Pray through Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation
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Pray through Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation
Pray through this powerful and heartfelt proclamation, issued by President George Washington on October 3, 1789. Let’s pray this out loud as a declaration of God’s mighty Hand that has been on our nation and its people from its inception. Let us be grateful! We encourage you to read this as a Thanksgiving declaration for TODAY.
By the President of the United States of America, a Proclamation.
Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor– and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.
Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be– That we may then all unite in rendering unto him our sincere and humble thanks–for his kind care and protection of the People of this Country previous to their becoming a Nation–for the signal and manifold mercies, and the favorable interpositions of his Providence which we experienced in the course and conclusion of the late war–for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty, which we have since enjoyed–for the peaceable and rational manner, in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national One now lately instituted–for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed; and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and in general for all the great and various favors which he hath been pleased to confer upon us.
And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech him to pardon our national and other transgressions– to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually–to render our national government a blessing to all the people, by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed–to protect and guide all Sovereigns and Nations (especially such as have shown kindness unto us) and to bless them with good government, peace, and concord–To promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us–and generally to grant unto all Mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as he alone knows to be best.
Given under my hand at the City of New York the third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789.
Washington issued a proclamation on October 3, 1789, designating Thursday, November 26 as a national day of thanks. In his proclamation, Washington declared that the necessity for such a day sprung from the Almighty’s care of Americans prior to the Revolution, assistance to them in achieving independence, and help in establishing the constitutional government.
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Beautiful. Oh the good old days when our government was reverent toward the Lord.
Dear Lord,
Guide the United States back to her foundation in you.
In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen
This is a great opportunity for us to give thanks to our ALMIGHTY GOD for ALL WE HAVE AND REMEMBER THOSE WHO HAVE NOT.Thank you God for the many Blessings that you have given to me and my Family and remember those and pray for the poor children in other countries who go hungry for lack of help from others who are so Blessed. Thank you and Amen
with all due respect..our country has quite a few organizations that have done quite a feed third world underprivileged children and families.. one that comes to mind is World Vision.
There are many more, in addition to
American Bible society, Operation Blessing.. and Samaritan’s Purse. There is another tradition among American churches that has gone on since at least halfway through the existence of our country that I know of.. that is where local neighborhood churches.. and even large churches.. send missionaries abroad. These missionaries not only bring the word of God but help to coordinate local efforts to bring food, shelter and housing to third world countries. Another small organization that brings water to those same areas is named -Charity Water. –
In 2021 even though I only had Social Security as income..I sent them a small donation of $5, and they were so grateful that they sent me a beanie- and expressed their overwhelmed response to my donation.
Lord thank you in Jesus name that you established through our founders from the tenants of your word a free market Society where individuals can rise up.. learn skills- and go on to Greater education- which starts in your word- and create opportunities to not only feed themselves and their families but to build communities around themselves- which many have done over the course of the expansion of our great nation- and then take that abundant overflow to third world countries in realizing manifestation of your provision, in helping these people around the world.
Thank you Lord that Now in the wake of the engineered weather crisis in Northwestern Carolina and Appalachia,..which devastated that region to the point where the cottage industry of homesteading and all the small businesses.. will have to start over again.. people are starting small organizations again,.. to do outreach to local people who are living in tents and face freezing to death this winter.. thank you Lord that fortunately many people are stepping up to help.
In Jesus mighty name, amen
for anyone reading this that lives in Appalachia anywhere-,and that region..please spread the word that the crowd funding platform that should be used is Give Send Go-. as it is a Christian charity based organization.. and the other one, – gofundme.. is mired in the usual roadblocks and pitfalls that come with globalist influenced organizations..putting hurdles in front of people trying to do good things.
