After an election marked by significant voting irregularities and numerous instances of officials setting aside state election law, I share the concerns of millions of Americans about the integrity of the 2020 election. . . .
That’s why when I was serving as presiding officer at the joint session of Congress certifying the Electoral College results, I pledged to ensure that all objections properly raised under the Electoral Count Act would be given a full hearing before Congress and the American people.
The tragic events of Jan. 6—the most significant being the loss of life and violence at our nation’s Capitol—also deprived the American people of a substantive discussion in Congress about election integrity in America.
Under the Constitution, elections are governed at the state level. And each state is required to appoint presidential electors “in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct.”
Many of the most troubling voting irregularities took place in states that set aside laws enacted by state legislatures in favor of sweeping changes ordered by governors, secretaries of state, and courts. . . .
Congress will vote this week on HR 1, the so-called For the People Act, a massive 800-page election overhaul bill that would increase opportunities for election fraud, trample the First Amendment, further erode confidence in our elections, and forever dilute the votes of legally qualified eligible voters. . . .
HR 1 would eliminate those safeguards and prevent states from implementing new, needed reforms. Polling shows that large numbers of Democrats did not trust the outcome of the 2016 election and that large numbers of Republicans still do not trust the outcome of the 2020 election. . . .
HR 1 mandates the most questionable and abuse-prone election rules nationwide, while banning commonsense measures to detect, deter, and prosecute election fraud. . . .
States would be required to count every mail-in vote that arrives up to 10 days after Election Day. States must also allow ballot harvesting—where paid political operatives collect absentee ballots from places such as nursing homes—exposing our most vulnerable voters to coercion and increasing the risk that their ballots will be tampered with.
At the same time, state and local election officials would be stripped of their ability to maintain the accuracy of voter rolls, barred from verifying voter eligibility, and voter ID would be banned from coast to coast.
Congressional districts would be redrawn by unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats. Illegal immigrants and law-abiding American citizens would receive equal representation in Congress. Felons would be able to vote the moment they set foot out of prison. . . .
HR 1 is also loaded with ill-advised changes to federal campaign laws that would impose onerous legal and administrative burdens on candidates, civic groups, unions, nonprofit organizations, and ordinary citizens who want to exercise their First Amendment rights to engage in political speech, including on public policy issues that are vital to the life of our nation. . . .
HR 1 would turn a blind eye to very real problems at the state level, exacerbate existing vulnerabilities, and further undermine the American people’s confidence in the principle of “one person, one vote.” . . .
HR 1 is an unconstitutional, reckless, and anti-democratic bill that would erode those foundational principles and could permanently damage our republic.
After a year in which our nation has endured a global pandemic, economic hardship, and a contentious election, now is not the time to further inflame passion and division. It is time for our nation’s leaders to help America heal.
To restore public confidence in our elections, our leaders should uphold the Constitution, reject congressional Democrats’ plan to nationalize our elections, and get about the serious work of state-based reform that will protect the integrity of the vote for every American.
The American people expect us to ensure that every eligible citizen is able to vote and also make sure that their vote is not stolen or diluted through errors, mistakes, or outright fraud.
Every citizen deserves the freedom to support, oppose, criticize, or promote the candidates and causes they believe in. And most importantly, the American people must have the utmost confidence that every voice matters, and every vote counts—or democracy cannot survive. . . .
Have you taken action yet? Click the big red box and let your senators know what you think about this bill! And share the link with your friends.
(Excerpt from The Daily Signal. Article by Mike Pence. Photo by Erin Schaff-Pool/Getty Images)
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HR 1 is unconstitutional and reckless. No to he HR 1 bill.
The American people need to take control back by voting in Republicans at the next two year election to rid ourselves of everything that is the absolute antithesis of everything we stand for and believe in. To even write a law that wants to make laws thwarting our elections is pure insanity and corruption at the deepest level. Our congressional conservative leaders must continue to fight against the opposing party. I am praying for conservatives to be wise in making clear, Godly decisions for our country. May God give all of you the strength and clarity of thought to do so.
God gave Pence the position & authority to ensure Election Integrity & he Failed.
Father, anoint our Nations leaders that have full allegience & obedience to You, guide them to reform our Nations ” Election Integrity Process” and in ALL 3 Branches of Government especially our SCOTUS to hear evidence & Constitutionally correct all Biden’s executive orders. In Jesus Name, Amen
Mike Pence had the legal, constitutional ability and choice to rescue this election and he chose not to on January 6th. We Christians are not going to be milquetoasts again and focus on the ‘bad’ Democrats. The Republicans can whine about the Democrats while the Democrats do what they really want done anyway. We’ve been played like a termite in a yo-yo. The election was stolen. No one stepped up to the plate.
Please do not vote to pass HR 1. It definitely Is not for (We The People) I believe it would be a huge mistake,
I am against HR! and believe it would be detrimental for the American People! Therefore I hope this bill will NOT pass! It does not allow a person to defend themselves in such an event. Our 2nd Amendment rights are important and this bill would take that away.
please do not vote to pass HR 1…we need to protect our electoral rights not destroy them…our Constitution has stood strong and served us well all these years now more than ever we need to turn to it and not undermine it. Mail in voting should not be allowed unless a person has requested long in advance and must be back and counted by election day and only for reasons of military service or extraordinary health issues. Signatures must be validated against the voter registration, they must be a citizen of the United States and you must have a proper Government issued id to vote in person.
We pray that all our senators will stand for truth and integrity and vote against
HR 1, especially too, my home state of Iowa. Lord we pray your covering and protection
over our Nation of America. Turn the hearts of those that are for HR1 to see the truth
and do the right thing and vote against HR1. Blessings to all at Intercessors Prayers for America.
We plead the precious cleansing healing blood of Jesus over all these politicians.
Saints, let us rise above the nasty comments about former VP Pence. Do not allow the seeds of bitterness and resentment to take root in your souls. Do not allow unkind words to pollute the rivers of living waters that should be flowing freely from your belly. Instead, let us continue to pray for our nation, “Let God arise, and His enemies be scattered!”
May God continue to bless and protect us all, in the mighty name of Jesus.
It is way beyond time for us to stop exposing evil. That is what the church has been doing for years and wrong teaching has become rampant. This is why we must no longer excuse it and ignore it. We must take a stand. Mr.Pence did what he did and it was wrong. I believe he is not an honest person and speaks out of both sides of his mouth. He needs to be exposed for what he did. We can ask for his repetence but not accept what he did. It was wrong and has thrown our world into chaos, along with many other events.
