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Lord God, we ask for protection for our military and wisdom for our leaders.
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President Donald Trump gave the order to kill Iran’s Quds Force leader Qasem Soleimani a few days ago following a Hezbollah mob’s attacks on the United States’ embassy in Baghdad. Now that Soleimani is dead, we’re learning that this isn’t the first opportunity a nation has had to kill the Iranian terrorist.

According to a January 2018 report from the Israel newspaper Haaretz, leaders in Israel were prepared to kill Soleimani back in 2015 but the Obama administration put an end to the plan. Just as Israel was “on the verge” of killing Soleimani, the Obama administration alerted Iranian officials about Israel’s plans and their close tracking of the military leader.


In January 2018, Trump administration gave Israel the go-ahead to kill Soleimani should they get the chance. According to a source who spoke to the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida, “there is an American-Israeli agreement” that Soleimani is a “threat to the two countries’ interests in the region.”

It really isn’t that surprising to learn that the Obama administration intervened to keep Soleimani alive. President Barack Obama never stood by Israel even though the country is considered the United States’ greatest ally in the Middle East.

Tyler O’Neil at PJ Media noted an important tidbit about the revelation: “Yet the news that the Obama’s administration prevented Israel from assassinating the Quds Force leader seems particularly significant, since the Obama administration also kept a list of approximately 500 American soldiers who were murdered by Iranian IEDs. Since the Quds Force spearheads Iran’s operations outside the Islamic Republic, Soleimani would arguably be responsible for all of those deaths.”

(Excerpted from Town Hall. Article by Beth Baumann.)

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Jeff Noncent
January 10, 2020

this is to Thomas Obama is a Muslim you need to do your homework my friend

Jeff Noncent
January 9, 2020

I am not surprised at all because Obama is a Muslim and Muslim is the main religion in the middle east besides Israel I wish Christian would read the Bible, the root of Muslim come from Abraham Son Ishmael that’s where the Muslim religion come from Abraham had two sons Isaac and Ishmael Isaac come from the promise that God made with Abraham wife and Ishmael came from Abraham handmaid it’s all in the Bible.

    Janet Orman
    January 9, 2020

    Genesis 16:12 He (Ishmael) will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.

    January 10, 2020

    Agreed. And he gave MILLIONS of our tax dollars to help Muslims.

      January 10, 2020

      Is there something wrong with helping Muslims? What about Jews, Hindus, or Sikhs?? Or would you prefer he only helped Evangelical Christians? We’re all HUMANS! Your question makes you sound really ignorant.

        Jeff Noncent
        January 10, 2020

        Well, here is the answer for you the Bible say the love of money is the root of all evil, money is running the world without money the world will die when you give money to an organization you support their philosophy of doing thing that’s the reason Jesus said gave to Caesar what’s Caesar and give God what’s God. Muslim, Jews, Hindus, and Evangelical need money to survive but the good news is Humanity need God to survive because at the end of the day we all going to stand before God and give an account to God himself.

        Suzanne Smith
        January 11, 2020

        it’s not okay to help Muslims when their leadership uses the money we give them to kill our own people and their own people

        January 12, 2020

        There is nothing wrong in helping Muslims providing the ones being helped are not killing or involved in any way to kill innocent people. The millions or perhaps billions? that we now hear more openly in media (not fake media…I mean the media that search out facts, analyze and report on the facts in a non opinionated way) were given to the middle eastern Muslim(s) organization (s) who’s intent was to MURDER Americans whether foot solders/military or by other diabolic covert way. Facts are Facts. let’s put aside emotions and see the facts, hear the facts, respect the fact finders and reporters and pray for their safety as well. It is not easy to speak the truth today without being attacked, whether verbally, physically, job/employment threats or even their family/children harassed. this has happened way to many times. I am a nurse and a Marine Corp. Veteran. I can’t do my job without true facts and analysis. Sometimes there is no black and white but shades of gray….but eventually all things are revealed black or white in due time. FACT!