As In this case.. To Help the People recover and survive in Northwestern Carolina and Appalachia. There have been a number of reports of donations being blocked on Give Send Go-,with technical glitches supposedly. This is in addition to FEMA harassing people trying to help in various ways.. I believe there was Article here on IFA covering that
i Pray in agreement with the heart and intent of these prayrs and offer prayers of thanksgiving, petitions for mercy, grace and a great awakening over the Houses of Congress over this specific committee. for this nation, for Israel and the nations, Jesus’ inheritance. amen
I will be reading through this this evening prior to our supper with family. Praying in agreement in Jesus name.
I prayed and agreed with George Washington, AWESOME!
Dear Heavenly Father, I am so thankful for America’s righteous roots. May we as a nation once again “unite most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to You, the Great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech You to pardon our national and other transgressions.” And may it please You to increase our faith. I pray in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Luke 17:5-6 “The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!”
And the Lord answered, “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.
Great idea running these comments from last year. We see how God is setting the stage for a great revival. How far from George Washington’s ideals can we as a nation, depart?
May God bless IFA
I am so grateful for all who make Intercessors For America possible. I am so grateful for all the teachings and resources on prayer. Absolutely nothing is more important than praying to God, the Father, God, the Son, God, the Holy Spirit. I pray that all have the best Thanksgiving celebration ever this year. I am so grateful to My Jesus. The only posessions I would not want to live without are my Bibles!! There is no greater gift than giving someone a Bible.
I read this yesterday after Thanksgiving dinner. I have a copy of it in a notebook I put together entitled, “The Wisdom That Is America.” I thank you for putting this up so I can forward it to my family members who have children who are being taught that our founders were Deists. A blatant lie!
Lord Jesus we come to you with great thankful heart for what You been doing in America. We repent for allowing the wickedness in Your nation. We repent also for what the Supreme Court did in 1947 for their subtle persecution of Your true Foundation in America, Lord Jesus have mercy once again in America through Your servant President Trump, please bring it to pass Exodus 14:14-15 like what You did to Moses. Thank you so much for the great ministry of IFA please continue to provide every needs they needed. Psalm 132. We love Jesus with all our hearts.
I prayed for our nation and I do everyday that our nation would once again become a holy nation and honor Almighty God again.
Very informative and wish everyone could respect our historical principles and honor our Lord 🙏🏻✝️🍽🇺🇸
Wow! Let us return as a Nation with this same heartfelt endurance!
Dear Father, I humbly bow before You and thank You for this nation. I thank You for the freedoms we have enjoyed for so long. I thank You for every ethnic group in this nation. I thank You that most of us respect and honor each people group. May we truly become a nation with colorblind liberty and justice for all. God bless America. Thank You, Father, that President Trump honors you and respects life and our right to freedom of worship. Expose the fraud. Heal our land oh great and merciful God.
Amen and amen. We thank you lord for your grace, mercy, faithfulness, words of truth that was given to us by our forefathers. We thank you for our president Donald Trump, vice president Mike pence we are believing and praying he will be our next president for 4 more years. All the ways there has been fraud, deception, in every way be exposed, and may they be held accountable for what they have done. Thank you, for hearing our prayers, cries unto you to help keep USA a nation under GOD. AMEN.
Vice president JD Vance. Mike Pence compromised his position of Honor as vice president when he joined the enemy camp in refusing to confirm president Trump’s second term
Lord thank You for our good leadership from the past. May all the people of this country appreciate You Lord and the blessings You have given us. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
So much wisdom in these words! President George Washington obviously wasn’t at all concerned about separation of church and state, or political correctness. Despite all of their human shortcomings, we thank Almighty God for our Founding Fathers. We thank You for the vision that you gave to them. By Your great grace and mercy, we ask that you will restore these values and beliefs to our nation, and to our leaders. We bind the attempts of the enemy to steal, kill, and destroy in the name of Jesus. We loose the unfailing power of Holy Spirit on our nation. We pray for national revival. Come Quickly, Lord. Have Your way here!
What a wonderful prayer for our nation and its relevance is so great for today during these turbulent times. This proclamation should be spread far and wide. Gabriella Brandeal, Director of Education for The Center for Garden State Families, a Christian pro family advocacy group in NJ.
