I Prayed have prayed
Lord, put a stop to the evil coming out of North Korea. Reform that nation, God, and lead its people in repentance!
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Despite its evil actions and its malnourished people, North Korea will sit on the executive board of the WHO.

From The National Pulse. North Korea will sit on the Executive Board of the United Nations’ World Health Organization (WHO), despite its history of using food as a weapon against its people.

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Swathes of people in North Korea, formally the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), suffer from stunting as a result of widespread malnutrition in the country.

The situation was significantly worse in the 1990s, with hundreds of thousands starving to death as the communist regime sought to withhold food from people it considered expendable or undesirables. …

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(Excerpt from The National Pulse. Photo Credit: Canva)

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June 8, 2023

Righteous Judge
We thank You for continually exposing the wickedness of the WHO board and it’s administration. In Jesus’ name we declare its fall along with all its wicked leaders.

Karen Secrest
June 6, 2023

All the more reason for the U.S. to completely disassociate from it not just to stop funding it.
Even secular media has reported the North Korean military has had already poor rations cut. They are hungry while leders pour billions into rockets and a moon shot..

Darlene Estlow
June 5, 2023

Oh Father, we pray for the people of North Korea. We pray that efforts to bring the Gospel to that country would succeed. We pray that you would change that government which will respect and help its people. May those who are suffering for you feel your arms of comfort around them. May they grow in you and be courageous in being your witnesses.

kathleen osborn
June 5, 2023

Somehow, somewhere , the work of lifting the bubble of self-absorbed, self-centered thinking must begin. Trump started by treating North Korea as a real country, encouraging them to come into the modern world , talking with dictator Kim as if he were a legitimate person. I do not mind that N.K. is asked to sit on WHO Board. It shows them a bit how nations can work together. That is a good thing. The WHO dictates will carry little meaning for the US, we learned our lesson with Covid and the next president of US will probably stop contributions.

    Darlene Estlow
    June 5, 2023

    It will concern us greatly if we allow WHO to govern our own health rules.

Kathy Jordan
June 5, 2023

Precious Father God, confound the enemies camp WHO. Let the wickedness they plan for us to be turned upon their own heads. Thank you that there are more for us than against us, open their eyes that they may see. Amen


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