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Father, we thank you for preserving the freedom of the soldiers in the navy. Please, God, continue to change hearts and protect exemptions to the vaccine. Destroy these ungodly mandates entirely, Lord.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Our government denied countless religious exemptions to the vaccine. Fortunately, we’re starting to see God answer our prayers for change.

From ZeroHedge. The US Navy quietly rolled back Trident Order #12, an order denying religious exemptions for covid vaccinations, a few months after an injunction was issued by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in early 2022 as part of an ongoing lawsuit brought by First Liberty Institute. …

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This information has only become publicly available after a new filing in the case this week.  Trident Order #12 made any non-compliant SEALS and other troops impossible to deploy and designated them as medically disqualified.  This development runs in tandem with a growing trend among government institutions; they back away from their original draconian mandates but in a manner that reduces media exposure and avoids any admission that the mandates are unconstitutional.

A communication order was circulated by the Navy on May 23 with the subject: “NSWC CLOSEOUT TO TRIDENT ORDER #12 – MANDATORY VACCINATION FOR COVID-19.” NSWC refers to the Naval Special Warfare Command:

“This order rescinds reference A,” it states, referring to “Ref A” as “Trident Order #12 on COVID-19 Vaccinations.”

The May 23 communication order also said Navy commands “will continue to follow guidance, as appropriate, regarding COVID-19 vaccination, accommodation requests, and mitigation measures.” …

From The Epoch Times. The Department of Defense (DoD) has been in “potential noncompliance” with standards for reviewing and communicating denials of religious accommodation requests to the vaccine mandate, the Pentagon’s watchdog wrote to the secretary of defense in a June memo obtained by The Epoch Times.

The June 2 memo by acting Inspector General (IG) Sean W. O’Donnell stated that after reviewing dozens of complaints from service members who were denied religious accommodation, the IG’s office “found a trend of generalized assessments rather than the individualized assessment that is required by Federal law and DoD and Military Service policies.”

The purpose of the memo was to inform the secretary of defense of “potential noncompliance with standards for reviewing and documenting the denial of religious accommodation requests of Service members identified through complaints submitted to the [IG’s] office.”

“The denial memorandums we reviewed generally did not reflect an individualized analysis, demonstrating that the Senior Military Official considered the full range of facts and circumstances relevant to the particular religious accommodation request,” the memo stated.

The memo provided an example of such cursory treatment. An Air Force general used a one-sentence statement to deny an airman’s request: “I disapprove your request for exemption from vaccinations under the provisions of AFI 48-110, paragraph 2-6.b.3.”

The acting IG also noted that the volume and rate of denial decisions were “concerning.”

An average of 50 denials per day were processed over a 90-day period, according to the memo.

“Assuming a 10-hour work day with no breaks or attention to other matters, the average review period was about 12 minutes for each package,” it stated.

“Such a review period seems insufficient to process each request in an individualized manner and still perform the duties required for their position,” the memo continued.

The acting IG drew attention to DoD Instruction 1300.17 “Religious Liberty in the Military Services.” Paragraph 3.2.d, which was extracted in a footnote of the memo, states that “officials charged with making recommendations or taking final action on a Service member’s request for the accommodation of religious practices will review each request individually, considering the full range of facts and circumstances relevant to the specific request … The means that is least restrictive to the requestor’s religious practice and that does not impede a compelling governmental interest will be determinative.” [Emphasis added in the memo] …

‘Unethical Behavior’

Army Chief Warrant Officer Danny Erickson (a pseudonym) discovered the IG memo through a fellow member of the military earlier this week, and posted extracts of the memo on his personal website that he created to be a voice for service members who continue to battle against the military’s vaccine mandate. …

“They are clearly not looking at individual cases considering the full range of facts and circumstances relevant to specific requests for religious accommodation,” he said, referring to the requirements under DoD Instruction 1300.17 “Religious Liberty in the Military Services.”

“They are blanket denying any the religious accommodations, and it’s happening at the highest levels,” he said.

“The DoD has flat out, undeniably, broken the law concerning religious liberty and the [secretary of defense] is fully aware of it, because of the memo dated June 2.” …

A Common Theme Warrants Investigation

The Epoch Times also spoke to Navy Commander Robert A. Green Jr., who was relieved from his position as an executive officer of one of the seven Maritime Expeditionary Security Squadrons within Navy Expeditionary Combat Command on Jan. 7.

