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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we trust You with the results of this election and with these court hearings. We ask that the truth would be revealed and undeniable.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Trump Campaign legal team announced that the state legislatures in Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Michigan will hold public hearings on the election beginning Wednesday and next week in an effort to provide confidence that all of the legal votes have been counted and the illegal votes have not been counted in the November 3rd election. That sounds like a prayer assignment for intercessors!

The first hearing, held by the Pennsylvania State Senate, will be conducted today, Wednesday, November 25th, in Gettysburg, PA, where each participating Senator will give a five-minute opening statement followed by testimony from witnesses who have filed affidavits attesting to 2020 election fraud. This hearing needs to be covered in prayer, and the participation of praying Americans to have their voice heard.

Arizona legislature will hold hearings on Monday, November 30th, and the Michigan legislature holding its own hearing on Tuesday, December 1st.

“It’s in everyone’s interest to have a full vetting of election irregularities and fraud,” said Mayor Giuliani in a statement. “And the only way to do this is with public hearings, complete with witnesses, videos, pictures, and other evidence of illegalities from the November 3rd election.”

Praying for truthful election results is still a critical prayer point for believers. These legislature meetings need your prayer! Here are 5 points of prayer:

-Pray for citizens’ voices to be heard.
-Pray for a vigorous pursuit of the truth as a result of these hearings.
-Pray for favor and protection for those who are representing transparency.
-Pray that those who seek to hide information, obfuscate, deceive, or thwart the movement for transparency and truth would be diminished in their authority and exposed.
-Pray for a cleansing of our election processes! Pray that the deception that is embedded in our systems would be broken!
Pray Proverbs 12:9: Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment.

Senior Legal Advisor and Personal Attorney to President Donald J. Trump, Jenna Ellis shares, “there were serious irregularities, we have proof of fraud in a number of states, and it is important for all Americans to have faith in our electoral process. All we have wanted from the outset is to count every legal vote and discount every illegal vote.”

As Epoch Times reports, “Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan are among six battleground states facing ongoing litigation amid allegations of voting irregularities from the Trump campaign and hundreds of witnesses. With 79 electoral votes between them, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada will likely decide the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.”

State Legislatures are uniquely qualified and positioned to hold hearings on election irregularities and fraud before electors are chosen. As established in Article 2, Section 1.2 of the United States Constitution, State Legislatures have the sole authority to select their representatives to the Electoral College, providing a critical safeguard against voter fraud and election manipulation.

(Photo Credit: White House Flickr.)

How are you praying for these hearings?

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Doreen Pavlik
December 1, 2020

Romans 13:4
The (government) ruler is God’s servant to help you. But if you do wrong, then be afraid. He has the power to punish; he is God’s servant to punish those who do wrong.”
May God give strength and wisdom to bring about truth and expose those who are bent on fraudulent behavior.

Sandra Christensen
November 30, 2020

Lord we praise you God because you are Supreme, the Highest in rank, power, and authority. You are superior to all and we trust that your Truth will be revealed. May your light shine throughout the land because darkness cannot withstand your Light!

Psalm 95:3-7 English Standard Version
3 For the Lord is a great God,
and a great King above all gods.
4 In his hand are the depths of the earth;
the heights of the mountains are his also.
5 The sea is his, for he made it,
and his hands formed the dry land.
6 Oh come, let us worship and bow down;
let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!
7 For he is our God,
and we are the people of his pasture,
and the sheep of his hand.

Esther Donatelli
November 28, 2020

The truth to be revealed, justice to be serviced, and deliverance to come for our nation as well as our impact in the world. For those being persecuted throughout the world to be set free.

carol l snider
November 28, 2020

Lord, let significant and essential evidence be uncovered. In Jesus name, amen.

Gloria Anderson
November 27, 2020

I am thankful for Intercessor For America and the work you are doing to keep us inform of what is truly happening. Thank you also for reaching out to those of us who are intercessors as well. We the body of Christ need to come together now more then ever before. Our God is faithful and we shall see his victory because this is his battle. Amen!

Fran Hobbs
November 26, 2020

Lord, let justice prevale!

Teri Brande
November 26, 2020

“When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people of to dissolve the Bands which have connected them to another, and to assume…the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and nature’s God entitle them….”
And thus the Declaration of Independence was composed to free this new representative form of government from the tyranny of England. (https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript#:~:text=The%20unanimous%20Declaration%20of%20the,the%20Laws%20of%20Nature%20and)

And then on 11/11/2020 we celebrated the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower Compact, a document dedicating this new land of America to God. So Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we repent for not keeping our side of that Covenant and for disobedeying Your laws to train up the Next Generation in the way that they should go that when they are old they would not depart from it. We have failed to educate our youth in the principles and character necessary to run a free government. Those principles are found in the first five books of the Old Testament.

We thank you, on this Thanksgiving day, that you are merciful and just to forgive our sins when we repent and to cleanse us. We thank you, too, that you keep your side of the Covenant when we neglect to keep our side. So now we implore Heaven’s help just as Benjamin Franklin did at the Constitutional Convention, i.e. “without His concurring aid… we shall be divided by our little partial local interests; our projects will be confounded and we ourselves shall become a reproach and a bye word down to future ages.”

And now, to preserve our Union and our freedoms, so that the gospel of the Kingdom can once again be exported to a world in need – in agreement with our destiny and purpose in the Earth – we
ask for the grace of Heaven to end this tyranny from within, to bring truth and justice to light, and to raise up a generation that’s steeped in holiness, Godly Christian character, and the word of God so that the His Word would never die out in our nation, and America would complete her role a mission sending Nation to awaken truth at home and abroad to a lost world, so be it! Amen!

