I Prayed have prayed
Father, thank You for people like Alveda King who are using their resources and influence to further life in this nation. We ask You to bless her work, and we ask for more like her to rise up. Help each of us to do our part.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Evangelist Alveda King, one of the nation’s leading pro-life voices and niece of Martin Luther King Jr., has launched a new pro-life organization to bring pro-life curriculums to Sunday schools and after-school clubs to inform the next generation on the importance of life…

“Human life is sacred from the womb to the tomb,” the activist told The Christian Post in a video interview that can be viewed below.

The 70-year-old King, who has advocated against abortion for over half her life, wants her life’s mission to help further encourage people to value all human life, regardless of color, creed or age…

“Speak For Life — the organization is new, but my ministry and mission has been ongoing for all of my life,” she said. “I was rescued from abortion myself in 1950 when my mom was pregnant with me…”

The following is an edited transcript of King’s interview with CP…

King: …I was born again in 1983. My whole worldview changed. I was pro-abortion, for example…

In 1983, I had been an actress, a state legislator…and I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. So I began to realize that human life is sacred from the womb to the tomb. The little babies in the womb are people…We become adults. Sometimes we’re sick or elderly…But human dignity must exist, from the womb to the tomb…

Also, we are one human race. We’re not separate races…Therefore, we should not be fighting over skin color…”

We are working on a curriculum for children, not for the adults to do it…But for the children to speak life…

CP: Can you give us an example of what the Speak For Life curriculum…would contain?

King: Well…[we show them] 3D and 4D ultrasounds…and…ask [them] the question, “When does life begin?”…You see the baby unfolding. And then [we] say, “When is the baby, a baby?” You let the students…answer, but you have the science there.

Now, you can have the Scripture there for the Christian schools and the Sunday schools…For the public schools, we have the science…

We let them do their own little…videos or they write their own little paragraphs. And they have their own little discussion groups. It’s totally interactive.

CP: How important is it to instill pro-life values in the children?

King: [I] have children in Heaven because of abortions and a miscarriage. I have six living children and 11 grandchildren…We are certainly talking about letting the babies live and be born…

But for example, on issues of human sexuality — when the girl children say, “Well, I was born a girl, I want to be a boy”…And they’re little children, so if we legalize … where they can begin to get reproductive surgery and cut things off, then they grow up and they want it back, and they won’t grow it back…[W]e need to let children be children. Not hyper-sexualized…

CP: What do you think about the new heartbeat law in Texas…? 

King: I personally believe the Texas heartbeat decision had to do with an act of God! Those of us who affirm life from the womb to the tomb, we have been crying out. And the legislation that passed in Texas said it’s … heartbeats at six weeks … so let’s save those babies, and I agree…”

CP: …[W]hat would you say Christians should be willing to do for the cause of life?

King: …[W]e can each do our part. Now…we can pray and ask God to guide us…However, we’ll open this up to…everybody of every faith. Seek your purpose and your destiny. Find out what you can do to support human life from the womb to the tomb…

I learned this from my Pastor Allen McNair…He says, “some of us have to work too hard because everybody won’t do his or her part.” So…Do your part.

You can find out about legislation. You can vote for people who will affirm human dignity and human life from the womb to the tomb. You can pray at a pregnancy care center and donate and give. You can pray in front of an abortion [clinic] and say, “Let’s us help you.”…

We can all pray…We can all study to … find out what is human life. Why is human life important to God? Once we know why it’s important to God, life may become sacred to us and human dignity…

Does Ms. King’s vision for life and her organization’s work encourage you? Share a prayer for her, and that an understanding of the sanctity of life will spread across the U.S.!

(Excerpt from Christian Post. Article by Jeannie Ortega Law. Photo Credit: Joshua Blanchard/Getty Images for Politicon).

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