I Prayed have prayed
Dear Heavenly Father, the families in Ukraine need You. Parents and children are being separated; many parents and especially fathers are being killed. O Lord, please: arise and help. Defend these precious ones, in Jesus’ name.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

The conflict in Ukraine is tragic and heartbreaking by anyone’s standards. But of all the news we have been seeing from this area, the thing that devastates me the most is how the mothers and children—and sometimes children alone—are having to flee for their lives, leaving the men behind. Those families may never be reunited without God’s help.

BUT GOD. Our God is the Helper and Defender of the helpless, the innocent, the godly, the orphan, the widow, and the fatherless.

He is near to all those who are in trouble, and He is mighty to save. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord raises up a standard against him. Would you join me in prayer today for Ukrainian families, and let’s petition the Lord together for Him to do just that?

Let’s pray:

“Dear Heavenly Father,

We come to You in Jesus’ name. Abba Father, we thank You that Your Word says You sit in the heavens and laugh at Your enemies. You laugh at the vain plotting of evil leaders and evil nations, and You carry out Your will and establish Your Kingdom even when evil rulers try to escape You.

Father, we call on You as our Mighty God, God Most High. Father, You see the families being separated in Ukraine. You see the little ones running for their lives. You see the mothers and fathers being separated from their children, and You see married couples being torn apart as the innocent seek shelter and to protect their nation.

O righteous Father, we ask today that You would rise up and defend these innocent ones:

  • Keep and protect the adults, whether they are fighting for the cause of right or whether they are fleeing for their lives.
  • Keep and protect the little children also, for You are their only Hope.
  • Send angels to watch over all the babies and children. Keep them from getting lost; Your eyes is on the sparrow, so You can certainly watch over these small ones.
  • Father, we ask that You would deliver the parents from enemy fire and reunite mothers and fathers with their children in safety.
  • Where families are separated, give them words of knowledge and strategy about how to find each other again and reunite. Give them such clear direction that it’s like they have supernatural “homing devices” from Your Spirit; let them be drawn like magnets to the places where their family members are, making reuniting easy.
  • We pray earnestly that You would bring these families back together, Father, and that You would fight on behalf of righteousness.

We ask also that You would comfort these babies and their parents while any of them are apart. Let Your Holy Spirit hover and brood over them, reassuring them of Your nearness and presence. Comfort them in the night seasons and in the daytime. Let them hear You singing over them. Let them feel You hugging them and holding them. Let mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, sons and daughters each see Jesus, the Man in white, and know that He will take care of them, provide for them, and keep them safe.

Holy Father, end this conflict in the Ukraine—and end it with victory on the side of righteousness:

  • End it quickly and push the invaders back.
  • Cause the invaders’ equipment to misfire and stop working.
  • Redirect bullets, missiles, and rockets even if they are fired at close range; let them misfire and go astray.
  • Let signs and wonders and miracles break out on behalf of the Ukrainian people.
  • Send Your chariots of fire from Heaven, filled with Your angel armies, and fight on their behalf.
  • Open the eyes of the invading forces and let them see Your heavenly hosts; let them be filled with fear and run away, and let every Ukrainian family plunder the invaders.

Father, we also ask that You would protect Ukrainian churches and every person in the household of faith. Send angels to watch over them and their families. Send angels to watch over their homes. Let it be as it was in the land of Goshen when You sent the plagues into Egypt, but not one of Your people Israel was harmed. Please protect every hair on every Christian’s head in Ukraine, Father, and let them be a burning and shining light of victory as You protect and defend them, rebuking the devourer for their sake.

O God, show Yourself mighty in Ukraine right now.

Show off Your holiness and righteousness as You defend the cause of freedom there. Give them righteous leadership and wisdom, Father, and work supernaturally to end this conflict, bring peace, and bring families back together.

Father, You are God who watches over the innocent. Keep these innocent ones from being plundered any more, Lord, and force the enemy to restore seven times anything that has already been stolen.

Thank You, Abba Father. In Jesus’ holy name we pray, amen and amen.”

Did you pray this prayer today, agreeing with the compassionate heart of Jesus for these innocent ones in the Ukraine? If so, leave a comment below and add your heartfelt prayer!

Download this prayer in a printer friendly format HERE.

Jamie Rohrbaugh equips people to walk in the manifest presence of God. She is the author of 7 Days of Praying for Your Children: Help, Hope, and Encouragement for Your Parenting Journey. She blogs for a global readership at FromHisPresence.com, where she writes about prayer, the prophetic word, living supernaturally, inner healing, and Kingdom wealth. Her writing is featured on YouVersion, Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Download her free ebook, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them in Prayer and Worship

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March 17, 2022

I’ve been praying this prayer every day among others for the people of Urkraine and their children, for their safety and for a quick end to this evil war!

Rosemary Marsal
March 16, 2022

Beautiful prayer. Will be praying this prayer daily! Thank you for all you do for the body of Christ!

Deborah Shotton
March 15, 2022

Thank you Father for your covering hand reaching your little ones, for your arm is NOT too short. Thank you for the charging of your angels to protect n keep safe your children n their parents. We continue to cry out in praise n worship for ALL of Ukraine. In Jesus’ Name I pray

bill harmond
March 15, 2022

May our Lord truly have mercy.