November 26, 2020

Thank you. I have not heard Michelle recently. I would like to hear the interview.

November 26, 2020

Amen. Thank you for your prayers for USA. We are one body. I am truly thankful and humbled for all the prayers of believers around the world for us in this critical time. All thanks to our most loving and merciful Father, our Almighty God who always leads us triumphantly forward through our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!

November 26, 2020

IMPORTANT NOTE -if you copy (or intend to copy & paste) the link directly for this article, note that the word MICHIGAN is spelled incorrectly. If you want to share it with others and they want to share it also, DON’T change the spelling of Michigan yourself or the link may not / will not open for others. The correct spelling will have to be adjusted by IFA. In the meantime, just copy and paste as is. (heads up to IFA – needs correction)

    November 26, 2020

    Michigan looks fine in the article, they must have corrected it

      November 26, 2020

      Okay thanks. I did notify them about it, so they probably corrected it right away.

Lizzy J
November 26, 2020

Heavenly Father, hear our prayer this Thanksgiving Day. You have blessed us here in America, and we have not always remembered who is the author of our blessings. Thank you for all we have in this country. It is You who created this nation, and it is You who knows what is to come. We pray this day that YOUR will be done in our nation. As your Word says in Psalm 37:28: “For the Lord loves justice, and does not forsake His saints; they are preserved forever, but the descendants of the wicked shall be cut off.” We are in agreement with this Adonai, and pray that justice…. Your justice… will be done in our elections. We thank you for what you are going to do, and we hope that more come to know you through this testimony.
We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, who reigns as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and in whose name, there is none greater. Amen

November 26, 2020

Lord God – we decree, as intercessors for the will of God to be exercised and carried out in the upcoming legal battles that insure election integrity, truth and facts in the courts of the United States of America.
We declare that those people, organizations and forces representing dishonesty, fraud, selfish ambition and hell’s agenda will NOT BE SUCCESSFUL!! Confusion will be the foundation for those who seek to steal,destroy & lie. May each and every individual who argues on the side of hell in a court of law… let their lying words fall to the ground as they utter them. Let those words come up against the fortified prayer walk of heaven….and fall in utter defeat as those words are unable to penetrate the purity of God’s wall of protection. We ask that in your holy name Lord..amen.

November 26, 2020

Holy Spirit brought to my remembrance today the importance of time and that we as Intercessors have the power and authority to redeem (purchase back, recall, rescue) the time). Time is truly of the essence right now (coordinating the evidence, presenting in a compelling manner and putting the ducks in order). God will and can redeem the time as he did in Joshua 10:12-14 in the middle of the battle In Ephesians 5:16, He reminds us that “Redeem the time because the days are evil.” We are also to “Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time” (Ephesians 4:5).

So Father God, we join our faith corporately thanking you for redeeming the time so it works in our favor. The gates (even Bill Gates) of hell shall not prevail. We shall have the time we need to assure that Your Kingdom comes and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

    November 26, 2020

    That’s right Suzy. Prov. 6:30-31 =
    People do not despise a thief if he steal to satisfy his (power)hunger when he is starving.
    Yet if he is caught, he must pay sevenfold, though it costs him all the wealth of his house.
    Don’t know what that sevenfold looks like; God does.

Jacquelyn Y Miller
November 26, 2020

If we were trusting God for the election results, we would accept HIS FINISHED WORK. God is OMNIPOTENT. No one can change what He has ordained. He does not need man’s help. LET GOD BE GOD!!!

Pamela Derrer
November 26, 2020

I am praying that God will reveal truth in theses hearings. That the people, who are the witnesses, will not be afraid, but speak the truth and that all the lies and deception s will be vomited on the floor so all can see the enemies works.
We need a righteous, merciful, wise, and protective, government. One who will help Israel. She is surrounded by enemies. Praying for God’s will to be done in the US of America. In Jesus’s name, Amen

LaRae D
November 26, 2020

Father, we ask for wisdom and protection for all fighting on the front lines exposing the fraud. We ask for solid evidence of vote switching. Reveal the algorithm source code. Solid evidence of votes that were destroyed and never counted for President Trump. We ask justice be served on all who destroyed and hindered votes. We ask for justice on all responsible for the computer tampering.
Thank you for waking us up and giving us the boldness to fight for our liberty and truth. We ask for wisdom on how to pray against the deception we hear every day and the agenda that is trying to destroy this nation. Please help us to love in the face of hate. Help us to he Christ like in our responses. We know Father, your truth and your light will bring the hidden things of evil to light. We trust you and are dependent on you to expose and destroy the enemy of our souls plan.
Thank you Father,

Betty McKinley
November 26, 2020

Dearest Heavenly Father, we pray for the marvelous, matchless most Holy Spirit to intervene in the election hearings throughout America and empower the legal teams of our dear President Trump and his administration to expose and neutralize every evil intent and plan to steal the election. Encourage every American family to give thanks today for You, Almighty God, Who care so lovingly for us. You have blessed us beyond any other nation and watch over us. You protect us, surround us, bless us and love us unconditionally. We are truly grateful. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen and amen!

