You’ve probably read articles with some variation of this headline in recent days: ONE YEAR since the world as we know it (depending on the author) “changed,” or “shut down,” or “ENDED.”
It does seem as if we managed to cram a decade’s worth of uncertainty into just the past 12 months. . . .
Christians—many of whom, like me, were taught as children a song about building our house on the immovable ROCK of Jesus Christ—are often as susceptible to fear as everyone else.
In the past 12 months, I’ve seen so many social media posts and read many editorials from Christians stoking fear. Fear about election results. Fear about the government leveraging a virus to control or close down churches. Fear about whether our government will protect religious freedom, or instead force secularist standards on churches and Christian-owned businesses. . . .
As I reflect on places around the world where Christian brothers and sisters have no religious freedom, and where their government actively opposes every form of Christian activity, I’m reminded that it is often those places where God is moving most powerfully. . . .
In 1979, there was a massive shift in political power in Iran. The Islamic Revolution put the mullahs—Islamic leaders—in charge of the entire nation. They promised a nation run strictly according to Islamic principles, as if the Quran was the constitution and Imam Ali head of state.
For Iranian Christians, and those praying for them around the world, it must’ve seemed like the worst news possible. What place would there be for Christians—especially “apostate” converts from Islam—in the Islamic Republic of Iran? Many believed the end of the church in Iran was at hand.
Forty years later, those pronouncements seem laughable. Today, according to Joshua Project, the fastest-growing church in the world is in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Looking at Joshua Project stats, we can confidently say that more Muslims have come to Christ in Iran in 41 years since the Islamic revolution than did so during the roughly 1,400 years between the advent of Islam and 1979. . . .
Pastors like Haik Hovsepian and Mehdi Dibaj were murdered. Pastor Hossein Soodmand was executed. Every above-ground, “building church” that held services in Farsi—the national language of Iran—has been closed.
House church meetings are raided by authorities. Christians are interrogated, arrested, tortured and sexually assaulted. I will never forget a conversation with an Iranian Christian who told me that he and his wife had discussed in depth her response if she were to be arrested and raped because of her witness for Christ.
It has not been easy. There has been much suffering. Yet gospel workers inside the country, as well as secular survey results, confirm that hundreds of thousands of Iranian Muslims have come to Christ. . . .
As the government became more strictly Islamist, the people became less so. Iranian evangelists VOM works with estimate nearly three-quarters of Iranians have rejected Islam. As the government became more openly hostile to Christianity, the people became curious about how Jesus and His “good news” could be a threat to their nation.
I have Iranian friends who point out that Ayatollah Khomeini—the stern face of the Islamic Revolution—drove so many people away from Islam that he can rightfully be called the greatest force for propagating Christianity in the history of Iran!
God is perfectly capable of advancing His Kingdom and His purposes, regardless of government efforts to stop Him. . . .
I pray—and I hope you do, too—for God’s will to be done on Capitol Hill, and in our state capitals. And, more importantly, I pray for God’s will to be done in our churches, and in my own heart.
But when I hear friends say the Biden administration or the Equality Act, coronavirus restrictions or some heretofore unknown threat will be the end of the church in America, I can only smile and think of the place with the fastest growing church in the world—the Islamic Republic of Iran.
How were you encouraged by this article? Share in the comment below!
(Excerpt from Fox News. Article by Todd Nettleton. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)
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Woah! So true!! THANK you for this incredibly encouraging article!! The Spirit of Almighty GOD lives IN His people! And is mightier than any other power!! All Glory to Him the King of all kings!
What an encouraging article. We must keep praying and knowing that God has a plan.
The observation has been made more than once in Christian history that Father God has built His Church on the graves of His martyrs. Precious in the Father’s sight is the death of His Saints.
LORD GOD, fill your children with the grace we all need to live for YOU in whatever capacity to which you call us. We will follow You wherever You lead knowing that to live is Christ, to die is gain. LORD, make our testimony an indictment to those who hate You and a bold proclamation to those who love You. We Bless You Heavenly Father, we can do no less.
This is a truly encouraging article for Christians around the world!
Thanks be to God our Heavenly Father and Savior of those who believe in Him and receive the free gift of life with Him after death! Praise His Holy Name forevermore!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
This was a very interesting and thought provoking article. I do believe we will see continued assaults on Christianity and yes, I expect it to backfire on those who are pushing these wicked and Godless agendas. Lord You work in mysterious ways indeed! In Jesus precious name I pray their plans be thwarted and Your will be done, Amen.
So glad I read this article. I receive the VOM monthly magazine and receive each week 3 nations and their needs to pray for. It is my “sobering ” news. Makes me realize how blessed I am and gives me a more compassionate heart. Have other people joining me to be connected to this ministry. That is how I knew what great work for the kingdom is happening in Iran. Thank you so much for sharing this. That is one body of Christ who does not take their faith for granted. most sincerely, Linda
This was an excellent article and it is encouraging to see that God has grown His church in Iran. As Christians we have had it easy up to this point in our country. We don’t know what is coming but I believe it’s time for Christians here to build muscle and be grounded in truth.
