Pope Francis has warned of the possibility of a second great flood, like that of Noah’s time, if humanity fails to address global warming.
“God’s wrath is directed against injustice, against Satan,” the pope states in a book titled Of Vices and Virtues due for release Tuesday. “It is directed against evil, not that which derives from human weakness, but evil of Satanic inspiration: the corruption generated by Satan.”
“God’s wrath is meant to bring justice, to ‘clean up,’” the pontiff declares in an advance excerpt of the book published by the Italian daily Corriere della Sera Sunday.
“The Bible says that the flood is the result of God’s wrath,” Francis continues. “It is a figure of God’s wrath, who according to the Bible has seen too many bad things and decides to obliterate humanity.” . . .
“A great flood, perhaps due to a rise in temperature and the melting of the glaciers, is what will happen now if we continue along the same path,” the pope warns. . . .
Francis has made care for the environment and opposition to climate change a hallmark of his almost eight-year pontificate, taking to task world leaders who have shown too little resolve in their battle against global warming.
He said last year that it is “evident” that climate change is to blame for a number of humanity’s social ills, as well as disrupting the balance of nature. . . .
The pope’s audience consisted of participants in a meeting of members of the Laudato Sì community, named after the pontiff’s 2015 encyclical letter on the environment, which bears the same name.
“We need a real will to tackle the root causes of the ongoing climate upheavals,” Francis insisted. “Generic commitments are not enough — words, words.” . . .
- “The Bible says that the flood is the result of God’s wrath,” Francis continues. “It is a figure of God’s wrath, who according to the Bible has seen too many bad things and decides to obliterate humanity.”
- “The biblical flood, according to experts, is a mythical tale,” the pope states, parenthetically adding his hope that no one writes that “the pope says the Bible is a myth.”
- “It is evident that climate change not only upsets the balance of nature, but causes poverty and hunger, affects the most vulnerable, and sometimes forces them to leave their land,” the pope told a group gathered in the Vatican.
- Questions: Is it God who sent the flood the first time or was that myth? This is confusing.
- Would it be God again or did He promise to never flood it again? Genesus 9:11: I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.”
- Is the Pope saying man needs to control the climate and global warming, and if not, God will be mad? Or the Pope will be mad? Or things just melt and we get a flood?
- He seems to say this would be an injustice – Yet, he is soft on God’s other justice issues such as: sin like gay marriage, adultery, etc.
- Why is the Pope so concerned about global warming and for open borders?
- What are the faithful catholics going to do about this?
What do you think of Pope Francis’ warning? Discuss and share your prayers in the comments below!
(Excerpt from Breitbart. Article by Thomas D. Williams, PH.D. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
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addressing the pope genesis 9:8-17 god said to noah this is the sign of the covenant that i have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth. im confident the pope knows this as far as im concerned its a deliberate lie hes spreading
Father i pray for PopeFrancis that you would send a true spirit of holy conviction on him to truly study the bible in the context you intended under the divine influence & inspiration of the Holy Spirit, And allow his studies to expose all the false doctrines of Catholicism especially the idolatry of praying to and worshipping Mary and the saints! May he be grieved to his core and publicly share this information with the world and insist upon the catholic church coming clean in these areas and lining up with the full truth of the bible, this causing the fall of babylon! Father the bible in general including the story of Noah can be manipulated by The wicked to pawn you off as an angry God who has hissy fits of global proportions and i pray that you would forbid that from happening! You are the God of ALL Patience and mercy! Yet your judgments are always just!
Father we have had enough of the idolotrous mixture of Catholicism that has infiltrated our government and the nations and we pray a final end to it in Jesus name.
Father wake up this pope to see how he was placed in such a position at such a time as this just like Esther was and give him the wisdom revelation, the courage might and conviction to bring Jesus Christ alone ALL the glory HE deserves and to finally publicly expose and forsake the false divinity of Mary and exhort Catholics everywhere Of the biblical truth that only GOD alone who has divine unity with Jesus is worthy to be prayed to and worshipped. In Jesus we have the audacity and confidence to Publicly pray This and to believe you to do it and thus we receive this.not fir strife or division but that our brethren in Catholicism would finally be one with us with in spirit and truth of scripture free of all idolatrous mixture In Jesus name.
The bible says God will never flood the earth again. God gave us the rainbow to remind us of His Promise! NOTE: God’s Word is Truth!
I will stand on the word of the LORD ALMIGHTY: and GOD said, this is the token of the covenant which I make between you and every living creature that is with you,for perpetual generations: I do set my bow in the cloud,and it shall be for a token of a covenant between ME and the earth. And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that bow shall be seen in the cloud: and I will remember MY covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh:genesis 9: 12-15 ( GOD’S promise to noah) maybe the pope has forgotten those words or he thinks that people are still ignorant of the bible? The b= is basic, I =instructions, b= before, l= leaving, e= earth. When GOD OF HEAVEN will baptized the earth as it’s written in fire : where those who faithfully believed in the SON OF GOD is JESUS YESHUA: will come to a new HEAVEN and new earth after the millennium,and all judgement has been completed by ABBA THE FATHER our CREATOR. The pope needs to quit pushing fear, for that’s not a GODLY thing to do.
Pope Francis is woefully ignorant of scripture, raising Roman Catholic dogma above the Holy and inerrant Word of Almighty God.
There will be no more world wide floods. The oceans will honor the boundaries,the limits imposed by a wise and sovereign God
Yes i fully agree! Yes there will be floods but Father honors his word and will not allow another catastrophical worldwide flood
Does the Pope not see that the Bible states that God will not flood the world again? Climate change is a fact: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. The Scriptures state that God sets the seasons, he tells the wind to move, He sends the rain on the good and . . . .
Dorothy Rogers,In my 71years I have often observed “Climate Change,” e.g.,SUMMER,WINTER,
SPRING AND FALL, Just as GOD HAS ORDAINED.Pray that,”The Scales Will Be Removed From The Eyes Of The Pope”
God said he would never destroy the world with a flood again. The Pope needs to read the Bible and pray.
I believe in the God breathed written Word . Holy Spirit speaks to us through this Word. I pray for this blasphemous Pharisee and his followers who are being deceived by the demonic spirits. O Father God forgive them. They know not what they do 🙏 In Jesus name I pray 🙏 AMEN
I question if the man is even a Christian.
So many of his actions are left-wing socialist communistic agendas.
He seems to be more about having world power/control than salvation of souls.
And there’s no doubt in my mind the man does not understand scripture
The Pope stated, before he was Pope, he believed in Social Justice. Sound good but is not.
If the Pope would read God’s Word, he would see that global warming is not the cause of all that is happening in this world, it’s a SIN problem.
After the flood, God made a covenant with Noah and all humanity, that he would never again destroy all life by flooding the earth. God set the rainbow in the sky as a sign of his promise to Noah… This is God’s statement in the Bible. Do we believe God or man?