Gregorio Calvo
November 26, 2020

“Hafa Adai” (Island Greetings) from the Island of Guam, “Where America’s Day Begins!” We are in full agreement with all the above prayer requests and many others through Intercessors for America, and all the other national conservative and faith-based leadership organizations since before the November 3 General Elections all across the Nation and all these past 23 days since. We stand on II Chronicles 7:14 “If My people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
God bless America! God bless President Trump!

November 26, 2020

Thank You Lord!
In agreement with my brothers and sisters in their prayers.
Your word is established in the heavens!
Those who bless Israel will be blessed- thank You Lord that this administration has so greatly blessed Your People Israel. Rise up and let your enemies be scattered! Those who hate You shall flee from before You – For from Zion comes Your Torah and The Word of The Lord out of Jerusalem!!!!
We stand on the victory of The Cross over every evil thing perpetrated in this election. Shine Your light in the darkness Oh Lord and expose all corruption. We declare and decree -Your will be done! Your Kingdom come! In the Name of the King of kings and Lord of lords Yeshua / Jesus

Dixie D Meyer
November 26, 2020

I will not lie, when the election results came in my Faith was shaken. Then I felt the Lord speaking to me saying, “Why did you take your eyes off of me? When Peter stepped out of the boat to come to Me he took his eyes off of Me and looked down and started to sink. I reach down and grabbed him and said, Oh you of little faith.” I them felt like Peter and knew the Lord was speaking to me. “Keep your eyes on Me no matter what you see or hear. As we keep seeing more and more indications this is impossible, God reminded me, Yes with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. I declare and decree to the highest court in Heaven The Lord’s words in Matthew 19:26. I standing in Faith and keeping my eyes on the Lord. You that have ears, let him hear.

November 26, 2020

God does not need a multitude.
God just needs committed people!
By God you are VERY POWERFUL!
Help us God!
We pray for these 3 states: AZ, MI, PA and for all legal teams to have legal supernatural brilliance!

THE CALL: Almighty God, We need You right now,
Reveal your Glory, And pour your Spirit out!
Let it fall, Lord let your glory fall,
Let it fall like rain! Oh, come down, Holy Spirit!
Come down Holy Spirit!

    November 26, 2020

    Standing in prayer with you Chris and others praying in IFA. I live in South Africa and last night after reading this article it was on my heart to play ‘Let It Rain’ over the skies of Gettysburg as I held my phone over a map of Pennsylvania:
    So much depends on these election results for the USA and the rest of the world. If tyranny is not stopped in these elections it will snowball across the world.

    Please, Heavenly Father, have mercy on us and deliver us from evil!
    In Jesus’ Name I ask this. Amen.

    November 26, 2020

    I prayed Genesis 12 3. 2nd Chronicles 20 20 I prayed revelation 3 7. And Deuteronomy 7 9. Lord based on your word you will bless those who bless Abraham and his descendants. You are the one who is the faithful God who keeps Covenant and mercy to a thousand Generations. Amen

November 26, 2020

Oh Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Show us how to pray in such a time as this! Even as President Trump looks somewhat like Superman in the picture and it makes me want to cry as to what he has been through! I know and we decree you are THE Real Super Man! The very Son of God who shed your blood for this Nation! May your will be done! May your kingdom come! May we see a fast resolve of all wrong doing in this election! May President Trump by your Gracious Grace Serve for 4 more years! Thanksgiving Be unto you for miracles in this season!

Carol Dowe
November 26, 2020

So thankful to be part of the team praying for truth and justice for these elections
and the true valid ballots are counted and the others fall away. Praying protection
for President Trump, all his staff and family and the witnesses that have come forward
during these Senate hearings. Our Lord reigns!

Dr. Anthony Harper
November 26, 2020

Please pray for me as I serve as the key Christian investigative journalist at the White House exposing Voter Fraud, Religious Freedom violations and Anti-Semitism.

    November 26, 2020

    May God lead give you insight to the clues and tips of these stories. May you report with humility, truth and integrity.
    Here are pieces of journal i read earlier:
    Bombshell! Roger Stone Claims Bill Gates, Microsoft Designed Software Used by Dominion to Allegedly Steal Election

    November 26, 2020

    Father God I lift up Dr. Anthony Harper in prayer asking for Your protection upon him and his family. Guide him through this path of discovery in exposing voter fraud, religious freedom violations, and anti-semitism. Open doors, remove obstacles, and lead him to the truth. Grant him divine wisdom, revelation and discernment. His investigative work will bring forth solid evidence and credible witnesses used to awaken America and bring justice. In Jesus name Amen.

    John 3:16
    November 28, 2020

    Tell us about yourself, please…when you will start and what organization/media you have represented in the past…are you from a particular agency and do you have a family that we should also cover in prayer…How can we follow you on social media and how you were selected to cover the White House…are these areas your expertise?

    God Bless your endeavors to reveal truth, expose corruption, and remain humble while giving all glory to Almighty God, His Son-the Lamb of God, and Holy Spirit’s power.

    Ada Mark
    December 2, 2020


November 25, 2020

Even among Republicans I am reading resignation but this website is better. We know God’s workings. He often lets the situation get to where the resolution gives God the Glory: Gideon reducing the troops. Joshua fighting with an unusual method. The LORD waiting to revive Lazarus. In the two accounts of the feeding from loaves and fishes more were fed with the fewer loaves and fishes. Judges 19: They lost to Benjamin several times before routing them. Not time to give up. The victory won’t be attributable to Trump’s legal team or Sidney, much as we appreciate them, but from God. He send the president 4 years ago to give this country a few year’s more time and we are praying for an extension.