March 14, 2022

My father in heaven, father you are the maker of this world, you made us you made your people and you made each innocent child that’s being hurt in today’s war. Father Lord I beseech you you in the name of Jesus to send down your mighty angels and protect the innocent children men and women that are being separated by this war; I ask in the name of Christ for you to present yourself and let the wicked know that you are in Ukraine; I bind the Evil in Ukraine, I bind Satan‘s demons in Ukraine I bind them all in the name of Jesus; for Christ already won the war against these evil entities , on the cross at Calvary. We praise your father that your protection will fall on each individual and Ukraine. I pray in Jesus name amen

Harriet Westbrook
March 14, 2022

Praying these prayers and so appreciate all those who make this website possible.

March 14, 2022

Amen, Amen!!

Etta Danielson
March 14, 2022

I come into agreement with all these prayers and will continue to pray.

Michael Kinsolving
March 14, 2022

I just.prayed.this prayer.

Debbie Stanaway
March 14, 2022

I agree and prayed in Jesus name! Amen.

March 14, 2022

May all involved in this war be covered by the blood of Jesus. May legions of angels defend the weak. May our God of all bring peace to this country. In Jesus’s name I pray.

Shigeko Yamaguma
March 14, 2022

Praying for God’s righteousness be done in Ukraine and Russia. Praying that mercies are new every morning for the Ukrainians and the rescues workers wherever the refugees are.

in Jesus name,

March 14, 2022

Father, You are a shield to those who take refuge in You! We pray that You are doing that for Ukraine. We pray that lives would be turned toward You and revival will come! Just as You took care of Egypt’s army do the same for those who are attacking Ukraine, send them home, confuse the enemy! May the militant forces that Putin is calling be turned back and not able to come! We pray for and end of this war, the devastation to end. That Your hand of protection would be on those who are fighting for deliverance, for those who are staying to help other, supply their need for food, water shelter. Give strength to the pastors, encouragement to all involved. For Your name sake and for Your glory! Send Your host of angels to fight for them . Every plot of the enemy Wouk death be foiled and not able to succeed. Father, we pray that families will be reunited and that psd will be healed! Let freedom ring loud and clear.

March 14, 2022

I agree with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Oh Father, let it be so, in the name of Jesus.

Roxanne Rice
March 13, 2022

O Lord, watch over the mentally ill as well. They are often as helpless as children, and easily confused and frightened, not understanding where to go or how to stay safe. Surround them with Your protection and grant them great comfort and peace. Send them people who can guide them to a safe place and look out for their needs.

“Fear not, little flock; it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”. “You are of more value than many sparrows.”


Susan Gauen
March 13, 2022

God we agree with these prayers. We ask You to thwart the enemy’s plans and divinely intervene. Frustrate the enemy’s plans completely. Use this for the good of the Russian soldiers, who are there against their own will, and for the good of the Ukrainians; let them ALL see You and experience Your nearness and Your comfort. Cause them to hear Your voice. Direct each one of them to do Your will in this situation. Let them hear You and encounter You moment by moment. Bring in amazing comfort and provision for each person. You love them all. Make them aware of Your love and care today. End this war. Break the weapons of war and end this war!

Robert Woleben
March 13, 2022

Heavenly Father, may You and your Devine Son, Jesus, be with all of the families in Ukraine, please hold these families together and guide them through these horrific times and may their Christianity bless their lives and fill them with hope for the future together. In Jesus Name, Amen.

selena merriman
March 13, 2022

I agree with all these prayers and give praise to God for all the answered prayers so far and in the future!!

Judy Bowles
March 13, 2022

Lord Almighty God, may our brother and sisters in Christ keep their eye on you and your word, be their strength and fill them with an overwhelming amount of Trust, Faith, Wisdom, Discernment. Give them direction on where you want them to go, what to hear and say.
May those who do not know see you in the mist of their fear , uncertainty and come to know you as their Lord and Savior.
May we hear of supernatural encounters of you in the mist of all of this.
In Jesus Name

Dawn D.
March 13, 2022

Lord hear all of our prayers.

March 13, 2022

Oh Father, see how your people are joining together in Your Name and calling on you for your intercession for the people in the Ukraine. Hear our prayers oh Lord. Amen.

March 13, 2022

Praying daily

March 13, 2022

Praying for protection.

March 13, 2022

did it just now…..In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!

Carol King
March 13, 2022

Powerful prayers!!! So happy I could be part of this. My Ukrainian family are from the Chernobyl and Sokolove areas

March 13, 2022

Thank you for such a powerful prayer!!!!

Ronald Murphy
March 13, 2022

May God soon end this wicked invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces. Cause other free nations to come to the aid of the Ukrainians!

