I Prayed have prayed
Father God, thank you for these faithful people in New Jersey who are praising you in public protest. May we all join them in warfare worship.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Monday, January 13, 2020, a group of intercessors gathered at the New Jersey state board of education to protest the rollout of a comprehensive LBGTQ curriculum for public schools to be implemented in September of 2020. Instead of protesting with signs, shouts, and anger, the group protested with praise and worship.

One week later, a different group of Christian parents and concerned citizens protested the removal of religious exemptions from a mandatory vaccination bill at the state legislature in Trenton. They also sang praises to God and prayed for religious freedom to be preserved. These worshipers placed their eyes squarely on God as the one who opens prison doors, raises the dead, and routs out armies.

When the battle before us is larger than we can face in the natural, we are told to ā€œSend Judah first!ā€ The book of Judges is filled with stories about heroes who fought for righteousness and won! Itā€™s no accident that Judges 1:1 begins with a question: ā€œWho shall go up first for us against the Canaanites, to fight against them?ā€ Verse two gives the profound answer: The Lord said, ā€œJudah shall go up; behold, I have given the land into his hand.ā€ The Hebrew meaning of the word ā€œJudahā€ means ā€œthe praise of the Lord.ā€ In a battle that is too big for human wit, might, and armor, the key to winning is to send Judah first! Thatā€™s what the New Jersey protesters did. In doing so, they activated a cry for the rest of the nation to join them in warfare worship.

This is aggressive faith in a God who hears and answers prayer. There is no judgment or condemnation in this type of warfare, but only genuine love for all the people and a belief in God to handle the situation His way, not manā€™s way.

This is not a new form of protest in our nation. One of the most significant examples is the release of the 53 slaves aboard the La Amistad, who were captured off the coast of Connecticut in 1839. Two years before their capture, the U.S. had outlawed the transport of slaves but had never tested the law in our courts. The La Amistad case would be the first test and would go all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, where the 53 men were granted their freedom. Believers vested themselves in the issue. They raised money for the menā€™s defense, and for the duration of the trial, a continuous stream of praise and worshipers stationed themselves outside the courthouse in a daily vigil as they prayed and sang praises to God. The intercessors realized that if these slaves were freed, a severe blow would be struck to the institution of slavery across the United States that would free, not just 53 slaves, but potentially add fuel to end the institution of slavery in our nation. The Supreme Court released the 53 but gave them no money to return home. The Christians again raised the money for their transport back to Sierra Leone. The prayers prayed to release the slaves reached beyond the immediate release of a few to become a beacon as the worshipers addressed the blight of slavery in the United States.

The battle for the minds and hearts of the children of our nation rages as one state after another passes laws to integrate the LBGTQ curriculum in its public school as early as kindergarten. This battle is huge, and winning is far beyond the scope of our human wisdom.

The New Jersey protesters pierced a veil for us in bringing to our attention the importance of praise and worship to not just deliver New Jerseyā€™s children from an ungodly agenda but also to deliver the children in every state from the same evil intentions.

Pray: God, give believers across this nation the faith and grace to lift up their voices in unity with our brothers and sisters in New Jersey. Let our praise come before you as a prayer to deliver our children from the bondage of an ungodly curriculum. We recognize that we have no power or might to face this great army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you. (2 Chronicles 20:13)

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January 30, 2020

I am one of the believers in this group and I thank all of you for joining us praying over the children in our nation as well as in the world.
Children belong to God and he has only loaned them to us. We must pray and praise him for he will stop the spirits that are behind this. We do not fight against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers.
But greater is he who is on me then he who is in the world. This battle is lords and he will win. He is very protective of the little ones!

Denise Bassett
January 29, 2020

Where did these groups gather to praise & worship. Does anyone have any information on how to get the word out
so I can do this in my state.
Would love just some general information on how to get this started in my state
Thank you

    January 30, 2020

    Denise, and any other interested intercessors.
    I cannot give you the specifics about how this prayer group was started, but in general from experience you just need to find some Christians who are interested in worship and intercession. Generally in a church the intercessors and worshipers (levites) are the most disposed to this . For the greatest effect the members of the group need to be in agreement . The best and only way that I know of is to spend time together on a regular basis (say once a week ) During this time develop a habit of just praising and worshiping God for a time maybe an hour without asking God for anything . You see , if you really want God to manifest His presence in a powerful way it is important to take time to minister to God in this way . In the old testament before a priest could offer intercession for anyone else he had to first worship at the altar of incense . Also remember that on the day of pentacost the believers were all together in one place ( in spiritual agreement ). It may take a little time and practice doing this , along with each person’s personal worship time . Then you will be ready to bring the same presence of God that your group feels into a public meeting. Now this is not a concert type of worship , but everyone needs to learn to worship together in unison (don’t be concerned about how you sound, you are ministering to God not people )Now when you go to a public meeting , ask the Holy Spirit to give you directions how to proceed. If you don’t get any specific guidance , from my own experience this is what He usually tells me to do . #1 walk around the room if possible and claim that area for the plans and purposes of God . Just as God told Joshua he could claim wherever he walked for God’s use. (you can also do this outside the building if necessary ) Once God told me to walk around a church building 7 times claiming God’s will to be done . A few days later , in the back of the same church there was a dove flying that circled the building 7 times ! Then during the meeting spend time praising and worshiping God. It doesn’t have to be loud just barely audible will do . What this does is draw in the presence of God , and it will shift the atmosphere ! Hallaujah ! And just as God told Jehosephat he would not need to fight the battle but just watch what God will do !
    Thanks for listening.

