I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for an end to illegal immigration and the restoration of law and order in our nation. We thank You for the action taken by our new Congress!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

After being sworn in earlier this week, the new House of Representatives has taken action against illegal immigration. Praise God!

From The Epoch Times. The House of Representatives has passed the Laken Riley Act with a vote of 264ā€“159. Almost all Republicans and 48 Democrats united to push the bill through the lower chamber of Congress.

Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.


The legislation requires the Department of Homeland Security to detain illegal immigrants who have committed certain crimes, such as theft, burglary, or shoplifting.

It also allows states to sue the federal government for injunctive relief over ā€œcertain immigration-related decisions or alleged failuresā€ if they resulted in harm to that state.

These can include the failure to detain an individual who has already been ordered to be deported, or neglecting to fulfill vetting requirements for immigrants seeking to enter the United States. …

The bill passed the House last year but was never brought to the floor by the Senate. Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) noted that 170 House Democrats had voted against the passage of the bill at that time, saying he felt they had ā€œput politics ahead of principle.ā€

Democrats opposing the bill on the floor of Congress today called the bill overbroad and likely to sweep up illegal immigrants who are wrongly arrested, even if they have lived in the United States for years. …

Shortly before the House vote, Sen. Katie Britt (R-Ala.) introduced the companion Senate bill, which is likely to pass as the GOP holds a 53ā€“47 majority in the upper chamber. …

The Laken Riley Act draws its name from a 22-year-old Georgia nursing student who was assaulted and murdered in February 2024 while out for a morning run near the University of Georgia campus.

The murderer, Jose Antonio Ibarra, had come into the United States illegally and had been arrested and released multiple times for theft. …

What do you think of the Laken Riley Act? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: Harold Mendoza on Unsplash)

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January 16, 2025

I am sure thanking god isnā€™t going to work. I am sure god is wondering why am I being used toward hurting people. Republicans in congress canā€™t decide on anything their self. They have to follow that idiot in office. Just make sure all illegals are removed even the ones working for the rich.

January 12, 2025

I canā€™t believe 159 voted against it! šŸ˜”

January 11, 2025

Unfortunately, this bill was long overdue, and perhaps Laken Riley would still be alive …. Such a waste of humanity, due to inept, incompetent and lawless governance ! Pathetic for our nation ! We can and will do much better in the next 4 years, and hopefully beyond as well !

January 11, 2025

Very very sad what happened do this young guy.,I am happy that the new law will stop the illegal imigrants to come in here and commit crimes,,kill innocent people . They do not deserve to come here and get everything free and even commit this horrific acts . Lord help them , they are lost , save their souls .praying for the parents that loss they kid. Very hard and painful, as he never return to his family . God bless AmĆ©rica to stay safe and help the New leadership . Praying w out ceasing ā€¦šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ˜˜

January 11, 2025

It’s about time!!

January 10, 2025

Praise you Father and thank you Christians who went out, praying, voting and standing for our nation’s last chance to humble themselves before Godly and right all the rot of the past 4 years! We are so thankful for the Laken Riley Act’s passing!

Joy Adams
January 10, 2025

Dear Heavenly Father,
Please šŸ™ remove these sickening acts from our country take us back to where we were when we had a Real Country of protection, security, justice,& actually Godliness. We desperately need u lord in all we have and do and in our families and homes. Please šŸ™ comfort šŸ˜¢ the family that lost precious Laken,protect our campuses and change this USA back to u and Heal our Land Father. I love you and asking your divine will over us all in Jesus mighty name Amen

Peggy Kinate
January 9, 2025

I am 100% pleased by the passage of this bill. There is a proper and legal avenue for immigrants to follow concerning entering the United States. There is also a proper and legal procedure for police to follow concerning offenders. Sadly our police no longer follow proper protocols. Nor do our governors all the way down to mayors n city counsels. Sad state of affairs.

Jim Green
January 9, 2025

This would be a good time to increase implementing the death penalty, for absolute cut, and dry cases, including the one where that woman was burned alive by an illegal.