Matthew Stachmus
March 13, 2022

Lord Jesus Christ we look to you as the defender of the defenseless and as the Lord of Hosts, the armies of heaven. Oh that even in this tragedy your super power may be seen to reaffirm your strength in those who have placed their trust in you and to also to bring those who are against you into submission of your will and the power of your mighty hand. Protect the fatherless, widows and children. Protect all the people of Ukraine as they courageously fight and battle against a superior military in human terms knowing that the “horse is a vain thing” and victory belongs to the Lord.
This we pray in Jesus mighty and precious name.

Joyce M Siecke
March 13, 2022

Praying for all of them! Hold them (all) tight in your hand! Don’t let anyone touch them! Amen, Joyce

Marsha Zarembski
March 13, 2022

Beautiful. Such a helpful guide to know how to pray for Ukraine. Thank you for sharing.

Carol Lawrence
March 13, 2022

Thank you for crafting a great prayer to our Father we can all pray. Praying and believing it is so. Amen!

Ruth Butros
March 13, 2022

Also pray for the Palestinian families who woke up this week and were told their land was being taken and homes were being destroyed that day so that Israeli settlers could construct new homes for themselves on it. Pray the arriving Ukrainians refuse to take part in the hatred and devaluation of people and families that allows this to continue. Let them demonstrate the same kindness they’ve been shown.

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Libin Ho
March 12, 2022

LORD, may You contend with those who contend with Ukraine; may You take up shield and armor; arise and come to her aid. From Psalm 35:1a, 2

Priscilla Meyenburg
March 12, 2022

“No doubt about it, long and enduring times that you are facing through life’s fiery furnace requires Faith, perseverance, and determination to stand. Our Fight is to stand against the evil spirits, take authority over all the fiery darts that come your way. Don’t quit God gave us his words of promises that he will be our covering of protection when we ask. Do not allow Fear to take place in your spirit, start praising God in song, of words that just tells Jesus how much u love him. Just remember God is with you wherever you are. Joshua 1:9 says God of peace will crush Satan under your feet. Be of good courage because (God) is your strength.Phil-4:13 says I (we) can do all Things through Christ who gives us this strength. My prayers are these words put on the Full Armor of God, his words, his love, his wisdom, his strength, Then take the Shield of Faith apply it to your circumstances so the devil’s dart cannot harm you. Ask God to send His angels to surround you to help protect you, to make a way for you. Ask God for His Grace to help you, I pray God will give all boldness as he removes fear with the understanding that we must never, never Give up. The words to a song I sing over you is: Through many dangers, toils, and snares I-have already come ‘Tis Gods Grace that brought me safe thus far, And Gods Grace will keep me. (You). Or these words of just Jesus, Jesus there is something about that name. I lift up these words for all of the people in Ukraine that these words will keep you, will remove fear, will protect you, will give u Hope. I ask Jesus to give u confidence as these words seep into your hearts, your spirit, your mind you will feel Jesus Holy Presence there with you. There is something powerful about that name “ Jesus” Gods Blessing

March 12, 2022

I pray for victory in Ukraine and that all of the Ukraine people will stay safe from any harm. Lord bless these people they have endured so much.

Deborah Candland
March 12, 2022

Father, place Your hand of protection strategically, especially where thermobaric weapons are being used. Let them all fail. Let the world see that this weapon class must be banned from use. We ask this in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Mary Lou Mudd
March 12, 2022

Praying for all the Holocaust Jews that live in Ukraine. They barely have enough to eat or get by and now this war. Father God, thank you for sending provision and any other thing they might need. In Jesus name I pray. Amen and Amen.

Elaine travis
March 12, 2022

Also praying for the Jewish population.Elaine

Lon Fleming
March 12, 2022

I pray to our Father in Heaven that he will hear our cries for help for the people in Ukraine and that you will protect them from the evil armies of Russia. Father God please protect these families and unite them again. I pray Lord that your will bring your army of angels and defeat Russia and its allies and send them back to Russia . I pray dear Father that you will awaken our President from his deep sleep and guide him to help Ukraine in its fight for freedom and peace. Father God we truly need your help.

Patricia Marshall
March 12, 2022

God, I pray to you with all of my confidence in your strength to protect the innocent ones in Ukraine and please end this horrible invasion on their country by the ungodly and ruthless Russians.

Kathy Jordan
March 12, 2022

Father we lift before you the little children. Protect them from the destructive work of Satan. Send their heavenly angel specifically given to them at birth to guard them in this hour of need. Your word tells us to bring all the little children unto you, and Father if you are for them, who can be against them!! Amen

Sherri Johnson
March 12, 2022

The children…it breaks my heart to see them separated from their parents. I’m praying daily for them and their parents in Jesus’ Name.

March 12, 2022

Our Father who art in Heaven, hallow be thely name. I pray for the people of Ukraine. Please cover them with your protection Holy Spirit and if some do not know you, please send someone their way that can speak of the Trinity of God, and soften their hearts to.Your truth so that they too will accept you as their Lord and Savior. Please let the unsaved Russians also hear your word, lstop killing innocent children ,their mothers, the elderly and crippled. I pray Putin would have a “come to Jesus moment,” see the error of his way, repent and end this war with Ukraine in Jesus name I ask and pray amen

Mary Canfijn
March 12, 2022

Agreeing in prayer for that which only the LORD God can do!
May the Captain of the LORD’s Host reveal His power and authority on behalf of the
oppressed! May the whole world come to know that God is Judge over all the earth!
Oh Father, open blinded eyes! Touch hardened hearts! Let Your glory shine through
the engulfing evil! Rebuke the diabolical, murderous spirit that wants to destroy life
in all stages — throughout the world! In You we put our trust.

