I Prayed have prayed
Holy Abba Father, we implore You in Jesus' name to send us a righteous and godly president in this year's presidential election. Thank You for doing for us whatever we ask in the name of Your Son Jesus.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

As the 2024 presidential election draws near, Americans are aware that we are at an historic point in our nation. Wouldn’t it be great to have a godly president who will govern for righteousness and justice?

Have you taken your place on the wall?


If you’re concerned about our nation, will you join me in praying the following prayer for a godly president?

Let’s pray together:

“Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You in Jesus’ name. Thank You for being the God who raises up kings and brings them down (Psalm 75). Thank You that Your mercies are new every day, and that great is Your faithfulness to us. We praise You, for we are fearfully and wonderfully made by Your own hand, and You are perfecting all things that concern us right now.

Lord God, one of the biggest things that concerns us and our nation right now is the issue of our presidential election.

We need a godly president, Father. We need someone who will govern our nation with righteousness and justice; someone who will heed Your precepts.

Abba Father, You can use anybody. You are the One who turns the hearts of the kings like water. In the Bible, You even used totally pagan kings to do Your will. Kings and princes all must bow before You; You have commanded them all to ‘Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and [they] perish on the way.’ So we know that Your will for this land is not dependent on a righteous president being in office.


However, Father, we also know that it is Your will for all people in all nations to be righteous.

It is not Your will that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. And Jesus told us to go and make disciples of all nations, for You want every nation to be saved, sanctified, and filled with Your Holy Spirit in all spheres and arenas of life, culture, and government.

Therefore, Abba Father, in order that Your Kingdom may come and Your will be done in America …

… and so that Your will may be done here on earth in America as it is in Heaven …

… we ask boldly in Jesus’ name:

  • Give us a righteous president in this election, we pray.
  • Let the people of God get out and vote for the candidate YOU have chosen.
  • Let even the wicked vote according to Your will, also for the candidate You have chosen.
  • Let nothing hinder the person You have chosen from taking office.
  • Go before us in the power of Your Spirit to annihilate, wreck, and destroy any interference from the enemy that would hinder the integrity of the election; that would hinder Your righteous candidate, whomever that may be, from taking office; and that would hinder righteous election results and ballot counting.

Father, we ask that righteousness and justice would roll over our nation like a giant steamroller.

We ask that the righteous person You put in the presidency would stay true to You their entire time in office, and that they would be able to fulfill the number of their days. And we ask that You would supernaturally empower them to implement all the changes You desire for our nation, and to govern in the power and wisdom of Your Spirit.

Thank You, Father. We realize that this will be a miracle of giant proportions, but greater are You who is in us than he who is in the world. It is not by our might, nor by our power (which are nonexistent anyway in our own natural flesh), but by Your Spirit that we believe You to move. And we thank You in advance for doing so, for we know that Your Word is good, and that whatever we ask in Jesus’ name, we will receive.

Thank You, Holy Father. It is in Jesus’ mighty and precious name we pray, amen.”

God can establish a righteous president. Keep on believing!

Our God is strong enough to put that righteous person in office and keep them there for their full term. Let God arise, and His enemies be scattered! Continue to believe and pray, for the Lord WILL answer the cry of the righteous who believe on His name for deliverance!

What prayer points are you praying consistently for a righteous president? Leave a comment below!

Jamie Rohrbaugh is the founder and CEO of From His Presence. She is the author of over 40 books, including her two latest collections of prayer tools, Wind of Heaven and New Season. She seeks to equip you to carry God’s manifest glory everywhere you go. Her resources have been published by YouVersion Bible Plans, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Download her free prayer tool, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them in Prayer and WorshipherePhoto credit: TriggerPhoto/Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro.

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Lynn Brady
June 10, 2024

Pray and never give up on our true President, President Donald J. Trump, who has given it all for our sakes. Yes, things look bad when the demonic seems to have won this fake lying trial, but God is our anchor and an ever present help in time of trouble. Faste and pray for him; who says he isn’t living a Godly lifestyle now. Do we as American Christians just bend where the news media wind blows one way or another? NO! true Christians faste and pray for the nation to repent and for the Lord to expose the evil that has been and is being done to it and our true President!

