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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we need Your help. We are crying out to You for Your intervention in this border crisis. Protect these children and adults and give our nations leaders Your supernatural wisdom.
Reading Time: 10 minutes
  • House Speaker Nancy Pelosi insisted Wednesday the southern border crisis is under control, claiming: ‘We’re on a good path at the border under the leadership of President Biden’
  • She added: ‘It’s about restructuring how we do what is happening there, because we were in a very bad situation under the Trump administration’
  • Comments come as March saw the most migrant children crossing the border in history, with 18,890 unaccompanied minors being taken into cramped shelters and a 100% increase from February
  • In March CBP encountered more than 172,000 people attempting to gain entry along the Southwest border
  • These illegal crossers included two Yemeni men on the terror watchlist and MS-13 gang members
  • New reports also suggest the Biden administration is spending $60 million a week to house migrant kids
  • Each teen or child that crosses the border and is placed in one of these shelters cost $290 a day to care for
  • McCarthy said Vice President Kamala Harris should attend after she was named by President Joe Biden as the person in charge with addressing the root cause of migration from the Northern Triangle countries
  • Neither Biden nor Harris have made a trip to the Southwest border region, while Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas will travel to Texas Thursday, but not allow press into his events . . .

Nancy Pelosi said Wednesday Joe Biden’s leadership is fixing the immigration crisis – even though a record number of unaccompanied minor migrants arrived at the southern border in March and spikes are expected to continue into the fall.

‘The fact is that we’re on a good path at the border under the leadership of President Biden,’ Pelosi insisted during an event in California. . . .

The House speaker is helping push the Democratic narrative that former President Donald Trump and Republicans are to blame for the growing crisis at the southern border.

March, however, saw the most migrant children crossing the border in history, with 18,890 unaccompanied minors being taken into cramped shelters.

The previous record was when around 11,000 children crossed the border in May 2019 when Donald Trump was in office.

The March numbers provided by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Thursday represented a 100% increase in crossings compared to February.

Overall in March, the CBP encountered more than 172,000 people attempting to gain entry along the Southwest border, which represented a 71% increase over February 2021.

These illegal crossings include two Yemeni terrorists and MS-13 gang members sneaking into the U.S. by way of Mexico. . . .

On March 19, Pelosi said Biden has the border situation ‘under control’. . . .

Also on critics’ minds is the fact Vice President Kamala Harris, who was named border czar last month, has yet to make a trip to the U.S.-Mexico border or any of the facilities labeled ‘inhumane,’ ‘barbaric’ and ‘horrific’ by Democrats and Republicans alike.

Florida Rep. Kat Cammack, a Republican, called out some of her other Democratic colleagues who still refuse to call the situation a ‘crisis’ – including Biden, who she called the ‘trafficker-in-chief’ and those within his administration

‘I would challenge Representative [Veronica] Escobar to actually call this what it is, a crisis. It’s not a situation. It’s a crisis,’ Cammack told Fox News in an interview Thursday. . . .

‘When you have 20,000 children in custody and the border patrol agents are stretched thin to the max and we’re watching cartel members taunt our border patrol agents as they’re sending these children under 6 years old across the river by themselves, this is a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions,’ Cammack continued. ‘And so, let’s call it what it is.’

The CBP’s acting commissioner Troy Miller assured the situation is under control. . . .

It was also revealed on Thursday that Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services is spending $60million a week to house the child migrants in 10 shelters across the country.

Figures seen by The Washington Post show the cost of caring for one of these youths is $290 a day, and the 7,700 available beds have already been completely overwhelmed.

Biden also tried to characterize the influx as normal seasonal upticks during his late March press conference.  . . .

Families are pouring into the U.S. from Mexico on a daily basis and have pushed crossings up to their highest level in 15 years.

A shocking video of an abandoned migrant boy telling border agents he feared he would be kidnapped and footage of Ecuadorian sisters, aged three and five, being dropped over the wall have exposed the dire situation.

The top House Republican, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, tweeted Thursday, ‘President Biden said the surge was seasonal. But the #’s don’t lie – 172k migrants were taken into custody last month, a two-decade high.’  . . .

McCarthy’s call for Harris to finally address the crisis came as more images emerged of migrants from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador crossing the Rio Grande and packing shelters in Texas.

Harris hasn’t made a border trip in the 15 days since she was charged with dealing with the root causes of the immigration crisis – a role President Joe Biden described as dealing with the Northern Triangle countries and Mexico, in an attempt to stem the flow. . . .

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas will travel to El Paso and McAllen, Texas on Thursday – holding events that are closed to press.

‘Closed press? Remember when President Biden promised transparency?’ Republican Rep. Jim Jordan tweeted about the announcement.  . . .

Biden also hasn’t yet traveled to the southern border.

The Biden administration has tried to push that they’re persuing a more human border policy than the administration of former President Donald Trump.