    November 26, 2020

    You’re right. He is a God of the 11th hour and counting. It’s easy to believe when we see the way out in our timing. But when we have no “life line” left, no recourse, we can curse God’s messengers or press in, “Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord”, . . . for the Egyptians whom ye have seen today, ye shall see them again no more for ever.” God will do a parting of the red sea.
    look up conservative talk Michelle Malkin who interviewed Joe Oltmann re: the man behind the alledged Dominion systems fraud/hack/sabotage.

Marcia Yaffe
November 25, 2020

Praying earnestly for this election to be fair & truthful. We don’t need the crookedness and impending darkness to settle on this nation, we need truth – continuation of A solid Presidential man, President Donald Trump for four more solid years to keep us as a country from loosing all the legacy our men & women have fought & lived for – ONE COUNTRY UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE WITH LIBERTY & JUSTICE FOR ALL!!!

Tom Edwards
November 25, 2020

God will see to it that His will be done!

November 25, 2020

The opposition has had 4 years to game plan their path to victory including the installation of corrupt, unjust judges. God can disrupt/unravel/destroy it in a moment. In the battle between good and evil, God is not impartial or indifferent. He always fights on the side of justice, righteousness and truth when asked.

Pray that God will bring righteous judges to the forefront and they will be assigned the pertinent hearings and legal pleadings/proceedings. It does not matter what their political party if they are honest, truthful, not compromised by greed or corrupt and not willing to stand by, watch evil/injustice and do nothing to stop it. If they are God-lovers or strict constitutionialists so much the better.

Pressure is being applied on the president to concede now and run again in 2024. If he does that, there will nothing left of America to win. Plus, the cheating in this election cycle will go unaddressed. In 2024, the scale of cheating we’ve experienced now will be magnified a hundred-fold. He will still lose. Pray that he and his team will have the strength to fight this battle right now, not in 2024.

Republicans control legislatures in some of the battleground states. Pray that God will open their eyes to the truth; they will not roll over and play dead when confronted with the evidence of wrong-doing, threats, bribes or accusations of racism. Pray they will have the courage to do the right thing by making sure every legal vote is counted, every illegal vote rejected, certification is correct, electors sent to the electoral college represent only the clean, legally cast votes counted in their states.

Pray for the presidents team and every person fighting this particular war for truth, honest/fair elections and justice. Ask God to help the lookers to see; help the seekers to find; give the legal warriors the skills they need to correctly fight the real battle and win according to His plan for this nation and the kingdom of His dear Son.

November 25, 2020

Lord, In all these hearings shine your light. May there be clarity and understanding. May truth be heard, evil and deceptions exposed, and lying lips silenced. Guide the State leaders to take appropriate quick and efficient action. Cause only valid ballots to be counted and all illegal ones to be not counted. May truth and righteousness prevail. Amen.

Debby Spence
November 25, 2020

In the name of Jesus, Father I bind the evil that would keep eyes blind to the truth of this election process. I ask you to move in a mighty way to allow truth to be allowed in our courts, to the American ppl and throughout the world of the wickedness that has seemed rampant. But we know your Almighty, all knowing Merciful God. So we ask for a move of the Holy Spirit to draw lives to you. We ask for a true revival throughout our nation and the world. Help us Father to be obedient to what you call us to for this revival. We so want to see your mighty move upon all nations.
And Father we want to see truth revealed in our election results. Reveal those that have committed crimes against America, we ask in Jesus name.

November 25, 2020

I’m praying that truth will prevail; Divine intervention in our electoral process!

November 25, 2020

Sidney Powell was suppose to file her lawsuit today, Wednesday, November 25; but there is nothing being said. Did she file?

Ana T.
November 25, 2020

I add my agreement to the prayers to protect and strengthen all involved in revealing the truth. I bind every and all evil spirits that would compel anyone to prevent the truth from being revealed, to cause disruptions at and around these hearings, or to cause confusion in the minds of those listening.
We thank you, God, for the preservation of our democracy, for the wisdom you gave our founding fathers in crafting our Constitution, and particularly for showing us again the importance of the electoral college.
Let God’s truth march on across America!

Jana D.
November 25, 2020

Regarding Pennsylvania, note that your prayers were heard. Hallelujah! If you have the opportunity, while others are watching football tomorrow, watch the video of the hearing. (I especially liked Doug Mastriano’s final speech.) The truth is being shouted from the housetops. Watch and rejoice. And of course keep praying: One down, two (at 1east) to go. God is sooo good.

    November 26, 2020

    Video of the original hearing is 3-1/2 hours long. Worth every minute except for the long-winded commentator at the beginning and end. Listen while working or surfing the net.


    Most astounding takeaways for me: PA mailed out 1,823,148 mail in ballots, but counted 2,589,542 as returned (data posted on the secy of state site – now removed); republican poll watchers across the state were deliberately barred from seeing the vast majority of mail-in ballots; rules favorable to democrats were added after voting was already underway; massive vote dumps for Biden; same process/procedures employed across in most of the disputed states indicating a plan for fraud and much, much more. Wow.

    Never thought I would ever see this in America.

Jing Peng
November 25, 2020

Yes, I pray every lately.

Dear GOD, please help us keep the American election with constitution and integrity.

Dear GOD, please have your power and control to have American people to choose the president of the United States of America with your acknowledge.