March 12, 2022

This is a beautiful prayer that should be prayed every day.

Andrea Sandvik
March 12, 2022

Oh God! Each little child, baby, elderly, young persons we pray for Your blessed place for them, sheltered from the storm that is passing through, to be revealed to them, and that they will be supernaturally protected from shots fired, missals, mortar fired at them, and sophisticated weaponry
like a curtain made of the hardest material ever know and unknown to stand between them and the hurt. Please join lost loved ones, and show parents where their babies are like a flashing light in the darkness. Please keep them warm and under Your wings Father God.
In Jesus name Amen

Mary Bernadette Drury
March 12, 2022

A beautiful prayer.

Loralii Reader-Gorne
March 12, 2022

Dearest Heavenly Father show the world your great mercy and power. Protect the Ukrainian people as they fight for righteousness give them success over the enemy. Change the hearts of the Russian soldiers and let compassion rule over both countries. Oh Lord we beseech you in the mighty name of Jesus Amen

Gayle R Snyder
March 12, 2022

I prayed this prayer in its entirety with additions to pray for single individuals who are just as loved by God and just as in need of prayer and support. I pray that God will guide and protect all the innocent people of Ukraine.

Jean M Gottung
March 12, 2022

Thank you for these prayers today. It is refreshing to have my brothers and sisters praying in agreement with what I desire to pray.

Jessica Renshaw
March 12, 2022

>Please protect every hair on every Christian’s head in Ukraine< I prayed this entire prayer with all my heart but I prayed for protection of nonChristians too, that they will live long enough to know and receive the Lord.! I pray also for the lives of Russian soldiers (believers and unbelievers) to be spared–so many of them are not in this battle against their neighbors by choice. As they say, "This is Putin's war, not ours!" Pray their guns will misfire, their tanks run out of fuel, their trucks' tires blow out, block what they are doing–but pray God will spare the lives of the people. Even Ukrainians are praying for their salvation, and are helping individual Russian soldiers, giving them food, compassion and the gospel!

Kathleen LaFountain
March 12, 2022

Jamie’s prayer was right on. I will continue to pray it in the coming days. Thank you!

E Morgan
March 12, 2022

In complete agreement with these prayers. Father in Heaven, God please be with these people, comfort them and give them safetly and peace, knowing that you are there, taking care of them. Stop Putin and his in his tracks! I pray that you’ll give him a change of heart and pray that he shows empathy towards his neighbors and people. I pray that he sees your power and feels your love and comes to know you. Father, please show you amazing power. You and you along can stop this. Father God, we pray to you in the name of Jesus! Amen!

Donnie Schexneider
March 12, 2022

Have merry on the ukranian people Lord

Joan Olbrich
March 12, 2022

Yes standing with the IFA. Thank you for your faithful support of the innocent people.

Pamela Derrer
March 12, 2022

God bless you.
I prayed this prayer.
Praying for the Ukraines.
Praying for angel armies and supernatural miracles for the Ukraines.
God bless, heal, protect, the Ukraines.
May the Russian armies deslove,
Retreat, run back to Russia and may ALL Russian equipment break, fallApart, and explode.
May Jesus send plagues to Putin and his friends.
Help the Ukraine. Amen

Darlene Estlow
March 12, 2022

Father we join together I in asking for mercy over Ukraine. Thank you for hearing out prayer.

Pamela M Perkins
March 12, 2022

Abba, Father! WE praise Your Most Holy Name and Thank You for Your unconditional love. Pure out this love to those families in Ukraine and those fleeing for safety. Yes Lord take unquestionable control over the enemy and his ability to fight, confusing his mind and leading them to retreat and seek Your face. Bring Your comfort, peace and love and let no man be confused as to YOUR Power and might! Thank YOU Lord for never leaving or forsaking those who hold YOU in their heart! We give YOU ALL the honor and glory, and in the precious name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

Beverly Steckler
March 12, 2022

Surely there’s many families in Russia too that are Christians and need our prayers as well!!

Raymond Victor Evenson
March 12, 2022

May God prevail in a mighty way in Ukraine!!

Ellen Sherwood
March 12, 2022

I was often at a loss as to how to pray for the situation and people of the Ukraine. Thank you so much for this meaningful prayers pray and share with others.
Viva Christo Rey!!!

March 12, 2022

Thank you for thia prayer,it is what I wanted.to pray for the Ukrainian people.

Patricia Ralston
March 12, 2022

Thank you Father Jesus Holy Spirit for being with the family, in Ukraine. Father I decree and declare Father is all knowing. Pray 91st Psalm over the people in Ukraine and the Nations of World to come together as brothers and sisters In Jesus and fight for their Freedom and family’s. God is all knowing. He has Eyes that See. Russians are fighting Almighty God and it may seem otherwise but He already has Won for Ukraine’s Freedom.
Be Strong Be Courages for I Am The Great I Am is with you. I pray Peace over your families. Watch and see what God will do just like when protected the Children of Israel. Blessings to you and family.

