Former President Trump‘s exit from the White House coincided with a slump in ratings for cable news channels and digital news sites, according to a Washington Post analysis.
Data from media tracking firm ComScore as well as the Nielsen company indicated drops in traffic across websites for the Post, which lost roughly one-fourth of its monthly web traffic, as well as The New York Times, which lost roughly 17 percent of its traffic over January and February.
In the cable news ratings wars, CNN lost nearly 50 percent of its prime-time audience over the first few months of 2020, according to the Post, while MSNBC lost more than a fourth and Fox News lost just 6 percent, causing CNN to lose its briefly-won ratings dominance for the month of January. . . .
The former president himself also predicted a slump for cable news upon his exit from the public scene back in 2017, when he told The New York Times: “Newspapers, television, all forms of media will tank if I’m not there, because without me, their ratings are going down the tubes.” . . .
What do you think about these news ratings plummeting? Discuss in the comments below!
(Excerpt from The Hill. Article by John Bowden. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)
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I don’t watch news media for they’re manipulated: the victory channel:yes very inspiring but if I was to watch news: maybe oan,newsmax:epoch Times, rsbn:iffy fox.
We are glad that President Trump is still in the fight and will have his own social media site. God will still have His will to be done no matter what other are doing. All this evil will all come to nothing.
I have been praying for those in our News Media who don’t speak truth & facts, to loose their ratings and
that God will shine his light on their deception.
He is a God who hears & answers our prayers!
Father in Heaven, nothing is hidden from you. I pray for your power to break the backs of every news outlet that is under the control of evil. Take away their financial strength, reveal lies and manipulations of facts. Catch them in their deception and let it be seen by all. Lord we know you are a God of mercy and love, and you are a God of justice. We ask you to expose this sin, for repentance, for healing and for your glory. Americans need to hear truth about our country. Please move quickly Lord and bring truth through our news media. I pray in your holy name Jesus. Amen
It’s sad that so many Americans are still supporting these news sites at all. We’ve had ‘yellow journalism’ in history, we had “fake news’ and more recently it’s open ‘censorship’ of people and topics. It’s hard to discern between social networking, Hollywood opinions and ‘news’. Lines are blurred for profit.
Are Americans truly frustrated to have to spend so much more of their time trying to discern truth? Freedom of press has been a valued liberty but money & power are valued more than liberty today.
I am grateful for one news publication that is consistently reliable to try to live up to the old standards. I pray God prospers all outlets trying to be unbiased and truthful. May they have the moral character to retract errors in reporting and be aware of their own bias.
I believe this slump is representative of the rising discernment among U.S. citizens of deception and power mongering among media outlets in general. This is a silent “vote” indicative of intelligent comsumers who object to the values which are blatantly absent from mainstream media reporting. I encourage all (believers and citizens at large) to research which entities own the mainstream media outlets as many are owned by large corporations (ex. AT&T which has film, television and cable operations, with its assets including WarnerMedia Studios & Networks (consisting of the entertainment assets of Turner Broadcasting, HBO, and Cinemax as well as Warner Bros. Exercising our free speech rights (while we still have them) at the grassroots level by writing, emailing, calling these corporate moguls directly and to their owned corporations is a great place to voice our objections to any undue prejudice, programming that excludes Christian values or influence, etc. It is time for Christians to recognize that the Corporations in back of media in all of its forms has as their gods the almighty dollar (which is being deflated/devalued at a rapid rate) and global power. We have time right now to head off the antichrist spirit at work in these venues, if we will but act. Thank you IFA for making this easier for the average consumer. But we must also take up our cross in this regard if we are to be salt and light in the earth at this time. Thank you again for all you do.
Yes, greater discernment Father, we are the salt and light in Your earthly kingdom. Amen Mary!
There is no reason to watch the news. It is slanted and/or fabricated to support the agenda of those paying. President Trump provided the plain truth despite the constant attacks from the media. I listend when he spoke. Few networks even broadcast the full Presidential updates from President Trump so it forced us to find other avenues to get information. I have little trust in the media but I occasionally watch Newsmax or OAN. God heal our land.
The Victory Channel is awesome. It is a Christian network. Try them. They are online and on Youtube. The program called Flashpoint is particularly uplifting.
For many years I have been led to pray through the News. This past summer in June of 2020, the Lord awakened me and said regarding the news media “They are purporting a false narrative.” This Word alone, led me to begin to turn off much news and to begin to turn up in prayer for IFA and other sources of trustworthy information. Lord, we thank you that we your children are not deceived. Expose lies, and reveal truth Lord. Thank you for IFA, Elijah List, and many more that you are using to reveal Truth. We even thank you for online news sources that are trying to do a good job of journalism. Lord, thank you that we hear your voice and we walk in truth as we pray for great sources of news that does not attempt to deceive. Grant them your favor Lord in Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Amen Cheryl, in total agreement. Continue to expose the lies Father, keep us in Your Truth to keep us from deception!
President Trump spoke a true prophetic word. Perhaps now the media will wake up to their idiocy of false and spin reporting along with the subsequent consequences.
Laura, I like so many, believe President Trump was truly used of the Lord, he was like a wrecking ball in his 4 years. I believe God Almighty was at the control and He continues to be. I am praying for more Godly demolition!