Amen! Pray for Gods grace to retain/restore such sentiments to our wayward land.
When we read such proclamations like this, we are grateful and humbled to live in a nation like we have.
At the same time, Washington’s proclamation helps us to further understand the importance and depth of the spiritual war we are in. And the “Why” reason demonic forces seek to specifically target, attack and “attempt” to destroy and erase all vestiges of our history. Because our roots, our foundations are established in our Holy and Sovereign God. Those working to destroy statues, monuments, documents and factual history are both willing and unwillingly being used by hell to do so. ** Lord, help us to remember our heritage – the heritage that You alone provided. Give us the ongoing and everpresent resolve to teach and remind everyone from young to old that our history is grounded and established in You Lord. We are nothing without you Lord. You have always had your hands on this nation Lord – place within us that ongoing and unerasable truth. Fortify our souls to proclaim these truths until the day You call each one of us home. In Jesus name we pray amen.**
Even George Washington had no idea how prophetic and powerful his own words were and are today. How much more impactful and profound given the decision of the PA legislature to investigate election fraud issues. As a nation we were almost completely lost and now we are in the process of being found again! Keep praying Saints!!!
Wow! Who can deny that these great United States are not founded upon the grace and desire of God’s Will. America has been blessed by providential fortune and it’s blessings are given for us to bless the world and to be a beacon, shining God’s bright light of love over the world. There are many comments here bemoaning the “divisions today.” We as God’s chosen people must be the peacemakers. Jesus, implored us to love our enemies, and that is how we restore them. Let the God loving people of this nation have so much love that they melt away the strains of division, alienation, selfishness, and wrong thinking and let us bring this nation back to God. We can do it! Also, let the clergy of this nation unite and all the good hearted people come together to resurrect this nation. The time is now – Check out the American Clergy Leadership Conference at
As we abide in His Word, and as His words abide in us, we can ask what we desire, and it shall be done for us.
O Lord, You have given us the ministry of reconciliation, please strengthen us and give us courage to exercise this gift in love, full of grace and truth.
Thank you for your wisdom and being aware of the heritage of our country
Remember how the Jews struggled to be obedient in the desert.. and flailed back and forth between sin and obedience.. and God was forgiving
Thank you GOD OF HEAVEN for America and our families: for this nation where many people of all colors and ethnic groups have come to better their families: bless America and President Donald J Trump and vice President Mike Pence with their families, bless our allies, show MERCY to our enemies: as the natives of this land did to our forefathers: giving peace and sustainable food for the winter. Thank you for the little and thank you for the much: as we count our blessing and name them one by one.
I am British and live in Germany. I say “Amen” to your prayer and just thought to reply to let you know that my maiden name is “Holland”! I wonder if we are related ? Shalom and blessings
Holland is my spouse fathers name: before the? Covid19 we were going to go to the library to trace family roots: it could be a possibility: for some Hollands came from England.
Beautiful prayers for our nation and the beautiful remembrance of Thanksgiving even in the midst of strife in our country. Thank you all for contributing such lovely prayers which touched my heart I am grateful for the freedoms we share to restore America to unity!
To every American who today is recognizing this great holiday I ask you to ponder, if there is a aThanksgiving, there must be someone to thank. Our first President knew Who to thank, God Almighty whom he believed helped America win the Revolutionary War and helped establish the Constitution to ensure our national freedoms which has prospered us in every way. George Washington was a wise man who feared the Lord and gave Him honor and glory and set the precedence in establishing a day so our nation could do the same.
