“The backbone of Kingdom authority and power is found in the commission. Discovering God’s original commission and purpose for mankind can help to fortify our resolve to a life of history-changing significance” (Bill Johnson, from When Heaven Invades Earth).
In this admonition we are reminded of the commission given by God to the original inhabitants of earth in the Garden of Eden: “God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground’.” (Genesis 1:28) Though Adam and Eve sinned and lost their God-given authority to rule the earth and fulfill this mandate, Jesus bought it back at Calvary.
We Are Born to Rule
In redeeming man, Jesus retrieved what man had given away. From the throne of triumph, He declared, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore…” (Matthew 28:18 – 19) In other words, “I got it all back. Now go use it and reclaim mankind.”
In this passage Jesus fulfills the promise He made to the disciples when He said, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 16:19) The original plan was never aborted; it was fully realized once and for all in the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. We were then to be completely restored to His plan of ruling as a people made in His image. And, as such, we would learn how to enforce the victory obtained at Calvary: “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.” (Romans 16:20)
We were born to rule—rule over creation, over darkness—[and] to plunder hell and establish the rule of Jesus wherever we go by preaching the gospel of the Kingdom. Kingdom means “King’s domain.” In the original purpose of God, mankind ruled over creation. Now that sin has entered the world, creation has been infected by darkness; namely [sin and depravity,] disease, sickness, afflicting spirits, poverty, natural disasters, demonic influence, etc. Our rule is still over creation, but now it is focused on exposing and undoing the works of the devil. We are to give what we have received to reach that end (Matthew 10:8).
If I truly receive power from an encounter with the God of power, I am equipped to give it away. The invasion of God into impossible situations comes through a people who have received power from on high and learn how to release it into the circumstances of life (pp. 30 – 33).
As we continue to pray for our government and those leading, we can be assured of our present commission to pursue godly rule on the earth. “When the righteous triumph, there is great elation; but when the wicked rise to power, people go into hiding.” (Proverbs 28:12) Our commission remains the same since the beginning of creation. We were called to destroy the works of the evil one so that God’s kingdom would be fully demonstrated on the earth (1 John 3:8). May we continue to intercede for all those whom the Lord is calling to rule in this hour so that our commission is fulfilled and His Bride made ready for His return.
The highest heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth He has given to mankind (Psalm 115:16).
Prayer Points:
- Pray for believers to embrace their God-given commission (Genesis 1:28, Psalm 8:6-8).
- Pray for believers to exercise their God-given authority in prayer (Luke 10:19).
- Pray that Kingdom foundations would be strengthened and expanded (Isaiah 9:7).
- Pray for righteous rulers to govern and displace the wicked (Proverbs 29:2).
Join us for our monthly Prayer Conference Call TODAY, March 2, at 12 noon ET. President of IFA, Dave Kubal, will be sharing more on this scriptural mandate and how intercessors can be more actively involved in righteous rule in this nation.
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Lord may Your power rest on those whom You have called to intercede for this nation,for the church the people. May Your love manifest in us and overflow to those around us that we may accomplish what You have called us to do. Give us open eyes and ears, even understanding heart to fully comprehend Your mandate in this nation. May the Spirit of Unity bind us, Your children as we accomplish our tasks according to Your will. Thank You Lord. In Jesus Name.
We have been told what to do, pray, then how to pray, unceasingly, and for whom, all, therefore let us actively pray for God’s good and perfect will each day. Do not stop interceding for our elected and appointed officials to know Truth and lead with authority granted by ourbLird and king.
Amen! Amen! and Amen!
Let’s wisely put our God-given authority into practice and be amazed at the outcome.