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I Prayed have prayed
Lord Jesus, we trust You and entrust our government officials to You. May they fulfill Your divine purposes for their lives — and ours.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

On Oct. 4, 2023, between 2:20 p.m. and 2:50 p.m. EST, every cell phone in the United States will receive a test alert from FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Administration) and the FCC (Federal Communications Commission). The test message will read: “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.” Phones with the main menu set to Spanish will display: “ESTA ES UNA PRUEBA del Sistema Nacional de Alerta de Emergencia. No se necesita acción.”

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The emergency alert system is familiar to everyone. That unique noise coming from your television set, followed by, “This is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System,” began in 1963. In 1997, the Emergency Alert System (EAS) replaced the old system.  Wireless alerts, or WEA (Wireless Emergency Alerts) have been used in recent years. These wireless messages include Amber alerts, public-safety alerts, and imminent-threat alerts related to natural or man-made causes. While President Trump was in office, the Presidential Alert system was unveiled and tested, in the event of a national emergency.

People who live in Tornado Alley are familiar with siren warnings that sound publicly to alert people to take cover. Cell phones provide a way to reach many people in a moment or two, with a warning.

Once this test was scheduled and announced for Oct. 4, people started expressing real and legitimate concerns.

What might be the impact of the federal government accessing all of our cell phones at once?

How could this power be used or misused by our government or by an unfriendly foreign actor?

Is this really what they are saying it is?


Many Americans do not trust our government and leaders. In fact, the Founders warned us about allowing the U.S. government to become a behemoth administrative state, effectively run by lifelong bureaucrats with vested interests in keeping the massive organization plodding along without change. Certainly, the growth of the administrative state and its increasing impact on our lives is a fact.

In other words, people responded with fear and worry about an invasion of their privacy and rights.

But that’s not the only fear. The fact is that cell phone alerts of any kind may make us feel more fearful and worried. IFA contributing writer Jamie Rohrbaugh recently wrote a piece about how consuming news and conspiracy theories impacted her negatively, and she made the decision to limit her news intake. What she wrote applies to emergency alerts as well:

Should we be aware of things? To some degree, yes. That’s wisdom. But are Christians called to talk conspiracy theories, walk conspiracy theories, and eat conspiracy theories for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

Replace “conspiracy theories” with “alerts.” What impact do they have on you? Each of us has a unique and individual answer. But at least for some, alerts cause anxiety and fear. More alerts, therefore, will cause more anxiety and fear, especially in children. (And, by the way, think about this: Children who have cell phones will receive Amber alerts and more. Is that really appropriate?)

IFA intercessors know what to do. We pray. Here are some prayer and action points to consider:

“Perfect love casts out fear” (1 John 4:18). Spend more, not less, time with the Lord. Let Him “quiet you with His love” and “rejoice over you with singing” (Zephaniah 3:17).

Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe (Proverbs 29:25). I have always thought that this verse was about people-pleasing, and it is. But as I just read it in this context, it struck me that being afraid of our government, or of Putin, or of the CCP — all these are a snare. These are all “men” or “mankind.” They are all subject to God, and He has the final say about what happens in our world. He has total and complete authority: Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together.  … He who sits in the heavens laughs … (Psalm 2:1–4). Our best prayer (and our best action) is trusting in the Lord — asking God to increase our trust, and then obeying whatever He tells us.

The simple believe anything, but the prudent give thought to their steps (Proverbs 14:15). Before you believe anything, test it. Ask the Lord. Pray for discernment. Charles Spurgeon said: “Discernment is not knowing right from wrong, it is knowing right from almost right.” Discernment is what we need in this age in which artificial intelligence and technology make it so easy to deceive and to be deceived.

“… Do whatever he tells you” (John 2:5). Have you ever considered how like an intercessor Mary was at the wedding in Cana? She appealed to Jesus because the host was out of wine. This wasn’t her personal need — it was true intercession for another. Then, although Jesus’ answer to her could be interpreted as a no, she tells the servants to do whatever Jesus said. Just so, we can appeal to Jesus about the warning system, the dangers of technology in the hands of our government, and the impact on all of us. Then, we do whatever He tells us to do. Ask Him. Listen. He will tell you.

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love (1 Corinthians 16:13). Paul ends his first letter to the Corinthians with words that can encourage us today. Whatever may pass, we are held in God’s hands. Elisabeth Elliot used to say that nothing touches us that hasn’t already passed through God’s loving hands. 

What prayers and/or action would you add? Please share in the comments!

(Photo Credit: Gilles Lambert on Unsplash)

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October 5, 2023

Psalm 91 covers it all and feeding and meditating, my spirit man/woman on what God says, like God told Joshua in Joshua 29:11-14

Juan Ordonez
October 5, 2023

Thank you Father four your peace and wisdom. I appreciate the prayers and insights from our brothers and sisters here at Intercessors for America. From their prayers we receive of Your discernment, your peace and courage for these days. In the name of Jesus we pray for discerment for our leaders, for our pastors and every believer, Amen.