Santos Garcia, Jr.
June 10, 2024

Prayer with Fasting EVERY Friday until we make the transition as follows: https://zionsgate.wordpress.com/2024/06/07/immutable-promise-a-prophetic-word-and-order/

LORD Have Mercy on our Constitutional Republic, and expose ALL the tyrants that have nearly destroyed our America! To the Glory of ABBA Father, by the Power of Holy Spirit, In the Name of our LORD & Saviour Jesus Christ, AMEN!

June 7, 2024

Even if the President isn’t living a godly lifestyle himself, I pray for a President who will lead our Country in righteous laws in accordance with God’s Word

skye alison
June 7, 2024

Friends, let this be a reminder we have an AWESOME God who is sovereign, who raised up this great nation at its founding and will be Lord of nations no matter who is in the WH. God is preparing His bride for Jesus’ return so let’s check our own lives and motives, be rid of sin and be looking for His return – whether it’s tomorrow or 100 years from now!

June 7, 2024

Lord forgive me, and so many, for despairing at the two current proposed candidates for president, even if it’s only in our hearts.
We do so ask for a righteous president, who will do Your will, Your way.
Nothing is too hard for You LORD!

June 7, 2024

You holier-than-thou folks do realize that the presidential election is in November 2024, right? Since it is June, that means GOD has 4 months to drop your “perfect” presidential candidate from the sky. 4 months for the people to get to know him! 4 months for him to campaign! 4 months for a lot of you to sigh and cry over this invisible person like you did Mike Johnson! Oh wait! Perfect Mike Johnson sides with the democrats and has never fought for Christians or Conservatives! Now we all know that nothing is impossible with GOD, and HE Can do it, but will HE?
HE’S already given us a candidate! Donald J Trump! FATHER GOD I see why YOU called the Israelites a stiff-necked unfaithful people! I believe many in America are their direct stiff-necked descendants! They Never knew what was best for them and murmured and complained and wanted to go back into bondage. These people today crying for a perfect presidential candidate aren’t perfect themselves, for only JESUS is perfect! FATHER GOD YOUR WILL ALONE BE DONE IN JESUS NAME! Thank YOU for raising up Donald J Trump for such a time as this; for this season! A man that will do all YOUR Will as he did before as president! He honored YOU in all he did! Be with him and his family from now on in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

June 7, 2024

How can Christians pray for a godly leader and then enthusiastically support trump, even going as far as defending or whitewashing his ungodly behaviour?

    June 7, 2024

    His old behavior is under the Blood of CHRIST! Oh ye without sin cast the first stone!

    June 8, 2024

    It’s called forgiveness! Are you perfect? Did God save your soul? If so, how can you denounce President Trump. Yes, he has sinned! Do you know his heart? Do you know if he had repented? Think about King David, the man after Gods own heart.

    Judge not lest you be judged!

June 7, 2024

It is so sad that the evil corrupt politician’s have been after Trump since he came down that escalator. Ukraine Joe and hunter biden they tried to blame Trump, Russia collusion hillary clinton and she destroyed the lap top, they tried to tie that to Trump. Sadly we are experiencing a 3rd term for obamination o’biden because biden is incompetent,

he is a plant to take America down, the first thing he did after literally stealing the election right before our eyes was shut down the keystone pipeline to stop us from using the oil reserves in America, so our oil is coming from Russia, (explain that madness) The open border a deliberate action to get the illegals in the country to vote demoncrat; as we know the ONLY way demoncrats can get inn office is by cheating, hence the mali in ballots, they are a party of greed and absolute destruction, the very thing Romans 1 warn against we are seeing,

the lbgtq-lmnop crowd, men frolicking around children scantly dressed, the indoctrination of our children in those indoctrination camps, posing as schools. same sex marriage thanks to the 1st biracial president. Note all the immoral things went full speed when obamination came to office. He said that he was going to fundaMentally change america, a politician who kept his word to the demise of America. Save for a miracle I don’t see another election because the powers that be are looking to send another pandemic bird flu or something devastating, he said not if but when. And the Supreme Court caved instead of looking into the corrupt 2020 election, God’s will be done because God already knows who will be president,

