I Prayed have prayed
Dear heavenly Father, in Jesusā€™ name we lift up all those who are struggling to reconcile their thoughts and desires with the gender of their birth. Please intervene and help all of them to know that they are fearfully and wonderfully made ā€” that their lives have a purpose exactly as You created them to be.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

As the spiritual battle against human beings worsens, those who do not serve our God are pushing the demonic, lying propaganda that says a person can and should (!?) change his or her gender. Actual science is being thrown out the door in favor of an evil agenda. No longer do people in authority seem to be teaching every person how to maximize the person God created them to be. Instead, children and adults alike are being told that they were born a mistake ā€” and so their health, their identity, and their very futures are being compromised.Ā 

Connect with others in your state in prayer.


This has got to stop.Ā 

The enemy cannot have our children. The enemy cannot have our brothers and sisters; our mothers and fathers; our friends and our loved ones. BUT ā€” we have got to want them for righteousness more than the devil wants them for his evil agenda. And that, my friend, means we must stand united in a prayer of support and covering over the people of this nation and over their true gender identity.Ā 

Without further ado, would you join me in praying today for every person in America to have gender clarity ā€” and for their ideas about their gender to align with Godā€™s original created works?Ā 

Pray this with me:Ā 

Father God, we come to You in Jesusā€™ name. Abba Father, we thank You that every human being is fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Your works; our souls know that right well! You have created, fashioned, and ordained every person to be exactly the gender that they are. You ā€” and You alone ā€” have placed skill sets and giftings in the heart of every person. And You alone know the plans You have for every individual.Ā 

Father, even though we donā€™t know the details of Your plans for every person, we do know that You created boys to be boys and girls to be girls. You ordained men to be men and women to be women. They all have distinct personalities and sensitivities; different giftings and skill sets. But You did not make any mistakes, Father ā€” and differences in personalities and giftings do not mean that a person is the wrong gender.

So Father, we lift up to You every person who is struggling with gender identity.Ā 

And in the name of Jesus, we ask:Ā 

  • that You would send holy and godly wisdom into their lives by Your Spirit;Ā 
  • that You would remove from their ears all unholy propaganda from evil agendas;Ā 
  • that You would show them that You have a good plan for their lives ā€” a plan to prosper each person, and not to harm them; a plan to give them hope and a future;Ā 
  • that You would please help each person to know that the unique giftings and sensitivities they have do not in any way mean they should have been born the opposite gender;Ā 
  • that You teach every young boy how to be a godly boy ā€” and give him the desire to be a holy, sanctified, set-apart boy who grows up into a godly MAN;
  • that You teach every young girl how to be a godly girl ā€” and give her the desire to be a holy, sanctified, set-apart girl who grows up into a mighty woman of God;Ā 
  • that You would help every woman to know that You have created her to be a woman. Help her to delight in her femininity, for she is Your daughter, and You delight in her beautiful femininity;Ā 
  • that You help every man know that You created him to be a man. Help him to enjoy his masculinity, knowing that he was born to be Your son, and that You delight in him as Your son.Ā 

Father, remove every thought from our children and adults that would tell them they are the wrong gender.Ā 

Remove them from the path of lies and destruction. Give them great clarity about their birth gender, and help them to embrace it. Protect them from wicked, dark forces and evil agendas. As You did in the Garden of Eden, place an angel with a flaming sword that turns every way in front of them on the path. Let that angel stand between every individual and the path of destruction that is gender confusion. Let the angel with the flaming sword turn them back if they even attempt to go down that path of unrighteousness, harm, and danger.Ā 

Abba Father, have mercy on us.Ā 

Your Word says that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against him.Ā Ā 

The enemy has come in like a flood, with the lies and propaganda of sex changes, surgeries, gender confusion, and mutilation. Please help us, Lord Jesus. O Spirit of the Lord, raise up a standard against the enemy. We pray, in Jesusā€™ name:Ā 

  • Force the enemy to flee.
  • Wake the American people up.
  • Let each and every person ā€” even the ungodly ā€” see every lie about gender as the lie that it is.Ā Ā 
  • Let us soundly and roundly reject and eschew every lying tongue, every falsehood, every wicked strategy. Ā 
  • Let us firmly denounce these untruths related to gender confusion.Ā Ā 
  • Rebuke the devourer on behalf of every person; prevent the enemy from devouring the lives of those impacted by this wicked gender-change agenda.Ā 

Father, help those people who are de-transitioning back into the original gender for which You created them. Make a way for them to have all the medical care, support, and help they need. Visit them day and night by Your Spirit, and affirm them; comfort them; instruct them; lead them. Help them to know You and to fully perform Your purposes for their lives through saving faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.Ā 

