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Father, we thank you for the results of this survey. Continue to change hearts, Lord, and restore your perspective on identity in our culture!
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More and more Americans are starting to see the flaws in the transgender movement’s arguments. Praise God!

From Gallup. A larger majority of Americans now (69%) than in 2021 (62%) say transgender athletes should only be allowed to compete on sports teams that conform with their birth gender. Likewise, fewer endorse transgender athletes being able to play on teams that match their current gender identity, 26%, down from 34%.

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These results are based on Gallup’s annual Values and Beliefs survey, conducted May 1-24. …

The shift toward greater public opposition to transgender athletes competing on the basis of their current gender identity has occurred at the same time that more U.S. adults say they know a transgender person. Thirty-nine percent of Americans, up from 31% in 2021, say someone they know personally has told them they are transgender.

But both Americans who know and do not know a transgender individual have become less supportive of allowing transgender athletes to play on the team of their choice. Currently, 30% of those who know a transgender person favor allowing athletes to play on teams that match their current gender identity, down from 40% in 2021. Among those who do not know a transgender person, support is now 23%, down from 31%.


Republicans, Democrats and independents are all modestly less supportive of transgender athletes playing on current gender identity teams today than two years ago. The result of these changes is that Democrats are now divided on allowing transgender athletes to play on either male or female teams, while in 2021 more were in favor than opposed. Large majorities of independents (67%) and Republicans (93%) remain opposed to giving transgender athletes a choice of competing on male or female teams. …

Majority Say Changing One’s Gender Is Morally Wrong

The survey also asked about Americans’ more general views on being transgender. A majority, 55%, consider “changing one’s gender” to be more “morally wrong,” while 43% say it is “morally acceptable.”

Those results are slightly less accepting than in 2021, when Gallup last asked the question — 51% thought changing one’s gender was morally wrong, and 46% morally acceptable. …

Bottom Line

Laws that restrict participation for transgender athletes are generally in line with U.S. public opinion on the issue. People who know a transgender individual continue to be more accepting of pro-transgender policies than those who do not, but the relationship has weakened in the past two years. …

What do you think of the results of this survey? Share this article to keep people informed.

(Excerpt from Gallup. Photo Credit: Vince Fleming on Unsplash)

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Mala Gail Pedrick
June 27, 2023

As a former Physical Education teacher, coach and female athlete in Field Hockey, Basketball, Softball, and Track and Field it is a no brainer that biological born males should ever compete against a female, take a shower etc. A Kindergarten student would be able to tell you males are stronger, faster etc than females. I am ashamed of NCAA and other organizations, the President of the United States for putting female athletes in physical Danger as well as supporting a small minority of people radical and dangerous ideas..

Grant Windholz
June 19, 2023

Help these egotistical men who failed victoriously against male competitors, not to experience convergence to become female in order to win. This is truly demonically evil!! Let them witness the truth!!

June 17, 2023

Yes !!! Amen!! Good created them male and female. Does our all-wise and perfect God know what He’s doing ? Absolutely. Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. “ Other ideas from mankind never work out well. God is God; there is no other!!

June 17, 2023

As a former coach of 20+ years, I can honestly say I’ve never met another coach & don’t know of any parents (same) that were ever in agreement or endorsing “trans” competing in a sport that was opposite their birth gender. And the vast majority of my coaching experience is from public schools in liberal states.
Let us use real discernment when reading about certain polls – even if they come from well known Gallup. The percentages given are NOT a reflection of the real world – the percentage is MUCH HIGHER than what’s given. I didn’t even know of any coaches, that were non-believers, who agreed with it. Let’s remind ourselves that the enemy of mankind, Satan, is using every lie possible today, in an attempt to destroy this nation – including “skewed polls”. Yes, we’re in a battle but part of that battle is filtering out the ongoing lies of the devil who is using anything & everything to make us believe otherwise. I’m grateful for the article & what it’s expressing but again, the percentages are in the high 80 percentile.

    June 17, 2023

    Satan doesn’t even deserve a capital”s”… let’s start writing the evil ones name with SMALL “s”’

melody strohm
June 17, 2023

I would suggest transgenders should have their own team – trans vs trans. Do not allow any trans into a biological all female team. Let the trans compete among themselves and not contaminate an all female team!

June 17, 2023

Commonsense says the men, born that way, should never be allowed to compete in women’s sports, totally unfair.

Daniel Felice
June 17, 2023

I did meet one women who was a transgender who’s name was Steve. Steve is a server in a restaurant. I treated her like would any server; with respect and courtesy. Good service, good food, good tip. Just showing God’s kindness to one of His children. (Steve was the name she went by, I changed to protect her tru identity. $


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