June 7, 2024

Oh my GOD! You people are pathetic! Read your Bibles, then look in the mirror! If you see a perfect person staring back at you then ask GOD for a perfect presidential candidate! We have 4 months until November and even if GOD dropped such a person from the sky, who would vote for someone we don’t know! Donald J Trump is NOT running for President for himself, but because he is called by GOD to do it! I see why GOD was going to kill the unfaithful Israelites until Moses asked for them to be spared! A lot of you people like Matt Gaetz didn’t like Kevin McCarthy who was fighting hard for us daily as speaker, yet you started cheering when weakling Mike Johnson became speaker and immediately began siding with the democrats! If Trump doesn’t run, you people will get biden back to finish destroying our country! FATHER GOD I turn this Intercessors for America entire group over to YOU! YOUR Will be done with this ministry in JESUS NAME! Bless them and their contributors and all that read the articles! Give them YOUR Heart and YOUR Wisdom for such a time as this! Teach them faithfulness and how to hear from YOU daily! FATHER GOD please send YOUR angels to surround and protect President Trump as he continues to fight for America and all Americans in spite of the made-up charges against him! Give us all a heart of gratitude and let everyone of us take the beam out of our own eye before we try to take the speck out of President Trump’s eye in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Farewell Intercessors for America! My Bible says “how can two walk together except they be agreed! Most of what I have read here since 2020 is not in agreement with my spirit so bye!

Maurita Zurschmiede
June 7, 2024

Oh Lord our gracious Father, I pray that all the attacks against former President Trump will cause him to bend his knee to you and ask for forgiveness for trying to do things his way, and seek your help to follow your way. May he humble himself, and seek to be the godly and righteous man you designed him to be for the sake of our America.

June 6, 2024

Lord God…we most certainly need Your mighty hand & presence to intervene in our nation. We boldly but humbly ask that You bring the miracle to our nation & elect a president that will honor You, your commands, the rule of law & be a servant to/for the people of this nation. Thank you Lord God Almighty…amen

Roger Connery
June 6, 2024

We do need a good and righteous person as president, but my concern is, are a lot of people too snobbish and put themselves on a pedestal so they can’t see who it is? Donald Trump occasionally swears and took tough, possibly controversial action to deal with enemies, My Christian parents did those things too and they raised 3 devout Christian kids to devout Christian adulthood. who DON’T do these things. Trump may have the past of a highly wealthy, adulterous playboy who is on his 3rd marriage, but the book of Acts tells us that God reached out to a man named Saul, who was a much more vile human being ,directly attacked and offended God and tortured and killed his followers, and converted him, renamed him Paul, made him an apostle, then used him greatly to reach people with the Good News of Christ and bring people to salvation in Him, not to mention that he wrote all those great New Testament letters.

The Bible says so much against being haughty and proud and setting one’s self above others, and we see so much of this in today’s world. Don’t just think that you don’t sin in these ways. Make sure. Ask God to show you if you do and that He shows you who you sin against.. Ask Him for “just in case” forgiveness in advance and if/when He shows you your guilt and who you sin against, ask His forgiveness for what He showed you, repent and strive to not return to that behavior toward ever again.

Also, the Bible says a lot in favor of humility. How is yours? Think carefully before you answer, because God sees what we don’t and it was Him to took the high, powerful, feared King Nebuchadnezzar and relieved him of everything and reduced him to eating grass like an animal in a field. So we need to make sure that we are good an humble toward everyone, because we don’t want God to humble us! Realize that whatever we may see in or about Donald Trump, we are really no better than he is. We all have the same capacity to sin and if our upbringings and lives had been any different, we might just as well have those undesirable things about us as well. We need to ask God to show us any way that we aren’t humble and towards who we are not humble, than ask His forgiveness, repent and strive to not be that way toward anyone ever again.

Dona Schmidt
June 6, 2024

Father, You know all that has taken place in our government and in our state of MI, I believe Your Word that says blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, we have not seen our government bow down to You. We have seen the corruption in the elections and in those who are in leadership. Yet, believe You have not turned Your heart away from these untied states. I believe You will save America. I believe that righteousness exalts a nation, we are praying for Your righteousness. We pray for elections that will be honest, candidates who have the fear of God in their lives they will not bow down to idols or to the way of the sinner or the scoffer. Bring Your kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.

Kathy Emahiser
June 6, 2024

Father, I join in asking that you send this nation a Godly, righteous president who honors and reverence you. In the name of Jesus, I thank you for answering my prayer. Amen

Brandon Maddox
June 6, 2024

Our man of God is Trump for right now. He’s not perfect, but he’s the closest thing to perfect we have in a President, and we all need to get out and encourage others to to vote for him this November!

Joan Bundt
June 6, 2024

Could youo make that prayer more easily accessible to print off?

Iris Winters
June 6, 2024

Our Father WHO art is heaven , hallowed be thy Name…
THY KINGDOM come, THY Will be done ON EARTH as it is in Heaven!!!

So Father I am in agreement with YOU that the man of YOUR CHOOSING WILL become President. Whoever it is will be the one that will bring our nation in alignment with YOU. Right now to our dismay, the current leadership is not what many of us want BUT in talking with even strangers at the supermarket, I hear it said often, “but we have the man who is sending Americans to their knees in petition to God for our Nation and if everything was going the way we liked, we probably would not be turning to GOD, the way we should.” So I praise YOU that we are where YOU need us to be= on our knees begging Your intervention. Because YOU are the perfect strategist and we need you now as we did not know how much we needed you before this. So Thank you for goading us to do the right thing and ask for YOUR guidance in our elections. So Give us the Leadership that YOU NEED to bring the Nations of the Earth to the place of good decisions. Jesus spoke of the sheep and goat NATIONS. So we pray for the people of all nations to know YOU and decide to go with YOU.

America was founded by men who wrote that they came here in order to bring YOUR WORD to all the nations of the world. Group after arriving group coming to create the colonies wrote that. May their prayers still stand. Put America and Americans in that position where we do YOUR WILL in the Earth. Give us the LEADERSHIP of YOUR CHOOSING> AMEN>

    June 7, 2024

    Iris you are so right. This may be why things are going as they are. Were we not concerned we would possibly not be “seeking” God at all. We all need to keep our focus on God and pray his will which is always good
    Thank you for reminding us about that!!!

June 6, 2024

And a truly godly Vice President!

Karen I Anjoorian
June 6, 2024

Thank you for such a beautiful prayer for our next president and surrounding elections
I will share this with others..

Margaret McCaul
June 6, 2024

But without a righteous Congress, a righteous president will have difficulty accomplishing anything.

June 6, 2024


Lillian Oliveira
June 6, 2024

Lord, YOu know that I have been praying fervently for TRump to fully surrender to you on his knees that he may be truly born again and filled with the Holy Spirit so he can discern and do your will if you make him President.

June 6, 2024

God has already anointed and placed a man in the position of President / running for the Presidency this year. The man, with a Cyrus anointing, is DonaldJTrump.

I think it does not matter how we feel about him, how he comes across, his pasts, or anything: He is God’s anointed for this season – and of that, there is no doubt. We should get lined up with what God is doing and quit trying to second guess God or play God.

June 6, 2024

Love – praying righteousness for our American people and a Godly president!
Like a steam roller rolling over the nation!n🙏🏻🙏🏻

Stephan Jacobs
June 6, 2024

This is a spiritual battle, we need to pray more then any time
Prayer and faith will make the difference

Gail Russ
June 6, 2024

Thank You, God, for what you did in El Salvador, by raising up a godly leader in Nayib Bukele. That country was in a desperate place and You have miraculously turned it around through a Just and righteous President . We praise you for this amazing example of Your powerful work through God fearing men and women who pray! We unite in crying out to You for a godly president who will look to You, Lord, and Your wisdom and power to bring the needed changes in America; in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

Linda Rice
June 6, 2024

I’m 71 years old. We’ve had freedom all my life but not a glorious Church. Focus on political leaders is off the mark, aiming at the wrong target. We are to pray for laborers to plant and collect the harvest. It is good to pray for those in authority that God would turn their hearts toward freedom of speech. But it’s not essential. The fastest growing Church is in closed countries. I wonder if our motives are self centered or kingdom centered.

    Marianne Allen
    June 6, 2024

    Thank you! God, raise up workers for the harvest in our country. Let the little sparks of revival night a fire in our land! Turn our hearts away from the entertainment god that pervades amongst us via the phones.
    Holy Spirit convict us that our time and lives matter to spread the love n kindness of Jesus, not for games and Minecraft.
    In Jesus’ Name. Amen

    June 6, 2024

    We need both. A good President and a powerful Church. King David was a Shield for Israel, and his men and women became mighty.

June 6, 2024

Thank you Lord for forgiving and cleansing Donald Trump in the blood of Jesus. Cause him to humble himself under your mighty Hand and honestly confess any sins he needs to. Then, clothed in new garments of your Righteousness, make him bold as a Lion. Give him bold utterances of truth that demolish satanic strongholds and release your warring angels. Anoint all your precious people afresh in this Pentecost season. I pray for blood, wind and fire! Arise O Mighty One of Israel, Yours is the Kingdom.

June 6, 2024

Dear Heavenly Father.
Please watch over all of the upcoming elections and put your servants in place of leadership. Uproot and expose the ungodly leaders and replace them with good, godly, wise and bold people. Guide them to support each other and your will. We need a full overhaul and shaking in our government so they will honor you. We pray for godly people in all branches and side agencies. Without godly support and your power, even the best President can do nothing. In Jesus’s mighty name we pray.

Gail Segars Rainey
June 6, 2024

Thank You, Abba Father, for Jamie Rohrbaugh and all these intercessors who have written their prayers. I am in agreement with 99 percent of these prayers! Let it be so on this D-Day as we remember the sacrifices of our men and women who fought for our freedom. And, dear Lord, during this summer season with children and young people out of school, help us as Christian educators to take full advantage in our local communities through our local churches to reach these children for You through Vacation Bible Schools, through Sunday Schools, through whatever means you give to us and especially through our prayers! And we continually pray for God’s people and land, Israel!!!!! In Yeshua’s Mighty Name we pray, Amen and amen.

Brian Lynch
June 6, 2024

Thank you, Jamie, for this excellent, timely article. How we need to pray for a Godly man to be our next president, now more than ever. Let us never grow weary in doing good, which in this case, is crying out to the Lord for a Godly man to become our next president . We confess, Lord Jesus, that with man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible. We trust You, and ask that a godly man would become our next president. We thank You, and praise You in advance We thank you, that nothing is too difficult for You!

Peg B
June 6, 2024

Heavenly Father, we praise You that You are on the throne and no one can change that. We seek that Your wise counsel would surround the leaders of this nation. We desire Your Spirit would speak through us. Let us pray fervently and without ceasing for each new day. Reveal the mysteries we need to know and grant us insight with understanding on how to move. Let us once again become a nation of blessings, with leadership which understands this. You ARE our God and there is no other. In Jesus precious name. Amen

Sherman Lee Thompson
June 6, 2024

On this day “D Day” we remember those whom gave lives so that others could live – how you set your people free from prison camps by these men whom were fighting against Germany’s horrible war. Set us free today and protect Israel.

Kathie Jackson
June 6, 2024

He has given us President Donald Trump and We must continue to pray for Him and an honest Election. Pray , be strong, keep the faith , never give up, for God goes before us always. Amen

    June 6, 2024

    God has already anointed and placed a man in the position of President / running for the Presidency this year. The man, with a Cyrus anointing, is DonaldJTrump.

    I think it does not matter how we feel about him, how he comes across, his pasts, or anything: He is God’s anointed for this season – and of that, there is no doubt. We should get lined up with what God is doing and quit trying to second guess God or play God.

June 6, 2024

Speaker Mike Johnson is WEAK, like Pence, doesn’t mean what he says/fails on his PROMISE of not bringing up evil Shummer’s bill of Trillion dollars to destroy America. He is NO TRUMP, who kept his promises!

Mari Williams
June 6, 2024

Pray for a Godly President?

We first of all need to realize where Godliness begins:
The blessings come when those of us who call ourselves Christians get on our knees and stay there until we hear from Almighty GOD.
Years ago, Leonard Ravenhill penned “The death of the Prayer Meeting” and that is where the problem lies. The absence of Prayer Meetings in churches throughout the nation even tho’ Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself said, “My House shall be called a House of Prayer.” is the reason for this country being in the condition it is in. “Blessed are those who know their need of GOD.” Now that the entire country and many other countries know our need of GOD perhaps Prayer Meetings will return to HIS CHURCH and GOD will be glorified. If that doesn’t happen then things will only get worse! Father, forgive us for our prayerlessness and help us to truly realize the sin of pride and independence that keeps us from meeting together to pray. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Corina Valerie Gonzalez
June 6, 2024


June 6, 2024

It would be a wonderful miracle if speaker of the house would become president.

    June 6, 2024

    You must not be paying close enough attention. He has thrown us under the bus by basically handing the gavel to the Democrats. Passing a outrageous budget. The Democrats like him. There’s your sign. Not sure where you are getting all your news from but better broaden your scope…..
    No we do not want the speaker to become president!

June 6, 2024

In the Mighty Name of Jesus, we pray for a fair and clean election.
“No weapon formed against us will prosper”. Isaiah 54:17 We pray for the protection of those
watching over the polls to make sure it is honest and secure. Father God, we pray that you open the eyes
of those who are blinded by media bias and propoganda, and show them the truth. We know you are the One who brings justice. Thank You for hearing are prayers and bringing justice to the USA. Amen.

June 6, 2024

I pray for America for repentance, Lord we have rebelled as a nation, we worship many idols- money, lust, name and fames, Lord, you bless this nation to be a blessing but we didn’t live as Holy as you are. Forgive us merciful God, we cry out for your mercy and your mercy alone. May your will done in America as in heaven , in Jesus glorious name , I pray Amen!

June 6, 2024

AMEN!! And glory to Your Name alone!

Allena Jordan
June 6, 2024

For those in office now: turn their necks; may they hear Your voice; grant them wisdom from above. Cause them to seek You and Your ways. Amen.

David Hatfield
June 6, 2024

Donald Trump is not a perfect man but he is clearly God’s modern day Cyrus to free the USA and the world from the evil cabal that has been ruling in the shadows for so long. We don’t need a “pastoral” president. Trump is the man we need now and God’s hand is clearly upon him. We shouldn’t be praying for someone else to rise up we should be praying for wisdom, protection and continued favor for him!

Sherry Barnes
June 6, 2024

Almighty God, we cry out to You for righteousness & justice to flow through our land, the United States of America. Grant us a godly President in the 2024 election who will advance Your Kingdom & uphold Your righteous laws. We believe nothing is impossible for You. In Jesus Name, amen.

Gloria M
June 6, 2024

I pray daily for righteousness to rule and reign in our Government, from the White House through every branch of government in our nation.

Michael and Ellie Briney
June 6, 2024

We realize that a Godly president for these United States of our is not the ultimate answer for our nation. We realize that without You nothing is going to work according to Your plan. However, we do realize that with a Godly president Your plan can be put into action and followed. Help us to intercede for the election of a Godly president and believe that Your will can still be accomplished in our nation.

Teresa Mccormick
June 6, 2024

Amen let it be so.we are in agreement. God bless you and all that you do.

