Overcoming the Times We Live In
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Overcoming the Times We Live In
During the 2024 Olympics opening ceremony in Paris, drag queens mock the Lord’s supper, mimicking the apostles’ seating depicted in Leonardo de Vinci’s famed painting.
In Washington, D.C., pro-Hamas protestors flung feces at the police tasked with controlling and dispelling them.
Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakes finds himself back in the court system after being vindicated by the U.S. Supreme Court when someone wanted to compel him to violate his religious beliefs to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex wedding.
Despite that victory, Colorado’s Civil Rights Commission is peopled by those who called Jack a hater for wanting to stand by his beliefs and his savior. When someone wanted a cake that celebrated a gender transition, the commission pursued it until Phillips’ lawyers found such clear evidence of bias on the commission that the latter dismissed the charges.
But Phillips’ foe will not quit, so he is pursuing the case in state courts. The case again is headed to a higher court.
Jack Phillips is living in a spiritual Smyrna.
We are most familiar with Smyrna from the Book of Revelation, which was written by John the apostle while he was in exile on Patmos in Asia Minor.
Smyrna—now modern Izmir in Turkey—was north of Ephesus by some 35 miles. Its strategic harbor could be closed off in times of war. Smyrna was garlanded by a mountain rising from the harbor and a street known as the Street of Gold. This street ran from a temple to the false goddess Cybele to one dedicated to Zeus.
The city had a thriving and vital culture, with a stadium, library, and theatre supported by a population of 200,000. The famed poet Homer hailed from Smyrna.
Politics also thrived in Smyrna. The city fathers fortuitously supported Rome before the latter built its empire. Therefore, the city became a center for emperor worship. In 195 B.C., the city built a temple to the Roman goddess Roma, and later, in 23 B.C., Smyrna won the honor of building a temple for emperor Tiberius.
In addition to the pagan cults and emperor worship, the city boasted a large Jewish population, which was increasingly hostile to Christians. The Roman government initially confused Christians with Jews, which benefited the nascent church because Jews enjoyed a religious exemption from formal emperor worship. They were only required to make offerings for the emperor’s health.
As Jewish hostility toward the Christians grew, Jewish leadership disavowed the latter to the Romans, making the believers vulnerable to government pressure to engage in heretical emperor worship.
Christians found it very difficult to live in Smyrna.
But the Lord sees His people. In the second of his letters in Revelation 2:8-11, the Lord says:
“And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write,
‘These things says the First and the Last, who was dead, and came to life:
‘I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.’”
Jesus saw the persecution impoverishing the Christians materially. The word for poverty in this letter is for the poorest of the poor. And yet the Lord asserts the Christians are spiritually rich.
Jesus also heard the blasphemous words spoken against the Christians by others, including Jews who had not recognized their Messiah.
“Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.”
In response to what He sees and hears, Jesus tells His people — literally — to “stop being afraid.”
“Stop being afraid” despite the possibility — even probability — that they will be imprisoned without provision while awaiting trial or execution. And Jesus warns in this letter that this persecution is not the “three and a half days” of tribulation more common in Revelation. Rather the persecution is of greater duration — not a literal 10 days, but long.
Jesus tells His people to stop being afraid and to be faithful, even if their circumstances end in death.
Those who are faithful will receive a garland usually associated with athletic victors.
“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death.”
Jesus calls His people to listen: Pay attention and conquer. This verb nikao (“to conquer”) and its derivatives appear 17 times in Revelation. The Greek in this verse communicates a firm assurance that the faithful will conquer.
One such conquerer is another of Smyrna’s famous sons: Polycarp, the bishop or pastor of Smyrna’s second-century church. When he faced his death in 156 A.D., he reportedly said, “Eighty and six years have I served Christ, nor has He ever done me any harm. How, then, could I blaspheme my King who saved Me?”
We know many others facing literal death in nations in which confessing Christ is anathema to the government or dominant culture: Nigeria, Iran, China, and North Korea, to name a few. Sadly, in America, we see state governments, such as Colorado, and significant swathes of the U.S. federal government actively hostile toward believers.
