I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for the protection of the unborn in both New Mexico and Texas. We pray that You would intervene in the construction of New Mexico's new abortion facility.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

New Mexico is opening an abortion facility on the state’s border, likely to draw in women from across state lines.

From Live Action. According to the pro-life Southwest Coalition, New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham — along with representatives from The University of New Mexico Health System and the Reproductive Health Care Success Project (which includes Planned Parenthood) —held a “secret ribbon-cutting ceremony” on Thursday morning at the land in Las Cruces that will be home to Doña Ana County’s fifth abortion facility under the University of New Mexico (UNM).

Who is praying on the wall?


While discussing the facility, Lujan Grisham called access to abortion “a fundamental human right.” Two years ago, she pledged $10 million to build the new abortion campus, which will offer abortion procedures, abortion training, and research space. UNM has a history of using aborted babies in fetal research and trafficking aborted baby body parts. …

The plot of land is located just minutes from the Texas and Mexico borders. Southwest Coalition CEO Mark Cavaliere said in an email that this shows that UNM is “clearly aiming to pull vulnerable women across state lines to expand abortion…” …

Michael Richards, interim executive vice president of UNM Health Sciences and CEO of the UNM Health System said the 8,000 square-foot facility, which will commit both chemical abortions (abortion pill) and surgical abortions, is expected to be completed in 12-18 months.

“Or sooner,” Lujan Grisham added. …

Share your prayers about this abortion facility and for the unborn below.

(Excerpt from Live Action. Photo Credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images)

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