I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for the rights of parents to be protected in education. You established families and the roles of fathers and mothers, so we pray that the rights given by You would be protected.
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Maryland parents are fighting for parental rights in education. Will the Supreme Court weigh in on this debate?

From The Christian Post. A coalition of religious parents in Maryland has petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to reinstate their right to opt their children out of educational content that promotes LGBT ideologies on gender and sexuality. The request follows a decision by the Montgomery County Board of Education to remove parental opt-outs for certain storybooks aimed at early education levels.

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The legal dispute, Mahmoud v. Taylor, escalated after the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the school board’s policy, after which a diverse group of Muslim, Christian and Jewish parents initiated the lawsuit, said the legal firm Becket, which is representing the parents.

The policy pertains to storybooks introduced in 2022 for students from pre-K through fifth grade, which included content on gender transitioning, pride parades and pronoun preferences.

According to Becket, these books contain materials deemed inappropriate by the parents for children as young as 3 and 4 years old.

The school board members have claimed they are concerned about the high number of student absenteeism and the perceived impracticality of managing a large number of opt-outs. Further, the school board has alleged it believes that allowing students to opt out will expose other students and families to “social stigma” if they feel the LGBT-themed books represented their lifestyle.

However, Grace Morrison, a board member of Kids First — an association advocating for parental rights in education — criticized the school board’s approach.

“The school board is pushing a controversial ideology that has been rejected by governments around the world and has even been criticized by the board’s own principals as inappropriate for the intended age group,” Becket quoted Morrison as saying.

Apart from the ideological disagreements, the books prompt young students to engage with topics that the parents find controversial. One book, for instance, encourages children to identify images associated with a wide array of sexuality and gender expressions, such as “intersex flag,” “drag queen,” “underwear,” “leather” and the name of a celebrated LGBT activist and sex worker.

“Parents know and love their children best; that’s why all kids deserve to have their parents help them understand issues like gender identity and sexuality,” Eric Baxter, vice president and senior counsel at Becket, earlier told The Christian Post. “The school board’s decision to cut parents out of these discussions flies in the face of parental freedom, childhood innocence, and basic human decency.”

U.S. District Judge Deborah Boardman had denied the preliminary injunction sought by the parents, arguing that the parents had not demonstrated that the school district’s actions constituted indoctrination. According to Boardman, the activities surrounding these books in classrooms were intended to promote tolerance rather than indoctrinate.

Reacting to that decision, Baxter had stated at the time, “The court’s decision is an assault on children’s right to be guided by their parents on complex and sensitive issues regarding human sexuality. The School Board should let kids be kids and let parents decide how and when to best educate their own children consistent with their religious beliefs.”

Though not a litigant, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), has supported the parents’ cause.

Share your prayers for parental rights in education below.

This article was originally published at The Christian Post. Photo Credit: Mathieu Landretti – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=121600018.

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Larry Weiler
September 20, 2024

Judge debroah is wrong in her decision. It is absolutely indoctrination. Young children are very impressionable and are eager to learn from what adults who they trust show them. The judge and the school board is wrong also for teaching against the religious beliefs of the parents which in my mind is an establishment of a government religion which is unconstitutional. So now judges and activists are going to force tolerance on everyone at any costs. God open their minds and eyes to Your will so they may repent and return to You. Trust in God.

Toni Kushner
September 19, 2024

May the righteousness of God arise in. our parents and let His enemies be scattered. Our schools should be a safe place for them to learn and grow in. May You watch over each child.

Regina Cook
September 18, 2024

I live in Maryland and we are voting on question 1 on our ballot this year. The “reproductive rights amendment” which gives the citizens of Maryland a constitutional right regardless of age to determine there reproductive freedom, which means if they decide they want to be the opposite sex, they have a constitutional right to have it, and according to what I’m hearing the tax payers will be the ones to carry the financial burden of it. Even without parental consent. If this gets passed it will take the story above one step further of parents loosing their rights to raise their children. Please pray for Maryland!

Virginia Chapman
September 18, 2024

Dear LORD, we cry out to you to uphold the honor rightfully in the hands of Parents to protect their children. Tear down this oppressive law that takes children away from their own parent’s guidance and protection. Reinstate Godly order. God, Family, church then community then state.

September 17, 2024

Denise, a lot of parents’ only option is public school.
Parents need to stand up for their children by attending school board meetings and getting involved in their child’s education. We have to be pro-active concerning our children.

September 17, 2024


September 17, 2024

It’s time Christian parents pull their kids out of public school!

Allena Jordan
September 17, 2024

Father, I agree that parents should have the right and do have the right to make decisions regarding their children’s education. Beyond that, Father, I am asking that you would place in the hearts and minds of our educational leaders to return to the basics of education: reading, writing and math, along with Biblical principles. The education system needs an overhaul. Expose and remove evil, the attempt to disorient children and “kill” them. Save the children, Lord, my Savior and my God. Amen.

Mildred Hall
September 17, 2024

Thank God that there are those who speak out against evil. May godly parents be given the wisdom and Holy Spirit power to clean up our schools as in Acts 26:18 “To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins “

September 17, 2024

Dearest Heavenly Father: We know that you love the babies and little children. You warn us that anyone leading them astray would be better off having a millstone hung around their necks and thrown into the sea. We stand on your word Father and ask that you help parents who want to protect their children from this type of leading and indoctrination. Christian parents want not to introduce at all their children to scenarios that are totally against your laws and directions. We need your help in this fight, Father. Please let these parents and all others that are trying to live for you and raise their children up in the way they should go, be victorious in these court battles. We give you all Glory, Honor, Power and PRAISE for you alone are worthy to be praised. We pray this prayer in the Mighty Name of JESUS. Amen


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