Virginia Chapman
January 28, 2020

Dear Father, I agree with all these eloquent prayers written here. I agree! LORD, we are battling right now in WA State the exact same thing!!! OH GOD, its seems so Big, BUT YOU, O LORD are Greater! Please stir up the People of God, To stand boldly, courageously and do what ever you ask each of us to DO. OH LORD, Cause us to see the mighty army of Prayer Warriors you are calling to stand with Praise of YOU, Thanks for your HOLY WAYS that give rest for our troubled souls. We Pray over our children and Grandchildren, PLEASE protect them. I pray their parents wake up to see how vulnerable their children are and how precious their innocence is. Oh God Let the parents BE OFFENDED and stand crying out to you! HELP US, we NEED YOUR intervention. Praise YOU Father, for hearing our crys. We repent of all the laxness of our ways. Seeing our wrong, we repent.

Raylene Berryman
January 28, 2020

Father, I ask you to content with those who contend for our children, culture and mindsets. I ask that you summon your power and release your warring angels to battle in the heavenlies so that we can reap a harvest of souls into your kingdom. We need you, We love you and your ways. We humble ourselves acknowledging our need of youl

January 28, 2020

Father God… In the name of Jesus Christ, Lion of Judah, please rescue your people and children from this vile wicked curriculum. I pray that the people that are spearheading this will repent of this vileness. But if they DON’T, I pray the demons that are either inside of them or are influencing them will turn on each other and devour each other and those people will be rendered completely powerless and turn on each other and show the world how stupid wicked they are. We look up to You because if You don’t help us, we won’t be helped. In Jesus Name, by the power of the Holy Spirit to the One true God… Amen!

Dorothy Ter Horst
January 28, 2020

Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm fueling the LGBTQ agenda. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground in Jesus name, Amen.

    January 28, 2020

    Amen Dorothy, God bless you. When it comes to keeping watch over our childrenā€™s innocence~ yes, itā€™s war!

January 28, 2020

Amen! Thank You, Lord, that You are so mighty Your people don’t need to strap on bombs or bullets, but simply raise their voices in praise to the One who spoke the light into being.

We praise You for loving each child targeted by this wickedness. We praise You for counting each tear they cry. We praise You for Your perfect plans You designed before the foundation of the world for each one. Please win this victory, so that they aren’t subjected to a twisted version of the world.

We praise You for using us weak, easily misled people. We praise You for opening our eyes through Your holy word. We praise You for stories like 2 Chronicles 20. We praise You for opening Yourself to us through the gift of Your precious Son, Jesus. Thank You for opening the veil to us.

We praise You that we can praise You! We praise You for the gift of prayer. May we never stop praising You, and may You get the glory You deserve for winning this battle long before we see the results. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Michael Guidera
January 28, 2020

God inhabits the praises of his people. Praise can release the Spirit of God and usher in words of wisdom, knowledge and prophecy. I pray Lord that all Christians find this wonderful gift to give to You and become more effective warriors in our battle against the enemy. Oh Lord wake up the church and unite all of us as one army. May our prayers join together to align with Your will to become a powerful force to turn our country around and headed in the right direction to give all of us life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Praise the name of our God who is powerful and just and hears our prayers when we humble ourselves and seek Him. May this entire evil that has taken our country hostage be destroyed. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear the nature of the true enemy so we may use the sword of the Spirit to effectively counter its every move. May the Truth be revealed to all of the American people, that will dispel the confusion that is being put forth by the media. May justice come to the innocent that have been the targets of liars and cheaters and may judgement come upon them for the pain and suffering they have caused. Restore our nation dear God.

January 28, 2020

Thank you Dear Lord, for watching over this great country of ours, as YOU continue through your love and grace to protect us and our country from those who would destroy us!

Kimberly Robinson
January 28, 2020

Father, in the mighty name of Yeshua, I stand with my fellow believers, and agree. Light Your light shine, and pierce the darkness of the ungodly veil and the enemy is casting on our land. I ask that You go before us, and tear down the demonic stronghold of error, lies and perversion. I speak a hedge of protection over our children, and I ask that You shield them from this doctrine of devils. Father, we decree and declare that You reign victorious over this battle. We shout VICTORY!! in the name of Yeshua, our Messiah, and we give You the thanks and praise right now, for it is already done.

January 28, 2020

Father we sound the alarm for prayer, to send Judah first to praise our God and pray. I lift up the state of Connecticut to sound the trumpet and refuse the teaching of LGBTQ curriculum. This Oh God is an agenda to shift the minds of children, steel their innocence and corrupt godly principles and teaching. Release your angels Oh God and fight for us.

Jerry E Sauls
January 28, 2020

I confess and echo the words of 2 Chronicles 20:13, “As the men of Judah stood before the Lord with their little ones, wives, and children, the Spirit of the Lord came upon one of the men standing there. His name was Jahaziel….He said, Listen, King Jehoshaphat! Listen, all you people of Judah and Jerusalem! This is what THE LORD says: Do not be afraid! Don’t be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.”
This battle we face is much too big for us but it is not too big for our God, so we turn it over to Him and give Him the praise. We sing and praise God as we stand our ground and watch as He defeats the enemy. God is saying, Listen to all of you people of the United States of America: Do not be afraid! Do not be discouraged for the battle is not yours but Mine. Let us bow down with our face to the ground worshipping and praising the Lord our God.

Norva Davenport
January 28, 2020

I love this!!! Father, open the eyes of our hearts to see how You do warfare. Help us to have that Judah anointing as we pray concerning the evil and unjust situations in our nation. We praise You for those who see it and are bold in practicing you plan. We thank You for this in Jesus’s matchless name.


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