my heart, soul, might and mind. Having had a horrible ruler for this four years has, if nothing else, has caused many of us to return to our knees in prayer. Father, you know what we have need of even before we ask. We need a ruler who will and has acknowledged you and done many things that were in accordance with your direction and YOUR will. Someone who will not turn their back on you or on Israel. Whom you have to this point, divinely protected and helped. Please Father, don’t subject us to another four years of the actual Devil roaming the White House halls and sitting in a position of power over America. Open the eyes of those that are being fooled by the current administration. Help especially those who call themselves Christians and your Followers, to vote according to your statutes which would keep them from promoting abortion, gender confusion and hate for Israel. We repent and call out to you to protect our election and let YOUR WILL be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. For this we give you all Glory, Honor, Power, and Praise for you ALONE are Worthy to be Praised. In the Mighty Name of Jesus we Pray. Amen

September 28, 2024

God help us to help ourselves. We must work harder to be a nation which honors you and your loving laws. Thy will be done.


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