Ronald Duthweiler
October 4, 2023


October 4, 2023


Josephine McInnis
October 4, 2023

Father help we who believe in Jesus Christ set are eyes, minds and hearts fully on You Lord Jesus

Barbara Betz
October 4, 2023

God we thank You for The Power, Wisdom, and Clarity of Holy Spirit.
Father we know Your Love, in that You give us free will to invite Holy Spirit into our being.
Father, this planned and willfull invasion into our very thought life is not from You.
Father God You force no one to do any thing.
God in Heaven, Jesus Lord and Savior, Holy Spirit, You are our Wisdom, Comfort, and Revealor of all things.
Father YOU control wicked tyranny. Father may You turn this unsolicited invasion, into Your Good.
Father, call every soul in this nation, to cry out to You for Salvation, for Your Holy Spirit to fill us with Your Holy Discernment.
Holy Spirit Discernment to separate and know what is of You God, from what is man’s idea of good.
Father use this invasion into our privacy, as a spring board to share The Good News of Jesus, Jesus Who never forces Himself upon anyone.
God Your Perfect Love casts out fear. We rejoice and give thanks that You God, Are, Creator of All. You God are in perfect control of All. Father as we Your people,
Called by Your Name,
Humble ourselves and pray, turn from our own personal wicked ways and our own subtle sin, as we sincerely Seek Your Face, You will hear our cries from Heaven, and heal our political leaders, heal our land.
You God are Worthy of it all. Stir us to sincerely pray for those mortal men and women in office. They are people created in Your Image as well. In Jesus Name Amen.

Jill Harbin
October 4, 2023

I have prayed from these scriptures for a very long time over our:
•government (every level-local, state and national)
•our leaders (be men and women of integrity and justice)
•our nation (one nation under GOD)

Isaiah 32:1-8, Isa 28:14-17,
Psalm 72, Luke 11:17-20.
All from the Good News translation.


Eunice Johnson
October 4, 2023

I am concerned about all of what is going on and I am in constant prayer 🙏. So instead of praying for fifty days let us pray every day for His sovereignty to rule not just in the government but in our lives as well. That we need to trust Him in all things and to thank Him for His blessings in all things. So let us put it in His hands and leave it there.

Brian Lynch
October 4, 2023

We need to place our trust and hope in the Lord, and not be worrying about our government or their unholy actions. Jesus is greater, and provides for ALL of our needs. That is more than we can ever hope or expect from our government. Thank You Lord, for Your unfathomable goodness.

    October 4, 2023

    s John Stuart Mill, in an address at the University of St. Andrews in 1867: “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends than that good men should look on and do nothing.”

hannah hunter
October 4, 2023

I looked up what 2 20 means in the Bible .- Count their old sinful lives as having died with Christ. Replace the ego, the self. Put on the character of Jesus Christ by following His lead and example in every aspect of their lives. Prayed and gave this word to my children. Praying any thing nefarious will be thwarted and attempt for demonic to come through our phone will be confused and turned back. Take courage and fear not.

    October 4, 2023

    Hannah, I do not understand what you mean when you say you looked up 220.. you mean you looked up that number in a concordance by itself?

Susan Stulting
October 4, 2023

Pray for God to help us:
USA to overcome:
fetanyl deaths (especially older youth)
womb deaths (especially by killing)
suicide deaths (especially lost identity)
False news/teaching/science
Wrong values, dependencies, ways
Laws breaking families (welfare discourages women from marriage because then lose welfare that pays more than man can make and women afraid cannot then survive if lose welfare. Build into welfare incentives for skills training for potential husband to become able to provide and gentler off ramp to $ for wife. (Example of gentle $ off ramp is that Disability gives 9 months to try job to see if able, before lose full check.) Welfare could reduce pay 10% every year whenever wife nor spouse don’t take any job skills training nor internship offered by government nor organization such as Christian Women’s (or Men’s) Job Corp.
Also, God help LOCAL and STATE governments and churches to develop plan to house, quarantine, and train illegal immigrants (not endorsing illegal actions, but dealing with what is currently caused by executive branch of federal government in loving way). My idea is to make small community half-way-house training containment area for illegal immigrants to get medical checks and health help, English as second language, used clothing (Baptist churches I know sometimes provide these type things freely and would I think help if invited, especially if allowed to offer Bible teaching for kids even involving Child Evangelism Fellowship and Bible Study Fellowship that many denominations agree with to such communities). Likewise, Christian organizations also provide job skills training, such as Red Cross and Christian Women’s Job Corp and Christian Men’s Job Corp. Also, schools such as Drake Technical could use opportunity for their students led by their teachers to teach skills like plumbing and electrical and carpentry and roofing to the immigrants and Calhoun could teach computer and GED so immigrants could become citizens. They need civics and history to know how to vote. There could be a camp or cabins or cottages surrounding a lodge or maybe a typically unfilled state park that could house immigrants for training months. I’ve thought of wanting to go to border to help the poor children being led into our country to know Jesus better. He is the supplier both spiritually and physically and God can change this human disaster of illegal immigration into a blessing for all. He is so able!!!