Traditionally, the church has been built on the blood of the martyrs. I pray for God’s people to rise up, stand against fear and be the light that God has made us to be.
An encouraging article reminding us that the Church will be triumphant and the Glory of God will be seen. Iam excited to give witness to the Glory of God in our nation. “Show us Your Glory O God, and renew in us a strong faith that will give testimony to an Awesome God. We look to you O Lord and rejoice in the God of our salvation. Amen
The stories from VOM about the persecuted church around the world should make all of us fall on our knees for what we have experienced in the United States with our freedoms. We may soon be tested but be inspired by the witness of those around the world who “suffer” for their faith. Pray for their safety.
Praise God! Until The Nets Are Full!! God is and always will be in TOTAL control! Now is the time like never before to reach as many as we can!!
We Still Stand on the “solid rock.”
I agree.
This article about how the body of believers in Iran were persecuted for their faith is a great reminder for ALL believers! Jesus said we would be persecuted, He also said we would have troubles in this world;yet He gave us the Spirit & the Word which both give us Hope, Promises for times such as these.
Sovereign God,
You see,You know,You care! Help us to keep looking unto You, our Refuge & strength.
In Jesus Name, Amen!
I’ve been a Christian for a very long time and I certainly believe in the sovereignty of the Lord our God however it’s okay if you physically and verbally stop a strong man from coming into your house and taking over your life so I believe that we need to do something to keep this from happening to us. This is not a political problem this is a problem of good versus evil. I pray that God will in his sovereign way fixe this problem but we the people need to stand our ground in the name of our King Jesus. Father God give the Christians in this nation knowledge and wisdom I pray for all the people that father God will open our eyes our ears and our hearts so that we be able to stand strong and in faith that we have but one king and his name is Jesus Christ we love him and we will follow him and he will keep us strong and safe from all harm of the evil one
God is our refuge and our Rock and we must cling to Him. It is sad that percuition has to come for people to turn to Christ but if that be let it come. god help us to be strong in the face of evil. Our Hope is in christ alone and He will deliver us as we stand with our whole armor on His armor and faith in Christ alone for He will fight for us as we trust Him. Be strong , be very strong for the Lord fights our battles for us as we trust Him and not be in fear for what can man do to us? Be in the Word and build yourselves up in Christ. Stand strong on the Word and seek His face, He hears and He will answer and show us great and mighty things. Encourage one another in the Word Open your homes for prayer!!!!!!Remember you may be one but one can put ten thousand to flight!!!!!!! Your prayers are heard and God will answer. He loves His children , remember He suffered and died for us and rose again and His Holy Spirit is with us to guide us in all our ways. Be a blessing to someone today while it is yet day.!!!!!!!
Father God, I thank You that You are our certainty. Thank You for Your new mercies every morning, Your constant grace, and Your unfailing love.
Iran and China are both perfect examples of the first church in Acts. Persecution was often the fuel used to ignite and grow the holy fire of Christ! Lord, grant us wisdom, courage and boldness as the days grow darker. Help us to remember that as they grow dark the light of Christ grows brighter. Grant us confidence as we share the gospel and help us find our strength through the power of Your Holy Spirit. I John 4:4 reminds us that “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because HE who is in You is GREATER than he who is in the world.” Thank You for Jesus. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit and thank You for Your amazing love! Fan the flames within and give us what we need most as we occupy and wait for Your soon return. Maranatha Lord Jesus, come! In Your Name we pray!
Oh my goodness, YES, YES, YES!!! All praise and glory be to God…Sovereign and in charge.
This is also exactly what has happened in communist China as well. When communism took over in the 1940s there were hardly any Christians and now it’s one of the largest Christian nations -China has more Christians than the US now -under intense persecution the church has flourished! I have had the same feelings about the US while there is much to be afraid of from a secular perspective, those of us who trust in Christ find hope and encouragement in Christ alone & not whether or not we have freedom of religion or free speech or any earthly freedom at, all our freedom is not truly here it’s in Christ alone. There are prisoners behind bars for life who have become believers and they are more free than unbelievers walking around outside of the prison . Those of us praying for revival understand that this may be the way it comes to America. May the Lords will be done! All glory to God!
An enormously encouraging word for the day and time we are living in right now! I truly believe the very same scenario will definitely occur right here in our country, the great United States of America! And with that occurrence, we will be able to reach out to many countries and nations in the world! Our GOD IS IN CONTROL!!!
Amen and hallelujah!
Very encouraging… heartbreaking but encouraging nonetheless. No one or government can stop the will & purposes of Almighty God to advance his kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. There is a cost… we must deny ourselves take up the cross & follow Christ. To God be the glory. Amen!