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We pray for the UN and call it back to its original purpose as a place to settle disputes between nations so wars are stopped and people spared. We pray all ungodly agendas at the UN be arrested and brought to nothing.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

When the coronavirus subsides, and the experts of the world take an analytical look at China’s influence at the World Health Organization (WHO), it is most likely Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus who needs the most scrutiny. His open endorsement of China’s actions and policies and the subsequent circumstances behind his appointment will cast suspicion on all the decisions he rendered while at the head of WHO. Director-General Ghebreyesus did not obtain his position illegally but instead followed a structured path that many rogue nations follow to gain undue influence at the UN.

Understand more about China’s policies of religious persecution and the overt and subtle ways they are supported by the West
with our Special Report Prayer Guide: Profiting from the Persecutors

The United Nations was established on October 24, 1945, immediately after WWII. As stated in the UN charter, its purpose was to provide nations a platform to settle differences and prevent war. The UN Charter states, “To save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights…” Over the years, the UN, to expand its influence, has established specialized agencies like WHO to handle issues that the UN charter does specifically cover. The UN’s full plan is outlined in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The proven path to secure more influence is to gain positions in the UN specialized agencies. At present, China belongs to six agencies. No other nation at the UN heads up more than one agency.

Besides making significant donations to WHO, China spared no effort to get Dr. Ghebreyesus elected to the position of WHO Secretary-General. Dr. Ghebreyesus didn’t disappoint. After his appointment, he announced his support of cutting all ties to Taiwan. The fact that he served in Ethiopia’s Marxist-Leninist Tigray People’s Liberation Front shows another close link to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Dr. Ghebreyesus has repeatedly praised Chinese President Xi for making the world a safer place during the recent coronavirus outbreak.

Already authorities and heads of states are calling for Dr. Ghebreyesus’ resignation for his unwarranted open gratitude toward and China in the handling of the coronavirus. As people in China battled the disease as early as October 2019, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) arrested journalists and doctors who voiced concern. The CCP also blocked information on social media and removed news stories relating news of people contracting the disease or dying, resulting in the epidemic spreading more rapidly to other parts of the world. The United States may be the most significant contributor to WHO, but Dr. Ghebreyesus has favored China in all significant WHO decisions.

Dr. Ghebreyesus’ background in his home country of Ethiopia gives him even more reason to support China in all decisions. Since 2000, Ethiopia accrued $12.2 billion in debt to China. China has invested so much money in Ethiopia’s infrastructure that its capital city Addis Abba is known as “The City that China Built.” China’s most recent gift to Ethiopia’s capital city of Addis Abba was a $200M futuristic building to house the African Union.

Power-hungry nations with an aggressive international agenda, like China, will go to great lengths and expense to gain influence in one or many of the UN’s 15 subsidiary organizations. With this influence, they advance a broad range of programs to enhance the image of their country as well as promote their international agenda. Ambassador John Bolton, who served as US Ambassador to the UN under President George W. Bush, kept a close watch over the Palestinian Authority and demoted them as they made bids in the UN’s specialized agencies to gain recognition as a separate country.

The bid for power is apparent when countries with terrible Human Rights records like China, Sudan, Venezuela, and Libya gain positions on the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), which happened April 4, 2020. China’s treatment of the Uighurs has long been recognized as one of the worst human rights abuses in recent history.

The result of China’s influence in WHO has cost lives across the world. They have used their power to advance a globalist, rogue agenda. As believers, we have the authority to pull down the strongholds in which the ungodly trust and cause their influence to diminish. Together let’s stand on Proverbs 21:22 says, “A wise man attacks the city of the mighty and pulls down the stronghold in which they trust.”



About the Author: Nancy is an educator with a mission to equip believers to pray strategically for the Cultural Mountain of Education. She has authored Taking the Mountain of Education: A Strategic Prayer Guide to Transform America’s Schools. She leads prayer groups to pray at key educational locations across the US. For the past 15 years she has led a group to the UN to speak and pray. Currently, Nancy serves as the Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network (HAPN) Lead Prayer Coordinator for the Mountain of Education. For additional information go to: https://takingthemountainofeducation.com/author/nancyahuff/


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Nan Isaacson
May 23, 2020

Amen, We must challenge China. Their own people are living in a Gestapo regime–even worse because of the technology that can spy on their ever move. That is tyrannical to live under. Yes, pray for the destruction of the CCP. Amen