October 3, 2023

Putin is not the problem. Please wake up and understand the war that he is fighting – he has been portrayed incorrectly – he is fighting trafficking and abuse like most (unawake Christians and the like) would not believe. Ukraine is and has always been a part of Russia. They never fully declared separation from Russian and then were taken over by total evil!!! (Many years previous to that also). I am glad to see many comments here using wisdom instead of fear. It is not wisdom to do nothing in regards to the evil that is happening around us daily. God would call us to use wisdom. Yes, God is our protector but He also calls us to action! Do some research and you will understand who the real enemy is. Unfortunately, sometimes the “world” is more wise than those who should know better. Hawaii today had an alert stating that they should stock up on fourteen days of food and water. Hmmm…. what could be going on? Also, Russia itself is having a similar EAS test and nuclear drills throughout the whole country the same day as us. Hmmm…I wonder what could be happening? It’s time to wake up and take action. Pray like never before for those who may be in harms way.

October 3, 2023

An Update about the EAS trial message/ test tomorrow from an individual very familiar with the technology, and what is going to be the test, is just Cell Phones. We tested the aluminum foil wrap around the phone called each other, and it worked! The phone did not ring, it recrived the call, but not ring, and accepted voicemail, but coild not retrieve it for few minutes after unwrapping phone. My phone was wrapped in foil sheets, crinkled up,not the aluminum from the roll in box, That did Not work! SO get the Reynolds wrap from the box, crinkle well and then wrap phone several times. This is not about laptops or computers its about tablets and phones. Be safe, do not worry, God Is In Control, Our God is an Awesome God✝️🛐🛐🛐

October 3, 2023

Dear Lord Jesus, I pray to you, and I ask that you will bring our nation together as one. Father that you will guard us against any ploys of the enemy you will give us eyes to see and ears to hear your truth, oh God.
Don’t let us speak to saved or to see others. Let your truth, soak
Pierce into our hearts and our minds that we will know beyond the shadow of a doubt Lord, the direction that we are to go & the words that we are to speak. We thank you Lord for your loving your mercy in Jesus mighty name amen

October 3, 2023

Dear Saints of G-D, be encouraged! Remember always, you are His forevermore!

by Eva

The L-RD is my Rock; my beloved Staff and Stay.
He is my blessed Redeemer; my Truth, Life and Way.
The L-RD is my Savior, my Deliverer, and more.
He is my Anchor of Hope and Heaven’s wide-opened Door.
The L-RD is my Eternal Reward and the New Song I sing.
He is my Almighty G-D and my “soon-coming” King.
The L-RD is my Faithful Shepherd. I shall never want!
He is my Well of Salvation, my Heavenly Fount.
The L-RD is my Comforter, Provider, Healer, and Friend.
He is my Alpha and Omega, my Beginning and End.
The L-RD is my Sunshine through all of life’s storms.
He is my Almighty Defender Who protects me from all harm.
The L-RD is my Lamp and Light Who guides my every way.
He is my Joy in the Morning each brand new day.
The L-RD is my Warrior Who puts my enemies to flight.
He is my Power when I’m weak. He’s my soul’s Pure Delight.
The L-RD is my Best Friend Who daily walks with me.
He is my Kinsmen Redeemer Who sets my heart free.
The L-RD is my Heavenly Father: My Eternal “True Love”.
He is my Joy and great Peace streaming down from above.
The L-RD is my Righteousness; His love for me never fails.
He is my Divine Wind blowing gently upon my sails.
The L-RD is my Beloved Captain, leading me to His Heavenly shore.
The L-RD is mine forever! And I am His forevermore!

Mari Williams
October 3, 2023

When there is a question in my mind about an action to take, I am learning to simply open the Word of GOD and ask HIM to speak to my heart. Recently, it has been amazing how many times I have opened the Bible to Psalms and there is GOD’s answer to my question in the first few lines I read right before my very eyes. What else should we expect of our loving Heavenly Father who is vitally interested in our doing what is right and is there by our side as we try to focus on what HE is saying to us. It is the Fatherly thing to do! Blessed be The Name of the LORD!

October 3, 2023

Absolutely, Amen! Totally about power and control. Our president is allowing this to happen. Someone asked me today, “Do you remember Obama saying we need a civil army?” I replied, no. She went on to say, “that with all the criminals flooding across our borders, they not coming for a better life: they are killers intent on destroying our country!” Kruschev said, “he would bury us from within.” I remember that as a 3rd grader in elementary school. Unfortunately, our government wants to harm Bible believing Christians by any means necessary. WHO wants to reduce earth’s population by 75%. Satan has deceived a lot of people in this world and time is running out for their salvation! He is sending Revival in HIs time, not ours but be steadfast as Jesus has overcome the world! If it was not for Jesus, there would not be any hope at all!

October 3, 2023

This is an excellent message. I greatly appreciate the truth of the scriptures. Refocus how we think. We don’t want to be deceived or railroaded by the government but we also should not fall healong into going along with Christian perspectives that are not based on scripture.