In many ways, this culture is a spiritual Smyrna.
Jack Phillips has chosen to stay faithful, despite being targeted for financial destruction by those who hate Christ.
May we, living in our spiritual Smyrna, take to heart the message of this encouraging letter to the people of Smyrna and the testimony of Polycarp: Let us stay faithful, not fearful.
Lord, please enable us to stay faithful — not fearful — in our seasons of tribulation. Give us spiritual courage from the first and the last, who died and came to life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Share your testimony of staying faithful, not fearful.
New York City–based Joyce Swingle is an intercessor and a contributing writer for IFA. With her husband, Rich, also a contributing writer for IFA, Joyce shares the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world through theater, speaking, writing, and film. Prior to going into full-time ministry, Joyce worked for about 20 major magazines and now works in pastoral ministry and Christian counseling. www.Richdrama.com.
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I am sharing this information with intellectual integrity as I personally still view the Paris Olympics 2024 as an attack on Christianity, women, and children.
The French Olympic Committee hired Thomas Jolly to design and script the Paris Olympics 2024. He has declared he used Dutch artist Jan van Biglert’s 17th century painting “The Feast of the Gods” as his inspiration and parody, and not Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Super” as obviously reasoned.
“The Feast of the Gods” does include Jesus and blasphemes our Lord and “The Last Super” literally and in art as pagan gods dance all around what appears to be da Vinci’s table.
Again, there is a satanic spiritual presence and attack either way in using anything related to the Christian art of “The Last Supper”.
Adding in the drag men (homosexual men dressed like female clowns), homosexual female as Jesus, and a female child is the modern satanic twist of a narcissist ideology and sin of the sexually depraved individuals who live this life and support this life and excuse this life AND demand that you accept their sinfilled choices as normal.
God’s Liberty ends at His commands where sin is rejected out of love and obedience for Him.
The Paris Olympics 2024 represents the chaos of humanity and its belligerent descent into exponential chaos.
Interestingly, I rejoice that this situation has brought worldwide attention to The Last Supper and am praying this is overwhelmingly researched and people are saved from discovering Jesus🙏🏻
One source with explanation:
This reminds me of when I couldn’t get a teaching job in the Denver, Colorado area so I began to pray. I was on my own with two children and had recently divorced an unfaithful husband and declared bankruptcy. God spoke to me through Holy Spirit to move to Texas and I obeyed. I went without a job lined up in faith. My sister took me and my kids in. Got a job just a couple weeks before school started, teaching Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities. Loved the assignment more than any other I had. Ended up getting a masters degree in special education to be certified. Bottom line right now: how I thank God for that move because I would never fit in or even have a job in Colorado. God is more than able and I’m so thankful I trusted Him. I had chosen Faith not Fear by trusting and obeying my Lord Jesus. Glory to His Name!!
Additionally, Polycarp was sentenced to being burned at the stake a few days hence. Undoubtedly, he prayed that he would be like Hananiah, Meshack, and Azariah [Dan 3:12-26] and the Lord heard him. the enemies of the Lord bound him and let the fire. He then preached THREE HOURS from the burning stake, many times wholly hidden by the flames. Many were saved through his preaching. Finally, after his three hours, the enemies of Christ took him down, ran him through with three spears, and he died….this when he was over 80 years old.
John Rich has released an excellent music video “Revelation” based on the Bible’s last book. It portrays the spiritual battle between good and evil.
I wonder if the blatantly evil opening for the Olympics may prove to clarify before those who are neutral in their views of the direction the West is moving. What was presented was so repugnant, maybe it will provoke many to take take a stand. I earnestly pray this will be so.
Father God, I praise and thank you. as you acted before the nations to cause the blackout in Paris except for the Sacre Coeur. Also as you caused a worship service to form in the streets of Paris. Give us courage Father to follow you, the mighty leader, as the church militant. In Jesus’ name, Amen
Lord, we live in increasingly hostile conditions. Teach us how to live in faith and not in fear.