Trump’s policies created children being separated from their families, with The New York Times reporting Thursday that the parents of 445 migrant children cannot be found.  . . .

We have terrorists coming through the southern border because they find that’s probably the easiest place to come through. They drive right in and they make a left,’ Trump warned in January 2019.

On Monday, Customs and Border Patrol announced that two unnamed Yemeni men on the terror watch list – one 33, the other 26 – had been detained over the last three months in the Calexico area of California.  . . .

McCarthy said he also requested the FBI-CIA briefing would be shared with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, both Democrats, and his Republican counterpart, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

The captures were made by CBP agents assigned to the El Centro Station.

CBP said in a statement on Monday that the two men were on a U.S. government watchlist for terrorism suspects, and were also named on a ‘no-fly’ list. . . .

The news was seized upon by Republicans, who are using the current surge in migrant arrivals to attack Joe Biden, and who have always warned that terrorists could be among those entering illegally and evading detection.

Additionally, an El Salvadorean gang member was among the migrants detained by the Border Patrol in the early hours of Wednesday.

The unnamed 28-year-old was described by the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) as ‘a documented MS-13 gang member,’ Fox News reported. . . .

The gang was founded in Los Angeles in the 1980s, and then mixed with California prison gang culture and was exported to El Salvador. There are currently believed to be around 10,000 MS-13 members in the United States, out of 1.4 million known gang members in the country.

Former President Donald Trump described the group, known for its savagery, as ‘animals’ and frequently referenced them when discussing migration.

Migrants have arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border in higher numbers over the past few months, including over 170,000 people in March alone, the largest single-month total in well over a decade.

A large number are unaccompanied minors, which has forced the administration to open its tenth temporary housing facility to accommodate these young arrivals.

The vast majority of adults are immediately sent back to Mexico.

The border patrol say they are currently detaining around 5,000 people a day. . . .

In January 2018, a joint report by the Homeland Security and Justice departments stated that Homeland Security had 2,554 ‘encounters’ worldwide with people on a watch list who were trying to travel to the U.S.

Of them, 2,170 were trying to come by air, with 335 by land and the rest by sea. . . .

In 2019, Trump declared during a Rose Garden speech: ‘We have terrorists coming through the southern border because they find that’s probably the easiest place to come through. They drive right in and they make a left.’

Todd Bensman, an analyst with the Center for Immigration Studies, which favors less immigration and stronger defenses against terrorist infiltration, estimated in 2019 that around 20 terrorist suspects are detained at the U.S.-Mexico border every year.

The first suspect, aged 33, was apprehended January 29 approximately at 1:10am local time after he tried to cross the border illegally about three miles west from the Calexico Port of Entry.

Agents discovered a cellular phone sim card hidden inside the insole of his shoe. . . .

The government does not disclose how many people are on the no-fly list, although in June 2016 Senator Dianne Feinstein of California said that there were around 81,000 people on the list, of whom fewer than 1,000 were U.S. citizens.

Yemen, the poorest country in the Middle East, wracked by decades of civil war, is described by UN as suffering from the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Four million people have been forced from their homes.

A group of Republican lawmakers that visited the border in El Paso, Texas, in March said border agents told them during the trip that some people caught crossing the border were on a U.S. terrorism watchlist.

McCarthy traveled to the southern border March 15 and told reporters that after meeting with Border Patrol agents, he had learned that individuals with links to terror organizations were rushing the border. . . .

Overall, few migrants caught crossing the southern border match people on the FBI’s terror watchlist, a U.S. official told Reuters.  . . .

The only known terrorists who crossed illegally from Mexico in those decades were three ethnic Albanians from Macedonia who came as children with their parents in 1984 and, in their 20s, were arrested in the foiled plot to attack the Fort Dix, New Jersey, Army base in 2007, the CATO study found. They were not from a special-interest country. . . .

On Wednesday the White House defended Vice President Kamala Harris for having not yet visited the border, which she is supposedly overseeing.

During Wednesday’s briefing, press secretary Jen Psaki was asked about the vice president’s recent travel to Chicago, as opposed to the southern border.  . . .

Ecuadorian sisters, aged 3 and 5, dumped over the 14ft high Mexico-US border wall by smugglers are to be reunited with their parents living in New York City 

Two Ecuadorian girls who were abruptly dumped over a steel barrier at the Mexico-United States border could soon be reunited with their parents in New York City, an official with Consulate of Ecuador in Houston told DailyMail.com on Wednesday.

Surveillance video footage released by Border Patrol showed the moment on March 30 when a human smuggler dropped Yareli, three, and her five-year-old sister Yasmina over the 14-foot high border wall in New Mexico last Tuesday.

Another smuggler was waiting on the American side to catch the girls, who were then tossed to the ground. Both smugglers then fled, abandoning the children. . . .

The girls’ mother, Yolanda Macas Tene, and father, Diego Vacacela Aguilar, had left their Ecuadorean home not long before, relatives said, and were awaiting their daughters in New York City. . . .