October 3, 2023

Thank you for this encouraging article! I pray we all keep our eyes on Jesus – Hebrews 12:2; John 16:33; & Isaiah 26:3 YOU will keep in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on YOU, because s/he trusts in YOU!

Jeminie Cricket
October 3, 2023

As a 25 year professional Firefighter I can tell you that the “fires” in Maui and especially Lahina, Hawaii were “NOT NATURAL” fires. I have studied fire behavior and know for certain that this was an act of evil. It was an act of evil from China and our own government by the way they handled the emergency. They are responsible for the deaths of an untold number of people. We are warned in Scripture about powers in high places. That is exactly what we are seeing here. Close your eyes or do something to call unto account they arbitrators of these evil acts. Prayer is certainly one of the first things we should do. However, true evil has to be confronted and not allowed to reign free. I suggest you make yourself aware and not become afraid but a force for good. We are THE CHURCH OF CHRIST AND THE GATES OF HELL SHALL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST IT!

    Sue Tracy
    October 3, 2023

    Lord, You are The Supreme Authority of our world and we praise and thank you leading and guiding us through this difficult time. We humbly ask that you would protect our Republic and strengthen her for the battle a head. We need your help and leadership for such a time as this. Thank you God turn our hearts back to you as we cry out for your intervention and your purpose for our nation. Help those in government to seek your will and be lead by you, we ask in the mighty Name of Jesus.

Laura Hinman
October 3, 2023

I agree with the comments about trusting God and not letting fear have any place in us. However, we must acknowledge that we are in a 5th generation war where the weapons used are silent and covert. C19 bio-weapons. The heavy hand of tyranny. Destruction of food production and supply. Chemical spills. Violent criminals flooding our borders. Harmful metals and nano-tech sprayed into the atmosphere. An unusual “fire” with many deaths in Lahaina. For the record, these are not ‘conspiracy theories’. They are real evils occurring with intent to kill us and destroy our nation. At minimum, testing all band widths (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, radio, and tv) all at once for a period of 2 hours is not beneficial to our health. Could there be intent to harm us? Absolutely! But instead of crying, “Conspiracy theory!”, let’s acknowledge the evil days we live in and hold up God’s Word as our shield: We shall not be afraid of the terror by night; nor for the arrow (i.e., frequency beam) that flies by day;

    Jeminie Cricket
    October 3, 2023

    I totally agree!

    October 3, 2023

    Everything you wrote is true! I served my country. Conspiracy theory? How about CCP running the United States Government behind the scenes through bribery. Federal agencies and administrations are CCP puppets that we employ. It’s a freak show right now. That’s a whole lot of money! Money is power.

    I also only serve one Master. Jesus, God’s Christ, The Son of The Living God. He knows every detail of these evils explicitly. He is still orchestrating His plan of the ages for those who believe.

    October 3, 2023

    Silent Sound Spectrum weaponry was used in the Gulf War by the US. It is fact obtained by the Freedom of Information Act. The US military took over local radio and broadcast silent messages simultaneously with the regular music. The silent messages caused our enemy combatants to suddenly lay down their weapons and surrender in a huge group. It’s good to keep this in mind as they test the airwaves tomorrow. My phone will be off during that time and away from my body.

Sandy M
October 3, 2023

What would happen if we just turned our phones off and removed the battery during the test period

    Jeminie Cricket
    October 3, 2023

    Most modern smart phones are made so that you can’t take the battery out. Faraday bag or an improvised Faraday bag is the only way to be sure your device is not being manipulated.

      October 3, 2023

      Someone said old microwave can be used as Faraday bag.

    October 3, 2023

    That is an excellent question!!

    Grace Warnock
    October 3, 2023

    Turn off all alerts in your settings. Turn off cell phones, and unplug TVs, radios, and computers at least an hour before and after the scheduled test in your time zone. Place your phone in a microwave or wrap it in aluminum foil. This sounds extreme, but being prepared is not a lack of faith or a sign of fear. It is wise. Stay in the Secret Place. Psalm 91 📖 ♥️🙏

      October 3, 2023

      This reminds me of the panic before Y2K…., because of social media ., etc they’ve got all the information on us… God’s our protector….

      October 3, 2023

      EMf’s. Are microwaves electronic microwave frequency
      Unplug microwave. AND DO NOT put the phones in there. They leak microwaves and attract the energy deployed from 5g 6g. Etc. Yes, 6 g is also in many places now
      Wrapping in foil, or the aluminum baking tins can be nent around them, unplug wifi modems, laptops turn off wrap in foils…tbere is somuch more to know,but do the best you can. KEEP PRAYING✝️🛐🛐🛐🌌🌌
      There are great websites for info just not sure we can share here

        Angi Glass
        October 3, 2023

        Thank you for thos great insight! Keep praying, Keep trusting our Lord and personal Savior Jesus Christ

Mary Pucci
October 3, 2023

So great! Thanks for this insight and wisdom.

October 3, 2023

Shut the borders. Stop Biden from killing our country. Stop PRITZGER. Evil people. SHUT THE BORDERS. WE should take care of our own first. Biden is killing the USA. Pray for Godly leaders to stand up to him.

Dawn Beck
October 3, 2023

For as long as I can remember we’ve had the monthly planned announcements on the radio and TV that lasted, what? 1 minute? So why do we need 30 minutes to sound an alarm on our cell phones? I don’t believe that we, as God’s children should be in fear, the Bible says to fear God alone and what can man do unto me?? But I heard clearly from the Lord about not taking the vax. It is quite evident that our government and their 3 letter unelected “arms” are not “for the people” or for the God we serve. And FEMA, seems to have been doing everything to hide truth from the people of Lahaina, and the news media is not digging or reporting anything other than what they are told to say, so why would anyone believe anything that they have to say? The Ekklesia has been sealed by the Holy Spirit of God, we have the mind of Christ indwelling us,
Pray, ask for discernment and unplug, why do we need to see if all of our phones can be monitored for 30 MINUTES??? Use wisdom and trust your Father.

    October 4, 2023

    The broadcast will last 30 minutes. The alert tone on your phone will only last a minute or so. They are also running the test on TV and radio. this is no different than the monthly test that the National weather service does. This is done periodically and required by law to ensure that the people of the the United States are informed of a major incident in a timely manner. The post talks about fear, and everyone here is offering prayers and encouragement to ‘Be not afraid’ yet you all are reacting in fear by wrapping your phone in foil, sticking them in the microwave, etc., none of which works against what you’re so afraid of. If this is indeed of the devil, then put your trust in God, and start playing Candy Crush on your phone at 2:20 ET, or what ever the equivalent is in you time zone. God does take care of His own.

October 3, 2023

James 1:4 When my faith is being tested, my preplanned response is JOY.
His strength envelopes me when I worship Him in Spirit. In His presence is fullness of Joy. Let’s keep being filled with all the fullness of God.

October 3, 2023

Ps 2:4 is my life verse right now. Also, is 41 in the amplified: …”harden me to difficulties” a great prayer daily.
A few thoughts. Shut the phone off so your child won’t hear the alarm.
Remember, we need the alarms. What if there was a tornado headed out way? How would we know w/o a warning?

    October 3, 2023

    There are natural signs that a tornado is approaching. The air will get still and quiet. Birds stop singing and flying. There will be a slight rush of cooler or cold air., and then the wind will pick up Time to take cover in the lowest place available to you. The sky might turn an ugly gray/green color. I grew up in tornado alley before there were alert systems. We learned to pay attention to the natural signs around us.

    Jeminie Cricket
    October 3, 2023

    You can now turn your phone “off” and government agencies can still access both video and audio from it. Thus has been thwcase for many years now. Only way to stop it is to put it in a Faraday cage. It’s not just our phones but or cable modems, wireless routers, TV’s with cameras, and other grid connected devices that can be manipulated. The man who was tasked to develop shoulder fired directed energy weapons for the military came out and said it was insane to use such powerful electromagnetic devices for cell phones and then put them to our ears and close to our brains. Folks this is not a government that wants to warn you. The want to control you. That my fellow Christians is the truth.

October 3, 2023

Be anxious for nothing……no fear, no worry, no intimidation….as a child of God, blood bought follower of Christ, what can man do to me……God laughs at man’s attempts to defeat His Kingdom.
I choose to walk in the peace the Holy Spirit gives in abundance; keeping my eyes on Jesus. Like a good Shepherd, Jesus guards all that He has been given from the Father…..that’s any man, woman, or child who put their trust in Jesus Christ’s death on the cross and resurrection from the dead. Amen

Deborah Ryder
October 3, 2023

Thank you Lord for always warning your people in advance to what you are allowing.

My trust increases as the truth from your Word is released to faithful ones who pray without ceasing and live in faith.

Bind all dear worry & dread, loose faith, hope and trust as your divine will unfolds, in Jesus’ name.

October 3, 2023

The church does not address or understand continuity of government, they do not understand laws and orders, military tribunals, nor do they understand DJT is commanding the military. Victories over our enemies are being won EVERY SINGLE DAY. Today I read and article that 2 children were rescued from a planned satanic ritual sacrifice at the hands of 2 deep state law makers (among others) who worship baphomet. Do you think you could cover that rescue? Or the arrest of General Milley?, or the hanging of Melissa Moore…the sadistic scientist behind the MRNA jab?..how about the arrest of Janet Yellen? In fact, there is so much goodness and justice coming from our Lord we just can’t handle it, because we’re addicted to bad news. Look for the truth, do your due diligence. Just maybe that “test” is a test for the church to wake up and smell the victory, to be in awe of God instead of the enemy.. Advance the line with the armor of God, we are the militia that brings the kingdom. Amen .

    October 3, 2023

    Amen and Amen, Stephanie!!!

    Terry Cook
    October 3, 2023

    Stephanie, where in the world did you get your information??? None of the claims you’ve made are factual–satire possibly but not actual. Prayer is critical to God’s work here so please check your sources before you ask the praying community to support fictions like those posted.

