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Father, set Your hand upon every child in America, Gaza, and the world. May they know Jesus Christ and experience His love.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dor Shachar is an Arab Palestinian who defected from Gaza and converted to Judaism. Shachar’s story is harrowing, and it provides another eyewitness account of the cruelty of Hamas toward its own people. Near the end of a recent interview with Marissa Streit, CEO of the Prager University Foundation (PragerU), Shachar shares a reality that is difficult for Americans to understand. For some, it may even be impossible.

Have you taken your place on the wall?


Having lived in Gaza for many years, Shachar boldly asserts that Hamas has been conning the public to manipulate our view about Gazans — all Gazans. He charged that there are no innocent Palestinians in Gaza. Streit wondered whether that might not be too harsh an assertion. His response was to expound on Islamism’s methods of infiltration and destruction, and he stressed that every Arab child in Gaza is indoctrinated in this culture.

“Why is it so hard for you to understand? Because they raised you on love, on peace,” Shachar said. “They raised me on hatred and murder. It’s difficult for you to get a grasp on this. If they raised you on hate and murder, then you would understand me.”

Shachar’s first-hand perspective pushes against everything I was taught through mainstream culture and during seven years of public school. His is also a necessary elucidation of the difference between Western Judeo-Christian culture and Islamic culture, about which most of my peers are ignorant. My peers and I have spent the past decade and a half being raised in a culture that claims to revere love in all forms and to champion equality above all else. We’ve been taught that the West has always been evil, and that everyone else has always been an innocent, hapless victim.

Thus, every conflict is reduced to “victim versus oppressor” status — with the “patriarchal,” Judeo-Christian, wealthy, and Caucasian culture always being “the oppressor.” Promotion of values that attack Judeo-Christian culture and America’s foundations is rewarded. That’s the perfect rhetorical mode for pro-Palestinian and essentially Ottoman organizations like Hamas to exploit and capitalize on. It has been a most effective form of curricula in instructing my misguided peers to rally toward a cause history proves will ultimately demand they bow to Allah or die — despite their having enjoyed American freedoms like those they enjoyed during their pro-Palestine protest at Raphael Warnock’s Ebenezer Baptist Church.

Let’s not fail in our fervent prayers.

Our Lord, children around the world are suffering, and You have said that we should bring them to You. We therefore commit every child in Gaza and in America to You right now. Set Your gracious hand upon them all! Give them life-altering encounters with You. Save and redeem them, we pray.

This is such a critical time. Share your prayers here for the children of Gaza and our own country.

(Photo Credit: Latrach Med Jamil on Unsplash)

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Joan Dinse
March 23, 2024

The USA has todo more to support Israel.

March 22, 2024

In the far too frequently forgotten words of Golda – There can be no true Peace between Israel and Islam until the Islamists lear to love their own children MORE than they HATE Israel.

I firmly believe there can be no true Peace from the Arab ( Islamic ) side until the whole World knows and understands the tenets of Islam – a way of life which supports and requires ALL its adherants to use any and all ways including deceit and outright lies ( taqqiyah ), to forward the great plan to islamify the whole world and to destroy all those who refuse to bow to their Allah and to him only. This means the eradication or enslavement of ALL other religions and their beleivers.

There is NO “Middle Ground” – it is Islam and Allah , or Death or enslavement within a One World Caliphate.

The more the various Church leaders insist on “Peaceful discussions” with Mohammeds’ followers and their “Religion of Peace”, the longer and more deadly the worldwide islamification will become. Islam recognises weakness in all its’ naysayers and WILL exploit every avenue of deceit before the final exposure of its’ true intentions and the rising of the inevitable Crusade to again save the world from a return to 12th Century servitude under a theocratic dictatorship called Islam.

God WILL protect His people – He IS a Loving, Caring God whose one and only Son came down to this earth to lead and save Gods’ Children even at the cost of His own earthly life.

Mankind has evolved greatly in the last two thousand years – let us not permit evil to undo all that has been learned. Let this coming Easter bring understanding and determination to the worlds’ leaders to steer a pathway for the whole world where evil can not flourish and lies be always exposed.

William Powell
March 21, 2024

Anyone who wants to know the truth about Islam, needs to read the Koran. If you are not a Muslim or won’t convert, you are supposed to be dead meat.

Ben Okike
March 21, 2024

What do people gain from conflict.Humanity will be better off if we embrace love in its entirety,eschew hatred, segregation and discrimination.
The world is large enough to accommodate everyone, living in peace and harmony with each other and each nation or race.

    March 21, 2024

    But not peace at any cost. For righteousness and truth that allows true peace to prevail comes at a cost. Following Jesus must often cause ruptures in relationships. Jesus said “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn
    “‘a man against his father,
    a daughter against her mother,
    a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law— Matthew 10:34-35
    Lord, give us the courage, grace and strength to stand firm using the full armor of God in this day of evil.

March 21, 2024

God save all children in every country of the world in Jesus name.

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