As of now, I do not trust our voting system any longer. I do not know that it is worth voting. It is hard to trust anyone anymore. Please work toward the way the elections used to be. I don’t trust the electronic method because of its tamperability.
I’ve read the article and many of the comments posted here. I for one choose to forgive Mike Pence for any and all failings he may or may not have been a part of as VP. I will not judge as that is not my place. That doesn’t mean I throw out the welcome mat to him in every instance though. BUT…he definitely is speaking truth about this HR1 and many are looking at a person and not the point of the article.
Let’s take a good look at what the government in Washington is trying to do with this bill and stand united against it. Call our senators, representatives, governors. Stay on our knees. Fast if led to do so. TURN from our wicked ways of pettiness, judging, backbiting, and stop pointing fingers. Concentrate on what we CAN do and what pulls us together. If you can’t trust Mike Pence, you can trust God. Mike Pence is speaking truth concerning this bill.
Please saints, how many of us are forgiven by our Precious Lord of things we’ve gotten wrong? Everyone who calls himself by the name of the Lord is no better, or worse than Pence. What did Jesus say to those gathered around the woman caught in adultery…”he that is without sin, cast the first stone.” JN 8:7 This is the very thing that can keep the body divided…unforgiveness.
Father God, please forgive us for not recognizing the unforgiveness and hurt that is in our hearts. Bring conviction, truth and unity as we look to You for strength, mercy and grace. We choose to forgive Mike Pence as You have forgiven us. Lead us as we humble ourselves before You, directing our steps in love toward each other.
We ask that You would visit conviction on those senators and representatives who profess to be yours, in both parties, to do what is right, to vote as their constitutes direct, and to stand for morality and the values America was founded on. Hound them with conviction, hover over them with your Spirit, when they lie down and when they rise up, when they go in and when they go out, visit them in their dreams and during the day as they work, play or eat. We declare the righteousness of God, the Truth of God, be before them and they won’t be able to get away from it. We ask these things in Jesus name, amen.
The Bible says: He has to repent first. He hasn’t done that.
I understand what you’re saying, but I’m not responsible for his actions. I am responsible for mine and I must forgive. I’m not saying all is forgotten when I forgive. He will have to earn my trust. Yet, his words in this article are right and we should heed the words given because they are right words.
It is called accountability. He was an elected official. He cut off the legs of the people of this country at the knees, while proclaiming the faith of God so many Americans trust in. Many will be persecuted without mercy. Many will die (mainly children). Many children will be maimed in body, soul and spirit. The die was cast and voted on. He has yet to acknowledge his part in what is happening. We are to be careful in the judgment of others but the Bible also states that we are to judge the things that are done, for our works tell where we are with God and what we can trust. We hear and have heard the grand speeches that made him popular and respected. This is just another speech. He cannot be trusted. He is nothing more than a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He is now no longer worthy of my words or consideration.
We must be able to discern the tares among the wheat. I fear Pence turned out to be a tare. This is an object lesson on how wily the Enemy is and how many ravenous wolves are taking their toll on the sheep. When it counted, Pence could have thwarted evil but chose not to do that. Where was his faith at crunch time? How can a Christian allow credible allegations and evidence of organized fraud to not just prevail, but go unchallenged or closely examined? I can forgive his weakness and pray for him, yet still feel ashamed of him and his horrible legacy left to torment millions of fellow citizens.
Citizen Mike Pence (he is no longer Vice President) has already served his purpose. He has betrayed America. IFA, please use prayerful discernment about posting pieces for us to pray for. Mr. Pence has already received his 30 pence for his betrayal. Don’t think so…Go back to the footage to where he was done during the night of hearing about the voter count and a person handed him a coin.
We wouldn’t be in this mess if Judas would have spoke up on Jan 6.
Mike Pence has proven but he cannot be trusted.
He folded on January 6th in doing so he failed to stand for We the People, for justice and for truth. His words are nothing but empty political rhetoric. He should never be in a Politico position ever again.
He’s really gutsy to tell us about standing for election Integrity now where was he January 6th
Then first we should make sure that every eligble voter has the required ID BEFORE they are denied their RIGHT to vote. Only then should the lack of an ID disenfranchise legitimate voters.
I have read where several commenters have said IFA should apologize for even allowing Mike Pence ‘s article. I say – DO NOT apologize. I think it was very fair and reasonable for you to do so. I have heard a very knowledgeable person on the Constitution say that Vice President Mike Pence did everything that day according to the Constitution, and even showed what happened during the proceeding and explained why he HAD to do things the way he did.
These people that are saying negative and horrible things about him need to get information from the right sources before making judgements. The Constitution is very specific and if he would have gone against it he would be no better than the left who desecrates our Constitution constantly and has no respect for it. B
I respect Vice President Pence for his integrity in this very disheartening matter. It had to be a very difficult decision for him.
What is to keep Kamala Harris from refusing to certify electors from Red states in 2024? Pence never had the power to overturn the election.
Kamala Harris will not be VP in 2024. President, maybe, but not VP. And she probably does have that ability in 2024 if she is VP, and then democracy works as it should.
At this point I am skeptical of Mike Pence’s sincerityDid he voted to look at the evidence of fraud in the election, it was he one of those who denied us that right?
Mike Pence took an oath to defend the Constitution and he was specifically in a position to do so, but did not. Some of us veterans took that same oath and kept it. Some of us paid the ultimate price to keep that oath, but apparently Pence did not defend our country the way some of us have. Although I forgive him that does not mean that I’m not free to have an opinion based on the facts. In fact our constitution was designed specifically for a praying electorate who was willing to stand up for the truth and against evil. Again, Pence did not do that.
I believe that if the investigation would have went forward, and if there was nothing to hide, and Mike Pence had nothing to hide, perhaps TRUTH would have been given the chance to emerge.It has been said and hard to disprove, our nations billionaires and foreign countries are able to buy our legislators decisions. Money and power rule in the hearts of far too many everywhere. As it stands, remember Jesus said that Let all men be liars, but God be true. By faith we stand…..In God We Trust! Amen
2020 election has still Not been righteously resolved.ThankYou heavenly Father,for hearing our cries for justice by with You in your great mercy.
I think it’s really rich that IFA is even letting this traitor a platform to speak. He had a chance to stop this rigged election fraud and stabbed the President and “we the people” in the back with
his refusal to even listen to the evidence of the fraud which to this date has been kept away from the judicial branch by the judicial branch. No one wants to here the truth of the collaboration between the Democrats, China, and other outside players to rigg the election for Biden. Disgraceful!