      Jeminie Cricket
      October 3, 2023

      I have been in Church all my life and only saved ain’t later life. I love God’s People but most are willingly blind to what us going on in our world. Just because you have not invested the time and resources in finding truth in our world does not mean you know what is truly going on. Many “Conspiracy Theories” are and have been proven to be the truth. Covid 19 vaccine was just the beginning and tip of the iceberg so to speak. Keep your mind closed at your own risk.

    October 3, 2023

    Where do you get your information?? I’ve had to back away from so much of this…,

October 3, 2023



P Nash
October 3, 2023

I’m turning my phone and any other connected devices off. I’ve had more than enough of the intrusive government.

David Unsell
October 3, 2023

When we heard about the warnings to turn off all devices and even through the breaker to our homes, I thought of Y2K. The church reacted to those predictions of impending gloom, but nothing happened. The church cannot react to these conspiracies with fear and hiding and them proclaim the protection of the Lord. The church will look foolish and will be fighting the wrong battles. Jesus told us Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth. When such predictions appear, let us ask Him, “Is this the truth?” We have felt no fear.

    Jeminie Cricket
    October 3, 2023

    Scripture also telks us this: “Ephesians 6:12
    King James Version
    12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
    Do you not see we are in the last days and this Scripture is for today?

S Yung
October 3, 2023

This article brings up great points for the world we live in today. Just as many of us “cut the cord” to television cable companies, so must we discern to stop allowing the outside fear from overtaking our joy. This includes the Christian media. Find out where God has called you and be locked in that area, otherwise there is information overload and prayer is choked out of our lives by dissolution. Also, as Christians, we need to recognize we must trust God as this article articulates, but here is the eye opener…be ready for God to allow suffering as His will for your life. Don’t just be of a mindset that “trusting” Him gives you ———-. It was God’s will for Paul to suffer so the gospel of Christ could be shared to the leadership of Rome. It was God’s will that Job loose everything. It was God’s will every disciple of Christ (the original 11) would die a martyrs death, except John, who was put in a prison camp on Patmos to haul rock when he was in his 90’s so he could pen the Book of Revelation. Trusting God is faith in your eternal salvation, not a life of happiness on earth. Yes, it includes happiness on earth at times, but be prepared for the ultimate sacrifice because whether He asks it of us or not, that is what our salvation cost Him.

    October 3, 2023

    Well said and we should be prepared for suffering as our Lord did. This is easy to say yet hard to accept when we have been given so much in this country. We must have an open hand for the Lord to put into it what He wishes; or to take out of it what He wishes. Pray continuously for His will to be done.

Julie Marx
October 3, 2023

The Lord’s 10-4 response to FEMA’s 10-4 agenda:
“The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds” (2 Corinthians 10:4).
Christ the King, our Lord, I thank You for Your victory that is already set in place and secure against any agenda of the enemy set for this day. I DECLARE “boomerang” on the enemy and I DECREE, in Jesus’ name, the tables will be turned on the enemy.

October 3, 2023

Praise God! thank you for addressing this issue.

“Why when wanting to validate something people say “well you know I read”
Or that “I’ve heard it said”
Or you know what “they say…”
My question to you is who are they?
Shouldn’t we know before we just obey?
I’ve said it before but it bears repeating
Otherwise the truth from people’s minds just keep on fleeting
Before you determine your course
Take some time to consider the source
Accepting a lie will cause your hope to derail
Be a lover of truth and don’t let your faith fail!
Believers let’s help each other steer clear
Of anything that would cause our hearts to fear
The spirit of fear is something we’re not of
It’s driven out by the power of His perfect love
So keep your mind on things above!
We can not afford to operate in fear
It keeps us from seeing our way clear.
Relinquishing our plans in the palm of God’s hand
Assures that His purposes for us will stand.
*Lisa West

2 Chronicles 20 “O our God… we don’t know what to do but our eyes are on YOU!

October 3, 2023

Amen, lead on! Praise god!

October 3, 2023

I think you are missing the point here. I am more concerned on why they are feeling the need to have a national alert system. I think they know something. Recently the CDC posted an awareness for radiation poisoning. We have to trust the Lord but also be aware of the times we are in and know how to pray. We need to be praying against terrorist attacks and attacks from within our own govt. because it isn’t a matter of if but when we will see it.

    October 3, 2023

    Funny you should mention radiation poisoning.. as that is truly what I believe covid is. 5G began in Wuhan. The towers there were the first ones turned on in the world. And when it occurred, people there began dropping like flies.. very sick, dying.. The public was smart enough to connect it to the 5G and some 21 million 5g devices just “went missing” within a day or two – meaning, the people trashed them. The Invisible Rainbow is a really good book that will explain not just that, but EMFs, dirty electricity, etc. and how it affects our bodies.

    During all of the shutdowns here in the US, guess what happened… 5g towers were put up EVERYWHERE. They’re on top of/next to school buildings, in shopping areas, on farms, etc.