I pray in Jesus Name. Amen!! 🙏

Judith slonksnis
November 25, 2020

They will all be exposed and they will be confused and we will have righteousness restitution and recompense in Jesus name lean not to your own understanding and in all your ways acknowledge Him Jesus king of King Lord of lords Mighty in pulling down strongholds it’s what I got to say if God is for us who could be against us creator of Heaven and Earth

    Bryce T.
    November 25, 2020

    I sent the following to a friend prior to reading this. Love the Holy Spirit similarities. “God is biding His time. I believe He must allow all to choose a side before revealing His Trump card so that the land can be cleansed. Similar to the way Jehu son of Nimshi dealt with the followers of Jezebel. If God be for us who could be against us. Though evil comes in like a flood the Lord, who is mighty to save, will raise up a standard, Jehova Nisi. God our Victory Banner is a Savior like no other. He shall arise and His enemies shall be scattered. Take communion as one seated in heavenly places (to proclaim His coming into this situation). God has extended his scepter and is asking His beloved bride what she wants in America, in Israel, and beyond. He can do an awful lot with awful little faith. But we do not ask a little thing–we ask a big thing so that You (Lord) may get greater glory. Lord swallow up the enemy in the Red Sea so that the America of God, a holy nation shall come forth like a bride leaning on her beloved. A divine reset of one covenant nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, a mission base and launching pad of the gospel to the ends of the earth. Signed in Jesus name, Amen!”

James Fielding
November 25, 2020

ACCORDING to the US Constitution,President Trump won.


Shannon Knight
November 25, 2020

The media has exploited Americans and Justice will prevail. Evidence and Facts over Media manipulation!

November 25, 2020

Father, we trust You with the results of this election and with these court hearings. We ask that the truth would be revealed and undeniable.

Steve Reynolds
November 25, 2020

All we are requesting is that call votes are legal and counted per the Constitution as well as the state constitutions please be open-minded and eliminate fraud in our election process otherwise we lose our democracy

Sharion McGee
November 25, 2020

Just watched the Pennsylvania hearing, WOW did God take over!!!!! We will do the same in all the other hearings!!! This will get the attention of WE THE PEOPLE!!!!! Hopefully many that don’t understand the importance, not of only this election, but the integrity of OUR ELECTIONS!!

November 25, 2020


November 25, 2020

🗣🔥💨🔥A M E R I C A S H A L L B E S A V E D I N J E S U S’ N A M E‼️🔥🔥🔥
T H A N K S G I V I N G 🔥🙏🔥
T H A N K S G I V I N G🔥🙏🔥

Mary Stringer
November 25, 2020

As I drive the 3 hour journey to Asheville from Sugar Hill Georgia over this very positive article. I join with many many others in lifting up the legislature in each state in question oh, each witness, each piece of evidence, and each judge who will be deciding in this most important electoral vote. I invite all others who read my comment to join with me and stand firm in prayer and belief that God is the only Miracle maker and that he can and will turn this election around if it is in his plan to do so. Humble yourselves prayer warriors, and pray earnestly! God bless all of us!

November 25, 2020

We cover the hearings, the first one held today on Wednesday, November 25th by the Pennsylvania State Senate in the precious blood of Jesus. We anoint each Senator’s opening statement and the testimonies from witnesses who have filed affidavits attesting to the election fraud so that Americans have their voice heard with the Holy Spirit of Truth and Power. We pray the same for the Arizona legislature hearings on Monday, November 30th, and the Michigan legislature on Tuesday, December 1st. Let there be a full vetting of election irregularities and fraud in these public hearings, with credible witnesses and other evidence of illegalities from the November 3rd election. Praying for truthful election results.
Let the serious irregularities, proof of fraud in a number of states, pave the way to count every legal vote and discount every illegal vote. We claim the 79 electoral votes between, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada to decide the outcome of the 2020 presidential election in favor of President Trump. We declare that State Legislatures are uniquely qualified and positioned to hold hearings on election irregularities and fraud before the electors are chosen as established in Article 2, Section 1.2 of the United States Constitution. We declare that State Legislatures have the sole authority as provided and directed by God to select their representatives to the Electoral College, and that they will provide a critical safeguard against voter fraud and election manipulation in this election and elections to come.
In Jesus’ mighty name we decree this prayer as done in the Courts of Heaven and manifested in the courts of earth.

November 25, 2020

I am so proud of President Trump!
Someone else may not have lead us in these battles, but may have given in to the lying deep state bullies and capitulated! FATHER GOD we ask that YOU take charge of all of these meetings and protect our President! FATHER GOD we will continue to stand in prayer until we see VICTORY in JESUS Name! Amen!

Eugene and Frances Livesay
November 25, 2020

We are thankful so many people are involved to try to resolve problems in a corrupt election. We are an older couple praying if it be God’s will show America that this election was rigged. We have heard so much that is wrong with the votes. God help our nation. President Trump, his family, his loyal administration have had to fight for over four years with the corrupt democrats, news media, Hollywood. He has kep his promises God please help him. Win, lose, or draw he to us is as King David fighting the giant. It has been amazing he has accomplished so much in such a short period of time. Thank you God for giving us President Donald Trump.

Ken Budz
November 25, 2020

Lord please help with the election. Please help expose the corruption. May the truth come out and may justice be served. May Your will be done Lord. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Vareena Swihart
November 25, 2020

We praise your HOLY NAME oh God!

“Pennsylvania Judge Blocks Further Election Certification Steps”


Event that occurred in Gettysburg, PA 40 days ago (10/16/2020) – meeting with Chuck Pierce:

TURNING POINT in Gettysburg!!!