To pass this bill into law would be like legitimizing big time crime and perpetrating it on the American people. It is not the federal government’s job to be micromanaging every part of our lives. It is essential the state and individual rights are maintained, not given over to Washington and the handful of power mongers who work on Capitol Hill. ( Apologies to the handful of legislators who really are there to serve us and not themselves, or to make a career of being a politician.)
Some mail-in voting is necessary for those citizens who cannot get to a polling place (due to age, lack of transportation, illness, deployment to a foreign country, etc.), but the rest of us can certainly manage to vote at a designated polling place. There should be no need to extend the date of the receipt of votes, either, because we know well in advance (the politicians hound us for a couple of years prior to an election!) of the actual date. Identification for each voter is essential, if we are to continue to be a sovereign nation. To open our borders and say that anyone can vote in our elections is suicide for the maintenance of our country. If one has nothing to hide and is proud to be a citizen here, showing identification shouldn’t be a problem, but rather a source of pride, if one is a legal citizen.
Father God, hear our cries and our plea for mercy. We are a nation in trouble and in need of your intervention for ourselves and the preservation of these United States. We are on a fast track to becoming yet another country controlled by a few with selfish ambitions, and our apathy has put us there. Please shine your light on our elected officials. Turn their hearts to you and may they put the good of our nation before their own selfish desires. Give them real wisdom, Father. Give us wisdom, as well, as we go forward. Help us not to be passive, but to understand that by doing nothing, we only allow the enemy to succeed.
In the precious name of Jesus I pray.
Where was Mike Pence when he could have given our President 10 days more to get the truth out?! Does he think Christians don’t know what he did? I forgive Pence, but I’m through listening or trusting him and others. I trust the Lord, and Him alone! We really have to pray for wisdom, common sense, good judgement and discernment during these times.
The Lord saw this coming; for what ever the reason I see a purpose of God’s will acting out something greater then we can imagine at this time. That is why we are walking by His Faith and Holding on to His eternal promises to complete all of His will. Yes the boat is rocking but we have our faith in our Captain!
We all must take the word and live it daily for the Church is going to go through trying times; the day will come that we go to meet Him or the day He calls us up to Him.
Lean not to your own understanding is so easy to say; but we must stand firm and not shoot our own; build by praying for those that are wrong and delight in darkness; the promises of God are real; then live accordingly by keeping in lock step with our Lord; close; not far back but always near! Blessings
So disappointed with Mike Pence. Probably our Lord Jesus Christ was saddened and disappointed with Peter as well. Peter repented.
Too late! You Needed to do something when you had a chance! You did not listen or represent the people who voted for Trump. 😭😭
Lord God Almighty, We Your children ask you to open the eyes and hearts of our elected officials to see the full truth about this bill. There is NOTHING beyond Your Power! May we as we “wait” continue to come before You, and grant us courage and boldness to speak up and share with others the discrepancies this bill has for our country. You are our source of hope, peace, truth, and justice; pour out Your Presence to bring Glory to Your Name.
In Jesus’ Name,
Dear Heavenly Papa,
I do not understand why Mike Pence is speaking now and why he didn’t obey what Trump said he could legally do to stop the steal. Maybe he saw a greater good for what he decided to do, but if not, please work in Pence’s heart where repentance and restitution needs to take place. Either way You Lord are in control and will Romans 8:28. Thanks, your little Pam
I wholeheartedly reject everything that is in this HR-1 Bill. It will totally destroy the United States of America. It would totally lead us to a one party Nation of Totalitarianism takeover. We could no longer hope for anything that we “used to” have. And thus our country would become The United Socialist States of America.
What a wasted space of “ink”. Pence wanted and pursued positions of authority. “Those to whom MUCH is given, MUCH will be expected.” Notice there is no humility, no begging for forgiveness for betraying the American people?! He is now playing by the Socialist Democratic playbook! He certainly played up the “trump card” of being an evangelical Christian to its max effect. It is not what you say, but the FRUIT of your actions by which people may know your true character!
When he had the chance to step up to the plate, he totally fobbed off the responsibility to call for at least 10 days of review. It was within his scope and grasp. His cowardice and his deliberate decision to sell us out was revealed when he received a “white envelope”, alongside many of the Democrat players at Bush Sr’s funeral. Wouldn’t we ALL like to know what was written in those pages that made several of them visually blanch! I remember praying so hard that he would “hold the line”, but EVERY TIME I would pray, The Holy Spirit would “pop up” him receiving that envelope.
I fully agree that there will never actually be another true and fair election unless we clean up the mess and have election integrity. The issue is NOT voter fraud, it is ELECTION FRAUD because it is perpetrated by those who count, manage, tabulate and hold in possession (chain of custody) the ballots–that is where the TRUE issue lies. And no…Pence no longer has a right to open his mouth with regards to this issue. Anyone who listens to him, is drinking poisonous cool-aid.
Christians are called to seek WISDOM and GROW in DISCERNMENT so that we will know not only truth from lies, but truth from half-lies or slightly distorted “truth”. One of the major things YHWH is doing with all these “shakings” (Hebrews) is showing us who His Enemies, and thus our enemies, are in stark-relief–fully exposed to THE LIGHT! This is a blessing and we must be thankful when the Lord exposes hearts of those whom we once trusted. “Trust ye not in princes or in the sons of men, in whom there is NO salvation” (the second Pence betrayed us that is EXACTLY what the Holy Spirit whispered to me!) Let us look and gaze upon the excellencies of Christ Jesus…and turn our ears away from those who have betrayed us and who show no repentance in the face of the evil they have wrought.
May Pence be like the Apostle Peter whom Jesus restored and commissioned. May we who think we stand, take heed lest we fall at the threat of our lives being endangered. (That white envelope may have had an alert to the White House break in or something of a death threat.) When You restore Pence, may Your Body receive Mike back as the Corinthians did in 2 Cor.
Well stated.
LORD we ask that You would open the eyes of the American people to clearly see what has been going on in our nation. The pervasive coordinated Fraud that was perpetrated in America has been exposed, but is being ignored by our Intelligence agencies, the Supreme Court, and much of our Legislature. THERE MUST BE JUSTICE, for Righteousness & Justice are the foundation of Your Throne… and You have NOT turned Your back on America. For all Your sons & daughters that have been fasting and praying for so very long, have mercy and exercise Your authority to reveal the truth fully, and bring ALL the criminals involved to justice… including foreign governments that have colluded to bring down the United States.
