I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, forgive us for abdicating to the state what You have entrusted only to parents. Help us take back our rights and responsibilities as parents.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

There is a push to mandate vaccines across the United States, but also in other countries around the world. In recent months, IFA has published multiple articles and an excellent prayer guide, outlining our concerns about vaccines that contain cell lines from aborted fetuses. Click below for our special report on vaccines.


This week, the Russian Orthodox Church released a statement about mandating vaccines. It is a beautiful, biblical statement honoring parents and government and the Church and explaining how they work together under the authority of God. This statement not only applies to vaccines but also the movement in the United States to dictate how parents respond to LGBTQ children. Read this excerpt prayerfully and let us know what you think–leave a comment.

[T]he Church cannot deviate from the evaluation of the moral aspects of this sphere of human activity. Her position, in particular, is based on the following principle: ā€œThe doctor-patient relationship should be based on respect for integrity, free choice, and the dignity of the individual. Manā€™s manipulation is unacceptable even for the sake of the most good purposes ā€[3].

First and foremost, concern for the welfare of children, including their health, is entrusted by God to their parents. The state and society should respect the priority of parental rights and responsibilities, based on the presumption of their good faith. Parents should make decisions related to the upbringing of children, their education, and their healthcare. The exception to this principle can only be deliberately malicious or criminal actions of parents.

It is worth recalling that the recognition in the legal systems of various countries of the need for informed voluntary consent to medical intervention and the right to refuse it was a consequence of the condemnation of Nazi crimes in the Nuremberg trial, including compulsory medical manipulations and experiments they carried out on people. Since then, respect for these ethical and legal principles has become a familiar feature of every normal society. (Read more at Russian Faith.)

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April 28, 2019

It does not matter whether or not the parents were intending to be malicious or Criminal! They need to be stopped from UNNECESSARILY hurting their child! Which can happen when the parents make a decision out of the faith they have which is not reasonable! Which Christian apologetics shows what is truly ultimately eternal reason! And what is truly malicious and Criminal! Whether or not our society recognizee it!

Alan K Veasey
April 28, 2019

The state seeks supremacy of conscience for itself. This gives the state the”right” to disregard the conscience of it’s citizens.
free will and freedom of conscience come from God, man can only abrogate these things for malice and criminal behavior. Any other
standard increases immorality because the conscience filter is bypassed by state decree. People have to choose between incarceration or other state sanction and conscience.

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