Betty Beardslet
January 9, 2025

Your suggestions sounds like a great plan. Praying they wait 11 more days!!!

Kathleen L Rinck
January 9, 2025

Biden would never sign this bill. Seems they should wait until Trump is in office. He would then sign it. Biden would veto it.

Karen M Sterling
January 9, 2025

I absolutely agree with yhis,new bill!!!

Cynthia Hoctor
January 9, 2025

Who voted against the bill?

Adeline Wiemelt
January 9, 2025

I absolutely agree with this.

January 9, 2025

The Laken Riley Act is “A Start” only. Whether or not it benefits America is now again down to ENFORCEMENT and sadly we all know only too well just how many left-wing saboteurs and clowns are currently employed within the American “Justice System”.
With HOPE, but NOT holding my breath until President Trump is back in The White House !

Jim Matheu
January 9, 2025

Justice finally- keep working Church and Trump Administration

Terrie O'Neal
January 9, 2025

I Thankyou for all the updates of the prayers. It helps me to align my prayers with IFA. Our State of
Washington has had a string of far left Govenors. This last election was no different. We have
the dominion voting machines and a lot of evil going on in our polls. There are many of us praying
for the Lord to intervene. Dave Reichert, a retired Sheriff ran – and “supposedly” lost to Bob
Ferguson- who is an evil attorney that shut the private business’s down – Except for the Patriots who
REFUSED to SHUT DOWN. Bob, as Attorney General- sent the Sheriff’s to serve these businesses,
with Law Suits against them. Weaponization of Gov. against WE THE PEOPE. There is an attorney
in Olympia who represented several pro bono- and literally back Ferguson up against the wall in
Ferguson backed down. Ferguson will be suing Pres. Trump, when he gets into office. Please
pray that this lawsuit will be destroyed by the waring angels of the Lord Jesus. THANKYOU!!!!!

    Mary Beth S
    January 9, 2025

    Terrie, I lift you and others fighting for justice in several states that have fallen to far left radicals. May the Lord of Hosts – the Heavenly army – wage war on your behalf and uphold you by the Word of His Power. May these states realign with with His desire for Godly and God-honoring government.

      Susan CC
      January 9, 2025

      Terrie, I agree with MaryBeth. May God richly bless all good Washingtonians with just leadership!

Robert Leandro
January 9, 2025

Does the bill actually have teeth? Also, If it is a good bill, we need to out all the Republicans who voted against it.
Father God we Pray for those in the congress of the US that there would be a breaking of hardened hearts and for an attitude of repentance to seep through our nation from it’s capital to every township across our country. Let wisdom rule over our representatives and all those placed in positions to be representatives of our citizens in their respective legislative areas.. Bring back a Godly moral value system into our nation I pray!

Ute Wolf
January 9, 2025

I am all for passing the L R law

ron hicks
January 9, 2025

its about time something was done by our government to stop this insanity of illegal immigration!!

Phyllis K.
January 9, 2025

I am so grateful for answered prayer, the Lord be praised šŸ™

January 9, 2025

I pray that more people would look into our country’s failed immigration system and what it entails.

I pray that more would realize that people cannot even obtain a travel visa to come see family or just to travel here unless they have a job and such “back home” that requires their return to their home country.

I pray that more immigration judges are put into place to help more expediently process the 500,000+ people waiting for their status to be updated so that they can move forward in becoming legal residents and eventually citizens. As it is, there is only ONE judge and the process takes Y-E-A-R-S for people to become citizens. I know people who it took 20 (yes, TWENTY) YEARS to become a citizen. That is unacceptable, given all of the background checks, etc. that are required as a part of the process.

I pray that the medical exam and “injections” in the immigrant’s home country cease to exist as a requirement for re-entry into the US if the person has lived in the US longer than 5 years.

I pray that Republicans (of which party, I affiliate myself) would drop the rhetoric that they ignorantly parrot in regard to immigration. It is a money MAKER for our country (even those here illegally who are going through the process to legalize) and could be for every state as well, if people were more informed. Most everyone in that party continually says that it’s a STRAIN on our economy, which is absolutely untrue.