For Your Glory Father, by the Power of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of our LORD Jesus Christ, AMEN!
Thank you for this article. It is time we hear from Vice President Pence. I am not going to stand in judgment of him. I remember him saying in the letter “the Constitution constrains me” regarding how President Trump wanted him to respond on January 6. “Father God, I pray for the relationship between President Trump and Vice President Pence. It is obviously strained. We have looked to them for leadership for the past four years. Please redeem this situation, would U? I know You can somehow! Unity, now here is a place to start it flowing again. Help us to be open to dialogue with one another. We are brothers and sisters in the body of Christ! In Jesus name, Amen.”
A little too late for that Mr. Pence. The only thing that will help this nation now is prayer.
Sorry, he dropped the ball. He is not trustworthy, and if God does not intervene, the country ls lost.
sorry, but I do not trust Pence to be a man of his word.
i believe him to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
I must forgive him because I don’t want his actions to cause me not to receive God’s forgiveness for my sins. It’s hard not be bitter regarding cheaters but we know the true battle is not on earth but in the heavenly realm and Satan lies, cheats, steals and murders. The blood of millions of murdered unborn speak to God and the democrats and anyone who supports these horrible abortion measures will answer for their murder. We must bless him and give God the glory when he receives the consequences of his sins.
I agree Lucinda, I forgive Mr. Pence and I hope and pray he is right with our Lord. I’m just sad because we were all so hoping that he would not let us down, but he let us down. I guess that is what happens when you put your trust in man & not in our Lord.
Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe. Proverbs 29:25
Thank you JoDi, what a beautiful reminder from Proverbs.
I don’t know why you have an article letting him lecture us about election integrity. This man had the power and the authority to have an investigation into the last election and voted to accept the electors of contested states as the truth. He is a traitor to the American People and 80 million of us know that. As of this writing various allegations have been released concerning the behavior of Mike Pence. And therefore the democrats had dirt on him so he had to do what he did. He is not a believer and does not conduct himself as one privately. It would be valuable to you and the credibility of this organization to be aware of this. I will not share it here because you need to look into the matter yourself. T Cowart
I was thinking the exact same thing!!!
And these allegation are very serious and awful. More than one source coming out. Retired Generals etc. Very sad.
I do not know of those allegations, I will have to look into it. However, I believe the Lord is showing all of us to put our faith and confidence in HIM alone and not in man. The way things are happening all over, even with the Supreme Court, I’m thinking the Lord is bringing judgement upon this land. And we need to make sure we have the heart of Jesus so we can reach out to the lost and hurting of this land called America.
I think we’re too hard on Pence. If a vice president can reject election results from states at will like Trump said, why have elections at all? What would keep a Dem VP from rejecting all red state results and rigging the election every time? Trump was wrong, the VP has no such power.
You have to show ID to get a job, to buy a car or house, to get insurance, to cash a check, to to get a drivers lisense all require personal ID proof. ELLECTIONS NEED ID PROOF one person , one vote.
Let’s make this a talking point in conversations this weekend.
Then first we should make sure that every eligble voter has the required ID BEFORE they are denied their RIGHT to vote. Only then should the lack of an ID disenfranchise legitimate voters.
Why should we listen to Mike Pence? He showed his fruits when he refused to do his job in Congress and betrayed the President. “By their fruits ye shall know them” and he certainly revealed where his loyalty lies. Election integrity is imperative and there was enough blatant irregularities and fraudulent accusations to merit investigation into the 2021 election results. At the very least Mr. Pence had the power and option to return the election results to the six states under scrutiny for reconsideration by their legislatures. I live in Michigan and what went on here was so blatant and corrupt you would have had to be blind, deaf, and dumb to think the vote was not tainted. Our dictator and her minions threatened, coerced, and ignored the people. They broke the law repeatedly and did not even try to hide it. Mr. Pence is a professional politician and they are very adept at putting their own spin on things. They talk the talk but seldom walk the walk. Just like the scribes and Pharisees he pays lip service to righteousness, but when push comes to shove he folds. Beware, this wolf in sheep’s clothing has his eye on being President of the swamp. What can you expect from a close friend of Paul Ryan, former speaker of the house, who did the same thing.
I’m sorry, maybe this isn’t very Christian but please remove this article. We don’t need to hear from traitors. As another writer has said,” we’ve heard this rhetoric from you before.” When this Nation needed you to stand up, you sat down and sided with the evil swamp. I will continue to pray for you that you repent of your traitorous actions on January 6th, and apologize to the American people.
John, I see where you are coming from and part of me agrees with you, but at the same time I am glad I saw this article because I always seek the Truth. With that Truth I also was hoping to see some sort of apology from Mr. Pence and did not see it, sad. And as sad as that is and where I differ from you, is that I believe this letter needed to be shown so that we all could see.
Cancel culture at its finest.
Please, please, please do everything you can to not allow the HR1 bill to pass. It’s just nuts!
In our efforts to restore election integrity, let’s not forget about Dominion Voting System! If Mike Lindell’s evidence is legitimate, China penetrated Dominion in a massive way and flipped millions of votes.Italy may also be involved, funded by Obama, who alledgedly used some of the money he sent to Iran to set up a vote flipping strategy out of Italy. Maria Zack has evidence of this at Dominion is OWNED by Chinese communists! They are linked to George Soros, and Malloch-Brown, godless Globalists with a perverse vision of Governance. If Lindell or Zack prove their case, Dominion falls, the fake news/tech “gods”, the FBI, the Supreme Court and many other dominos! Lord, in the Court of Heaven, I repent for our own CIA trying to rig other Nation’s elections, and I pray for exposure of criminal conspiracies regarding the Dominion Voting System, and all those linked to it, and who covered up for it. Expose the deep State, we ask for Justice!
If is the key word here
There should be no “if” in the statement you commented on. It is ACTUAL truth that is shown in Mike Lindell’s Actual Truth video. Mike Lindell spent millions of his own money working to get to the bottom of all the various means of FRAUD in the 2020 election.
Did you know that the birds have been replaced by Bill Gates’ drones? Next time you see a bird look in it’s eyes, it’s recording everything.
this bill does NOT offer election integrity only Authoritative Unconstitutional CONTROL by the government. Mail in ballots need to be eliminated. In this time in history, we need to require walk in voters in order alphabetically in all regions and they must have proof of US Citizenship with picture ID. IT is POSSIBLE to have an honest elections. Millions of honest Citizens are counting on Congress to dump party affiliations and negotiate an honest correction with safeguards to perfect honesty in voting.