    I agree that we, as Christians, shouldn’t spend all of our time looking into what’s really going on in the world (aka, “conspiracy theories”). However, we DO need to spend some time looking at them in order to be aware.. because anything that’s been labeled a conspiracy theory is what’s ACTUALLY going on. It’s because people who are able to critically think for themselves have figured things out and are sounding the alarm/shofar. So that we can be alert. It is very easy to “fall down rabbit holes” and become consumed by it all.

    I would also not give a second thought about Putin and Russia. The REAL issue in that area of the world is where all of our money is going – Ukraine. It’s where the hub for all of the international child sex trafficking is located. It’s where our govt is funding multiple other “wuhan-like” labs. We need to stop printing money to send to them, and instead, insist they give every dime back.

October 3, 2023

I understand everyone’s dear due to this current rogue administration who is desperate and will do anything to hold onto power. I believe they are preparing for something and this test might be apart of it. Remember Event 201 in October 2019 where the WHO, The CDC, Bill &Melinda Gates Foundation and journalists held an exercise or test on the effects of a novel coronavirus that broke out in Mexico through pigs and then spread to China before eventually becoming a global pandemic. Remember 9/11 =911. 10/4 is police language as well meaning copy, acknowledge, affirmative, and message received. They can also use sound frequencies as debilitating weapons. My advice would be to turn off all phones, radios and TV’s just in case. Don’t even risk it. Also The TX DMV went down twice in the past few months, the entire registration and inspection system, Dole Foods was hacked back in February where the hackers supposedly got a God Key, Square and CashApp both went down for 24 hours or longer a few weeks ago. Sony has been hacked and extorted by the hackers just last week and TX Department of Health and Human Services along with many other government agencies were hacked from May-27-31. I was notified by the contractor that was breached called Maximus that is contracted by TX Department of Health and Human Services that my 14 year old daughters name, address, SS #, DOB, and medical records may have been breached. These are hacks. Could be Russia and/or China or could be our own corrupt and rogue government. They are probably keeping the CashApp one quiet to prevent bank runs simce so many banks around America and the globe are linked to CashApp.

    October 3, 2023

    Exactly what we are doing. Better safe than sorry. Trust but verify. Yes it all filters through the hand of God. We shall see. The Lord also tells us to count the cost and use our heads.

Tong Nguyen
October 3, 2023

Lord, you have placed our leaders in the present positions. Please guide them by your wisdom. In the Name of Jesus we pray . Amen.

October 3, 2023

I wonder how many heart attacks, and road and workplace accidents this alert may trigger nationwide.

    October 3, 2023

    It is supposed to be worse for those who took the covid shots – as the frequency of the alerts is said to trigger something in people with the junk in their bodies from the jabs.

October 3, 2023

Do not fear, put on the “full armor of God” and pray between 2:20 and 2:50. We will be turning off all devices in defiance to the enemy.

October 3, 2023

Well I think I will be in the prayer closet from 2:20 to 3:30 for I fear no evil: it’s like when we go to Walmart: the alarm goes off like someone has left or entered the building through a wrong door: it’s to deter thefts. So we go in and out praising the LORD JESUS: for many years ago: the HOLY One of Israel GOD almighty: had given incite to all this. Remembering many Christian movies that showed these things: even they might have seemed archaic : but they revealed: these times. Lets all turn off our phones in prayer.

October 3, 2023

I believe that Christians (that includes myself) will be held accountable for not standing up to the encroaching evil in our country until it has become so blatant that we cannot ignore it anymore. But it is not too late, God hears our prayers of repentence and cries for help. Don’t forget to pray and act if God leads us.

    October 3, 2023

    I believe that you’re right Mary that a lot of this is because if you stop and think about the church in the 2000s we quit having Sunday school for children and we quit having Sunday night services and we quit having prayer gatherings the church needs to repent because perhaps we have not held off the evil and it’s our fault. God have mercy and save us all. And we need to return to our first love, and do the things we did at the very beginning of our faith. I am talking to myself probably more than you’ll.

Theresa Moody
October 3, 2023

I was given a warning about our phones being used as a weapon a couple times and months prior to this notice. So I would urge everyone to not live in fear but in the wisdom of the times we are in. This may not be that but with that warning i received we all should should take action and prepare like we do for anything else. I really like what Peggy Hall- Healthy American had said in her you tube video,”Oct.4 should we be worried.”, She was leaving her phone behind and going out to hike and enjoy nature. She was not going to let this even come close to bothering her or disturb her peace. We are taking our kids out of school and preparing our homes to unhook from wifi and I plan on declaring his word out in the airwaves. Those that worship let your songs be heard so that we shift the atmosphere with the frequency of Heaven.

Ron G Deere
October 3, 2023

Yes, be warriors of another General – the Lord – and be ready to do what He says, even in harrowing times.

Marge Liotti
October 3, 2023

Lord, we have no fear in what man has devised for we are your children and you have not given us a spirit of fear but of a sound mind. Our trust is in you and only you. We pray that you would give peace to those who fear Lord. Place your loving arms around your children. Let them know that you’re in control and that no government will overrule your plan for this nation. Give us wisdom and discernment in everything we do and say, to stay focused on you Lord and not be shaken by man. We ask this in Jesus name. Amen

October 3, 2023

Thank you for this wisdom shared! Pray! God has it!