Thank You, Abba Father. In Jesusā€™ name we pray. Amen.Ā 

Friend, we as Christians have to want our children ā€” and the people of this nation ā€” for Christ more than the enemy wants them for his own nefarious agendas. Join us in praying this prayer continually, not only for our own sons and daughters, but also for those of every family in the U.S.Ā 

Did you pray this prayer in agreement with us today? If so, leave a comment below!Ā 

Jamie Rohrbaugh is the author of 7 Days of Praying for Your Children: Help, Hope, and Encouragement for Your Parenting Journey. She is the founder and CEO of From His Presence, a ministry dedicated to equipping Godā€™s people in prayer, the prophetic word, living supernaturally, inner healing, and kingdom wealth. Her writing can be found on YouVersion, Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Her free prayer tool may be downloaded here: Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them in Prayer and Worship. Photo by Chris Hardy on Unsplash.

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Noah Chavis-Muhammad
January 13, 2025

I agree. The enemy tries to come and make us think that we are gay, bisexual, or queen. But that is a lie from the pit of Hell. I struggle with my sexualality but now I now I am straight. And when the devil tries to tell me otherwise I will tell him “Go straight to he’ll and leave me alone.”

Theresa Bentley
December 27, 2024

I ensured that all of my children heard God’s word, knew that it was not religion but a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. However, two of my children, my middle son and my youngest a daughter are taking the road of transitioning. Yes, they are confused by Satan the author of confusion. So bad so that the ones they surround themselves with they call family. Guncles, aunties and the names that the LGBTQ etc uses. At separate time they both have called me and told me to choose between them (as trans) or my religion. I told them both they knew (as both of these were strong in the Lord and even serving on the mission field) that it was not religion, but relationship with Jesus Christ and I would not not deny my Lord and Savior. They were told how much I loved them and I would always keep them in prayer. They were also told they always had a home and were welcome at any time. Their biological father (yes we are now divorced) is narcissistic and told all of our children he was the only one called after his mom encouraged him to apply in ministry. He has split three churches and destroyed communities. I am exhausted by intercession, but I will never give up as long as I have breath. But God.

December 4, 2024

Pray for the US Supreme Court as it reviews the constitutionality of state laws prohibiting the mutilation of children through sexual surgery

November 4, 2024

Please pray for my 25 yr old son. I am a Christian. My husband is not. I taught all my 4 children about the Bible and Christianity, but this son rejected this teaching by high school. 3 years ago, when he came home for Christmas, he declared to us that he was transgender. It broke my heart. He left back to college and feeling helpless, I did not want to deal with this, so I just prayed for him and dove into my job, thinking he would “outgrow” this social contagion. He remained in friendly contact with us through phone calls and text. Recently, our daughter got married and I asked him to attend the wedding. When he came to the wedding, I was horrified to discover he is taking female hormones and his body is changing. That got my attention. I am now feeling desperate about the situation. I would like to talk to a Christian counselor about how I can help him discover God’s truth and love for him, and how I can trust Jesus in this situation. I know this road will be long and not easy. Please pray for this journey.

November 4, 2024

I’m deeply concerned about my Christian granddaughter being grossly mislead by binary sexual information. Please pray for her.

Rose Wright
April 13, 2024

I thank God for leading me here. Iā€™m praying for my grandson who is convinced he has feelings of being a girl. But the Spirit of God is telling me to fight for him to remain the person He created him to be. God does not make mistakes and I believe that with all that is in me. My grandson needs prayers to help fight the thoughts of the enemy that want to take him out of the body God created.

March 27, 2024

Thank you for this prayer. I work for the board of education and my heart breaks for what I see on a daily basis. I was looking a particular prayer to pray for these young people. I found it here. Thank you.

Michelle Pate
March 23, 2024

Our 19-year-old son who was homeschooled for his entire life is being groomed by a 28-year-old transgender biological man who says he’s a woman. My son met this person at work. Initially, he told my son he was a lesbian. He says he is autistic. They started connecting on video games and then suddenly, my son wanted to be called luna (we won’t comply, but video gamers play into it). He stopped working at the job, and we hoped that would help create distance, but it didn’t. Lies are riddled through all of it, obviously, but this person (I’ll call him M) has my son convinced that M is a woman because propaganda agrees. M has bedbugs in his house (he lives with his dad) and that was a blessing bc our son (I’ll call him E) wouldn’t go inside M’s house, nor could M come over here. E started a fundraiser to help M eradicate the bed bugs bc it’s very expensive. He insisted that they were just being friends (remember, M is a lesbian), but E’s new, better-paying job happens to be one of my husband’s work accounts. When my husband was chatting with the manager, in passing, she said that E said he has a girlfriend. Sure enough, he is now convinced that M is a girlfriend. What happened to M being a lesbian? E insists that M is the same thing as me… Now, M is saying the bed bugs are getting cleaned out. What a coincidence for that to happen once E calls him his girlfriend. This dude’s turning 29 soon. He’s almost 10 years older than my son. E still has dopamine pouring into his still-developing brain. He has scraggly facial hair, and his body is still developing.