Please rewrite this bill, it is distructive to the freedom of America. Oppression is not freedom. Bipartisan communication is important.
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” We declare that Jesus is Lord over the United States of America and that righteousness and justice will sit on the throne of the United States.
Mr. Pence unfortunately, we heard the same rhetoric from you on 12/22 at Turning Point Conference, again on 1/4 during Georgia rally, but what we witnessed what you DID on 1/6 and afterwards was the opposite. The only reason that you resurfaced in this article is to test your political future with Christian community by mouthing an obvious political stand.
God gives us discernment and Truth, for He still loves us. As harsh as it is, we all need to repent for our sins and inadequacies. Perhaps a more Christian way for Mr. Pence to move forward is an apology and repent on how his role leading this nation into the current political nightmare.
Oh, NOW he’s concerned about possible voter fraud! On January 6 you should have respected Senator Ted Cruz’s earnest request for some days to examine the many reports of fraud, Mr. Pence, and thus spared our nation from these radical democrat agendas. So very sad about the terrible executive orders and other bills Biden is imposing & preposing on our beloved country. Very hard to see all this and to realize it could have been different, since during 2016 campaign and beyond you so boldly proclaimed emphatically “America shall never be a socialist country!”
Isn’t America a socialist country already? Public highways, public schools, social security, medicare, medicaid. Seems pretty socialist to me.
I pray that Mike Pence will repent and ask God for forgiveness. What he did on Jan. 6, 2021 makes no sense to those who voted for Trump/Pence on Nov.3, 2020. We will never understand why Pence did not chose the option to expose the election fraud conclusively. Why would he want to defeat himself and the President he chose to serve with over the past 4 years. Many things are now coming to light that reveal that perhaps Mike Pence is not really the Christian conservative man we believed in as our VP. Accusations of plots with others in our government to spy on our President and help remove him from office are coming to light. Accusations of homosexual sin and pedophilia are also being made against him. I pray that these accusations are false but we ask God that the truth is revealed and that justice prevails.
What would any of us have done, if we were present when suddenly Antifa,FBI,police, sheriffs were
breaking windows,vandalizing US Capital while meeting was in process?
St.Peter was afraid too when he denied our Lord Jesus. Did Peter apologize?
But when Jesus raised up in Resurrection power, Peter served Him faithfully the rest of his life
and gave his life for Jesus and spreading gospel of Kingdom of God.
Although, an apology would be good to hear.
I am sorry but I don’t quite understand your response. A leader that we thought we had in Mike Pence would have returned after the violence was under control and proceeded to declare that the election irregularities must be investigated before the votes are certified. Mike Pence had a letter from 100 state representatives asking him Not to certify the votes from many of the swing states. The violence which we know was planned by Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell and others was a distraction. In may be possible that Pence was apart of this plot. I shall reference you to this article for further study:
And that is an excuse to murder millions more babies, put our children in major harm, have all these major things that are happening in the Biden administration removing our constitutional rights and dignities? Excuse me! My family’s blood, along with millions of other families, is in this land. They were protecting the people of this nation, not their own lives. The cries of the American people need more respect than that. Peter did NOT have the resurrection power. Pence supposedly does. Yes, I hope there is repentance, apologies, etc, etc. But I haven’t seen that yet. Benedict Arnold went down in history. So will VP (?) Pence.
I agree…. Hr1 is a terribly bill
Biden’s attempts to control election results by getting this unconstitutional, nonsensical legislation passed needs desperately to fail. He is a radical stooge, being used by the Power Elite to promote their socialistic agenda. Biden’s goal is to ruin this country, paving the way for one world government. I pray, Lord, that You would intervene in this mess, and please, make a way for this radical legislation to not become law. I pray that somehow, someway, in Your infinite grace, that you would change the hearts of the radical Democrats who are intent on destroying our country. In Jesus’ name we pray.
Dear Fellow Intercessors,
I implore you to remain observant with Spiritual eyes and Christ’s heart in these things. I know it appears as if we were severely let down by Pence, and maybe we were, but can we guard our hearts from the enemy’s enticement toward judgment or offense? I don’t think God is done, and only God knows the hearts of men. I believe we need to be careful how we speak about people because it shows that we have now given the enemy a foothold in our hearts through anger or offense and he is looking for anything to use to divide us among ourselves and the church. God does raise up and remove rulers. And He will show Himself strong in these things. We all have sinned, and we all sometimes have to do things that may not be understood initially, but we need to be completely surrendered with a heart of humility and not a heart of hurt if we are going to see all that God is trying to do in us and our nation right now. I encourage you not to take the “bait” to become angry and divisive against another believer, but to pray for them and your self that we won’t get swayed by the deceiver.
Lord, we are appalled and hurt by all of these outrageous laws that our current administration is trying to force on us. We are your people and this nation is supposed to a representative of the people, but these men and women do not speak for us. We long for truth, integrity and righteousness in each of their hearts and to rule our nation. Please stop the law HR 1 which will completely violate the Constitution. Help men and women in the Legislature to stand for what is right. We are so thankful for the wisdom you gave our founding fathers. May we not lose our liberties and covenant with you because of the choices of these few who do not represent your people. We know that you are God over all and we look to you from where our help comes from. Have mercy on us. Our leaders need to have a change of heart. Open the eyes of their hearts to see You so that they won’t be putting forth laws against you. We come against the spiritual forces that are at work right now in our nation. We recognize that this extreme battle is not against flesh and blood. We pray against the spiritual powers and principalities that are being displayed in our political arena right now and that they would be dismantled in Jesus’ mighty name! We call for a cleaning in the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Houses, a cleaning in our nation. We pray for the hearts that can turn back to You to turn toward you before it is too late. We thank you, Lord, that you are faithful and you are fighting for us. Please keep our eyes and hearts and minds pure and not influenced by the demonic realm as well. May you show yourself strong over this nation, the United States of America, and over each one of us.
Sister Rebekah, I disagree with your apology for Pence. It is God’s glory to show us the serpent’s heart. Pence serves as an example for us to discern what betrayal, hypocrisy and double-dealing looks like. Politics aside, as Christians, our foremost duty is to honor God’s Words, follow his Truth.
We will take action to oppose current administration’s disastrous policies, but we will not allow Pence to assume “leadership” in this endeavor. He should be repenting, not pretending!