Cindy Ashlock
March 12, 2022

Agreeing with this prayer. Also, Lord God, forgive the United States for the evil we have been a part of in Ukraine. Forgive us, we have sinned against You and the people of Ukraine. Lord, I plead the Blood of Jesus over the Ukrainian people. Grant them safety, restore them, and give peace to their country. Protect the Christians, Jews and innocent people in Ukraine, Russia and the surrounding countries. May they not be drawn into this situation. Lord, have mercy. In Jesus Name

March 12, 2022

Holy Father, please keep the Ukraine people safe from the evil doers. You alone know all their needs. Please bring the families back to each other. Watch over the little ones, mother’s, and father’s. Bring them all to safety and that they will look to you for guidance.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Judy k Welch
March 12, 2022
Sharion Hayes
March 12, 2022

We have family that is taking in women and children and the men are going into Ukraine to rescue and bring back more women and children that are hiding from the Russian soldiers. Please protect these brave men! They have a golden heart to do God’s will and to help those that are so scared. I pray it in Jesus Name. Amen.

Marlene Rowe
March 12, 2022

Thank you for these beautiful prayers. May God’s holy will be done.

Esther Fellows
March 12, 2022

Isaiah 49:25 But thus saith the Lord, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered; for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee and I will save thy children.
Thank you Lord that we are in the palm of your mighty hand.

Maynard F Yutzy
March 12, 2022

Your will, Heavenly Father, be done and may the unrighteous see your power and your ultimate authority be made known. May many come to YOU knowing you are the God of gods and the KING of kings. Thank you Jesus,

March 12, 2022

Thank you, IFA for your ministry and your guidelines to help us pray for all that is on our Father’s heart!

James Tague
March 12, 2022

A good prayer well done.

Ed & Pat Jacques
March 12, 2022

Praying continually for all concerns! Jesus, the Messiah, the One True God, is your hope. He is the only One you must look to, denying all others!

He is faithful & loves you so much! Humble yourselves before Him Who is more then able to defend you!!!

Linda Mae Felipez
March 12, 2022

Thank you for leading us in this powerful, specific prayer! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! His mighty Hand is at work! Amen!

Linda Welsh
March 12, 2022

Our hearts are troubled by this bully Putin invading Ukraine but we know our God is bigger stronger & able to reach down & help the beautiful people of Ukraine. We will pray until we see the victory

Joe Chambers
March 12, 2022

I joined in this prayer and hope for victory for these freedom-loving patriots of Ukraine. I see these wonderful mistreated people as ‘David vs. Goliath’……….& David wins!! God bless & comfort the people who just want to live peaceful lives in freedom & not dwelling under evil dictator rule. Amen. <

Teresa Entzeroth
March 12, 2022

Thank you for this beautiful prayer. Dear Lord please bring peace to Ukraine and throughout the world I’m Jesus’s name I pray. Amen

Dawn Swapp
March 12, 2022

Dear Jesus, please perform miracles in this war torn area. Protect pregnant mothers too! Please protect the men left behind! Help the elderly too. Protect the blind man I saw on the news yesterday wherever he is!!! It has to be so scary for everyone there. So very tragic!!! !Psalm 91, Isaiah 54:17 please give wisdom to NATO! Thank you Jesus in your name we pray! Dawn

Sue Pollitt
March 12, 2022

Please remember the Russian Christians as well and protect them and their families. Amen.

March 12, 2022

Please Lord hold the righteous in the palm of you hand and give them the graces that they need. Let the Ukraine people see you more clearly, hear you more dearly and follow you nearly day by day. Thank you for hearing our prayers. Amen.

Jan Barwick
March 12, 2022

O Lord, this is my prayer. Please hear this prayer, Lord, and answer…please, Lord. Let the evil fall by their their wicked schemes…thank you in Jesus Name. Amen

Anne R Shreeve
March 12, 2022

Wonderful and thoughtful prayers. ❤ I will be forwarding shortly.
Thank you.

Wanda Gilmartin
March 12, 2022

I prayed this prayer and continue to pray in the mighty name of Jesus for the innocents and defenders in Ukraine.
Lord, you are sovereign and your arm is not too short to protect and defend the Ukranian people. To Your honor and glory please do this. In Jesus’ name. Amen

March 12, 2022

Great article, as usual, Jamie. It certainly calls us to focus on what Almighty God can do for the Ukranian people. This is where our focus, as intercessors, needs to be. God is far greater and mightier than the forces of evil that have motivated this invasion. He is exceedingly abundantly able to turn what is meant for harm, into good. Lord, please, make a way for this conflict to end quickly. Please, protect the innocent people of Ukraine , especially the children. Please, bring the families of Ukraine back together when the time comes for this to happen. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

March 12, 2022

I did pray n have been praying! One suggestion, because most Ukrainians are Jewish use HaShem’s bane n God in place of Jesus! Remember most are Jewish. This would give them more comfort to know that you respect them in all your prayers.