We are conservative, God Fearing (Reverencial), Jesus-loving parents. We told him we couldn’t support this lifestyle. We have been trying to help prepare him to be independent, working at his natural pace. We told him if he continued pushing this issue with M, that he would find himself having to move out of our home sooner than any of us would like. Thankfully, he was able to move in with our oldest daughter and her husband for a season. It’s been difficult for E, and for all of us. He really believes he has a girlfriend, while I see a 28-year-old, troubled man being a creep who is manipulating and grooming my youngest child and son…my baby boy. He bought him a moon necklace since he calls E Luna. This 28-year-old man has no car, is frequently depressed, and has no people skills (My husband met him a few times before E even worked there, and M would never even respond to my husband’s friendly greetings). I get autism and understand that it seems that people on this spectrum tend to be targeted to believe these confusions that are shoved in our faces as being legit. I’m a teacher and have worked with many young people academically who are on the spectrum. Our son has ADHD (Attention Differences Having Delightfulness), and an intense form of dyslexia. He thinks he may have autism bc a few of his close friends do. I think he has a gift for being compassionate with them and is simply a shy guy. He goes to counseling and has been tested for it with results confirming he does NOT have autism. He’s one of the sweetest people a person could ever meet. He’s awkward at times but has grown and is still growing in understanding social cues and communication skills.

Everyone in our family sees the red flags. His counselor sees the red flags. Lord, take the blinders off of my son, PLEASE, in Jesus’ Name. I pray for M as I don’t know what crazy experiences have had a part in him becoming the creep that I see him as; help this man…save this man, send Laborers into his life. Bring him out of this darkness.

Break this bond between him and my son. Sever it, please! Help our daughter and SIL protect E and gently love him through this. Help them see him through to the other side. And Lord, I know my son is at a point of rebellion. I was once there too. Help him to break, just as I was once broken. Please be swift with it. Protect him through this nightmare. Heal him from the pain that will inevitably need healing. Rescue him, Lord. You rescued me and are no respecter of persons. Help us to love E through this as the parents you have called and blessed us to be…Send Angels to go and protect E in any encounters he has with M. Soften E’s heart to Your truth and love. Send Laborers to be in his life too. Open his eyes and help him get to that sweet point of repentance. Help him to see YOU. You said you make yourself known to ALL creation…E is certainly part of that, as are others struggling with these propaganda-infested lies. Give him discernment and wisdom…

Father, I pray for anyone on this site who is seeking to overcome the lies the enemy has planted. You say you take us from glory to glory. Thank You for being such a good God to us! I praise You for all of the goodness that is You. Deliver us from Evil, Lord.

I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen

March 17, 2024

My son just said he was diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria and I am shocked to say the least. I never saw this coming and would have thought this ever! I need prayer for him
And me to handle this in a Christ like way. I immediately began praying for him. I need guidance so desk

November 14, 2023

I am returning to pray for myself. My life is getting a lot more difficult, because of these corrupt feelings being forced upon me by Satan himself.

Some days, I truly consider turning to the side of immorality and sin, by asking others to pretend I’m a man. I’ve even thought about taking testosterone in the form of injections, to simulate a male puberty, to live as a man and be seen as male by my peers.

But I still know, through everything, that it is against God’s wishes and he created me female for a reason. My suffering in being female was planned by the Lord himself… so I am honoured to suffer as a woman for his sake.

I want this evil to be eradicated from society completely, so I don’t have to suffer for any longer. Curse the devil for creating these sick perversions that cloud my mind and force me away from godly and rational thinking. I pray for all my confused brothers and sisters, may we be healed through the power of Christ.

    December 4, 2024

    There are as many types of women as there are women. Just because youā€™re not a ā€œBarbieā€ doesnā€™t mean youā€™re a man. Women can be strong, fearless, athletic, or plain without forsaking their female bodies. Donā€™t put cancer-causing hormones into your healthy body.

Tammera Adams
November 8, 2023

I prayed this for my son, he going through this at this minute! God blessed me with a SON and Satan CAN NOT have him! I with the power of God will fight him in every one of his evil attacks on my son! God has already won all battles against Satan, and I WILL keep my son! Amen

November 6, 2023

Iā€™m praying for my daughter who just declared to her father and I that she likes women and is dating a woman in another state. I cannot accept this. We did not raise her to be like this. She no longer believes in God. She believes in a ā€œhigher being.ā€ Please help me pray for her, that she will come back to the Lord and change her heart. I truly believe that the evil one has taken a hold of my daughter and has surrounded her with gay men and lesbian women who support her new way of thinking. Please help me pray for my daughter to be saved.

