Pray for our congressional leadership.
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. (1 Tim 2:1-4)
In case you missed it, you can still watch this inspiring PrayUSA Sunday message by Congressman Randy Forbes, the Founder of the Congressional Prayer Caucus. He joined Pastor Will Langford, of Great Bridge Baptist Church, in a memorable time of unity and inspiration on behalf of a nation that desperately needs the grace of God.
We cannot urge you strong enough to take a few moments and listen to his passionate plea for America. He is a watchman and from his vantage point, he sees clearly the destructive impact that the anti-faith movement is having on our country. The battle lines have been drawn and we must be strategic in our plan, purposed in our wills, and above all, fervent in our prayers. (Congressional Prayer Caucus)
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Lord, thank you for the Congressional Prayer Caucus and all they have done to protect our liberties. Thankyou for these civic leaders that have humbled themselves and gotten on their knees before you in intercession on issues that the populous are largely unaware of. Lord use our prayers to bring fresh troops to their siege that has been DC, Continue Lord, i pray to use President Trump to bring down the idols of secularism and humanism for it has always been “in God we Trust”, help the youth and young adults to know the Constitution and the truth behind the DNC, may many go to the “Death of a Nation” movie. I ask a hedge of protection on all who hold dear this country and it’s tenants and serve us in office, make the crooked road straight before them Lord, bless the work of their hands. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen
Mr. Forbes, my wife and I have talked with you during a couple private fund raisers. I am a CPA with a practice in Virginia Beach, VA. We have contributed to your campaigns in the past. I would like to join one or more prayer groups focused on the mid-terms and of course other issues. I would also like your input on who to support – in prayer and financially. I have talked to Ms. Canada re: who to support but would like your input.
I would also be overjoyed if you were to run again.
As with Vice-President Pence I am a Christian first, a Conservative, second and then a Republican. I think I am too pointed/ “say it like it is” to be successful as a politician but, I am more than willing to help others. Unless the remarkable happens and the Lord does in fact call me to be a politician.
Father in Heaven, thank You for Your love, Your patience, kindness, and understanding. Yeshua, thank You for the stripes You gladly accepted so that we are healed. Yeshua, thank You for being cursed on the tree so that our sins are no more. Yeshua, thank You for rising from the dead and ascending to our Abba Father so we can inherit eternal life and live a life here free of sin. Ruach Hakodesh, thank You for interceding for us, for guiding, teaching, and reminding us of what we have been told. All praise and glory be given to Elohim.
Let us have godly repentance like King David and not worldly repentance as King Saul. Guide us to humble ourselves, to pray often and always pray with faith knowing that these words with faith have and will continue to move mountains. Guide us to seek Your face and turn from our wickedness. Guide us to show agape love to our fellow believers and not point out their faults for we have California-size redwoods in our own eyes.
Abba Father, regarding the Fake News, those in deep undercover at the FBI and the DoJ, the 13 angry Democrates, and those in The Swamp, we pray for their conviction and true repentance. Your word never come back void: “But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness.” (Romans 1:18) “But if you fail to keep your word, then you will have sinned against the Lord, and you may be sure that your sin will find you out.” (Numbers 32:23)
Abba Father, I know Your patience is wearing thin for my state, California. The fires are burning, yet, true repentance is not seen. We’ve heard that the BIG earthquakes are coming. I pray that true repentance comes before You shake this state as it was in the time of Peleg (teutonic plates reshaping the Earth). Draw Your Churchs in this state to You. May we cast aside our pettiness and focus on true repentance and the Great Commission. California has lead the country toward wickedness for many decades. May we change to leading the country back to true repentance and righteousness. I know it is not by power nor by might, but by the Ruach…so let the Church arise and stand in the gab, and may the Church break down the walls that are holding people captive. Let the Church put into practice what Joshua and the Children of Ysrael did when they marched around Jericho: their voices of praise unleashed by a shout (Shabach).
I ask all these things by the authority given to me by Yeshua. So be it by the power of the Holy Spirit (Ruach Hakodesh) !!!
Father I thank you for men an women who love you with all their heart in Congress. Please encourage them and guide them daily.Father I ask you to start a holy fire to burn thru the halls of Congress and thru to the Supreme Court and to our White House. Father let their hearts be convicted of sin and may our leaders desire righteousness. May every wicked plot of the enemy be exposed and may it come to nothing. Father let us be know thru out the world as a nation that loves you and will keep your commandments. Let our hearts break over sin. We humble ourselves before you oh God. Lord our hope for America is in you and not a political party. Father we look to you for salvation. Break out hearts and send revival once more to our backslide nation. We love you Rightous Father forgive us our sins and heal our land. In Jesus name. Amen
Asking for prayer for the City and People of Portland Oregon
That the Authority and Jurisdiction of Jesus Christ AND His Peace prevail; that He pave the way with the Spirit of Understanding, oneness, communion and unity; that the crooked paths of conflict and social clash be made straight.
Please “Get the word out to pray and intercede” for the Rule of God Almighty’s Peace in Portland petitioning Him for it to reign starting August 4th (Especially) during the Freedom Rally in Portland Oregon; and losing the Spirit of Truth; binding the spirit of rebellion that wickedly schemes to incite chaos, division and violence.
Pray for the souls involved in Antifa and against all demonic support of authority AND power that may cower over them in an effort to “derail” a work that the Spirit of God is establishing in the Northwest.
Pray also and Bind “False Flag” efforts and staged and organic “Shock” tactics involving “Gun Issues” and America for this season AND into the early school year.
Let all rebellion have its own chaos and division; corruption and racism ROLL BACK ON ITSELF and scatter its adherents. Prayer & Fasting needed now and Aug 2nd & Aug 4th for a complete backfire on the forces of Darkness.
May a way be made straight for Jesus Christ the King of Kings!
In a world of uncertainly God is still among us. I pray He will continue to guide our country & bless us so we may bless others. I pray for our leaders & trust that they will yield to the still small voice that is within us all, those saved by the cross & those yet to be saved through His great love. I pray for guidance & resolutions, that He ordained for this wonderful land we live in; not perfect but keeping with the roots planted by those who came before us. Amen & Amen