“I provided evidence that the Navy was violating federal law and military regulation in how they adjudicated the standardized pre-determined denials of religious accommodation requests,” Green said. He was relieved of his duties as an executive officer only four days after this evidence was used as the basis for a preliminary injunction granted to Navy SEALs by a federal court, he said. …

Both Erickson and Green allege that the DoD has violated federal regulations of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 and DoD Instruction 1300.17 with the ongoing use of “blanket denials” of religious accommodation.

“Congress should be compelled to investigate these crimes immediately,” Erickson said. “The [IG’s] memo to the [secretary of defense] cannot be ignored.” …

How are you praying for an end to vaccine mandates? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpts from ZeroHedge and The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Priscilla Meyenburg
September 19, 2022

Freedom; Lord when I read these words in Matthew: it made me think of what the Enemy Dems were doing in pushing the vaccine mandates on the military. Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves. But beware of men, for they will hand you over to the courts and scourge you in their synagogues.” (Matthew 10:16-17) They made Control their God, instead of the word synagogue ( it was their military offices) Heal our broken nation. Lead us back to the old road of truth, integrity, righteousness, and common sense. Lead us back to servanthood, loving our neighbors, standing strong in the military and the golden rule honoring America. Give us leaders who love and honor You and Your ways. Deliver us from evil rulers. We ask You for this in Christ’s name. Yes, Father God bring back those in charge of rules in our military that understands the importance of each man, woman that serves America 🇺🇸 under the Stars and Stripes that unlawful mandates are a crime of control. Heal our broken nation. Lead us back to the old road of truth, integrity, righteousness, and common sense. Lead us back to servanthood, loving our neighbors. Give us leaders who love and honor You and Your ways. Deliver us from evil rulers. We ask You for this in Christ’s name. Forgive us father for pushing you aside that has ALLOWED the wicked to take control of our lives. I pray that ALL Men and women will come back to honor God in their lives as John Adams did for America. We decree that the purpose of God for America will not be lost !! 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🇺🇸🇺🇸 Serve God first then other Things will fall in place, made with the promises of God.

Marsha Bashor
September 17, 2022

Thank you lord for Governor DeSantis and his speaking out for the people of Florida. Let the people of Florida realize how blessed they are to have him as governor. Protect him in all his ways and his family! Give him more of your favor and wisdom in governing! Thank you thank you
for this godly man!!!! Amen and Amen!!!

Marsha Bashor
September 17, 2022

Dear Lord, I agree with the prayer of IFA. Thank you and praise you!

Marsha Carol Watson Gandy
September 17, 2022

HEAVENLY FATHER, I Thank You from the bottom of my heart for ALL of the things we see YOU moving on now in America. YOU are GOD, and we humbly give THANKS for your mercy on our nation.

As YOU continue to pour out YOUR SPIRIT on America, may we be transformed into the nation that YOU created us to be.

I TRUST IN YOU, O LORD. In the precious and holy name of my Savior and my Lord, JESUS CHRIST. Amen.

Lori Vaughan
September 17, 2022

Lord Jesus, you are the Lion of the tribe of Judah and have overcome the lion that comes to kill, steal and destroy. Expose the lies of the enemy, awaken those in leadership no matter what it takes. Protect and defend those who stand for You and defend our freedom. Grant them your peace, protection and favor. Help them to stand like Daniel. We pray for your mercy and grace as we know we have strayed from You. Help us as a nation to return to You. Revive and awaken your people! Take down evil in Jesus name!

September 17, 2022

Thank YOU JESUS❣️❤️‍🔥💃🏻❤️‍🔥Glory to Your Name!
Do not grow weary in doing good…our Most High God is working all things together for the good of those called according to His GOOD purpose!
Father, comfort those who have been wounded in this fight, forgive any bitterness, toward others or You, any cynicism too. Poppa, please restore to all of us, especially our children, the years the locusts of tyranny and knee jerk stupidity and plain old ‘love of money’ have eaten in our nation.
Poppa God, thank Y❤️‍🔥U in advance❤️‍🔥You always do things so WELL, beyond the good our desperate little minds and shattered hearts can even imagine…and You have blessed us with wild imaginations….and some wildly wonderful examples of Your 💝loveing work!

Jerry F Forestieri
September 17, 2022

These illegal policies must be prosecuted to the highest levels of government where they originated and guilty parties impeached, removed from office and prosecuted criminally and civilly to the fullest extent of the law. The goodness of God produces repentance. Law was made for law breakers. Those who do not fear God must learn by the blueness of the wound producing repentance.


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