Yes Lord protect me from the evil that roams our land
In Jesus’ Name.
Yes PRAY, but a big statement to the community and sponsors, and should be our strong conviction, turn off the TV as soon as we start to see this evil and do NOT turn it BACK on. When we do go back to watch it, it is winking at sin,and is it not satifying our pleasure?
I sent letters to the editors of the dwindling number of newspapers in Minnesota about the education grooming and indoctrination of our children. Also the upcoming requirement for teacher to be licensed agreeing to an unbelievable list of activist training for children, nothing about academics. I think only a handful of the 235 emails I sent may have printed my letter. God is saying if those who read it heard, they know something is terribly wrong and homeschooling would be an answer.
He is Faithful ❣️. In 2022, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Through all the procedures He was always there. Even when I couldn’t see Him, He was working on me to Trust Him. Now I share my story with others.❣️
As a former resident of CO for 2 decades, I can assure people that the gov’t of CO has evolved into the abyss of communist type thinking & actions. They did so by ignorance & “stealth”, placing key people silently into areas that would turn state laws upside down & allow persecution, through lawfare, of individuals. CO used to be somewhat of a shining beacon for Christian expression, meetings & gatherings, etc. But since the approval of legal Marijuana (which was billed as a way to bring in much needed revenue)…I barely recognize CO anymore. I had to move for physical health reasons but as I reflect back, it seems that it was just another way for the Lord to protect our family. (Not by coincidence, I no longer have those health problems).
Pray for CO. There are still many good people there. And specifically pray for revival, an awakening of the unsaved & for heart changes in the gov’t as well as the REMOVAL of many ungodly gov’t officials.
Minnesota is just like CO and other blue states BUT GOD! The church can be mocked but NOT our God and His creation.
Yes, Lord, teach me and lead me to be faithful not fearful; to be strong in spirit, not weak, to say with Polycarp: …these “years have I served Christ, nor has He ever done me any harm. How, then, could I blaspheme my King who saved Me?”
LORD, thank You that You ALWAYS provide for Your children ways of escape from temptation, You are our deliverer, our provider, our comforter. We only need to open our ears to hearvYour voice, open our eyes to see You leading us out of the path toward destruction, and open our hearts to receive Your comfort. We have NO FEAR because You, oh LORD, are with us!
All that matters, is that Greater is He who is in me, than he who is in the world. If we can hold on to this truth, we have everything that we need to get us through this earthly existence part of life. Thank you Jesus.
In 1946 the Reverend Frank C. Laubach released his book, Prayer : the mightiest force in the world. Here is a quote from the book’s first paragraph that is just as relevant for today as when it was written in 1946: “’Let’s pray hard, you guys, or this ship is going to blow up.’ That American sailor told the truth about the “good ship earth,” as well as his own carrier. For our wounded world is full of holes and fires. One more global war and we shall all be destroyed. ‘Pray hard, you guys, or this ship’s going to blow up.’”
We are two months away from a presidential election that could change our nation from a Christian nation to one that we don’t even recognize. Intercessors For America tell us: “With America’s rising tide of paganism, including self-proclaimed witches and first-time spellcasters, evil is becoming more palpable (visible, noticeable, detectable).”
We must come to the Lord in prayer realizing that we are in a tremendous battle for victory in our nation.
Father, you see your servant Jack and the dilemma he is facing and has faced already. I know that you will continue to give him victories in and through you as he fights these powers of darkness. Keep him strengthened for the spiritual fight and courageously doing your work. Show him through victory that when a man’s ways please the Lord he will make even is enemies be at peace with him. (Proverbs 16:7) I love your word. I love who you are — faithful and true. Your word is real and never changing and I know you said it will not return to you void. You are an awesome God and so worthy to be praised. I exalt you My Lord and Savior. To you be all Glory, Honor, Power and Praise. In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen