I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for a culture that values and protects life. We ask You to strike down laws that harm Your children, and to raise up laws and leaders that will stand boldly for the unborn.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

This story brought the IFA staff to tears. California’s new IVF law is the state’s latest attack on both the unborn and family, enabling the creation and killing of innocent life.

From WORLD. More than a million frozen embryos languish in fertility freezers throughout the United States, and most won’t be rescued. California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom just signed a law that will lead to millions more, with most destined to live and die in tiny ice coffins.

Who is praying on the wall?


The law requires health insurance to cover in vitro fertilization treatments, including for single parents and LGBTQ couples. It will increase state healthcare premiums by $329 million within two years. However, cost is secondary when the sanctity of life and children’s rights are at stake.

Many IVF treatments result in excess embryos alongside invasive and often unnecessary hormone-driven procedures. Each embryo is human, yet they’re usually treated otherwise after a successful cycle.

In fertility medicine, IVF babies aren’t much more than experiments—until they implant. Yet, once families are “complete,” parents struggle to discard the extra embryos, facing the harsh reality of what this says to the leftovers: “You didn’t make the cut, kid.” …

As an IVF mom, I wish I had known more when I went through the process. Today, I struggle to separate my 6-year-old asking for a Bluey bandage from the siblings she once nestled near in storage. They were once equals, but now, somehow, they aren’t. Who decided which of them was worth saving?

It wasn’t me, I can tell you that. Parents sit cluelessly in the waiting room while unseen doctors grade and select the best specimen for transfer. These are blue-ribbon babies, curated and mixed to perfection—and it’s utterly dystopian. …

The California law has many other problems, too. With few regulations or ethical obligations surrounding IVF in the United States, virtually anyone can create children with no background checks, family history, or even blood relationship necessary. …

What’s more, the cognitive dissonance of allowing unlimited embryo creation while permitting abortion well into a pregnancy, as California does, is striking. This law turns the state into a factory that creates humans, where duds, extras, or returns are discarded. …

What did you think of this article? How is the author’s personal testimony stirring you to pray?

(Excerpt from WORLD. Photo Credit: DrKontogianniIVF – https://pixabay.com/photos/ivf-fertility-infertility-icsi-1514174/, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=76981319)

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Vashti Monica Ford
October 14, 2024

This is the best explanation of IVF I have ever read. Thank you for sharing.

Larry Weiler
October 14, 2024

I think God’s judgement for California will be devastating. I pray that God protect the innocent and send His wrath upon the guilty as only God can do. Be safe and trust in God. 🙏😇🙏

October 13, 2024

Once again, man playing God with the lives of the most innocent. Without a love & respect for God, the Creator of Life, man’s prideful arrogance & quest for financial gain supersedes integrity & compassion while discarding embryos, the beginning of a life, sacred to God. Praying Father God for Your mercy & forgiveness for those whose hearts and minds are blinded to the truth. Help us to discern what Your perfect will is regarding IVF. In JESUS’ Life giving Name. Amen.

October 13, 2024

This machination of the heart of man set in pride against God grieves my heart ♥️ and causes me to cry out for help and deliverance in repentance.
I am praying and sharing this with others. Shalom in Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel 🇮🇱 and the nations who put their faith in Him.

October 13, 2024


Rocky Swearingen
October 13, 2024

God sees it all but could it be that. God does nothing but in answer to prayer ?
King David after the enemy came and captured his home town and took them away, and David returns from battle and discovers his town empty and everyone gone , god knew al about it but did nothing till David called upon the Lord , and only then god said pursue meaning the enemy.

October 13, 2024

As a Grandmother of 2 IVF grandsons I am so conflicted about this issue. My son and daughter in law yearned to have children of their own and were unable to. IVF was their best option. After reading your article, my heart breaks for the “leftover babies” who aren’t chosen. I understand these embryos are living humans and they should be protected. To destroy them is murder. I don’t know the answer, but I couldn’t imagine our lives without our grandsons.

    Jason J.
    October 15, 2024

    A lot of embryos/children were sacrificed so you could indulge in grandparenthood.

October 12, 2024

I think this is a shock to most. Lord, forgive us for not devoting ourselves to living your Word. Please pour out your Holy Spirit upon the medical research and practices in every nation. There are so many pretending to act as false gods. Have mercy , O Lord . Cleanse humanity and cause our ministries and churches to be informed and active in standing for your truth. Open our blind eyes of understanding and hear and forgive us, You alone are worth of our praise. We thank you that you are willing to hear our prayers and restore righteousness and heal and forgive us.

mark johnson
October 12, 2024

After reading this story about IVF,I became so mad and heart broken at the same time….LORD how long will this go on until the Church wakes up and does something about it?Every single one of us needs to rise up and pray and fast,get involved with other christians who believe that whatis going on as wrong and come together like the one million march in Wash,D,C, that is happening today.There needsto be groups getting togethervin every city in our nation rallying togethervto make our voices heard around the nation….Amen.

