Front-Line Testimony: Parents Battle Drag in Schools
Front-Line Testimony: Parents Battle Drag in Schools
Once upon a time, and what seems like long, long ago, parents lived in a nation where they didn’t have to worry about their children eating donuts in the library during a school-sponsored activity. They just assumed that if the event took place on school grounds, it would be educational, wholesome, or at least safe.
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Fast-forward to 2023. The times have changed dramatically, and nowadays parents must become detectives as they investigate what’s being promoted in their local schools. Many of the clues are well hidden, while others are in plain sight. Though some might overlook what the magnifying glass reveals, others expose it to the light.
Recently, an event known as Drag and Donuts was exposed in the light, causing an uproar among parents in central Florida. Scheduled to take place at Boone High School, in Orlando, on March 23, 2023, the after-school activity would feature a drag queen known by the name Momma Ashley Rose. Many parents were made aware of the event through a flyer circulated by the high school’s QAA (Queer and Ally Alliance) Club, while others saw social media posts advertising it. One shocked grandmother heard the announcement over the loudspeaker while waiting to pick up her grandchild. Florida’s Voice reported: “Livid parents and grandparents called a meeting with Boone High School administrators after learning about the event.” Parents also emailed members of the school board and the superintendent, as well as the parental rights division of the Florida Department of Education to express their concerns.
School Board Member Alicia Farrant voiced her concerns over the event through a Facebook post that stated: “I have been made aware of a drag queen event that will be happening at one of our high schools. I am looking into this to get further details but would like parents to know that I do NOT condone this type of event. We need to be RAISING the standard of excellence in our schools and helping students excel academically, not inviting drag queens in to eat donuts with our children.”
On March 22, 2023, the Orange County Public Schools canceled Drag and Donuts. A public release said, “As a result of a call from the Florida Department of Education today, the event has been canceled. The Department questioned whether the event was age and developmentally appropriate and indicated that any administrator, teacher, or staff member in attendance may be investigated and jeopardize their professional license.”
Hector Maestre, principal of Boone High School, sent an email to parents which stated, in part: “The event, Drag and Donuts, was not a drag show, but an opportunity for students to hear a positive message of acceptance and love. This was to be the third year the speaker has addressed this club.”
Farrant later posted: “Canceling the drag queen speaker was a direct order from Tallahassee and I support their decision as an act of morality and principles that our public schools must uphold. This decision will not take away students’ rights to invite special speakers to after school meetings in the future, however, adult entertainment speakers in any form should never be permissible in our public schools to speak to or mentor minors. The Department of Education will not tolerate anything that jeopardizes the high standard that we are obligated to uphold.”
Momma Ashley Rose, whose real name is Jason DeShazo and who dubs himself “the Disney channel of drag,” explained that he had planned to speak to members of the school’s Queer and Ally Alliance Club about life as a gay man and to answer any questions the students had. “Churches and all these people were sharing hateful stuff about the events,” he said. “It’s not just at Boone. It’s stuff that’s happening in our own town.” He also wrote via text: “I find it very hard to believe that the greatest threat to our children in school is a drag queen spreading the message that you’re loved, accepted and wanted no matter who you are.”
DeShazo, who lives in Lakeland and has been doing drag for over 20 years, says he has spoken to many clubs during after-school events, including three in Polk County. Additionally, he heads a foundation called Rose Dynasty. The foundation’s website says: “We mentor LGBTQ+ youth while working with youth of all ages on the autism spectrum. Over the last several years we have helped raise thousands of dollars for charities, community outreaches, and nonprofits for many states, from California to Florida, utilizing drag shows, dinner shows, variety shows, carnivals and children’s shows. Annually holding the only family friendly, charity-based drag queen pageant Miss Rose Dynasty.”
Proponents of drag-queen shows, such as professor Domenick Scudera, who has taught classes on the history of drag, defend the practice by insisting: “Drag performance has existed since the beginning of recorded history. Men dressed as women in theater productions in ancient Greece, in Shakespeare’s era and still do in modern Britain, where popular Christmas pantomime shows spoof children’s stories and often involve a ‘panto dame,’ or a man playing a female character. Children being around men in a dress–for many centuries that was considered family entertainment.”
As Christians, we know that the Serpent loves to twist and turn and distort the truth. The Enemy has a talent for hiding and deflecting the obvious issue, which in this case is the sexualization of children. Those who defend drag make ill-gotten comparisons that echo the words of Isaiah 5:20: Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
Central Florida parents were relieved after getting word that Drag and Donuts had been canceled. Their voices had been heard and prompt action was taken. But even though the scheduled drag performer was canceled, at least 80 students showed up anyway for the Queer and Ally Alliance meeting, to show support. A redesigned flyer (with the drag-queen picture removed) was retitled “Donuts and Florida Education Policy,” and it read: “Join us for an open discussion about Florida’s education policy in light of recent events.” One concerned grandparent, however, filed a freedom of information request to find out who spoke to the students at the meeting that day, and what, specifically, had been discussed.