    Sharion Hayes
    March 12, 2022

    There are about 200,000 Jews in the Ukraine. Some are being flown to Israel through the Kenneth Copeland Ministry with the permission of the government of Israel. They can only take so many and then they have to go through an assimilation to learn the language, the money values, etc. Celebrate for those that get to go to their homeland, Israel. This is a lifetime dream for them.

March 12, 2022

Thank you for this powerful prayer!

Martha Townsend
March 12, 2022

Oh Heavenly Father I agree 100% with this prayer

March 12, 2022

I have joined you with hands of faith in standing for the Ukrainian folks. And where two or more agree as to touching any one thing, they shall have it! Glory to God!!

Phyllis Neff
March 12, 2022

Yes, Lord! And we cry out for mercy!!!

March 12, 2022

Father God, Pour Your Spirit out and deliver Your people. We thank You Almighty God. You are the Deliverer and great is Your mercy and love.

Deanie Cinnamon
March 12, 2022
Emily Arnot
March 12, 2022

Amén to these prayers! God please be glorified! May your truth spread as people look to you for help! Nahum 1:7 “The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him.”

Mike Urben
March 12, 2022

AMEN and AMEN to this exquisitely written prayer which I prayed and added to through tears. I also agree with the growing number of prophetic voices who recognize this demonic conflict as a means to dispose of a major leader who opposes the New World Order, but my heart cries out for all the innocent citizens of Ukraine!
O Father God, come quickly to their aid!

March 12, 2022

Father God, our mighty and matchless KING over Al the earth, I pray for the truth to come forth, for the evil Luciferians to receive their just consequences and for the greatest revival the world has ever seen. That every knee would bow and every tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD. Please bring the conflict to an end and awaken the world to the truth, no matter how painful that may be so that we can truly unite and heal. In the name of our selfless savior JESUS. Amen and amen

Amanda Lants
March 12, 2022

Praying in agreement and confidence in God’s faithfulness.
Lord, Help!!

Ronda Orchard
March 12, 2022

Lord, you alone are worthy to be praised. You are mighty to serve and mighty to save. You are the alpha and omega, you SEE the beginning from the end.

I pray that you bless your people with spiritual spectacles so that they would bear witness with the greater picture of what is happening. Blot out falsehoods and fractured fairy tales giving strength to wisdom and the truth behind this conflict.

Restore the identities of your chosen people and capture the Khazarian cabal, the Rothchild banking thieves, and the ruthless adrenochrome butchers trafficking children (and adults), laundering backroom money for the likes of the Clinton’s, Bush’s, Obama’s, Kerry’s, Pelosi’s, Romney’s, and the notorious Biden’s. You know them all and nothing is hidden from you.

Gird your warriors with the belt of truth, shield of faith, sword of the spirit, breastplate of righteousness, helmet of salvation leaving a footprint of peace.

Compel the rulers of the airwaves to reporting the truth and crush their propaganda that the world will KNOW right from wrong. Guide us more and more to the truth, hence your light, daily.

We give you the praise, the power and glory for you are our righteousness. In Jesus’ name, we honor you. Amen

    Wendy Dorn
    March 12, 2022

    Amen and amen’
    Lord, may this situation expose all the evil that is permeating our world. We know we have won through Your Word. May the scales fall from the eyes of those that are still blinded by the propaganda that is being spewed from the controlled media.
    All will be revealed!! Hallelujah! In Jesus’ precious name!!

Betty Dunn
March 12, 2022

A beautiful prayer. Thank you for sharing! Amen 🙏

March 12, 2022

Amen in the name of Jesus our true Messiah 🙏❤✝️

Barbara Janicki
March 12, 2022

Heavenly Father, we ask that Your life-giving light shine in all this darkness of war and chaos, drawing many to know You, Lord Jesus, – let Your light show them the way to find their family members, let Your light show them the way to safety and peace and the end of this conflict. May all Your children see You acting mightily on their behalf and give You all the honor and the glory. Man has meant this war for evil but You Almighty God, please intend it for good, to accomplish the saving of many lives. (Genesis 50:20) Thank You for the privilege of praying for those we do not know, nor will we meet this side of heaven – let Your light shine for all to see, exposing the evil behind this war, let Your truth set all the captives free for good. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

Linda Dickman
March 12, 2022

Thank you for the reminder that the heavens can be opened, and that the enemy can be ‘sore afraid’ at the sight of the legions of angels.
I am also praying for Damascus road experiences for the enemy. The enemy needs salvation. Thank you for this amazing prayer.
It encouraged me.

Paul W. Conant
March 12, 2022

I agree with her prayer, and will wait like Habakkuk did in 3:16-19, to see how God will fill out the details of His salvation.

Anne Schell
March 12, 2022

Thank you for guiding us in calling out to the Lord for victory and glory for HIS NAME’S SAKE

Mike Swanson
March 12, 2022


    Irina Murashova
    March 12, 2022

    Thank you, Mike. Our Father did not call us to curse even our enemy. These prayers some time look like curses. we are whole heartedly for each and any child. But civil war in Ukraine against the so-called separatist has been going in Ukraine on for 8 years. Ukrainian government and Ukrainian army bombed and shelled Ukrainian citizens because they wanted to keep their cultural and national identity at least speak Russian as well as Ukrainian and did not want to recognize the Nazi ideology, which became the state ideology in Ukraine. More than 14, 000 people was killed of which almost 9,000 civilians and more than 400 children and much more wounded. Every life matters. Should we know about that and pray and ask for protection innocent children? I fully agree with Mike Swanson that God will forgive us, Americans, if we repent. Help us Father Help us Holy Spirit. In Yeshuah name. Amen

Jo Ann Veteto
March 12, 2022

Dear Heavenly Father please restrain Putin, pray that his military will fail in their mission. Watch over and protect the Ukrainian people. I pray that many will come to know You. Also pray for those who are encouraging and being there for the Ukrainian people. In Jesus precious name. Amen

Anita Figueroa
March 12, 2022

Dear heavenly father,
Please be with the families in Ukraine the ones that are left behind the ones that cannot leave the one I’m thinking of right now is mom had sent her 11-year-old son on a train travel 607 miles to be with the family member she couldn’t leave her mother her mother was elderly was unable to move or go anywhere please be with that lady and her mom lord it’s so sad Lord please help them in Jesus name amen

Betsy Allen
March 12, 2022

Praying with all my heart for the people in Ukraine 🙏🏻 Father God, end this awful war and please protect families for your glory🙏🏻

Marlene Falvey
March 12, 2022

Amen and Amen!! May the Father’s Glory be shown in this time of persecution in Jesus’ Holy Name.

March 12, 2022

I pray the Holy Spirit will protect the innocents in Ukraine in Poland also.

Janet Gardner
March 12, 2022

Lord God, support and comfort the Ukraian people. Rescue them from death and keep them alive in famine. Your Word says,” We put our hope in the Lord. He is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. Let your unfailing love surround us, Lord, for our hope is in you alone.” Psalms 33: 20-22
“ You stand up to judge those who do evil, O God, and to rescue the oppressed of the earth.” Psalm 76: 9

Bill Uhrig
March 12, 2022

I prayed this prayer in faith. Thank you for your leadership.

Jennifer Snyder
March 12, 2022

May our great God Most High be revealed by His supernatural intervention in Ukraine. The LORD be praised forever. Maranatha! Amen

Vickie Skelley
March 12, 2022

Yes I prayed with tears and faith.

Kathie Jackson
March 12, 2022

Jesus , in Rev12:17 you mention our mother ,you also tell us that she will crush the head of the serpent with her heal and bring victory to her off spring , those who keep your commandments ,
You Father are creator of all that is visible and invisible, Your Son died on the cross that we may be reconciled to You , our loving Father.
Have Mercy on us Lord for our sins have separated us from you, return Lord and send your Holy Flame of Love over All creation , open the eyes of those who do not see, open the ears of those who do not hear , open the Hearts of those who reject You , that they may do what is right and just in your eyes. You alone are God , you alone are the just judge , jesus Save your people , Holy Mother of God protect them from all harm physical , mental and spiritual . May your victory come soon as foretold in Fátima . Amen

March 12, 2022

Please Lord God shelter these people from harm with the armor of your angels. Please let the enemies forces fail in their attempt to take over Ukraine. Please let their bullets, missiles and rockets misfire and hurt no one. Please let this war and all wars end in the name of Jesus we pray. Amen

Esther Egan
March 12, 2022

Father, send your Holy Spirit to give comfort to the people of Ukrain who need You. May they turn their hearts back to You and Your plan.

Wendi Wallace
March 12, 2022

Nothing is impossible by God! Our God loves to save! Even our enemies need to be saved. Help us dear Lord to have hearts afire for you and to trust in your Awesome Divine Mercy!

Kris Conlan
March 12, 2022

Heavenly Father place your hand upon them and care for each one. May your presence be strong in the Ukraine and turn many hearts to you in full surrender. Cause a turning back of the enemy in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!

Geri Mauger
March 12, 2022

Father God, we come before Your heavenly throne to intercede for the safety of the Ukraine nation. The battle is Your’s Lord Jesus! Let no weapon formed against these innocent people prevail! They are covered with the saving Blood of Jesus, and nothing can withstand Your powerful blood covering. Give the men fighting for their beloved Ukraine the military resources to block the enemy’s advance. Give the men fighting this war the hope for a quick victory over Russia so that they will enjoy peace once again and be reunited with their families. Gird up their loins to stand strong in the face of every danger. Remind the Ukraine citizens how much they are loved and supported by Christians all over the world. And may the Holy Spirit guide Ukraine to everlasting peace, in Jesus’ holy name we pray. Amen.

Laura Letourneau
March 12, 2022

Amen and amen. Hear these prayers Lord and answer speedily. In Jesus holy name.

Pastor Jess Shingler
March 12, 2022

Pray the prayer daily that King David did in Ps. 35: 1-8, that God would do battle against the enemies in this war.