I pray that people would not lump all immigrants (legal or not) into the same pot with those who are horrific criminals or with those who have been purposefully brought here over the last four years who have been leapfrogged over those already “in line” to adjust their status.

I pray that people would realize that those already here who are classified as illegal CANNOT obtain a DL (except in Cali, NV, Chicago, and NYC) nor partake in govt benefits because they lack an SSN. Only those brought here intentionally get these two benefits. *eyeroll* They DO pay taxes – every time anyone buys anything, there’s a sales tax, those who own their own businesses file their income taxes every year using their ITIN, not to mention property taxes.

    Susan CC
    January 9, 2025

    “I pray that more immigration judges are put into place to help more expediently process the 500,000+ people waiting for their status to be updated so that they can move forward in becoming legal residents and eventually citizens….”

    AH, I so appreciate your prayer, specficially the above. My husband is a naturalized citizen who worked diligently to obtain that privilege as did I. Our congressman’s assistant was extremely instrumental in helping us navigate that process. We do have a plan in place and laws in place that I hope will be sured up for those who follow it, legal or illegal. Yes, the time for rhetoric is beyond over.

      January 11, 2025

      My cousin from Ireland has been waiting 12 years to be allowed to fly here with his own payment, not the freebie flights taxpayers are drained for to bring in mew Democrat voters. The linecutters who can walk over the border have been flown in free and given more money, health, food stamps, housing, free scotters, drivers licenses and healthcare stolen from taxpayers than I receive at 68 years old, as a retired Licensed Social Worker, who worked 35 years for the indigent, and mentally ill at low pay. Not ever a free thing for me and I paid for 2 degrees: a Bachelors and a Masterā€™s just to work to help the downtrodden Americans, who may be sleeping outdoors under bridges while illegals, nice or evil, get free hotel rooms and customized meals with free laundry service and transportation. Open your eyes? Jeremiah 29:7 Seek the welfare of the city you dwell in and pray to God for it. Because if it prospers so will you.
      That means seek the welfare, safety, prosperity and housing of your citizens.

    January 9, 2025

    They all have fake IDs and Fake SS. You have no idea of the injustice that you are accommodating.

    Darlene Estlow
    January 9, 2025

    There are stolen SSN that an illegal alien can get. Many years ago, the government did a sweep to find illegal aliens and many had SSN.

January 9, 2025

Jesus, we are killing our future every day in the USA. Some pre-born, some by abuse, some by murder and devasting suicide. We need revival and renewal for reformation and transformation from Your plans of original intent to once again flourish among us/USA. We repent again for lawlessness, ignorance and treason in our ranks not being dealt with but tolerated. Put tolerance to the torch and unscramble all the indoctrination of DEI, SEL, etc. damaging our minds, body, soul and spirit rather than nurturing wholeness, wellness, love and goodwill one to another. Heal our tragically sick nation, culture, families and hurting, abused, mind controlled, irreverent, psychic controlled population back to Truth, not what is true for me but what is True from You! Wash us in the perfect atoning blood of the Lamb, Jesus, Yeshua of Nazareth who died, resurrected, ascended to heaven and lives ever interceding for us!

    A H
    January 9, 2025

    Amen! And open our collective eyes to the evils of pharmakeia and allopathic teachings where “medicine” and “immunization” are concerned. Nothing that comes from a pharmacy heals the body nor is a good thing to partake in.

January 9, 2025

VictoryšŸ™ŒšŸ˜Š. Thank Jesus.

Elfrieda Peninger
January 9, 2025

Excuse me, illegals are breaking the law by definition. And should be jailed for their crime. If they did not have something nefarious in mind, they would be legal aliens. I do not have a clear understanding why Mike Johnson refused to bring it to the floor either.

Theoren M Haukeness
January 9, 2025

It needs to go further in stopping illegals crossing our border. Stop ALL people from crossing our border. People who want to enter the U.S. should be made to contact our immigration department. To inquire what the procedure is to enter our country .