The battle is fierce, and the stakes are high. Our kids’ identities and lives are the target. If we sit out this fight and do not get involved, we are allowing the Enemy to tempt our kids with the forbidden fruit — in this case, a donut. The Serpent used convincing words to persuade Eve to eat and then share what God had already declared was prohibited. This led to the Fall. The trickery being used right now is that drag shows are “kind,” “loving,” and help those who are “different” to be accepted. But this is a path that leads to enmity with God, rather than love.
When there’s a battle in our schools, parents must move quickly to the front lines and face the situation head-on. As the Enemy tries to push morality and righteousness backward, the front line keeps moving forward — without compromise. Ephesians 6 reminds us to stand against the schemes of the adversary, using the sword of the spirit to declare the word of God. Parents must hold up this sword and cut right though the Enemy’s lies by openly declaring the truth that God’s design is for sex to occur between a man and a woman who are married. Additionally, there are only two genders, male and female, and God has created us in His image (see Genesis 1:27). It’s contrary to God’s design when humans engage in sex with those of the same gender, or with multiple partners, and/or have sex outside of marriage (see Romans 1:18–32; 1 Corinthians 6:18, 7:2). Furthermore, when they try to become another sex, either through surgery or simply by dressing like the other sex, it’s an act of rebellion as detailed in Deuteronomy 22:5 and Romans 1:24–27. The LGBTQ movement is pushing our children to love sin. The Bible says: No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed abides in him; and he cannot keep sinning, because he has been born of God (1 John 3:9).
The promotion of sexual content in the schools has become a clear battleground that has drawn the attention of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who signed the Parental Rights in Education Bill, which bans classroom instruction about sexual orientation or gender identity, from kindergarten through third grade. Also, in April the Florida Senate passed a bill (SB 1438) aimed at blocking children from attending drag shows. In a recent press conference titled Exposing the Book Ban Hoax, DeSantis revealed the graphic pornographic content of books found in Florida schools, such as Flamer, This Book is Gay; Gender Queer; and Let’s Talk About It. These books’ content include such subjects as masturbation, how to engage in sex acts, “the ins and outs of gay sex,” and even how to hook up on online apps. The content is so explicit that the live stream from new stations covering the press conference was cut off on social media.
While opponents of removing sexually explicit books decry censorship, DeSantis emphasized: “Every minute you spend focusing on some of this pornographic stuff, that’s less time you’re spending on doing the things that really matter to our kids in terms of them getting the education they need.”
The Drag and Donuts event became a battleground because it dealt with the sexualization of children. There are many parents and teachers who have been knee-deep in the trenches as the war on identity rages all around them. In fact, a friend of mine found herself donning combat clothes several years ago, when she discovered an inappropriate book titled This Book is Gay in her son’s classroom library. She brought her concerns to the school and its board, but soon realized that getting those in charge to listen and act was difficult. Oftentimes, she found herself being volleyed from one leader or board member to another. She discovered that school districts, public libraries, and booksellers often shirk the responsibility of protecting children from pornographic materials by citing the guidelines of the American Library Association — geared toward eliminating “censorship” and not toward protecting children. While my friend was successful in getting this particular book removed from the classroom library, there would be other books. On the front lines of each battle, she was attacked from all sides.
After Drag and Donuts was canceled, I attended the April 11, 2023, OCPS school board meeting, which was packed to the walls with students, parents, teachers, and community members. At least 40 speakers took to the podium, with a large proportion voicing their opinions about the event. There were passionate speakers who spoke bravely about the need to protect our children. Jonathan Farrant, husband of school board member Alicia and the father of their five children, had this to say: “God put my wife up there — and if this board continues to push back against wholesome principles, that is between you and God Almighty. Farrant leadership, values and principles will not be rattled or shaken. We will always stand for the values and principles that made our nation great. Grown men dressed up as women have no place on OCPS campuses. The question is why would any school board member want to open the door for any adult entertainer to access our children? If parents want their children mentored by drag queens, they can do that outside of our campuses. I’m thankful to our good friend Manny Diaz in the Department of Education for upholding these same values and principles. I admire you [District 3] — you fear the disapproval of God more than you fear the disapproval of man. Sometimes standing for what’s right, you have to stand alone.”