      Jeff Noncent
      January 10, 2020

      Hey! Thomas Obama attend a Church in Chicago that support Lois Farrakhan, and Lois Farrakhan is a Muslim so Obama is a Muslim because they invite him to their Church and they hate America. My Youth pastor said one time if you act like a dick, talk like a duck you probably is a duck.

        January 10, 2020

        Obama’s not a Muslim. Do your research. He attended Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. It’s a church, not a mosque. He may have dealt with people from other religions, and so what. What if he was Muslim, what’s the problem? Do you see yourself as better than a Muslima? Jesus said to love everyone! Jews believe in something totally different than Christians- do you talk bad about Jews as well? Probably not. We should have respect for ALL cultures, and religions. You don’t have to believe the same things, but at the end of the day no one is above another, we were ALL created in his image according to the bible. The current president is not a practicing Christian, he rarely even attends church, but yet he has plenty of time to be on the golf course on Sunday morning. Ho hopefully you’re critical of him just as much as you are of Obama.

          Jeff Noncent
          January 10, 2020

          I am glad we have this conversation let me say this if a church invite Lois Farrakhan to preach there that’s mean they are a Muslim, a Church is not a building like the Bible say Jesus said that himself to Peter upon this rock I will build my Church and the gate of hell will not prevail against it and the gate of hell is around the church that doesn’t believe like Jesus does furthermore I don’t claim to be better than the Muslim because I am not a Muslim, or a Jews either I am just simply a Christian period. If you read the old testament in the book of Genesis the story of Abraham and Sarai in chapter 16 Sarai couldn’t get pregnant so she told her husband to sleep with their handmaid that’s where Abraham slept with Haggar Abraham committed adultery and the Bible said in the ten commandment thou shalt not commit adultery, that’s where the Muslim come from Ishmael because the angel told Haggar that she will conceive a son and his name is Ishmael this exactly what happen with Sarai herself the angel came to her and told her she will have a son and she laugh why because she was 90 years old she did not believe that she will have a son at all. You are right by saying we should love everyone but the Bible say by their fruit we shall know them if they are Jesus disciple or not and the Bible say Jesus Christ will come back again and when he does the Church will be taken away so rather you are a believer or not the Bible clearly stated if your name is not written in the book of life you will not be in heaven that’s in the book of Revelation. According to Donald Trump I respect him as a person, and as a commander and chief of the United State of America he to have some problem with his marriage he married 3 time I believe. My allegiance is not in Donald Trump or Obama because they are human being just like I am my allegiance is to Jesus Christ because he die for my sin and he arose from the dead.

          January 10, 2020

          You’re getting way off subject. You stated that Obama is Muslim, he is not. I hate to see misinformation and lies spread around, so I felt the need to comment. Have a blessed day!

      Suzanne Smith
      January 11, 2020

      Obama was raised by a Muslim father and then a Muslim stepfather and in one of his books he stated that that by slim call to prayer was one of the prettiest sounds on Earth. Get real and get the truth. All of his actions have proven that he is Muslim. By their fruits you shall know them

Dr. Alma Van Nice
January 9, 2020

Lord, let the truth about what caused the airplane crash to be revealed. I pray that the Iranians would promptly release the black boxes to Ukraine and they turn them over to Boeing for analysis. If it was a malfunction the analysis report could help prevent other planes from crashing. If it was a terrorist attack then let there be accountability and retribution to the families whose loved ones perished. We pray for truth and justice in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Nancy Thomas
January 9, 2020

Praying for the God of Abraham,Isaac,and Jacob, to protect Israel,the U.S. and all of Gods people…And for people to repent everywhere, and call on the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,to be saved.

Regina Brent
January 9, 2020

Lord you said you wish none to perish. I pray that all nations will know the love of God and open their hearts to Him in the peace of the Holy Spirit. You are Ruler of the nations so we look to you, the author and finisher of our faith to unite hearts in the love of the Lord Jesus Christ during this time of crisis. Amen
Pastor Regina

We cannot change the past but we do know God holds our future.

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