I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, we ask for Your divine wisdom and help as we face these heavy issues facing our nation and it's leaders. Guide us with Your Spirit. Give us Your strength.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Throughout human history, our God-given liberties and freedoms have often been brutally crushed by oppressive governments, and that is still happening all over the world today.Ā Ā But in our time, an additional threat to our liberties and freedoms has emerged.

Global corporations just continue to get larger and more powerful, and in recent years they have been increasingly using that power to shape society.Ā Ā This is a very dangerous trend, because in the western world many of the constraints that our national governments are forced to operate under simply do not apply to corporations. . . .

Here in the United States, the federal government still has a monopoly on power in areas such as border security, national defense and foreign policy. . . .

Our politicians can help to foster an environment that will be favorable for economic growth, but it is the corporations that really determine whether the economy will grow or not.

In fact, it could be argued that the corporations are the economy at this point. . . .

If you doubt this, just try to ā€œgo it on your ownā€ without ever using any corporate products, without ever dealing with a big tech company, and without ever bringing in any income from any corporate source whatsoever.

These days, most of our lives are defined by our corporate overlords.Ā  They decide what job you will have, what your pay will be, what hours you will work and what your health plan will look like. . .

As we move into the future, being guilty of ā€œthought crimeā€ is going to eliminate large blocks of people from ever having certain types of jobs.Ā  If you do not pledge fealty to the current version of political correctness, you simply will not be permitted to hold a prominent position in society.

If your beliefs are considered to be ā€œoffensiveā€, you may get to mop the floors for the elite if you are lucky. . . .

Consider the events of the last month. Social media sites banned the sitting president of the United States from their platforms. A purge of conservative voices onĀ TwitterĀ ensued.Ā AmazonĀ Web Services expunged Parler, a conservative social media site, from the internet. Just days later, YouTubeĀ blockedĀ public access to aĀ SenateĀ hearing on COVID-19.

These events confirmed what many of us have long known: true political power no longer resides in Washington, but in Silicon Valley. Big Tech now effectively decides who has the right to speak, who has the right to assemble online and who has the ability to build a business in the digital age. For many Americans, Twitterā€™s terms of service agreement now has more power over what they can and cannot say in the public square than the First Amendment does.

In the old days, Americans could go to the public square and say anything that they want. . . .

Freedom of speech is a thing of the past on the Internet, and more voices are being ā€œdeplatformedā€ with each passing day. . . .

On Wednesday, it wasĀ LifeSiteNewsā€¦

YouTube just completely removed the LifeSiteNews YouTube channel. This isnā€™t a temporary ban; every single one of our videos is completely gone. ..Ā  .

On Thursday, Twitter suspended Project Veritas.

Project Veritas would like to continue to share their information in the public square, and I would like to continue to share it with my readers.Ā  In fact, I share Project Veritas videosĀ on The Most Important News all the time. . . .

ā€œCancel cultureā€ has gotten wildly out of control, and it is starting to infect every area of our society.Ā  Here is moreĀ from Orrin Hatchā€¦

The pattern of ā€œcancelingā€ individuals for social media posts is well established. This can result in deplatforming, termination of employment orā€”if youā€™re baseball legend Curt Schillingā€”even losing your health insurance. Weā€™re used to seeing cancel culture on a micro-scale: a newspaper editor being fired here, a university professor being suspended there. But now, thanks to an assist from Big Tech, weā€™re seeing cancel culture on a much broader level. Take the mass cancelation of Parlerā€™s more than 10 million users, or growing calls to ban Fox News, Newsmax and other right-leaning channels altogether. If successful, these efforts will shrink the window of acceptable viewpoints in American society until conservatives find themselves on the outside. . . .

Children that are guilty of ā€œthought crimeā€ wonā€™t get into good schools, they will never be allowed to have good jobs, they will be shunned by banks and financial institutions, and they will be banned or marginalized by all of the major entities on the Internet. . . .

In fact, it is dangerous for you to be reading this article right now.

They are always watching everything that you do on the Internet, and expressions of noncompliance are not acceptable in this brave new world that we live in.

(Excerpt from Zero Hedge. Article by Tyler Durden. Photo Credit: Dreamstime.)

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February 20, 2021

Lord Jesus, you know the hearts of all, you know the evil that is taking place right now in government, big tech & corporations. We ask that you expose it all and provide victory for Your children. Rescue us from these powerful enemies – Psalm 18:17 He rescued me from from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me. Let us be good stewards of what you have given us, help us to see places that we can support & shop at that support our freedoms. Amen

February 18, 2021

Just a thought. Not knowing what God will or will not do, I cannot speak for Him. But one thought continues to cross through my mind many times throughout the last few years. I think of how much of the self proclaiming and self determined all powerful silicone valley sits on a major fault line. And when any person, group of people, corporation(s), etc. repeatedly puts themselves in the rightful place of God and refuses to change…then there is no telling what God may have to do to get their priorities in perspective.
Just something to consider.

February 18, 2021

jesus is my elder brother

Sharon S
February 18, 2021

Lord God I pray your protection be around each internet link to this article. All Ipads
..phone links …internet links be hidden from any prying eyes and that the prying eyes are blinded to those connections
I plead the Blood of Jesus over all IFA links and information of Truth. Let them and all who are viewing these articles be protected by the Blood of Jesus. I pray that no evil entity has any kind of access to these internet connections. I n Jesus name.


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