Almighty God, thank You for our great heritage and for those that rose up then to defend our nation and for those that have risen to defend us today. God, bless those on the front lines of this battle that is raging. Revive them and give them renewed strength. We war not against flesh and blood. No, our battle is against the dark spiritual realm that seeks to steal, kill and destroy us. Wake up Your people to the Truth of the deception and wickedness at work to bring us to ruin and let us, with the full armor of God, stand against this already defeated foe. You provided the armor, instructed us to put it on then stand. Thanks be to Jesus who won the victory on the Cross! So we apply the Cross to everything the devil is throwing at us. Thank You, Father God, that we have the victory in this. We stand with You in righteousness, Truth and justice. To God be the glory in this nation today and forevermore.
In Jesus name, Amen
Amen and I agree. Thank you for this prayer and your comment below. I am so grateful to know God never, never, never gives up. Knowing this, I will not give up on Him. I am so thankful that we are on the winning side of eternity. God bless you and all those who pray with you in faith. God is answering the prayers of our founders entwined and strengthened with ours. To Him be all the glory. AMEN!
This was so beautiful to read today! Remembering with thanksgiving the hearts of the Founding Fathers! The first president of the United States proclaiming a national day of prayer and thanksgiving! Amen!
I thank Almighty God for His wisdom in establishing our country and the form of government that we have.
“And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech him to pardon our national and other transgressions– to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually–to render our national government a blessing to all the people, by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed–to protect and guide all Sovereigns and Nations (especially such as have shown kindness unto us) and to bless them with good government, peace, and concord–To promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us–and generally to grant unto all Mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as he alone knows to be best.” Yes, Lord, i set myself to agree and may we do just that.
To You Father,the great Lord and Ruler of Nations I humbly beseech You to pardon our national and all other transgressions down through the generations even till now. Father, enable us, empower us, encourage us as individuals and as a United body to do Your Will here as it is done in Heaven and Your Kingdom appear upon us, around us, coming through us…Your people. You are THE MOST HIGH. THANK YOU LORD FOR YOUR MERCY AND FOR YOUR GOODNESS WHICH GO BEFORE US SURROUNDS US FOLLOWS US AND KEEPS US. YOU ARE A GOOD GOOD FATHER \o/ OUR EVER PRESENT HELP AND OUR HORN OF PLENTY TO YOU BE ALL PRAISE AND GLORY FOREVER AND EVER AND FOR EVER MORE \o/ HALLELUJAH\o/
I woke up and there was MERCY AFRESH AND WAITING TO BID ME A GOOD DAY!! \o/
Lord, Washington speaks of unity….there is no unity in America today. Half the country desires to follow you and half does not. Please give guidance as to how the half that does desire to follow you and Your freedom to fufill the Purpose You give to know and show You and Your Light at this time in our distress.
Holy, Holy the Lord Almighty, We thank You for changing the hearts and minds of this whole nation . Even doing these hard and difficult time. Nothing is to hard for You to do. Thank You. You are behind the scenes working it all out. Thank You for the manifestation of it all been reveal in Your Name . Wash it clean for such a time like this. You reign on the just and unjust.
Thank You for Waking this world up. Much love In Jesus Name.
Oh Lord, protect our nation through all of the strife between the 2-different political parties and keep us safe from any radical beliefs within these parties that would see our God given nation split and destroyed…
Dear Father, How grateful we are that you designed this land, redeemed this land, and opened it up to be the nation comprised of all nations. We give you praise for those you chose to be its founders who would depend on You and recognize that all they accomplished was by Your hand. We know You love this nation and all its people and that Your will is to see it restored to its original purpose, with a fresh cleansing and a clarity of purpose. Lord, as George Washington prayed and declared that this nation would be a blessing to all people and all nations, where true religion and virtue could and would be practiced, we ask for the same today. We give you great glory and thanksgiving for the gift of freedom and we ask that it never be hijacked by the evil one or his followers. Thank You, Father, for the ultimate gift of Your Son, Jesus, and the freedom from guilt His sacrifice brings. You give us peace even when our nation is in confusion. All that we have and all that we are, we owe it all to You. To You be the glory. Deliver us from evil, “for Yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever, AMEN!!!
Dianna, thank you for this wonderful prayer. I pray in agreement.