Shellie M.
June 6, 2024

I pray for the United States of America to repent and return back to GOD as a nation! There is no man (at least not here) that can fix the mess that America has gotten itself into, except the man, JESUS CHRIST, our LORD, and Risen Savior, the one and only true GOD!!! America has drifted so far away from the real true GOD too! The government we have is so wicked and corrupt beyond belief, but the corruption goes so much deeper within that we really fully believe or really know about! No news can be fully trusted anymore! NO ONE CAN BE TRUSTED FULLY ANYMORE!
There are just entirely way too many out for their own political preferences and agendas, and do not care for the greater good of the country, and are NOT looking at the consequences of today’s decisions and choices either!
This country is more divided now than it’s ever been, but have no fear, because JESUS CHRIST IS NEAR!!! HIS WORD has assured us over 2000 years ago that everything we are seeing happening in the United States and all across the world WOULD happen, and it is happening, and much of it already has happened!!! JESUS CHRIST is coming very soon! Soon HIS KINGDOM will come, and NOTHING whatsoever wicked will dwell in HIS KINGDOM! There will be no more liars, no more cheaters, no more corruption, no more sickness or death. It’s going to be so much better than anyone can imagine! We need to prepare for JESUS!! It’ll only be by the grace and mercy of GOD that we even make it to another election, especially in the condition this country is in now, a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah! And America really does NOT deserve anymore mercy.

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    Mary Beth
    June 6, 2024

    However, grace and mercy are never deserved – they are a response to our repentance and humility. That is what makes them so amazing!

      Shellie M
      June 6, 2024

      I never stated mercy and grace was deserved. HIS mercy and grace SHOULD NEVER EVER be taken advantage of the way it is now. That’s the point I was making. There is a very very different JESUS being taught today, one that clearly is NOT JESUS CHRIST OF THE HOLY BIBLE, who did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it. People that truly love GOD will obey HIM and HIS WORD

        Mary Beth
        June 6, 2024

        I’m sorry, I misunderstood since you used the word deserve.

Shellie M.
June 6, 2024

I pray for the United States of America to repent and return back to GOD as a nation! There is no man (at least not here) that can fix the mess that America has gotten itself into, except the man, JESUS CHRIST, our LORD, and Risen Savior, the one and only true GOD!!! America has drifted so far away from the real true GOD too! The government we have is so wicked and corrupt beyond belief, but the corruption is goes so much deeper within that we really fully believe or know about! No news can be fully trusted anymore.
There are just entirely too many are out for their own political preferences and agendas, and do not care for the greater good of the country and are not looking at the consequences of today’s decisions and choices either.
This country is more divided now than it’s ever been, but have no fear, because JESUS CHRIST IS NEAR!!! HIS WORD has assured us ahead that everything we are seeing happening in the United States and all across the world WOULD happen, and it is and much of it already has happened!!! JESUS CHRIST is coming very soon! Soon HIS KINGDOM will come and NOTHING whatsoever wicked will dwell in HIS KINGDOM! There will be no more liars, no more cheaters, no more corruption, no more sickness or death. It’s going to be so much better than anyone can imagine! We need to prepare for JESUS!! It’ll only be by the grace and mercy of GOD that we even make it to another election especially in the condition this country is in now, a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah!

June 6, 2024

Dearest Heavenly Father I stand in agreement with your true followers that we need a strong courageous president that not only knows of you, but KNOWS you because they have a personal relationship with you. I know that you use even broken people to do your will and to do mighty things. There are many instances in your word where you did exactly that. Look at Moses, David and Paul. I know that all of us have sinned and fallen short of your glory, but because of who you are and how you love us, we are able to repent and be saved and changed. You alone read hearts and minds. You know what you have called us to do and who will respond to that calling. I pray that Mr. Trump and his family will turn to you, get closer to you through all of the trials he is going through. I pray you will help him win this very important election. I know that when he was in office he stood against many of the sins and degradation that the other candidate is unilaterally forcing upon us. We need your help, your divine guidance and intervention. There is nothing too hard for you my Savior. I adore you, I pray this prayer in the Mighty Name of Jesus and will be of good courage as I wait upon you.

June 6, 2024

A prayer for a President that is of God, for a Country that has not done what we as a people need to do for God? We need to be praying God will have mercy on our corrupt nation, and that we seek his face in the name of the Son of God Christ Jesus. It is our letting this once great Nation become what it has. It is up to all of us to make a difference! One God fearing POTUS is not the answer. But a Nation returning to the ways and laws of Almighty God and his Son Christ Jesus do we overcome! PRAY OUR COUNTRY CAN FIND AND SEEK REDEMPTION IN THE BLOOD OF CHRIST JESUS!


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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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