Exactly!! The enemy takes advantage of our “love thy neighbor” position at every turn, when we need to realize that LOVE is also showing consequences to your actions!! We love Pence and pray for him, but we stand strong and let him know what he did was wrong n has consequences in this natural earthly realm…we are His hands n His feet here and we have got to WAKE UP n kick some enemy tail!!
Thank you Rebekah for your exhort & prayer. Reading the comments below is revealing of what is in the hearts of God’s people and I believe He is using the pressures of these days to show us what is on the inside. Everyone wants Mike Pence to repent & they have no idea what was in his heart & why he did what he had to do. I do believe Rom. 8:28 that God is working all things together… These judgements that are being spoken, because their expectations weren’t met, need to be repented of. I am convinced that God is not done with this country, the world or our President (Trump that is). He has set these aside to deal with the ugliness that is in His bride. When she is ready, I believe we will see the greatest move of God that will cover the earth. She will be a victorious, overcoming bride like Prov. 31 who will rule & reign with Him. Then she will be ready for His return. May the Spirit of God search us & allow us to see what’s inside our hearts & grant us the gift of sorrow that leads us to repentance.
Beautifully stated, Rebekah. I agree with your prayer. I also agree that we need to be charitable in our treatment of each other. I believe there were reasons Mr. Pence made the moves he made, and we do not have to know everything. Please, brothers and sisters, let’s not be too quick to judge each other.
Father, thank You for Vice President Pence, and please continue to give him wisdom and divine protection as he moves forward. Please protect the United States from this and all other harmful legislation. Thank You that You are just and faithful.
He is not a believer so we owe him no such consideration. He is a wolf in sheep clothing. Beware.
Thank-you Mr. Pence!
I appreciate that you act like you care today , but yesterday you revealed differently to the American people, it does not make sense. I am confused, this appears that you are contradicting you self!!!
Maybe a little too Late…….
I question your motive for trying to cover up your mistakes? Notice I am asking, not stating I understand completely why you did what you did.
Would you like to apologize for betraying the American people when you had a wonderful opportunity to reveal election fraud?
I pray for you, that God would bring understanding and enlighten your eyes.
We do not wish evil on anyone,please understand though that the word of God says, a double mind man is unstable in all his ways.
I have made lots of mistakes in my life, I forgive you!
I have lost all respect for Mike Pence after his non actions on January 6th. He could have allowed ten days to review the election irregularities but purposely did not. It was a fraudulent 2020 election. He has turned out to be one of this nations greatest disappointment. AND to lecture us on election integrity is laughable!
Trump is my President!!!
Pence we are still trying to figure you out buddy.
Pence, you lost our trust. You had the chance and you ran. We don’t know you.
America is gone..
vote no on hr1
Behold the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, on those who hope in His mercy. We wait for the Lord; He IS our help & shield. Our hearts shall rejoice in HIM, because we have trusted in HIS holy name. Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us – just as we hope in YOU! Ps 33: 18; 20-22
Please refocus your gaze off of Pence or Trump, or any flawed man for that matter, and back onto the Only One that is trustworthy. Please join me in crying out to our precious Father Who is our only Hope for our beloved country during these dark days.💔🤍💙
For HE spoke & it was done; HE commanded & it stood fast!
Ps 33:9
Father God You are an awesome God! You are all together loving, holy, Your omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent there is nothing too hard for You, You can do anything but fail! Hallelujah 🙌🏽🙌🏽 Father, in the name of Jesus I pray your mercy upon all of us who are called by your name, I pray you forgive those of us who are critical and judgmental toward Mike Pence. I thank you for his stance for you and his witness of You. I pray for all those who are casting stones towards him concerning this election, I pray you deal with them and help them to have a forgiving, compassionate and understanding heart and to remember that the judgment they project they shall bare. Thank You for Your mercy upon us all.
Now Lord I also pray that you will cast down this HR1bill. That you will restore & uphold voter integrity within our nation. Help us Jesus✝️✝️🙏🏽
Mr. Pence, you seem to understand how necessary honest voting laws are. Why did you not refuse to certify votes from the states in question. Sorry, but I hold you responsible for the fact that HR1 is even an issue. With Ms, Harris able to cast the deciding vote in the senate should all Republicans vote NO, my prayer is that even 2 Democrats would join in. Other than that happening, Republicans will never win another election
Mike Pence is a lover of this country and a God-fearing man and I wouldn’t call him a traitor.
He is a neo-con & a traitor to our country.
I disagree, Pence is right, election integrity is imperative.
I don’t think Mr. Pence is a traitor, he is a God-fearing man who has the heart of God. Everything about the electoral college vote was disrupted on purpose by that planned attack on Jan 6th. The Supreme Court should have been willing to hear the fraud cases of Georgia and Pennsylvania and they still are not willing to hear them. We Must restore confidence and integrity of future elections or they will continue to be fraudulent and rigged.
Forgive me but VP Pence did not act like a God-fearing man on January 6. He was acting on the fear of man. If he was a God-fearing man, he would have stood between the enemy and the American people who were counting on him. He would have came back to the Capital with the truth and continued the counting of the electoral college and would have continued to seek justice. He would have known that the few who stormed the Capital and incited violence did not represent the thousands who came to protest peacefully, did not represent President Trump, and they did not represent God. He should have known that the attack was done by the enemy to do what exactly it was meant to do. So no, he did not fear God that day, he listened to the enemy and he feared what man could do to him.
I think we’re being too hard on Pence and we should not judge him. Lord, I thank You for his stance of You and his witness of You. Lord, please forgive those of us who are casting stones at this man concerning the election and help them to have forgiveness, compassion, and an understanding heart and to remember that the judgment they project they shall bear. Thank You for Your mercy on us all. Jesus name amen. Pence is right about this though: election integrity Is imperative.
I do not have any hate for this man, I have forgiven him etc., however, he did not stand on his election integrity on January 6th, he folded under pressure. Not judging him according to my word but God’s word. He never asked the American people to forgive him or explain why he chose to throw us under the bus, for the actions of a small percentage of people who were protesting that day. He chose to condemn all of the Trump supporters that were there for a peaceful protest. Your right, all people should be forgiven, if they repent and ask. I do not hold him accountable for what transpired, but I do believe he folded. He and many others did not come out publicly and say that President Trump did not incite the violence. He and others chose to remain silent while the left and MSM correlated their attack on the Trump supporters and President Trump. Remaining silent is not of God either. Christians have been the silent majority for a long time. Jesus had forgiveness, compassion and an understanding heart on those who confessed their sins and repented. He didn’t have compassion on the Government or the Pharisees, who thought they were above all and condemned those who came against their beliefs. I believe we are in this crag mire of politically correct thinking because we have been deceived into thinking that everything and everyone should be forgiven just because we are Christians. I never heard him apologize to anyone about his actions or for his silence. I have the right to speak truth about what happened, I do not have the right to hold on to unforgiveness. So do not judge me for speaking truth, he did not act according to his election integrity convictions, nor did he speak on behalf of the majority of Trump supporters who were their peacefully, nor did he speak on behalf of President Trump. He chose to remain silent and let the far left and MSM blame all of the violence on the President. Nor did he come out against the left when they decided to go after Trump with another phony impeachment trial.