Remember – when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God will raise up a HIGHER standard!
Isa. 59

We praise Your Holy Name oh God!

Your MERCY endures for ever! 2 Chron. 20!!!

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Nancy Gilliam
November 25, 2020

Praying all fraud will be exposed and the truth come forward for all the world to see in JESUS name. Isaith 25:9 All enemies will be like fine dust, tyrants will be like chaff which blow away and this will be done instantly and they will be destroyed.

November 25, 2020

Praise God for the brave, articulate patriots who witnessed what they experienced in the November 3rd election before the PA state legislature. Their warm reception was uplifting.

Protect and keep them safe. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Sha CC
November 25, 2020

Pouring the blood of Christ Jesus over this 2020 election. May He shed light on the sinful darkness.
May God’s will reign.
God is good, ALL the time!

Geovanna Bishton
November 25, 2020

I pray everyday for our nacion and our president Donald Trump Psalm 91 and Rosary and San Michael Arcangel

Karen Elizabeth Lips
November 25, 2020

Father God, in the name of Jesus, I ask you please to pour the Holy Spirit out on these hearings. Please let the corruption be exposed. I pray that it will be revealed that President Trump won this election and that there will be no questions that the Democrats stole it. I pray that those responsible for the fraud will be found out and brought to justice. I trust in you Lord because righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne!

    Bryce T.
    November 25, 2020

    Yes amen! Lord we also ask that any all elections stolen will be restored to the rightful winners in the Senate and in the Congress, and that biblical restitution laws will be applied for the advancement of the kingdom of God in America.

Beth Boles
November 25, 2020

Praying God’s will be done!

Christine Kraus
November 25, 2020

Declaring Isaiah 29:5 AMP
But the multitude of your enemies [that assault you] will become like fine dust, And the multitude of the tyrants like the chaff which blows away; And it will happen in an instant, suddenly [that your enemy is destroyed].

NOTe: The enemies are not people, but the spirits motivating them.

Kerry Keehl
November 25, 2020

In Jesus name I pray for the truth to be revealed by our Father in heaven. That the voice of the God’s people will be heard and the corruption will be exposed.

H Reifert
November 25, 2020

Praying for these meetings, for the LORD’s truth to be revealed, and action taken to right the wrongs for a free and fair election. I pray that all Americans will hear the truth and that the country will accept in peace the outcome.

Lynn Cooper
November 25, 2020

Praying Fervently!!
Same God who protected Daniel in the lion’s den ,David against Goliath and Joshua as he defeated Ai and many more……..

Raquel Jane
November 25, 2020

Psalm 112….the longings of the wicked will come to nothing..


November 25, 2020

Had not Father God revealed these things, we would have had no chance to impact and correct them. If we do not pray and stand, we will loose any hope of a truthful election, we will loose our Nation and our precious President Trump.

I’m praying “Thank you Father for revealing what is in the dark and letting it be brought to the light. Be with us, rescue us, hear our prayers for justice and please sheild and protect all of the courageous people who are telling the truth and those who are fighting the legal battles. Please give us enough time, during this very short window, to prepare and reveal all of the corrupt evidence and that the State Legislatures and Supreme Court will not allow it to steal this election, in Jesus holy name!

    Walter Bundy
    November 25, 2020

    Lord hear our pray and make things right as you see it. GOD Bless America and the folks who are trying to make it correct. Please Father help us…

Patricia Beretta
November 25, 2020

Lord Jesus I pray for truth and justice on behalf of all of America that we will have a president that remains committed to the sanctity of life and who wilI maintain the moral attributes our founding fathers have stood for. Thank you President Trump For standing strong through all of the deception and that all the voter fraud will be exposed resulting in your favor for the next four years, In Jesus’ name we pray Amen and amen 🙏🏻✝️🇺🇸

November 25, 2020

Father God I lift up these hearings and pray that truth pours out like a flood so there can be no denying collusion and fraud. Lord I pray your Holy Spirit would compel believers in each state PA, MI, AZ, to show up at the courthouse in mass numbers and take a stand for truth. You are a God of truth and justice and have given us the courts to protect us from this very evil.

Ps 103:6 says the Lord gives righteousness and justice to all who are treated unfairly. Lord we stand on this promise…the millions of disenfranchised voters believe you are faithful to your word. Let no weapon formed against anyone is this fight for truth prosper! Silence the bullies Lord.

Lord thank you in the midst of all that is happening you are working mightily in and through your people…open the spiritual eyes of understanding to those who will hear your voice and come to saving faith in your Son, Jesus Christ, Savior of the world. May a watching world see the glory of the Lord…In His mighty name…amen.

    Jerry Locklear
    November 25, 2020

    We trust you Lord in Jesus name that OUR PRESIDENT Donald J Trump who you put in and only you can get him out sweet Jesus i believe in you Lord for 4 more years for your PRESIDENT Mr Trump so we believe it’s done in Jesus name AMEN 🙏 we count it all joy to no it’s done AMEN Pray Church Praying in Jesus name 🙏 Hallelujah Hallelujah to God be the glory 🙌 🙏 ❤

Mary Bacon
November 25, 2020

I agree with all these prayers in Jesus Matchless Mighty Awesome Name above all names!!! Amen and Amen! So be it Lord!!!✝️

Susan Brazzell
November 25, 2020

I am a legal born in America Patriot and lover of the Constiturion praying that those in our gov and outside like BILL GATES who created the dominion software and supporyed it and knew about it ALL be exposed indicted and prosecuted to the fullest extent!