The girls had lived with Vacacela, and their brightly-painted pink bedroom still had all their toys and clothes.

Vacacela did not know how the girls arrived at the border, or how much was paid to the people traffickers, known as ‘coyotes’.

Asked if he was concerned, he replied: ‘Yes, it can be rather risky, you could say.’   . . .

The seven hotels near the border that will be taken over by ICE, turned into ‘casas’ and will house 1,200 migrants released from custody as part of an $86.9 million government contract

Immigration and Customs Enforcement is taking over seven hotels and starting Friday will start housing some migrant families who have entered the United States illegally over the U.S.-Mexico border.

A first wave of about 600 migrants will head to four properties starting Friday, with another 600 migrants slated to move into three additional properties starting April 30.

Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, the Trump administration was able to send all border-crossers back to Mexico , however Mexico changed a law and now families with young children can’t be sent back – meaning the U.S. government needs to find places to house them. . . .

‘The $86.9 million contract provides 1,239 beds and other necessary services. The families will receive a comprehensive health assessment that includes COVID-19 testing,’ he added.

Johnson also pressed, ‘Our border is not open. The majority of individuals continue to be expelled under the Centers for Disease Control’s public health authority.’

The seven hotels are part of large American chains.

The Washington Examiner first reported Thursday on the development and that ICE has nicknamed each of the hotels a different ‘casa,’ which is Spanish for house.

Outside of Phoenix, for example, a Holiday Inn will transform into ‘La Casa de la Luz,’ of ‘House of Light.’ . . .

That property features a lagoon-shaped outdoor pool, according to pictures from the hotel chain IHG’s website – and will house more than 200 people.

Also in Phoenix, a Sure Stay Best Western Hotel will house 172 people. . . .

In El Paso, Texas, a Best Western two miles south of the city’s international airport will become ‘Casa Estralla’ or ‘Star House.’   . . .

A nearby Comfort Suites in El Paso will be the ‘Casa Consuelo’ or ‘House of Consolation,’ according to the Examiner’s report.    . . .

There, 158 beds will be made available for migrants who crossed the U.S.-Mexico border illegally.

The Examiner reported that phase two of the project to move migrants into hotels will take place starting April 30, with hotel rooms opening up in Pecos and Cotulla Texas.

A WoodSpring Suites in Pecos, Texas will turn into the ‘La Case de La Paz or ‘House of Peace.’

The suites feature kitchenettes and living rooms.

In Pecos, 107 beds will be reserved for migrant families.  . . .

In Cotulla, Texas Wyndham’s Microtel and a Hilton-brand Hampton Inn will hold a combined 338 people.

The Microtel will be called ‘Casa de Compasion’ or ‘House of Compassion.’

The Hampton Inn will be transformed into ‘Casa Esperanza’ or ‘House of Hope.’  . . .

Migrants will be fed three times daily and recreational activities will be provided for children and teens. Laundry services will also be provided.

Migrants will also have access to legal help and medical facilities, including mental healthcare services. . . .

The Biden administration signed a $69.9 million contract to temporarily house migrant families in hotels as the border, and in turn border facilities, have become overwhelmed.

New numbers out Thursday from Customs and Border Protection showed that the number of unaccompanied minors crossing the border were at an all-time high.

The previous record was when around 11,000 children crossed the border in May 2019.

The March numbers provided by Customs and Border Patrol Thursday represented a 100 per cent increase in crossings compared to February.   Overall in March, the CBP encountered more than 172,000 people attempting to gain entry along the Southwest border, which represented a 71 per cent increase over February 2021. . . .

Share your prayers and comments about this border crisis below!

(Excerpt from The Daily Mail. Article by  KATELYN CARALLE. Photo by Carlos Gil/Getty Images)

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April 11, 2021

The things going on at our borders will NOT affect this administration or their familes. That’s why they do not care. It is hard to believe that people, in these blue states, have allowed these people to represent them, FOR YEARS!! How can they be that deceived for so long and many are still deceived!! They are causing and using this border crisis to their advantage, politically.
Yes , we must pray for God to intercede and do what we can’t do, but, we must do what we can do, and let these Congressmen and women know where we stand also. We have seen things change before, when we boldly take a stand. Only this time, it’s going to take CONSTANT letting our voices be heard, CONSTANT prayer. This will not be easy, because these people have planned this for a very, very long time! (“We wrestle not against flesh and blood……….”. This is spiritual warfare! “Faith without works, is dead.”

    April 11, 2021

    Nancy Pelosi is one of the most deluded people I have ever seen, and she has been for years! (Remember the $25 thousand dollar frig. and ice cream?) She has no clue about caring for other people! Believers, THAT’S what we’re up against! “He gave them over to a strong delusion.” This is spiritual warfare! “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds!!”

Rochelle Fox
April 11, 2021



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