I do agree with that. Pence should Not have buckled under pressure like that. And I also think he should have come back to the capital to conclude the electorial college vote. He probably did fail on that.
To whom did he direct this speech? Surely not to the
majority of America: those who voted for a prolife, a pro family, a pro Israel, a pro police, a pro Constitutional leader. He said on the Monday before “I know we all got our doubts about the last election. … I promise you, come this Wednesday, we’ll have our day in Congress”. What happened?
Jan 6 was one of many times in this election where the enemy gained ground. We were surprised by his attack. I have my questions about some of VP Pence’s actions but the path for him that day was not clear. People on the same side disagreed. Pence is not the enemy. I cannot imagine being in his shoes that day especially as the attack was happening. Satan is the enemy and those knowingly aligned with him. I pray a blessing over Mike and his family in the name of Jesus.
Father you know the hearts of all men, expose reveal and heal, we wait upon you on man!
“To restore public confidence in our elections, our leaders should uphold the Constitution….” Like ex-President Trump did??? Really people is your head still in the sand?
Better yet, Pray that those who still shout “fraud, witch hunt and illegal election” will see reality because right now their reality is clouded by a wolf (satan) in sheep’s clothing and that only continues to divide us!! May our Lord open our eyes all the way around on both sides of this issue and on both sides of the aisle to show us His truth.
But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to Me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.” (Matthew 16:23)
Lord has revealed the betrayal and fraud committed against Him. He will judge those in time. We walk in Truth and not let lies mislead again.
OK really? Mike Pence is complicit i. the election fraud as he did nothing to reveal the truth. He abandoned America and integrity and truth at a critical time It is hypocritical for him to come out now as some advocate for election integrity.
I have to agree. When strength was needed, Pence was weak and would not stand against the demon Dems as they do all in their power to destroy this nation and remove God from it.
God Almighty, Look down on those here who still believe in Your power and forgiveness. Forgive us for turning away from you. Remove abortion from this land and make us a God-fearing people again.
IFA you need to remove this article and apologize for posting it because it is not of the Lord. Unless Pence apologizes and truly repents, we should no longer listen to anything he has to say because he betrayed the American people with his actions regarding the electoral college debacle. Was his decision reached purely out of I desire to retain his political position? Pence alone can answer that question.
Only the Lord knows the heart, but we need to judge the tree by the fruit it bears.
Maybe you should take the limb out of your own eye first…
That’s a personal issue and you’re attempting to use a scriptural reference incorrectly!! We deal with the Pharisee at hand right now (Pence and other RINOS) just like Yeshua did! Thus, “you brood of vipers” directed at those who have betrayed over 75 million voters is the more appropriate response!
We are all sinners saved by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. For IFA to stand in support of Pence flies in the face of truth. However, former Vice President Pence is called to a higher level of accountability as set forth in scripture–to whom much is given, much is required. He had an obligation to stand up for truth and justice in light of his position as vice president–which he did not fulfill. Instead he voted to dismiss all of the irregularities and illegal actions from the recent presidential election without returning the results to each state legislative body in accordance with the law. His decision which will affect millions of people because of the pro-abortion, pro LGBT agenda pushed forward by the current socialist administration.
Please see the many comments submitted by others admonishing Pence for his actions in the light of God’s word which states that we are always to stand up for righteousness and truth no matter what the personal cost.
This article coming from Mike Pence seems ‘a day late and a dollar short.’ The time for him to stand for election integrity is passed. This article seems insincere after his unwillingness to send these 6 swing states’ fraudulent votes back to the states for ‘correction.’ For they ‘were’ and still ‘are’ fraudulent votes and not accurate, true votes from those states. Only God knows the heart…but some of Pence’s actions have been puzzling. Like when he put Fauci and Birx in charge of the task force….these people have deep roots with Bill Gates and China. This action of his was a big mistake that has hurt America. His action or lack of righteous action on Jan. 6th is an example of not finishing well. Lord, help us to ‘finish well.’
In the mighty name of Jesus, we bind and dismantle every scheme of Satan that presents itself as HR1 as well as the Equality Act. We release Holy Spirit to penetrate the hearts and minds of the House and Senate members. We declare evil’s strategies will not prevail but justice, righteousness, and truth will prevail. Lord, thank you that Your. powerful hand is over our America. You govern this nation.
Daniel 2: 20 Daniel said, “Let the name of God be honored forever and ever, for wisdom and power belong to Him. 21 He changes the times and the years. He takes kings away, and puts kings in power. He gives wisdom to wise men and much learning to men of understanding. 22 He makes known secret and hidden things. He knows what is in the darkness. Light is with Him.
First of all, IFA: what are you thinking posting an article from a traitor?? It’s one thing to pray for the man, it’s quite another to allow him to spew a viewpoint that contradicts his very actions on January 6!! Unless there is a heartfelt apology to over 70 million people nationwide for cancelling our voices and our votes from this obviously-compromised man, this is just a disgusting dance around a critical issue that deserves so much more!! IFA now owes us an apology as well….in the meantime, Mr. Pence get it right or go away….
I love your hate. God help us.
There is absolutely no “hate” in there….it’s common sense…or are you perhaps accustomed to the left-leaning culture that defines ANYTHING opposing them as “hate?” If so, we’ll pray for you as well…in the meantime, study the true definition of the word…
“Traitor” I voted for Trump because of Pence. Mike is a Godfearing man who has the heart of God.
David, I believe you are detecting exasperation by your brothers & sisters in Christ. ALL Mike Pence was asked to do is acknowledge enough mounting evidence to bounce the electoral college votes back to the states from which they came for the citizenry to duke it out with their own state reps. THAT would have ensured election integrity or at least given integrity a fair hearing. Okay, he’s a man of God but this was a failure on his part…King David was a man of God but he made some choices that led to the division of Israel.