November 25, 2020

Yes, Lord Jesus! Hear our cries for help! You, oh Lord are our strong Savior! Shield Your servants in the day of battle. Lord, do not grant the desires of the wicked; do not let them achieve their goals, lest they become proud. Selah! (Psalm 140:6-8) Jesus, You are the true Light, who gives light to the world, and You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 1:9, John 14:6). So Lord, bring the truth in these elections to light, let all lies be exposed, and let truth prevail! Let justice prevail in Jesus’ Name! Amen!

November 25, 2020

Anita, There is overwhelming evidence of multiple situations of fraudulent behavior; surely you would agree that we need honest elections, regardless of which party appears to be leading? Our democracy is at stake!

Lynn Burgett
November 25, 2020

Father, we pray for a vigorous pursuit of the truth as a result of these hearings. Protect those who are representing transparency and expose those who are seeking to hide information, deceive, or threatened transparency. Thank you for your faithfulness, and all you have done and are doing to bring truth and justice to our country. I pray that as the truth is revealed it will cause many people to recognize Jesus as their savior and realize that you are the one true God. Amen

Deborah Keller
November 25, 2020

Today on the field of Gettysburg where our nation once struggled and was almost divided, but was instead held together Oh Righteous Judge take your seat over this hearing and dispense righteousness and justice. Bring our nation together once again! The enemy is disarmed, his spears broken, his shields burned in fire. Every witnesses is loses to testify to the truth and 2 Cor 13:1 – from the mouths of 2 or 3 witnesses the matter is established. Senator Mastriano is a might man of truth and righteousness – use him! Let his presence and strength give courage to all the others. TODAY: vindication and victory for President Trump! He holds the budding rod and the white stone.

    November 25, 2020

    “Every witnesses is loses to testify to the truth”

    I pray instead every witness testify to the truth.

    Amen to your prayer with this amendment.

Carol Yuravich
November 25, 2020


Linda Mercier
November 25, 2020

Dear Lord God and my Precious Savior Jesus, I ask that you surround each of these hearings with your power & strength to hold each participant accountable to you for truth to be revealed in each of their hearts and that they share in full transparency the truth in all of these hearings in PA, AZ, & MI. May we see the President elected according to Your Will. May we see peace in our beloved country that you have blessed return to working for your glory. Save us from those who are here to destroy.

In Jesus name I pray. Amen Amen

Kathy Nunamaker
November 25, 2020

This was my Old Testament reading this morning: Daniel 2: 20-23

“Praise the name of God forever and ever, for He has all wisdom and power.
He controls the course of world events; He removes kings and sets up kings.
He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the scholars.
He reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what lies hidden in darkness,
though He is surrounded by light.
I thank and praise You, God of my ancestors, for You have given me wisdom and strength.
You have told me what we asked of you and revealed to us what the king demanded.”

Amen and amen. . . O Lord God may it be so for Your honor, Your glory and Your Praise!

    November 25, 2020

    I read the same passage this morning! Hallelujah! The Spirit is one.

Mary Lou German
November 25, 2020

Lord, according to Your Word in I Cor 4:5, we pray that “that which is hidden in darkness will be brought to the light” and that You will expose the hidden motives of men’s hearts. I pray for a spirit of discernment for all those who are presented with this evidence, that they would discern between the stench of corruption and the sweet fragrance of Truth. We proclaim that Righteousness, Truth and Justice will reign in our land!

Mittie Norris green
November 25, 2020

Prayers daily

Rhonda Ellis
November 25, 2020

President Abraham Lincoln in the Gettysburg address said: “…Highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain. that this nation, under GOD, shall have a new birth of freedom… and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.” Psalm 11…Abba, the wicked are trying to tear our foundations down that are set on Christian principles. They have set an ambush for the people of God, Americans, and the world. It seems like law and order have collapsed…BUT GOD, YOU are on Your throne in the holy temple and You rule from heaven. You are closely watching everything going on down here. Evil is trying to thwart Your plans for America because they do not believe in YOU. BUT YOU LORD are our KING forever and ever. YOU will sweep evil away from our land. We are trusting YOU to come in like a flood and raise a standard against them. WE PRAISE and THANK YOU for YOUR coming GLORY that will radiate throughout the nations!!! Hallelujah!!! AMEN!!!

    November 25, 2020

    Yes, the historic place where a sacred prayer was declared be now fulfilled.

November 25, 2020

Father God, I pray that the truth be revealed, apparent for all to see, and the truth find favor in this land! I pray for every legal vote to be counted and for every illegal vote be discarded in Jesus mighty name. I pray for your kingdom to come and your will do be done here on earth. I pray all evil deeds surrounding this election be laid bare for all to see. I pray for angelic armies to war on behalf of truth. I pray Holy Spirit permeate these hearings to bring the truth forward. And I pray for swift arrests of those responsible for illegal activities. I pray for peace in our streets, and the spirits of manipulation, control, chaos, lawlessness and rebellion be bound and gagged and sent straight to the feet of Jesus Christ for him to deal with as he will! In Jesus name! Amen!!

    Bryce Tidwell
    November 25, 2020

    So much of this prayer is what I have been praying. In Jesus name Amen!