Nan Isaacson
May 2, 2020

Economic warfare is what China launched–better than a nuclear attack, but vicious and cruel, nonetheless. In retaliation for Trump wanting FAir Trade and not allowing the Chinese to steal any more of our created technology, they launched this attack of the world at at large. Now it is apparent that China has designs to take over the world. After 20 years of moving into countries with energy plant building in South America, and a railroad in Kenya, they are slowly and cautiously and cleverly engaging the culture and befriending the leadership. Well, once the Covid broke they just sent contagious persons on trips to many many countries–including ours. What a fast and efficient way to destroy the economy. I hope you will pray about this and also spread it far and wide. This is economic warfare to weaken all who might oppose this evil regime that runs China. Amen

April 8, 2020

Father God, Your Word reminds us to arm for battle, to stand for righteousness and as heirs to Your kingdome remember we battle not from behind, but as Victor’s, for You our Precious Jesus have defeated Your foe. And so Lord, give us eyes to see that we might not be deceived by the evil one as the powers and principalities hide behind seemingly ‘good’ organizations. Whether bait the WHO, the UN, the AMA or the plethora of foundations that traffic children and drugs, we pray for exposure to it all, that the head of the serpent on their symbols, will be cut off and cast down. Lord, we pray when the room is swept clean that Your goodness, Your love will fill the space so that 7x replacement wont come back. Lord, You have granted Your people a time of rest, to sharpen our spiritual battle, and as we pause to consider the cost of following You, the price You paid on the cross, may we be prepared to rise with You in resurrection of our souls to battle your foes. May Your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven, lead is not into tent but deliver from the evil that prowls around seeking to fester Your children. Lord protect our minds from what is to be revealed for Your Word says You will not lose Your sheep, no not one. Thank You Jesus, in Your name I pray, in the power of the cross and under protection of the Holy Spirit, we say thank You Lord Jesus!. Amen

April 8, 2020

Father God, I pray that You completely destroy the Chinese Communist Party which has caused so much suffering and death in the world for many years. I ask that You bless the Chinese people with a good government that will lead them in Your righteous ways.
In Jesus name may it be so.

    May 2, 2020

    Oh indeed, I have been praying for the Destruction of the Communist Party in China. So many Christian Chinese precious ones are in peril. They are the most loving and gracious persons you can ever meet. Many used to use their vacations to fly over to attend our various houses of worship. I meet some of them in one church.
    Yes, we must pray for the Communist Regime to come to Christ and release the torment of the Christians now underground and persecuted in China. God, I pray that you will strengthen each of them and help them survive well and trust You for their deliverance from this tyranny. Amen

John Butler
April 7, 2020

President Trump just today has made comments that the WHO needs be held to scrutiny. Let us pray some meaningful action comes out of the terrible situation caused by China and the WHO.

    Nan Isaacson
    May 2, 2020

    Indeed, the WHO staff spent more money on luxury trips than on helping any persons or countries. I pray that we give them not a dime ever again. I also wonder why of God’s earth the U N did absolutely nothing to help the refugees out of Venezuela and Central America. Not a team went in to work with the governments–nothing done and nothing said. Yet, millions of them fled the tyranny of crime and no jobs. The silence of the U N Humanitarian was deafening. Folks, should the U. N. be removed from our shores or ???

      John Butler
      May 3, 2020

      Dear Nan,
      The well-known money man Jommy Rogers has been saying for year the US should ditch the UN.

Darrell Chilson
April 7, 2020

This is spiritual warfare. Eph. 6 tells us our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the demonic realm behind the evil. Let us submit to God and resist the devil in specific use of the authority of Jesus to stand against the demonic powers behind the UN and the WHO and China.

Daniel Dumpala
April 7, 2020

I praise God for having placed having placed God-fearing leaders at the White house. I thank the pastors who pray for our President Donald Trump , the Vice-President Mike Pence and for the great nation of United States . I appreciate our President Donald Trump and Vice-President Mike Pence for the initiative they take special prayers to seek for wisdom, strength, courage, unity and peace with the hope of restoration by His mercy and grace. I believe that God will heal our great nation and help our President in his plans to restore the and fix the economy and employment opportunities for people who are affected by the COVID-19.Our Lord is faithful , when we humble ourselves, repent and keep praying for His divine intervention, for nothing is impossible for our God.