In the meeting, there were also groups of students, parents, and educators who decried the need for validation and affirmation of the LGBTQ lifestyle. Negative comments were directed at Farrant, the courageous school board member who made it clear that she wanted to uphold morality and protect students. Sitting in my chair watching the meeting, I felt like I was in the middle of a lion’s den. The lions who supported drag queens came out in large numbers, surrounding the “Daniels” who stood for righteousness. In that moment, I realized that Christians have to show up for this battle! Like Daniel, they must move the line forward, facing the lions without fear or compromise. In the end, it is God Himself who will shut the mouths of those who exalt themselves above the truth.
At the heart of this matter is an idea expressed beautifully by Corrie ten Boom in her book, The Hiding Place.
“Oftentimes I would use the trip home to bring up things that were troubling me. … Once, I must have been 10 or 11, I asked father about a poem we had read at school the winter before. One line had described ‘a young man whose face was not shadowed by sexsin.’ I had been far too shy to ask the teacher what it meant. … So the line had stuck in my head. … And so, seated next to Father on the train compartment, I suddenly asked, ‘Father, what is sexsin?’ He turned to look at me, as he always did when answering a question, but to my surprise he said nothing. At last, he stood up, lifted his traveling case from the rack over our heads, and set it on the floor. ‘Will you carry it off the train, Corrie?’ he said. I stood up and tugged at it. It was crammed with the watches and spare parts he had purchased that morning. ‘It’s too heavy,’ I said. ‘Yes,’ he said. ‘And it would be a pretty poor father who would ask his little daughter to carry such a load. It’s the same way, Corrie, with knowledge. Some knowledge is too heavy for children. When you are older and stronger you can bear it. For now, you must trust me to carry it for you.’ And I was satisfied. More than satisfied, wonderfully at peace.”
Whether it’s events like Drag and Donuts or books that contain sexually charged content, we are asking our children to carry loads that are too heavy for them. Like Father ten Boom, we should be protecting their innocence at all costs. These days, some knowledge is not only heavy, but deceptive and destructive.
Something quite amazing happened the very day and time the Drag and Donuts event was originally scheduled to take place. A friend of mine said she was driving by Boone High School and saw a plane spelling out JESUS LOVES YOU in the sky. She was overjoyed when she saw it in the air, hovering above students as they were leaving school. This awesome God-incidence reminds us that what these children really need is Jesus! Certainly, there are kids who are struggling with their identity and experiencing confusion and even depression. We pray they would know that Jesus loves them, and is more than able to help them see their true identity in Him.
A YouTube video titled “We went to a drag brunch for kids” features DeShazo sharing: “I grew up in a religious family. I was a youth pastor — I was a worship pastor — I did ministry pretty much my whole life from a child on, and I knew I was gay. I knew who I was, and it was a struggle, because the religion, the organization I was part of, obviously, did not accept who I was. I felt not good enough, and no matter what I did, I wasn’t going to be good enough for God, I wasn’t going to be good enough for these people.” DeShazo insists that what he’s doing will help others, so they can feel the love and acceptance he didn’t receive when he was growing up. Regarding his shows and events, he adds: “As we used to say in church days, come in and leave changed.”
DeShazo and so many others in the LGBTQ community consistently use “love” as the reason for spreading their message to others. But love isn’t accepting, approving, or condoning sin. The real definition of love is a Savior who willingly died on the cross for our sins so that we might turn from those sins and be free. Jesus didn’t give His life so that we would ignore and approve of sin, but rather, so that we could be released from its bondage. DeShazo says that in “church days” you would “come in and leave changed.” This is what Jesus can do for anyone who comes to Him and is willing to repent. In the end, we can change our clothes and our hair, and even try to change our sex, but none of this will ever lead to true change. The change we need can come only through the saving grace and love of Jesus Christ. Oh, how this generation needs to feel and understand this love. What the plane wrote in the sky is true: Jesus Loves You!
Lord Jesus, we pray for Your perfect love to surround our youth and those caught up in this sinful lifestyle. Your perfect love casts out all fear and brings the lost to redemption. Thank You for the students, parents, teachers, school board members and state leaders of our nation who continue working on the front lines to uphold righteousness and truth. We lift them up to You.
Where have you seen parents, teachers, and leaders battling for our children? How would you pray for anyone caught up in these sins?
Angela Rodriguez is an author, blogger, and home-schooling mom who studies the historical and biblical connections between Israel and the U.S. You can visit her blogs at and Her latest book, Psalm 91: Under the Wings of Jesus, was released in June 2021. Photo Credit: MuiZur on Unsplash.