Barbara Prevost
October 12, 2024

This is an area I have given little to no thought about. To me IVF was simply a way for those who can’t have babies naturally. Period.
This article has awakened something in me to pray against the ugly truth about the discarding of embryos. 💔💔💔💔🙏🙏🙏

    October 15, 2024

    Yes, this is something rarely talked about and I was not aware of regarding the wasted embrios. We must get busy and pray about this, I am sure God is not pleased regarding this matter. Forgive us Lord for we have sinned.

Mary Beth
October 12, 2024

“Father, we pray for a culture that values and protects life. We ask You to strike down laws that harm Your children, and to raise up laws and leaders that will stand boldly for the unborn.”
Lord, I grieve over and repent of the murder of the innocent in our nation – even enshrined in ungodly laws. Please bring down the altar of Molech in our nation, and in the hearts of people who are ignorant of the judgment it results in. May we instead embrace You, and as a result embrace life – abundant life in Yeshua.

Serena Randol
October 12, 2024

I will pray accordingly. So, so sad!!

Zoe Ella
October 12, 2024

Read Brave New World by Huxley. Then read Brave New World Revisited by the same author. It seems to be coming true. 😒😒😒

kevin kelly
October 12, 2024

I was glad to see the U.S. senators voted against I.V.F..During the proceedure, multiple human embryo’s are inserted into the woman hoping that one will nidate.If none nidate,they are “sloughed-off” and perish,die.

October 12, 2024

This is a hideous “law” and is unconstitutional. This country is in the terrible condition it’s in because back in 1963 we told God we didn’t want him in our schools and public life. Ten years later in 1973 lo and behold we got Roe vs. Wade and have since murdered more than 65 million of the Good Lord’s most precious creations. Nature abhors a vacuum, and when this country rejected God we created a vacuum for other fake “gods” (demons) to step in and fill the void. And this is where we are today. The church was caught sleeping and the result is so many evil plans have been implemented and the Lord’s own people will answer for it on the day of the Lord unless we wake up. The Lord is a good father, he loves his family but like any good father he will not suffer them to be foolish and slothful. Revival starts in the church. The Lord cleans up his church before he deals with unbelievers. If we want change and revival we must put our boots on the ground and walk the talk.

Rebecca L Hinsberger
October 12, 2024

Most of the nation is deceived into thinking that IVF is a compassionate answer for couples desperately seeking pregnancy. Few realize that babies are frozen and usually discarded eventually. And many, especially nonbelievers, don’t care because they think the stored embryos either are not really babies, or that if they are, they aren’t capable of feeling or knowing anything, so what’s the problem. I can’t help but feel a little shock when I hear of Christian friends getting IVF. I think of all the babies aborted worldwide and discarded through IVF, and how populous heaven will be with these souls who never experienced a life in flesh on earth, never committed a sin…perhaps they have a special status in heaven? My friend had a dream that the hosts of heaven on horseback returning with Jesus are these unborn people who have been raised in heaven.

    Mary Beth
    October 12, 2024

    I agree, Rebecca, but it is a false compassion that is borne out of lack of faith. I don’t say that in accusation, but in pity. We all have challenges that require us to walk by faith and not by sight, whether it be infertility, financial struggles, physical sickness or disease, torn relationships, wicked governments, old age, etc. – “fill in the blank”! We must steel ourselves against the temptation to idolize ourselves, by coming up with our own solutions to our perceived needs in ways that violate God’s law and character. “Without faith, it is impossible to please Him – because whoever approaches Him must trust that He does exist and that He becomes a Rewarder to those who seek Him out. ” Hebrews 11:6 Let’s be a people of faith – because we serve a Good and Faithful God!!

October 12, 2024

Dearest Heavenly Father: Father, we need your help. You alone are the Creator, Author and Finisher. I am so sorry that man has attempted to exalt himself above you by “playing” God and creating and eliminating babies at their will. We pray for each of these unborn and pray your will over them. We know when you fashioned each of us in our Mother’s womb, you had a plan and purpose for us. Please forgive those who sought this alternative instead of accepting your will for their lives. As they now realize that it was not the right thing to do we ask that you give them your mercy and grace. We ask for your Holy intervention in this process as you return the right of life and death to yourself, for you alone are Worthy. To you be all Glory, Honor, Power, and Praise for you alone are Worthy to be Praised. We pray this prayer in the Mighty Mighty Name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Savior, Healer, Protector, Best Friend Ever — Our Everything! Amen


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