I Prayed have prayed
God, thank You for the peace You've made available to us through Jesus Christ. Teach us to cultivate that peace and to walk in it every day.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

In a world seemingly gone mad, is peace attainable? Can we, as people of God, walk in peace when chaos and fear seem to loom on every side? Yes, we can. I’ve seen it happen in my own life. And Jesus has left us His peace: a peace so powerful that we can’t even understand it. That peace is available to us every single day — and yet it is most amazing when it shows up on those days when we absolutely need it to enable us to make it through. Let me share the memory of such a day with you.

Pray for your fellow intercessor.


It was early morning. I was sitting in my chair, reading my Bible, worship music playing softly in the background. I was involved in my daily routine when I suddenly heard God speak plainly: “I have commanded peace on you.”

I laid my Bible on my lap and listened, giving God my full attention. He repeated: “I have commanded peace on you.”

My first thought was about the battles I have faced this year; it seems like they are never ending. Peace, I thought, would be good, especially a commanded peace from an Almighty God. I rested in the words He spoke to me. Every few hours during that day, He spoke those words over me: “I have commanded peace on you.”

Several hours later, I was sitting in the passenger’s seat headed up the mountain as my daughter, Breanne, drove. I listened as my granddaughter, Brailee, chattered excitedly about her upcoming riding lesson and horse shows. Still, every few minutes that phrase ran through my mind: “I have commanded peace on you.”


About 30 minutes into Brailee’s lesson, I walked back down the hill to sit in the Jeep for a few minutes. Suddenly, I heard an odd noise. I opened the door of the Jeep to go see what was going on. At that very moment, Ruby, the horse Brailee had been riding, came bolting past me — and I knew immediately that something was very wrong. This is a horse Brailee has trained on for years, since she was 5 years old. Ruby is always mild-mannered, nothing like what I was seeing now.

I ran to the arena to find Brailee on the ground, her mom holding her. “What happened??” I asked.

I learned that the horse had begun bucking wildly, eventually throwing Brailee off. Still bucking, she had stepped on Brailee’s leg. Brailee looked at me and said: “Nana, I can’t see. Will I ever be able to see again?” She then said: “I can’t feel my arm!”

My eyes met Breanne’s; she called Brailee’s dad, who is an EMT. We got Brailee into the vehicle and started down the mountain, with the child repeating that she couldn’t see, or feel her arm. After a few minutes we were instructed to call an ambulance and get her stabilized. Which we did. Before I knew it, we were headed for the children’s trauma hospital, an hour away.

The hours that followed were difficult, full of tests and x-rays, with dozens of medical personnel about. Yet, through it all, I never panicked. Some of the things were hard to hear, but I never once lost my peace.

That day, I experienced the peace of God as I had never experienced it before. The hospital visit lasted many hours. Thankfully, miraculously, nothing was broken, there was no permanent damage at all. God is so good. Late that night, we brought Brailee home, exhausted and sore, but home, with her sight intact and the feeling back in her body.

What I learned that day is that when you really tap into His peace, it is an amazing peace. Just as the Bible says, it is a peace that passes all understanding — a peace so deep that you can’t even understand how you are walking in it.

That is what is available to us, all of us, every single day of our lives. We do not need to hear God say: “I have commanded peace on you” — He has already commanded peace on us.

“Peace, I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid (John 14:27).

You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You (Isaiah 26:3).

Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way. The Lord be with you all (2 Thessalonians 3:16).

My friends, God’s peace is available to all of us. It is already ours for the taking. It’s up to us to choose to walk in it. With wars and rumors of war surrounding us; with new variants of COVID running through our cities; with many facing fears of famine; with extremely high utility prices; and with violence running rampant across our land. In days like these, peace is not an option, it is an absolute necessity. Not just any peace, but God’s peace — that very same peace that Jesus Himself walked in. That is what He has left us. Let’s pray!

Father, we thank You for the finished work of the cross. We thank You for the peace that Jesus left us — His peace. Holy Spirit teach us to walk daily in this peace. Show us the way to cultivate this peace in our lives. Help us to draw from the peace of Christ, regardless of what we are walking through. Today we declare with Christ that He has commanded His peace upon us, and that we are now walking in the fulness of that peace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

If this article encourages you, please share it and encourage others.

Kim Potter is a writer and the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to thousands of people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, in Charisma Magazine, and on Spirit Fuel and iBelieve.com. Kim’s message is one of hope. She speaks to the hearts of those who have grown discouraged or disappointed by the circumstances of life, to impart hope. Her daily inspirational writings are available at ANewThingMinistries.com. Photo Credit: PublicDomainArchive/pixabay.

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Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA
June 3, 2024

Heavenly Father, it is Your gracious will that Your children on earth live together in harmony and peace. Defeat the plans of all those who would stir up violence and strife, destroy the weapons of those who delight in war and bloodshed, and, according to Your Divine Will, end all conflicts in the world. Teach us to examine our hearts that we may recognize our own inclination toward envy, malice, hatred, and enmity. Help us by Your Word and Spirit, to search our hearts and to root out the evil that would lead to strife and discord, so that in our lives we may be at peace with all people. In Christ Jesus’ mighty and holy Name, and by His Authority, I pray for the United States of America. Amen.

Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA
June 3, 2024

Lord Jesus Christ, in this world of unrest and strife You founded Your holy Christian Church through faith as a kingdom of peace and joy. You have established this worldwide communion of saints in which all believers are joined by the invisible bond of faith and in which we are gathered around Your Word and Sacraments. I praise You for Your Goodness because You bestowed upon all Your children Your Holy Spirit. O Lord, keep the flame of faith alive in all believers through the forgiveness and peace given us through Your precious body and blood in the bread and the wine of the Sacrament. Please continue to fill us with the spirit of love and peace toward one another. Make us the salt of the earth and that light of the world. Fulfill among us Your Promise that the gates of hell shall not prevail against the believers of Your Church. Extend Your Kingdom so that Your Salvation reaches to the ends of the earth. Hear us, O Lord, for the sake of Your Truth. In Your mighty and holy Name, and by Your Authority, I pray for the United States of America. Amen.

June 3, 2024

Thank you so much Lord for your peace that calms me during stressful moments. It is amazing that you take care of situations and calm me down.
I am so glad to be one of your children. I love you Lord.

Sue J
June 2, 2024

Thank you, Kim, for sharing your testimony. It was very encouraging. I have also experienced His wonderful peace in tremendous times of stress. The Lord is Good!

Darlene Estlow
June 2, 2024

Father, so often we feel like we are overwhelmed by the flood and fire. Yet you are with us and give us peace. Thank you for this reminder that we have your peace. We don’t have to wait for it!

Susan CC
June 2, 2024

Strong’s Concordance
שָׁלוֹם, shalom: completeness, soundness, welfare, peace

Kim’s message is truth and power. I was reminded of Jon Foreman’s song “A Place Called Earth.” https://genius.com/Jon-foreman-a-place-called-earth-lyrics

Dear Lord and Father God, I thank You for Your word to Kim and her faithfulness to share. I agree with her prayer and also thank You for Your finished work of the cross. What cost You everything, brings us Your perfect peace, shalom, shalom. What cost You everything, brought Your Pledge to Your people, Your Seal, Your Holy Spirit Promise. We will live in peace. We will cultivate peace to draw the world to Christ. He declares His peace upon us and through that we will walk in the fulness of His peace. Yes and Amen!


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