October 3, 2023

This is an encouraging article, thanks so much for sharing IFA. If we coukd also look at Nehemiah, trying and then fulfilling God’s will in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, he had many opponents, and the verses that indicates their evil mindedness is this, Neh. 4:7-8, tben Neh 4: 9. Is the response
” Now happened, when Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabs, the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites heard tjat the walls of Jerusalem were being restored and the gaps were beginning to be closed, that they became very angry, and all of them
Conspired together to come and attack Jerusalem and create confusion.”
” Nevertheless, we made our prayer to our God, and because of them, we set a watch against them day and night.”
The rest of the following chapters, talk about all the ways these enemies tried to destroy the good work for evil intent. A very good lesson for all of us today.
Watch & Pray, be aware, stay informed, otherwise, we know not what to pray about. We do not always know, who are the enemies. For instance, what may be planned for good, can be used by the enemies in their conspiring against us! Lets take the ” vax, shot” for instance, we all learned there was/ is there was a concerted effort to destroy many, conspired by evil doers that put destructive biological ingredients in the formulas. The ones that kept warning us, and knew the truth, were caed conspiracy theorists. So, dear ones Stay Alert, do what God is leading us to do. Being warned, and praying through all of this must be constant, and without fear, God knows, God cares, He knows what His plan is.
These cell ph, tv, etc EMB/ S alerts like these were begun about 2019/ 2020. All I did was turn off all electronics, and go into apps delete or shutoff that auto alert system. Ido not receive Amber alerts or Weather warnings, nor have the ” covid” reporter that alerts about who has or if covid is in your area, I turned it off!
God Bless each one, praying with you and for us all

Mary Thompson
October 3, 2023

Turn the alerts off in settings. I don’t get them. Certainly in your child’s phone, turn off.

    P Nash
    October 3, 2023

    I think this will bypass those settings. I’m turning my phone and any other device off during those hours.

    October 3, 2023

    Just turning off the alerts with this will not work with this alert. If you don’t have a faraday bag, wrap your phone in tin, you can get it at the dollar tree, then put the wrapped phone in the microwave.

Allena Jordan
October 3, 2023

James 4:7-9 New American Standard Bible
7 Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
Father, we humans so enjoy trying to “figure things out.” Mysteries only become clear as we look back to retrace what actually happened. Therefore, Father, I place my life in Your hands, I look to You and wait for You to reveal all Truth. Truth will dispel lies. You are my sure anchor and my cornerstone. When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You and You alone. You know the end from the beginning. You are the calm in the midst of a storm. And so I close, Father, with these Your Words and I will set my gaze on Christ:
Colossians 3: 1-4
3 Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. 3 For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.

October 3, 2023

Some conpriracy theories have proven now to be facts, certainly not all. Nor, all will, and I expect more to be proven to be facts too..Moreover, the human mind is programed to always to think the worst, and that has proven not to be a theory but a fact, and that is good to remember too. May God bless!

October 3, 2023

Heavenly Father we thank you for your power for your wisdom and for your righteousness and Truth. Lord open the eyes of your people that we may humble ourselves and pray and seek your face and turn from our Wicked Ways that you will come and heal our land. May we be obedient to you always in Jesus name amen

October 3, 2023

I asked the LORD about this alert scheduled for October 4th and sensed this: “You are not to fear. Declare Me as your covering, your shield, your platform and purpose. Don’t make a big deal about it.” He also gave me insight that our frequency of praise can counteract any “not-good” frequencies intended to harm us. The covering of His shed blood has a frequency of protection. I intend to turn off my cell phone, tv and computer and use personal prayer and worship to cover myself and my house with His blood. Our God reigns! Yes and Amen!

    October 3, 2023


    The fear of man is a snare…

      Dorothy Renter
      October 3, 2023

      I agree. Do not fear man. Be wise, but let God’s peace rule over this.
      Psalm 124:7-8 “We escaped like a bird out of the fowler’s snare; the snare has been broken, and we have escaped. Our help is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.“

Karen Stavrinakis
October 3, 2023

Yes! I think you are exactly right. I am praying the same, thank you for sharing this!

Fostena Wright
October 3, 2023

I prayed that we will pray plan and prepare , and rebuke every plot, scheme of the devil and his cohorts in this world system. I pray they will repent and renounce their wicked ways. Their is a negative stigma on conspiracy theories which was pushed heavy by the CIA decades ago, to make truth seekers look crazy. At the end on the day we should fear nothing but the Bible also says “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices”. (2 Corinthians 2:11). This world system is nefarious and the devil aka Satan is the prince of this world. Let’s continue stand with our full armor of God on,, furthermore watch and pray strategically in Jesus name

    Deborah P
    October 3, 2023

    I love the verse you cited: 2 Corinthians 2:11. That is so fitting for all times, especially appropriate for these dark days. We must be wise as serpents in order that we can be discerning instead of fearful or gullible. God bless!


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