    Jon Post
    November 6, 2023

    Carmen, we are praying for you and your family and your daughter specially. Keep your eyes on the Lord. Phil. 4:6-8

    Stephanie Romaniello
    December 24, 2023

    Carmen, I fell into this trap and was with women for nine years. Deep down I knew it was wrong because I was raised in church. Thankfully I had that seed of righteousness and a praying mother. Keep praying for your daughter, like my mother prayed for me. I was delivered from that lifestyle and never looked back. I now have an amazing husband that loves the Lord and loves me as Christ loves the church. Prayers for your daughter, that she finds the true purpose in this life. Amen.

September 4, 2023

Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what triggered this desire to runaway from your womanhood.
Does God call you useless? How would you be more useful as a male? Dear Jesus, in your mighty name reveal to this precious soul your heart and destiny for her life

September 4, 2023

I am praying for myself, my own feelings and my own gender confusion.
Every day I still wish so badly that I was a man instead of a girl, for so long I’ve wished my body parts were male, I had a male voice, I could be perceived as a male.
But I know it can never happen. I have considered suicide but I don’t want to sin. I will live out the rest of my days with this pain lest I can pray it away.

I will stay strong and be a girl. I will embrace my femininity and perform the womanly role. I will give up this unhealthy mindset, I will shift my self-perception to that of a woman’s instead of a man.

I will change. The power of God will allow me to change. I will not let this evil agenda corrupt my soul.

I will live the rest of my life as an unhappy woman, a useless existence, and if that prevents the existence of another ‘transgender’, then it’s completely ok.

    Jon Post
    November 6, 2023

    Jane, I am praying for you to see Godā€™s love for you, a love that would even sacrifice Himself to a horrible death so you could be in His family forever. Please keep your eyes on Him and His love and sacrifice and faithfulness. Remember too that our enemy is a liar and the father of lies. He makes our emotions (problems) the centerpiece and they become all we see – but thatā€™s not reality. Reality is much bigger. For years I struggled with a relationship because I was looking at what I didnā€™t like and didnā€™t think was right, and I was missing the good. That relationship is one of my greatest blessings. I had to take my eyes off of what I wanted it to be and recognize the blessings and beauty in it.
    God doesnā€™t lie or make mistakes, even though like to Job it may look like He did. If you read Jobā€™s story (in the Old Testament), be sure to read chapters (1-3 and) 40-42. Jobā€™s focus was on his terrible trials, far more than any person I know, and yet reality was that God still loved him and Godā€™s purpose in it all was bigger than Jobā€™s happiness. God would use his trials for Godā€™s glory and ultimately also for Jobā€™s blessing.
    Keep reading Godā€™s Word, His promises to you. Jeremiah 29:11 says ā€œ For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. ā€œ (Jeremiah 29:11, ESV)
    Maybe you have experienced abuse or great disappointment.
    From a Roman prison Paul wrote 12 Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own.
    13 Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,
    14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
    15 Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you. (Philippians 3:12, ESV) Later he added this promise (v. 7) ā€œdo not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
    7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
    8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. ā€œ (Philippians 4:6, ESV)
    May God bless you and give you a life full of the fruit of His Spirit (the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-controlā€¦. Galatians 5:22, ESV) as you look to Him.

August 24, 2023

I have prayed and will continue to do so for my daughter. She wants me to call her by boy names. She tells me she struggles with believing God even exists. She’s a teen and I feel as though I’ve lost her. This gender topic always ends badly between us because, even though I keep my tone and answer as soft as possible, I’m not just giving in, which is what she calls “supportive.” I feel I’m at my words end but I refuse to stand by as the enemy steals my daughter. One day, I hope she realizes that’s true love and support.

July 5, 2023

Please keep praying. We need to pray for the future generation to be born, covering with prayer for clarity, for a Godly heart, and for wisdom, discernment and understanding. We need to fight the battle by praying. I have a work friend who confided in me this day, telling me that he has a daughter who is a trans into man, and has tried to kill herself many times. This friend does not know the Lord himself. I wish there was guidance available for parents to help their children in this subject.

June 2, 2023

My 11 year old granddaughter wrote me a letter asking me to call her Lucas. I pray that this is just a phase and I know that she has been subject to see much abuse to her mother, she doesn’t have her mother in her life, and I know that she is hurting. I am praying for her as well as others and especially for our nation as a whole. This has to stop. The stuff allowed in Libraries, stores, etc. The stuff that leaders will say when it comes to these things. Truth is truth and His word, the Bible is truth. I stand on it, meditate on it and trust in it.

April Lutz
April 24, 2023

I prayed this also!

April Lutz
April 24, 2023

Prayers for my nephew noah

    April Lutz
    April 24, 2023

    Prayers for my cousin Noah! He is taking hormones at this point !

March 7, 2023

Wew thank you for this prayer

February 6, 2023

Thank you for this prayer I so need it, I have a 14 year old beautiful daughter struggling with hender identity and unfortunately I share custody with her father who is pushing her into this lies. Instead of guiding her. . Itā€™s so hard for me to even talk to her, please help me pray for her to get out of this condos on . Her name is Valentina . Thank you so much .

Carol Jennings
December 20, 2022

I agree in prayer with you for gender clarity.

November 22, 2022

Goodness this is where I am at with my 13 year old daughter. She believes that she is bisexual. Far from it but with the ideological influences at school and her older sister , who is straight but fully supports the homosexuality lifestyle encourages my 13 year old daughter to believe the lies that this is ok and acceptable. This is teenage rebellion and her wanting to fit in her certain culture. The ideological influences have influenced my daughter and now she battles me with everything. The network of the enemy is strong. The confusion and belief that she is bi is strong. My oldest daughter thinks Christians should accept the unnatural lifestyle and just love them the way they are by encouraging the false beliefs.

    December 20, 2022

    Praying for your daughters now.

    February 6, 2023

    I pray for your daughter as God brings her back to her identity in Christ and that she will eventually help other confused kids that will need her testimony .

November 21, 2022

I prayed this prayer for all of those confused about their identity and even those who are not confused, but may believe a lie about God’s creation.

November 20, 2022

Just in case you’re a Christian mama who has a confused prodigal and you need support like I do. My adult prodigals that need prayer are Hannah & Rebekah. Thank you.


    February 6, 2023

    Praying for your daughters as well. God is in charge.

Linda Gonzales
November 19, 2022

I agree I agree that our mighty good God made us and He made No mistakes Iā€™m already praying on this but am grateful you have a prayer especially for this issue God hear our prayers God have mercy in Jesus name amen

November 19, 2022

Thank you for this beautifully written prayer and also for all the work you are doing to bring this lie to light. It is not spoken about much as much as it should in the church.
This morning I was looking for a prayer to pray from my precious daughter and those others I know are struggling with gender confusion. I have an adult daughter named Hannah who has fallen prey to this demonic lie. She is living as a no-binary male, on testosterone and going by her chosen name and pronouns. Please be praying for her to come to the truth and be set free from all the lies and the snare of the evil one.
Because of this I have started a podcast for fellow Christian moms who have confused prodigals. It has been a support and blessing to me. If you need support or know someone who does in this particular trial, please check out my podcast, it can be found on most podcast platforms. Look for: Far Above by Denise

November 19, 2022

I prayed this

November 18, 2022

What about the individuals who are born with birth defects like intersex, pseudohermaphrodite, and any other birth defect that will alter their so called the way that they were born. You have to look at this as well cause parents are forcing their children to be what they want them to be and not give the baby/child to go through puberty to let the baby genetically prove if itā€™s a boy or girl. The individual has a right to choose the appropriate gender they want to be NOT the parents.

Before you jump down my throat about this comment, but I am going to give you insight into me feeling that way.

I was born with a birth defect and the doctor wanted to fix it and my mom said no and if he did my mom will sue him. Fast forward 5 years. I asked my mom why I wasnā€™t like a normal female and I got punched in the face and hit with a cast iron skillet and chained to the floor of the shed. I endured ever form of psychical, sexual, verbal abuse from 5 to 7. When I was forced to chose being a guy or female and since I choose a woman, I was gave to the drug addict and he did whatever he wanted to. I was forced into prostitution and doing drugs everyday and multiple times day. That lead me into sex trafficking. I left out of it, but I left out. My mom identified as a Christian, but she was far from it.

    November 19, 2022

    I am so sorry this happened to you!! And I am glad you are alive today. You are part of a small but so important minority of cases that need checked out early on by medical professionals. I hope you are now receiving the support and love that you need for complete healing. Everything horrible you experienced was from the enemy not from God. He loves you and desires good for your life. I hope you seek Him with all your heart. I will be praying for you. ā€œFor I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. The. You will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.ā€ Jeremiah 28:11-13

    November 19, 2022

    November 19, 2022
    I am so sorry this happened to you!! And I am glad you are alive today. You are part of a small but so important minority of cases that need checked out early on by medical professionals. I hope you are now receiving the support and love that you need for complete healing. Everything horrible you experienced was from the enemy not from God. He loves you and desires good for your life. I hope you seek Him with all your heart. I will be praying for you. ā€œFor I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. The. You will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.ā€ Jeremiah 28:11-13

    November 20, 2022

    Katie, I’m so sorry this happened to you, and thank you for sharing your story. No child–or adult, for that matter, should be abused! Your mom may have identified as a Christian, but her actions clearly say otherwise.
    LORD, please heal Katie in every way: Physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. Let her KNOW and LIVE in Your love and heal the wounds that Jesus died and took upon Himself. Provide for Katie and meet all her needs, and invite her to receive You as her Lord, Savior, Father, and Deliverer. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen. Katie, Christ died to set you free from Satan, sin, and your past. Say YES to Him, and invite Him to make you the beautiful creation He wants you to be, and to empower you to live for Him.