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Anyone who wishes to look at this link and offer help it would be greatly appreciated. It is my kids school.
Thank You for Sharing!
God was put out of schools. Satan moved in. Simple as that.
The wolf in sheeps clothing has been getting aggressive. I pray on the armor and lift up the word of our Lord. I pray that those trying to find their identity ask the one who knows every hair on their head. Let us live as the children of the God that created us and let the Spirit reach thru us to help them who seek.
Recently saw a post on social media that the Trustees of the Rowley Public Library decided to host a drag queen event “dishing out drag with Giganta Smalls” for 13 to 18 year olds. My grandchildren fall into this age group. I never thought i would see this in my small town. Those who posted against the post had their comments were deleted or removed from the Rowley Talks Facebook page. Please join with me in prayer against this event.
I am glad parents shut this perverted smut down.
As part of the battle against the Deeply entrenched satanic forces in the NEA and school system…parents could look into homeschool Associations support of their families educating their children at home
Pray for our leaders and families who are persecuted and abused by our public officials illegal and fir healing for financial crimes and constitutional violations of the law.
The public school systems are not going to be a place for children to be educated for a long time. This problem started decades ago and it will probably take decades to fix it, if at all.
Profound program today!! Tjank you so much..
Well it looks like Governor DeSantis has got a ways to go yet in forging his legacy and cleansing the evil out in the power of the Holy Spirit in Florida. People that are rationalizing their sin always use some type of logic to support that rationalization.. of course there has been sinful behavior in humanity since the beginning of time.. just because women and men exchange clothing and dressed in drag-in ancient history-, does not make it any less of a sin and does not validate it or our time.
Lord once again we see the human race going out of its way to validate its sin with many examples of how many men and women have always -, in history.. as though that were a valid comparison.. I struggle with various sin myself.. we all do.. just because the man in this story was not able to get the healing he needed or acknowledged that he needed that healing in his career in Ministry.. of course we know that does not validate what he is doing now.
Lord, I just pray and ask that you would continue Lord in your Holy Spirit power to work on the hearts of those who have made a lifestyle of their sin as they have not been able to stand against it and Conquer it like many of us have not been able to-, although some people have taken it much further.. we know we are but flesh and we are weak-,so I pray you would have mercy on us Lord and help intercessors to be the conduits through which your holy spirit Power brings healing.. and that the casting out of demons and that all of the Gospel would be acknowledged in our churches I know for certain that the Demonic strongholds in my life-, need a solution of a brother casting them out of me- and that gift needs to be acknowledged in our times.
In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen
Herb, I believe I was supposed to come back to this article to read your prayer. I pray you will have a “Gaza experience.”
*is one of the oldest cities in history
*was a city of strongholds and fortifications
* means “strong”
*was associated with JUDGEMENT…many prophets prophesied judgement because of the sin there. “Thus says the LORD…I will send fire upon the wall of Gaza and it will consume her citadels.” Amos 1:6-7
*was associated with the spread of the GOSPEL
An angel told Philip to go south to the desert road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza. Philip met an Ethiopian eunuch, who he shared the gospel with and baptized. Acts 8:26-30 Perfectly orchestrated by God.
Dear Heavenly Father, Herb’s prayer has moved me. I am praying for him to have a Gaza experience…whatever is keeping Him from unhindered fellowship with You, YOU WILL CONSUME IN YOUR FIRE. May Herb confess anew, his belief in Jesus Christ. May he confess his Savior is the Son of God, the Son You raised from the dead, the Son who is returning to claim and conquer. May the Gospel of Christ revive Herb today. I ask this and so much more in the Name of Jesus Christ who is VICTORIOUS. Amen
Angela and IFA, thank you for standing courageously for Biblical truth and protecting vulnerable children. We are not our sin. We all have sinful thoughts and urges. But God has given us free will. We may not get to choose our thoughts and urges, but we get to choose what we say and do. We need to be in prayer for those who say, “This is just who I am.” Feeling as if we must act upon our sinful urges eliminates the notion of self-control. And if we can’t control ourselves or be held accountable to any absolute truths or standards, then we descend into chaos and lawlessness. There will be no measure of goodness or truth. Those who prey upon these children in the name of love are misleading, using, and victimizing them.
Read Genesis 50:20, Joseph addressing his brothers. God put Joseph there for good ; I pray the teachers, superintendent, and school board would realize God put them in their positions for the good of our children , not the destruction of them and would seek God’s council and instructions as the do their duties.
That authorization is testimony to How Deeply it is rooted in our country in the educational system.. one of the Seven Mountains of culture
Thank you for writing this.
