Father, we know that You are the Creator, not man. Have Your way in men’s affairs, and stop us from self-destruction according to Your will. God values all human life, no matter how small. Sign up for an excellent devotional series on God’s pro-life heart at
“For My hand made all these things, Thus all these things came into being,” declares the LORD “But to this one I will look, To him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My word. (Is 66:2)
Two remarkable things took place last month in the world of biotechnology: A Chinese doctor claimed to have created two genetically modified human embryos who were successfully nurtured to birth, and the worldwide scientific community roundly rejected this experiment as a violation of ethics.
In turn, the Chinese government condemned the doctor and called for an immediate investigation.
At issue is a developing biotechnology known as CRISPR-Cas9 that allows scientists to genetically edit cells. The technique holds potential to treat a variety of genetic disorders such as cystic fibrosis and sickle cell disease, as well as even more complex conditions such as cancers and heart disease. Indeed, the doctor says he genetically modified the two children in question (back in their embryonic stage) to make them resistant to HIV.
As promising as that sounds, the deployment of gene-editing to human embryos is rife with ethical questions: concerns about experimentation on minors, human embryo destruction, the creation of life in a lab, “designer babies,” the boundary between therapy and “enhancement,” and interventions in the genome that will be passed on to future generations.
In other words, genetically modified human embryos raise new versions of old bioethical problems, as well as some new ones.
First, countless embryonic human beings were killed in the process that led to the live birth of these two genetically modified children. Like all so-called “assisted reproductive technologies,” many more embryos are created than are implanted and subsequently delivered. The remaining embryonic human beings are either frozen in perpetuity or destroyed. This research poses an immediate threat to the right to life of the unborn….
We should also care about the dignity of life in its very origins. There is a great danger in creating children in the laboratory, a process that treats human subjects as if objects of technological mastery. That will have profound moral and cultural implications as the science progresses: Societies can come to view human life—all life, modified or not—as something that can easily be toyed with and discarded.
We forget the fact that children should be begotten, not made, at our peril. And we should be wary of practices that separate the life-giving act from the love-making act. Indeed, these new technologies are misnamed. They don’t “assist”—they replace fertility and procreation with reproduction in a sterile lab. Human beings are to be welcomed as gifts, not manufactured as products….
There’s also the specter of a kind of “brave new world” genetic arms race. Imagine John Edwards’ “Two Americas,” but between the genetic haves and the genetic have-nots. An America where the wealthy (and morally unscrupulous) design super-babies, while everyone else remains “unenhanced.”
As the philosopher Leon Kass has explained, “As bad as it might be to destroy a creature made in God’s image, it might be very much worse to be creating them after images of one’s own.”…
Furthermore, genetically modifying human embryos will modify their germ line (sperm and ova), entailing that those modifications will transfer to future generations. So, for these Chinese babies, not only has their genome been modified, but their entire lineage could be affected. Right now, it all amounts to an experiment.
Technologies such as CRISPR will impact all of us eventually, not just the scientific community. So even as they denounce the Chinese experiment, the claims from scientists that they can “self-regulate” fall flat….
Just because we can do something doesn’t mean we should. To avoid the trap of falling into a technocracy, humans must govern technology, not the reverse. At the same time, we must avoid the trap of becoming Luddites. New biotechnologies hold the potential to cure and prevent disease, to promote human flourishing—but only if the deployment of technology is governed by morality.
The experiments in China with genetically modified babies is just the beginning of what could go wrong. (Excerpts from Ryan T. Anderson article in The Daily Signal)
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Sovereign God, place your hand on this “pandoras box”, we ask that it would stay closed. We are reeling from abortion on demand, and can not seem to stop it’s death grip on our society. We acknowledge that we, human beings, are made in Your image, by Your hand. That these enhanced beings, the “technology” of their DNA producing human life is Your work which has been slightly altered. The marvel of creation is still yours. We continue to stand in the gap between those who are being destroyed for lack of knowledge (wisdom) and the God who made them out of love, and then died for them, out of his perfect love. To You who alone can fix this mess, we lift this mess. In Jesus mighty name, Amen
Father, I stand I agreement with D.H.
How close we are to the end. The tainting of the gene pool as it was tainted in the days of Noah. Father, please help these scientists to value human life. Convict their hearts and open their eyes to the sanctity of being created in Your image.
Father God, You are the giver of life. Father, we thank You that despite the intervention and efforts of this doctor, it is You who knit these babies together in the womb. Regardless of the horrible way this doctor tried to manipulate these children, You had the final say on what genes went into their bodies and You only know the number of their days. Father, I pray that this doctor’s experiment is totally unsuccessful, that You did not allow the gene manipulation to stand and the parents refuse to give their children as test subjects. Lord, please bring the parents, the children, and this doctor to faith in You and may this never be attempted by any country
again. Thy will be done. In Jesus we pray, Amen.