    November 21, 2022

    Hey Katie, I read story you shared, and it is horrible, just no excuse horrible. I hope you recover from all this that has happened to you, and I’ll be praying that happens, every day.
    I don’t understand how your history creates the necessity of this government program, to alter the sexual organs that people were born with, simply because they think about how their body was made and compare that to which side, male it female, they feel closer to. Those feelings can change often, and already there are children who want their changes reversed, and then reversed again. I just don’t think the current government program is doing the right thing. I wish they could have rescued you, many years ago; but there is one, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who provided a Way to God,a Way to healing, a Way to forgiveness, and a Way to wholeness,IF, if we turn to Him, and put our whole faith and trust in Him. I pray all this for you and all who read this in Jesus’name.

    July 5, 2023

    I am so sorry, you have experienced such terrible abuse. I am thankful that you can communicate and express yourself. This is indeed a difficult topic, since it is not something that happens often.
    I pray that you know that You were made in the image of God. God loves you, and He has plans for you. I pray that you would be open to receive His love, and not go by other opinions or behaviors, we are all sinners, and we make mistakes daily. That is why we need Jesus even more. Pray for the Lord to fill you with His Holy Spirit and guide you to read the bible and interpret it as He wants to speak to you through it. I believe you have a purpose, and God made you, you are not a mistake.

      July 5, 2023

      When I said it does not happen often, I mean being born with both sex.

November 18, 2022

I prayed and shared!

Ronda Strong
November 18, 2022

I prayed, will continue to pray, and affirm the responsibility to stand for our friends/family/all men and women/children and families to embrace their uniqueness in God.

Grant Windholz
November 18, 2022

Please understand and know the truth of the Bible and not to believe in the American government and the lies of Satan. It is that simple!!

Lorraine Tetreault
November 18, 2022

Father God, we come to You in Jesusā€™ name. Abba Father, we thank You that every human being is fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Your works; our souls know that right well! You have created, fashioned, and ordained every person to be exactly the gender that they are. You ā€” and You alone ā€” have placed skill sets and giftings in the heart of every person. And You alone know the plans You have for every individual.

Father, even though we donā€™t know the details of Your plans for every person, we do know that You created boys to be boys and girls to be girls. You ordained men to be men and women to be women. They all have distinct personalities and sensitivities; different giftings and skill sets. But You did not make any mistakes, Father ā€” and differences in personalities and giftings do not mean that a person is the wrong gender.

I thank you that our children are made wonderfully and are Your children that we are privileged to have for a time to raise for Your Glory. Thank you for that blessing in our lives. We are meant to raise and protect from all evil with Your help and direction. Thank you and I praise you and worship you for all you have given us and all that you have done for us., Amen

November 18, 2022

I prayed.

Lucy Castillo
November 18, 2022

Yes I prayed and will continue to pray.

November 18, 2022

Yes, I prayed not only for this Country but also for those around the world.

    Sonja Corovic
    April 18, 2023

    Thank you! Please pray for my son Danijel who has been suffering from gender dysphoria for one year It appeared suddenly like evil attack A quite intelligent artist and student suddenly claimed he was a woman Please pray for Danijel and other innocent victims of that horrible agenda God bless you

Gertrude Reif
November 17, 2022

Yes, I did pray and I appreciate the heart of compassion that generated these prayers. May we share the vision and the concern for those struggling with this problem. Amen

November 17, 2022

God and God alone can change the mess that this country has become. He can and I pray that He will as we continue to come before Him in faith and trust in His power to change hearts and minds, Keep praying.

November 17, 2022

Thank you Father in Heaven for opening the hearts of all people (adults and kids) around the world who are confused about their sexuality and gender and blessing them with a desire to know Jesus and who they are in God’s eyes through reading your Word in the Holy Scriptures, our Bible, in Jesus’ name, Amen and Amen!

Linda Bilton
November 17, 2022

Yes, and amen! I am in total agreement!