Praise God for those who have the courage to stand against the tide of
filth being dumped upon our children,
who are willing to be disliked, ridiculed and
criticized as they defend the minds of our children,
those who cannot yet defend
How can I get involved and stand beside parents here in San Diego County protecting the children. 🫶🙏
I stand in agreement with the parents and grandparents of our nation we have to fight back against this movement against our children I pray for more people to be awakened and aware of the war that is taking place here . We can not afford to allow these atrocities to continue ! Lord Jesus we need your help and protection over our children and country we can’t afford to stay silent thinking it will go way these things will only continue to rise up if we don’t push back and say no more not in our schools not with our children save our children ! In Jesus mighty name !
Father God we come to You in our hour of need. We bless Your Holy name. You have given us Your Holy Word for instruction and direction. You have graciously given us, as believers and followers of Christ, the Holy Spirit who knows all and teaches us. Many are deceived, believing that we who uphold Your teachings misunderstand them when they are the ones who misunderstand Your Holy Word and plans for them. Lord, open their eyes that they may see Your will for them. Lord we are to love our neighbors. Help us to know what true love means. Loving our neighbors doesn’t mean that we are to love sin. Help us to love as Jesus Christ loved. Help us to share Your love in ways that bring Your truth, healing and restoration to the lost and deceived no matter what their sin is, but especially those sins committed against their bodies. Lord thank You for bringing what is done in darkness to light. Thank You Lord for strength and courage to fight this battle for we wrestle not with flesh and blood but the powers of the air. Your name is above all names. You are more than able to work in hearts and transform lives. I pray a mighty hedge of protection around Your faithful followers as they/we go forth standing up for Your truth and around all of our children in the school systems. Bless them/us beyond measure. Thank You for loving us all and providing us our precious Savoir Jesus Christ. Come Lord Jesus come. Amen
Father, I ask You to raise up a mighty army of compassionately concerned grandparents and parents. I ask You to equip this “Parent Army” with Your righteousness and empowerment to stand, in faith, over & against the dark evils deceiving our kids & pulling them away from us, then further deceiving them with temptations of sin that further damages their souls ~ So I thank You Father for raising up & equipping Your Army as we daily & diligently seek You and hear Your voice of truth & direction as we trust You to make us supernaturally aware when the enemy is crouching near us as “he’s seeking who he MAY devour!” Lord we need Your wisdom, strength, supernatural empowerment to win this battle over the enemy of our souls. So help us, O Lord in Jesus name.
First, I love the Corrie ten Boom reference. It is so relevant and explains the reason many of our children today are burdend and confused. “Some knowledge is too heavy for children.”
Second, I thought of the battles throughout the Bible and remembered David and Goliath. “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD of Hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.”
Dear Heavenly Father, time and time again, You have demonstrated Your power and authority when we step out in faith. We are trusting You to show us how to battle the giants surrounding us today. This perverse narrative is wrong and has no place in our children’s lives. I can say the same for our government and media who are relentlessly pursuing it. I pray in the Name of Jesus Christ, “for the students, parents, teachers, school board members and state leaders of our nation who continue working on the front lines to uphold righteousness and truth.” I pray we will see a victory over this and all the giants who stand in defiance of YOU. Thank You Father. Thank You Jesus. Thank You Holy Spirit. Amen
[email protected]
All of these sex agendas targeting children is led by pedophiles! These drags are pedophiles! They want to have sex with children! Period! All of this claiming drag shows are about love is about wanting to have sex with children! These people want to become normal to children. They want to encourage children to masturbate to awaken sexual emotions and feelings so that when the filthy perverts actually touch children, it will feel normal! I bind these evil entities that are attempting to destroy children and their innocence! FATHER GOD I ask that YOU fight the demons behind these evil entities and send them to the abyss of hell! Please protect all of our children from pedophile filth and indoctrination in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!
Spot on, Carol. I don’t know how parents can allow their defenseless children to be targeted like this. Boggles the mind. At least Florida is pushing back against this!
Praying in agreement with you, in Jesus’ Mighty Name! Amen!
How hideous is this that it goes behind the parents by having a ‘story’ told about love between same sexes. God did not make us this way and I applaud the parents that stood up to this sin as Daniel and shut down the lions in the den. Thank you Lord for the Florida Department of Education and Governor DeSantis who stopped this show and then may laws to prevent this from happening in schools.
Three years he was the speaker? Now they want to work with children that have autism? They have gone through a lot and the parent’s. We have to protect the children like Farrant did on exposing the meeting. We don’t want our children and grandchildren deceived and human trafficked for an evil agenda, at all. Thank you for this revealing article, Intercessors For America.