Kelly Cavanaugh
November 25, 2020

I am praying for truth to be revealed and for law and order and justice to be carried out. I am praying for the President and his attorneys and administration to have courage, knowing who stands with them. Our God can do immeasurably more than we ask, He is Powerful and merciful and for justice!!! I am praying for each one of the truth warriors to have divine strength and to be encouraged each day in a very specific way, that they know our powerful and loving Hid see the work that they are doing; regardless of the continual lies and threats. Praying for divine protection over each one.
In Jesus mighty and powerful name, Amen!

    November 25, 2020

    Yes, our loving God sees their work, and hears our prayers.

November 25, 2020

We are a family of 5 who have been praying everday for 4 MORE YEARS!

Sylvia Chambers
November 25, 2020

Please Father, push back the darkness of this election. Move the hearts of those holding these hearing to hear the truth and act on it. You are still on your throne ruling and reining. We trust you for the outcome and the grace to accept what ever that is. We love you.

Arlene Olson
November 25, 2020

Praise God for this opportunity to uplift you in this storm. Please cover these hearings with the blood of Jesus Christ. I beg for mercy, discernment and justice and for the protection and wisdom for President Donald J. Trump and his family and legal team. Give them favor in this process so the truth is revealed, without a doubt! Thwart any evil/demonic connections,powers or technology. Open and soften the hearts of those controlled by evil–plans or spirits. Bring a great revival through this storm. I praise God for healing and restoration to follow.

Vina M Elias
November 25, 2020

Father God I pray that You expose any fraud that in the voting system and those, fostering it. And Father God I pray that that the spoken word of Your Holy men of God has spoken come to fruition the enemy is trying to make it seem as if they had a lying spirit but God You can bring to nought any and every thing the enemy try to establish

Judy Scott
November 25, 2020

Father GOD we praise You. We praise You for You are still on the throne and will never leave Your throne. We come before You and humbly ask that You take back America. We seek Your truth and justice and let it be revealed in such a way that it can’t be disputed. May blind eyes be opened and hardened hearts be soften. In Jesus precious name.

November 25, 2020

Heavenly Father, we have lost the fear of the Lord. I pray that in these hearings those that are truly perpetrating fraud will be entirely exposed and that the fear of the Lord will come upon them so that they begin to give information they never intended to give. I bind the spirit of corruption, lies and distortions and loose from Heaven pure truth, unbridled rule of law and that those who do not repent be held liable in Your Courts first and then human courts. Please help us to honor the laws that are in place that are legal and bring to prosecution those that would exploit those laws to the hurt of our God, nation and people. I thank you and praise you for everything you are doing.
I also bind the spirit of fear over your people and loose from Heaven, the spirit of boldness and courage. In Jesus’ name I pray.

November 25, 2020

Fervently praying for Truth to shine forth!

John Muna
November 25, 2020

Oh Father King of glory, the church has let You down and failed to heed You on praying for Your servant Trump during the campaigning season. On behalf of the church we ask for Your forgiveness and ask You to have Your way in this matter.

LaRue Wright
November 25, 2020

My prayers are for you and for your ability to protect and save this country

November 25, 2020

Father as your church boldly enters your court and petitions you for just verdicts against fraud, deception, and corruption, may lawyers and witnesses enter the courts of Pa, Az, and Mi and present, with undeniable proof, evidence of illegalities in the November 3rd election. We dress them in the armor of the Almighty, and place a hedge of protection around them, their families and their staffs. We protect the evidence so that it may not be tampered with, erased, or compromised.

Thank you for opening the courtroom doors – let the Spirit of Truth invade the public courts and Your divine edicts be released. As it is in heaven, we declare TRUTH reigns on earth, TRUTH reigns sovereign in these court rooms.

We bind deception, fraud and corruption in the State Legislatures and loose Truth, Justice, Law and Order in Jesus’ name. Holy Spirit remove scales from eyes such that deception is exposed; humble the hearts of the deceived that they would prostrate themselves in the presence of TRUTH and declare, “The Lord He is God, yes, the Lord is God” (1 Kings 18:39) and turn from wickedness to proclaim TRUTH. Let fire fall from heaven and consume the sacrifices to false idols of power, greed, and evil. Burn the dross of evil schemes.

Jesus is the Way, the TRUTH and the Life, (John 14:6), and there is no other. Hallelujah, His truth is marching on!

    November 25, 2020

    We must remember to pray in the “name of Jesus”. That is where the power lies, in His precious name. Thank you for all of your wonderful prayers!

      November 25, 2020

      Yes, Robin – thank you – Our authority rests in Him!

      In Jesus’ name, Amen!

    November 25, 2020

    Yes Susan, Amen! Amen! Amen!

    November 25, 2020

    At 4 PM today PA state senator Doug Mastriano stated at the PA public senate hearing,

    “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free…..Guess what, the truth is out there. Media you should have found these witnesses, do your job…..you have witnesses with courage….as history changed at Gettysburg.. so on this day, as back in Gettysburg, history is changing again…. we have to correct this, first off that the real winner is set forth in this presidential election and number 2, fix this so this never happens again…I can’t believe we are having this discussion in America, really? it is disgusting to me. We are not going to let it stand……It is our time to roll. We are going to take our state back…Galatian 6:9 Do not grow weary in doing good, because in due time you shall reap a harvest….” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYtwfyi78Bs

    Thank you Lord Jesus that Truth is marching on, and for godly senators who embrace the Truth!

Martha Hopper
November 25, 2020

I pray that the legislators will listen with an unbiased ear and that Truth will reign supremely. I pray that each legislator will act upon the Truth and not be swayed by anything else. I pray they will be courageous for Truth so Honesty can prevail.


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