Deborah Melicharek
November 17, 2022

Yes, Father, we agree and say Amen, in the name of Jesus!!! Help us Father to be the people You created us to be. Help us to submit to You, and as we do so, now we are able to resist the devil and he flees from us, in Jesus name! For Jesus, You have overcome, You have won the victory, and through You we shall do valiantly! Help us Lord fight the good fight of faith, trusting and obeying You, learning of You and walking in Your ways more and more every day until the perfect day comes when we stand before You, in Jesus name, Amen!!

November 17, 2022

Amen! Thank you for this bold and complete prayer.
Lord, we lift up anyone that has the confusion of what you made them to be in their minds. The mind is the battlefield that Satan is trying to win ground. Please put bold and loving people in each of these people’s lives to speak life and truth into them. Please open their hearts and minds to see your truth, and realize that You are the only source of TRUTH! I also pray for my own daughter that is struggling with these lies, and I ask you to lead us as parents that love her more than anything to guide her and make decisions no matter how hard they may be and no matter how much she may not agree (including changing schools or homeschooling). Lord, we need you. I could never have imagined we would be fighting this battle. Give us strength and comfort, Lord, as we navigate this all and lead our daughter out of this darkness. Amen!

    November 17, 2022

    Joining you in prayer to rescue your daughter from the evil one. Stay strong in the Lord and the power of His Might.

    November 18, 2022

    I hope you are willing to get her help for suicidal thoughts/tendencies cause they are and will come up. I hope and pray when that does come up that you wonā€™t sweep it up under the rug but instead embrace it for what it is.

Cindy Carter
November 17, 2022


Michael Guidera
November 17, 2022

I am acquainted with three families that have been swept into the chaos of gender dysphoria. All the children were girls wanting to become male. One has gone through the steps of transition. She now realizes that she spent 10 yrs of her life where she could have put her energy into other efforts that would have been much more productive. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, it has stolen many years from this young woman. She is also realizing she may look like a man, but she doesnā€™t have the character to cope with the challenges that men face. The other two are in a rebellious state, threatening suicide to force the parents into complying. It is truly horrific. It throws the family into a constant battle, where time usually spent on helping them get through puberty, is spent with visits to the school, doctors, and therapists. The financial burden is excessive. It upends the whole family. If the parents are not grounded with a strong relationship with God and understand the spiritual nature of the battle, they eventually throw up there hands and cave in to these forces of darkness. It is truly a wicked, evil spirit that deceives them. Thank you Jamie for this prayer to liberate these children from this evil.

Pam Zook
November 17, 2022

Dear Lord, we pray for Christians everywhere to repent for the sins of our nation and to turn towards You. May we follow hard after You and engage our culture with truth and love. In the name of Jesus we pray.

November 17, 2022

Lord may we be an accepting, safe place for all who have come to denounce the lies and be aware of the depth of their pain. Many have been sexually abused very young and knew no other way out. Please let us support them as You direct!

Karen L.
November 17, 2022

This prayer was awesome and highly anointed!

November 17, 2022

I agree with you and will agree with you every day about these children and adults being lead into the lies of being a different gender then what the Lord made you! Amen

Susan S.
November 17, 2022

We should condemn this ideology and those who promote this. Even trans realize deep inside that they cannot change their gender but it does not change their heart cry. They are some of the most rejected and hated people. Some grew up in families where:
Their sibling of the opposite gender was highly preferred over them.
Their gender was constantly mocked and ridiculed.
They were told they were inferior because of their gender.
They were humiliated because of their gender.
With the grace of God, their gender can be accepted and the soul wounds can be healed.

November 17, 2022

I have prayed in agreement with this prayer for all children and adults be confident and secure in the gender God created them. Help them Father to not listen to the enemy but stand in allegiance with You. We cry out to You Father for the lives of our children. Please protect them and guide them in the way You would have them go. In Jesusā€™ name I pray, Amen

Sue Tracy
November 17, 2022

Lord thank you for all that you have created; Lord watch over and protect every person who is questioning their identity and lead them to the truth and stop them from believing the lies and untrue thoughts that are confusing them. Amen

Darlene Estlow
November 17, 2022

Father, we pray that the lies being spread and believed about gender would be stopped and disposed of. May people see truth. Change hearts that they may embrace your word and their sex. Heal the broken hearted and bind up their wounds. We ask that you would stop this ideology, much in the love of money it brings in, that brings such destruction to lives and bring truth.

Kelly J
November 17, 2022

The satanic psychopaths pushing this movement are trying to divide and conquer both the family structure and societal structure. They are using confusion, lies, and military grade mind control programming to alter and destroy our society. We must put our line in the sand and not ALLOW for these changes to occur in OUR neighborhoods, towns, counties, states.

God made man and woman. This NWO cabal wants neutral sex zombies not God made humans. They have used chemicals in our water, food, and air to change our hormones. Now, they are mutilating the minds and bodies of children. We must say NO to this satanic behavior.