Jane Copper
March 12, 2022

Our Heavenly Father,
Thou art mighty to save indeed! We, as Christians must have the faith of a child and pray for all these things in this beautiful prayer by Jamie Rohrbaugh to come to pass. We are praying for these innocent people of Ukraine to find the food, shelter and safety they need and to reunite with their loved ones. May these miracles be known throughout the world, that the lost will see these good works, repent, and glorify You, our Father in heaven!
In the name of Jesus Christ,

Jamie Hotelling
March 12, 2022

Yes I too come in full agreement with Jamie’s prayer. I declare that the Ukrainian peoples help comes from the maker of heaven and earth! And NO weapon formed against them shall proposer !! I too call on legions of mighty fiery angels to continually defend women, children, and men from their enemies. Oh Lord Jesus open the eyes of their attackers and let them see the legions of fiery angels on the side of the Ukrainian peoples!! Send shock waves of terror into the camp of the enemy and disperse them like wind blown chaff !! Show your mighty power in this dark hour Father God !! Amen and Amen.

Lynn Salmoria
March 12, 2022

God surround and protect these precious people with Your Mighty Right Hand. Let Your all powerful presence be felt and miracles be experienced.
In Jesus Mighty Name
We call to you Father

Pendra Lee Snyder
March 12, 2022


March 12, 2022

Lord God Almighty,
I thank You for what You will do in Ukraine today. I trust You 100%. Praise You Lord. Hallelujah, Amen!
In Jesus Name!

Michelle Margeson
March 12, 2022

Praying along with you for the war to end in Ukraine. Praying God’s will to come here on earth as it is in heaven.

March 12, 2022

Holy Heavenly Father, goodness is your way; I pray Your will be done in Ukraine for Your honor and glory by Your mighty and righteous hand. I humbly come to You on behalf of Your church in Ukraine that You will use them so that the whole world will see that You are LORD God. Amen.

Maria Guadagno
March 12, 2022


Maureen Kersley
March 12, 2022

I prayed this prayer today in agreement with you.

It is encouraging as on the 25th February God awakened me at 03:30 am
I was very heavy hearted as I checked to see the news from Ukraine. I began to pray and ask God for wisdom in how to pray effectively. The Lord clearly said to me as well as praying for Ukraine pray also for the Russian people as they are not happy about a war with Ukraine. So I began praying for the Russian people to rise up against Putins plans for war.
This morning I saw a Russian journalist interviewed who is horrified and in disbelief about what Putin is doing. I then saw a report of Russian citizens marching through Moscow chanting “no to war”They are very distressed about this and very upset that Putin is now making them appear a “Pariah” state to the rest of the world.
The Kremlin is not being truthful to the Russian people and is virtually telling lies to the Russian people.I believe that is why God showed me to pray for them as well.
So that morning I asked my friends to pray in agreement with me as we come boldly to Gods Throne of Grace for mercy and help for both the Ukrainians and the Russian people in this their time of need. Father we ask that the Truth of what Putin is doing is exposed to the Russian people and that they take a stand against the plans of Putin. Father we ask you to be strong on behalf of the Ukrainian people and the Russian citizens who condemn Putins actions. Father we ask that you send forth your Angel armies to uproot and pull down the wicked mindset of Putin and those in agreement with him and the enemy strongholds in their minds. We pray this in line with your word in
2 Corinthians 10 where it is said:
3 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
Father we believe in your Word as it is active and powerful and does not return to you void, but accomplishes the purpose for which it is sent.
Father we thank you for great your faithfulness and your mercies which are new every morning.
We give praise and honour to your glorious name and humbly appeal to you as you remember your word “if any two agree on earth then you will do it as we ask this in the name of Jesus. Father let your Kingdom come in Ukraine and Russia on earth as it is n heaven.
Father would you show forth your Glory and demonstrate your power and your amazing love for the people caught up in this aggression from Putin. Protect them Father and we ask would you perform signs wonders and miracles before the World in Jesus name Amen🙏

    Maynard Beck
    March 12, 2022

    This is awesome! Wonderful prayer – we stand in agreement. Don’t know if you saw this but it looks like an answer to this prayer.
    Also saw where Kiev has the largest congregation of Messianic Jews in the world:
    “According to the “Israel Today” website
    The largest congregation of Messianic Jews in the world is currently in Kiev, Ukraine with over 2,000 members, about half of them being Jewish.”
    The most active portal for Angels is believed to be the Garden of Gethsemane. I pray for Jesus to release more Warrior Angels to join the battle against the Powers and Principalities in Ukraine and Russia
    Shalom, Shalom

    Doris Ehlenfeldt
    March 12, 2022

    Thank you, we are told to pray for our enemies. Many Russian soldiers are confused young men and leaders who didn’t know the truth of Putin’s evil scheme. The equipment is breaking down and arms laid down in some places. Praise God.

Eleanor Ciaravino
March 12, 2022

G-D bless all those who call on your name in the Ukraine May they dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide in the shadow of The Almighty. Give your angels charge over them baring them up in their hands lest they dash their foot against a stone. Prince of Peace give the people your peace that passes all understanding. Holy Spirit please comfort them. No weapons formed against them prosper.


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