April 7, 2020


April 7, 2020

The day is coming when there will be Devine leadership set up on earth under one king and one ruler Jesus christ and He will make all things right. In essence we are commanded to pray “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. The battle is for world control and domination ( Dominion + Nations ) The god of this world system uses many deceptive devises to keep control. Follow the money trail and you will see the root of every evil. He sets up idols of worship ( alias trust ) on every mountain. Leaders emerge on these mountains and deseeve many because man has misplaced his trust. So we pray, Father in heaven we place our trust in you today that you would lead us on every mountain. That you would raise up from that, leaders who know you and put their trust in you. Raise up leaders who do not trust in the idols of men, power, fame, money, intellect…, but who trust in your holy spirit and your word for guidance. We pray for truth to be revealed to the whole world where deceitful agendas harmful to the world and not in line with your kingdom rise up to power. We pray you expose all evil intentions and remove them. Father open peoples eyes. Open peoples ears to truth. Open peoples hearts and show them their trust is misplaced. Reveal to all people that they truly matter to you, and their prayers, and their voices do make a difference. Remove from people indifference and apathy. Father we thank you for IFA and pray for their call on these mountains that you would increase their territory and give them a greater voice in the nation and the world. We pray that from this mountain a great trumpet would arise who’s sound will be heard around the world and who’s call will help awaken from derision a sleeping people to truth. Father cause people to reshare truth as it is revealed here and set the eyes and ultimately the hearts of its viewers free from the fake news and indoctrinations of the enemy. Father arise a praying nation made up of believers from the whole globe who will champion the call of kings and priests to you for lost world. Rise up a people who trust only in you and who call out for your kingdom come on every mountain of the earth. Jesus we see the government of this one nation is on your shoulders and you wear the crown. Raise up ambassadors to your kingdom to take the places of the enemies leaders who can’t be threatened or bribed. Father save the world, pour out your spirit upon all flesh. Turn your enemies into your allies. Amen

April 7, 2020

the problem is the CHURCH in America has become socialist in nature, building its own hierarchy without God Almighty in it, instead of Apostles doing mighty miracles, they have man made positions like Pastor and even evangelists who have no calling from the Eternal Lord to lead an assemble trying to lead. The Church has brought us the last communist administration in the USA, but God Almighty has had mercy on us, and brought us a Christian President TRUMP. but before we fall into darkness again and the whole world with us, the Church needs reform.

Donald L. Perkins
April 7, 2020

Have forgotten that this is an air borne virus and that Satan is the god of the air?
I pray the Holy Spirit of the Living God and the FIRE of the Holy Spirit be the air scrubber and burn this virus from the air around us that we may indeed breath the fresh pure air of the breath of God.

April 7, 2020

May the truth of the beginnings of this virus be revealed to the entire world and may justice be done. In Jesus Name. Amen.

    Bruni O
    April 7, 2020

    In agreement with all of you!! Amen!

Dorothy Ter Horst
April 7, 2020

Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm fueling Chinese control and abuse. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground in Jesus name, Amen.

    April 7, 2020

    the strategy of the demonic realm is founded in the unbelieving church, a church without power or miracles, a normal natural occurrence. A church built like the gentile governments with rulers instead of Shepherd, who control the common people, instead of 1 Cor 14:26

    26 What is it then, brethren? When ye come together, each one hath a psalm, hath a teaching, hath a revelation, hath a tongue, hath an interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying.

Rev. T.W. Chopp
April 7, 2020

Sadly, the UN can’t be objective in it’s views of Red China. The majority of it’s membership is composed of either socialistic governments or dictatorship governments. I believe even the present chairperson of WHO is controlled by Red China. From our perspective this was indeed a Chinese virus which was created to cause harm and danger to the USA first of all and than the rest of the world. Don’t expect Red China’s leadership to tell the truth, since their government is built on lies and deceptions and the death of millions of human beings.

    Bonnie Gavran
    April 7, 2020

    Also Bill Gates has an investment in the chairman of WHO, and in the lab in China. And now he comes forward as the one who will save the world with his vaccine. Praying for evil agendas to be exposed, and false structures to fall! In the name of Jesus we decree it done!! There is only one Savior…Jesus Christ!!! he is the victor!

      Nan Isaacson
      May 2, 2020

      A big Amen. Bill Gates is leading the pack of the One World Government group. Pray for his salvation. Amen. Lord, open the eyes of his understanding. His wealth will not help him when his day of eternity begins. Only knowing Christ as Savior will bring him peace and clarity of the evils he is promoting. We pray for his soul this day. Amen.

Mike Sonnier
April 7, 2020

It’s obvious that China has been a bad actor on the world stage and needs to be exposed to the max. Shine the flashlight on the pit of darkness.

Carole Ann Neve
April 7, 2020

I pray that President Trump and the godly leaders take over the reins of the WHO. The corrupt ungodly leaders have to step down during this planned world pandemic. Thank you Lord for exposing the deception behind the WHO. Let the Deep State cabals come down during Your Holy Week. We love You Lord!

Bill Tobey
April 7, 2020

Come on! Why are we as Christians surprised that the UN & China both of which are humanistic solutions to the world’s spiritual problems would have the answers? Of course not, they are both owned by Satan. Ah, but we have the power of Jesus Christ!

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