God, bring order to this confused world. Bring sanity to the insanity. Bring us to repentance and to your salvation.

November 17, 2022

Agreed in the Mighty Name of Jesus! Yes and Anen!

Donald Vader
November 17, 2022

Yes! In agreement with all these prayers in the mighty name of Jesus! Thank you Jesus for answering our prayers especially for the children!

November 17, 2022

I just prayed
I work in healthcare and grieve when I see people surgically mutilated
This is a spiritual battle!
Physicians and healthcare organizations are eager for the revenue these horrible decisions provide
Pray they refuse to provide services no matter how lucrative
Wake us up Holy Spirit šŸ™

November 17, 2022

Joined fervently in this prayer.

Barbara Janicki
November 17, 2022

praying in agreement with this prayer – thank you for sharing this bold, all encompassing prayer for all the victims of this false ideology so that many more of us can join in and pray in agreement with these requests. Inviting God to raise up a standard against the enemy is the answer – satan is attempting to destroy our children by attacking their God-given identities – satan’s plan is death – God’s plan for us is life – Lord, rescue each one from the lies that would destroy their bodies, minds and souls. Greater are You that is in us than he that is in the world! http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

November 17, 2022

Thank you this prayer that covers the latest attempt of the enemy to kill, steal & destroy. Lord, that we would all choose Life more abundantly in You! John 10:10šŸ’œšŸ™šŸ’š

November 17, 2022

I too spoke this prayer out into the heavenlies. May it be so. Amen and amen.

Carol G.
November 17, 2022

Yes, thank you for this prayer. Darkness and gross darkness is covering our youth. The media that they watch all day every day is grossly dark, our world is grossly dark. May God’s glory arise upon His people. May we as Your people Father, dream dreams and see visions to strengthen us and bring You much glory, may our sons and our daughters prophecy in Your Name, and having done all may we stand in Your Name, amen.

November 17, 2022

Holy Father, I come to you, with this prayer. May you cover those with whom have uncertainty of their gender, with your wisdom of who they are and whom you created. Amen

November 17, 2022

A very articulate prayer that encompasses all aspects of gender transformation that need to be addressed before the Father.

Show your mighty compassionate hand, Lord, for your glory. Amen

Marilyn Miller
November 17, 2022

Amen and Amen!

November 17, 2022

I did pray this prayer for my nephew. I have been praying for his name. His first name means ruler and the middle means king. I pray for the Godly characteristics and verse that I matched with his name. I keep it on an index card in or around my Bible. I decree his future with what God has for him and the devil canā€™t steal it from him.

Ginny Wilkerson
November 17, 2022

Father you promised that even though the darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples that your light would rise upon your people. I ask that your light would shine in these dark places and for a mass revival among children in the USA . I also pray for favor with the legal system for Chloe in Jesus name amen

Audrey Self-Olenzek
November 17, 2022

I prayed this for my daughters and their friends. I pray also for those on YouTube who struggle with this that our LORD would lead them out of that dark world of lies into the kingdom of TRUTH AND LIGHT!

Allena Jordan
November 17, 2022

I prayed this aloud. And I lifted up my cousin and “Amy” of Jeopardy fame. I prayed for my great grandchildren’s protection from this lying spirit of darkness and evil. Thank you!

Denise Makela
November 17, 2022

Amen & Amen!! Our God is a mighty God. May His will be done. God your people are crying out Lord, your Word says where two or more pray together there You will be, You will hear our pleas! Lord we need You, Oh how we need You now!!

Marcia smith
November 17, 2022

Father I agree with this prayer and I prayer specifically for Samantha and Jennifer who have fallen prey to Satan in this area. Put them back on the right path.

November 17, 2022

Father God, we ask you to send angels of truth & wisdom to the adults who promote & affirm transgender ideology. Remove the veil of deception from their eyes & hearts placed by the devil. Protect the children from all negative influences. Let the light you placed within them, as a boy or girl, shine so bright there is no question about gender.

November 17, 2022

Lord, we call for the hypnotism that is placed upon our children to be thou removed. Awake!
Cleanse the media, cleanse, the airwaves, cleanse the schools. Jesus, we call for divine intervention to come forth. The spirit of confusion and deception to come off of our children. Return them to a sound mind in Jesus name amen.

November 17, 2022

Dear Jesus,. I pray in agreement with this appeal to you. Forgive us for our sin, and please help our Children! Help them to miraculously know Your love and acceptance of them. Remove by Your power any shame they may have. Please work Lord, we all need You so badly. We rebuke Satan in every way. he is already defeated by Your mighty blood You shed on the cross, and Your defeat of death! Oh, Lord You are our King! In Your Name, Amen.


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