Such hypocrisy from Mike Pence. Why would I or any God-fearing, pro-constitution, pro-American listen to Pence? He betrayed over 80 million+ Americans on January 6th. He betrayed our nation, our Constitution, & Christianity! His words are fake. So sad to hear the Heritage Foundation has hired him. Is every institute in America that’s founded on biblical principles compromised? Pence is not America First he’s Pence first. I wonder how he can live with himself knowing what happened to Seth Rich? I always thought his facial expressions lacked emotion, compassion, & zeal. He responds more robotically than with passion. January 6th revealed why. Could it be a severed conscience? God have mercy on his soul. May God grant him repentance leading him to acknowledge the truth & come to his senses and escape the trap of the devil who has taken him captive to do his will. God have mercy on us, God have mercy on America! Dear Lord please guide us and lead us for your name’s sake. Please help us o Lord. In Jesus name, amen.
Flat out… anything coming out of the mouth of Mike Pence is not to be trusted. His credibility is zero. Both as a public official and a believer. Mike Pence was, is, and short of a true repentance, all about Mike Pence. I understand he is now employed by The Heritage Foundation. I find that ironic and appalling. I am awaiting a call back from them to express my displeasure over their decision to hire him. They also have lost any semblance of credibility. You are losing credibility by posting anything written by him.
While I cannot know what goes on in a man’s heart, I recall specifically when Mr. Pence was at a church in GA:
“I know we all got our doubts about the last election. … I promise you, come this Wednesday, we’ll have our day in Congress. We’ll hear the objections. We’ll hear the evidence, but tomorrow is Georgia’s day,” Pence told the crowd in GA while campaigning for Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) and David Perdue.campaigning for one of the 2 candidates running for senate.
He then went on to give an inspiring account of when he became a Christian. I was moved by it.
When January 6th came and he did the opposite, I was stunned. I didn’t understand why President Trump was concerned because Mr. Pence reassured the believers that day in church.
And now we find ourselves here in history. May God have mercy on us all.
Thanks for sharing, Teri.
Yep I remember him saying this and was so hopeful but come the next day he is spineless under pressure.
Too little too late Mr. Pence. Who IS he addressing? He was called “for such a time as this” and failed. Unity? Right doesn’t unify with wrong. Light doesn’t unify with darkness. Good doesn’t unify with evil. And truth never unifies with lies. Justice has not been served because the election irregularities were not examined. HR 1 will codify fraud. If it passes, thank Mike Pence.
A side note about Jan 6: it wasn’t exactly Pearl Harbor. We saw worse on the streets of major cities this past summer. Its another incident that hasn’t been carefully investigated to determine who, exactly, was responsible.
We have to show ID when we take out a loan, open a bank account, and doctor appointments, hospital stays, purchase a drivers license, apply for a credit card, and on and on. Requiring an ID for voting should be a law in all states. People have complained they could not afford to get an ID card, too expensive. Wake up all you people, who are not concerned about voter fraud? We just went through that corrupt phase, do not let it happen ever again. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Lord please help us with our elections. We have a chance to vote for our representatives but we need fairness. There has been cheating and fraud. Lord please help us to reform our elections, may truth and what is best for our country be in our future. When there is cheating may justice be served. Amen.
Amen. And thank God for Mike Pence, a humble godfearing man who loves Jesus. He is an example of what Christ is and what He would do. I don’t understand why people hate this man. God save us.
I’m not worried about Mike Pence, I’m worried about our citizens. God help us please.
Me too!
We are truly in a spiritual battle for the heart of this nation. We need to pray against unholy legislation (there seems to be a lot of it). HR1 is just a pathway for legalized fraud. We need to be praying for God to raise up more individuals in government that walk in righteousness and truth…. and leaders with backbone that take a stand…. more like Trump, less like Pence. We need fighters in the ring! Raise them up, Lord! Call forth those that have been anointed for this time.
To whom is this article addressed, I wonder? Pence seems either to be unaware of or not acknowledging that he gave the impression of lack of support for President Trump in the hour of need, that he disappointed President Trump’s base. Unclear on what this article is intended to achieve, as his time of having influence appears to have passed, sadly.
Especially out of touch seems to be the comment about healing America, as though the democrats have a concern for America being wounded, or as though it’s possible to find a common ground with democrats who flout the Constitution. What is his vision of ‘healing America’? The democrats are pressing forward at speed to upturn and nullify as many accomplishments of the last 4 years as possible.
Curious to whom he is appealing, because it doesn’t seem as if this too little- too late commentary or ‘call to action’ would rally conservatives who have had this election snookered from them, and certainly not democrats, who want to cancel all who would challenge their improprieties.
Yes very confusing!
Details will be forthcoming for years, but it sure appears to many of us that PENCE shirked his duty to send the Electoral votes back to the battleground states’ legislatures as mountains of evidence and affidavits revealed massive, prove-able Election fraud, and the state legislature DID want to take another look, based on massive inflows of new data and affidavits pointing to Election fraud in a magnitude that could reverse the outcome of the Election in all of the swing states.
PENCE didn’t have to make the call himself; he could have returned the Electoral College votes to their rightful place: the state legislatures, who could then “re-cast” their votes if they felt the evidence of significant Election fraud was clear.
If a person assumes the office of Vice President, then he or she MUST know that they will have to make some tough calls in order to uphold their Oath to protect and defend the US Constitution. PENCE FAILED that test, for whatever reason, and threw away the opportunity for independent state-level review of the evidence of Election fraud AND the opportunity to “set things right” as judged by the state legislatures.
SHAME on you Mr. PENCE. ● We’re praying that you’ll have the guts to apologize for tossing out, in a cowardly fashion, a great opportunity to “get to the truth” about the 2020 Election.
Any truth seeker with two or more brain cells (including the Supreme Court), who objectively looks at the mountains of evidence and affidavits MUST say: we need to take a hard look at the undeniable evidence (including the fact that persons other than state legislatures made last-minute changes to Election law, which is UNCONSTITUTIONAL) of 2020 Election fraud and get to the bottom of this. We MUST follow the TRUTH wherever it leads!
Yes what a disappointment from Pence. GOD sees all and knows all. May deceive man but can not deceive GOD. It is not in our hands. But GOD’s. GOD will protect us. Amen 🙏🇺🇸
I dont want to hear anything from pence
All he had to do was give time for investigation& refused
He cant get nomination unless swamp gives it to him
Be careful how you donate
Win red nrcc- $ go to mitch rove- no one on our side
Totally agree