    January 11, 2025

    Agreed, when I came with a large family from Ireland, my father paid for the ship crossing (which was 7 days in 1964), had to show every birth certificate and proof of required vaccinations. Six of us children got No food Stamps, welfare or free hotel rooms where 8 of us were crowded into, while my father found a job and an apartment in 3 days, and take the drivers license test to drive to work. Penniless after that trek and Praise God he found a laborious job he turned into a business 6 months later.
    THAT process is how you know you wonā€™t have Laken Rileyā€™s murderer OR my nieceā€™s murder (October 26th, 2024) in the country. The process is inconvenient. Oh, and by the way, big-hearted liberal minds- We shared in the cost to bury my niece 2 months ago. The government doesn’t hand out free funerals for Murdered American girls! They are quite expensive. There is righteous anger for lawlessness by God and good Christians who love the families God gave us, and demons take away.

Robert Andrews
January 9, 2025

This is way overdue. God bless the family and USA as we go back to being a Christian nation!

Ron Glenn Deere
January 9, 2025

Yes, care DOES need to be applied to this issue because America still believes in “innocent until proven guilty.”

    January 9, 2025

    Yes, agree, but the law’s details should prevent unjust detainment of those with no suspected crimes. However, all coming in must follow necessary rules to obtain citizenship. Ultimately too, may they all come to know the Jesus that Laken Riley did!

Rebecca Carfield
January 9, 2025

So glad it passed!

January 9, 2025

Mankind’s nature has been self serving since the fall of man in the garden of Eden. Old Testament history as well as the New Testament, clearly exhibits that.
Most politician’s are “self serving” on steroids, and must use half-truths to get elected. So we must raise up the honest few in our prayers daily. They need God’s protection, wisdom and direction, and so do we.

Brian lynch
January 9, 2025

Too bad, so sad for the liberal whackadoos who voted against this bill .I pray that the Senate will also vote in favor of it. This is a beginning. I hope and pray that much more favorable legislation, and action, will follow regarding the removal of illegal immigrants from our nation.

January 9, 2025

I believe that God is responding to the many prayers offered up about the corruption in our nation.
Satan’s army never rests, neither can the Lord’s.

Susan CC
January 9, 2025

Revelation 11:17 saying: We thank You, Lord God, the Almighty, who is and who was, because You have taken Your great power and have begun to reign.

Dear Lord, You are God Almighty and great are Your works! I pray more good legislation is on its way to repair and revive this nation. As for the 48 Democrats who voted “yes,” please Father, give them abundant favor to influence and infuse the 159 who voted “no.” I pray we will be one Nation under God, INDIVISIBLE, with liberty and justice for all. I thank You, Lord God, the Almighty, who is and who was, and who will EVER be. Please take Your great power and reign over us and reign over Israel, Iran, China, Russia, Sudan, Mexico, England….every nation on planet earth. I am asking this and so much more in the Name of Jesus Christ. He says when we pray, believe. I do. Amen

    Jeannie Peninger
    January 9, 2025

    I think its very good to pray for the Democrats who voted for this, and pray for more to join them. I feel that the party has been overtaken by an undemocratic majority on purpose, (because who will vote for a Communist?) much to the dismay of many good citizens. They need prayer to get their party back.

      Susan CC
      January 9, 2025

      …and we shall pray….for this and so many other needs. The Lord is so Good, His mercy is new every morning!

Sandra Chank
January 9, 2025

Thank God for a return to common sense. The fact it was necessary to write such a law is sad. Praying for a return to Godly principles in our nation. Help us Lord to clear the mess that has ensconced itself in our legislative and judicial branches all the way up to the executive. Praying our leaders will all be wise as serpents and gentle as doves.

    January 9, 2025

    For so long as we see “leaders” like Joe B “rewarding” anti-America demons like George S and getting away with it, there will remain a strong doubt over the USAs’ willingness or ability to once again become “One Nation Under God!” and without that the USA will FAIL.

Mary Beth S
January 9, 2025

It is a good beginning! Thank You, Lord!!! May much more good and God-honoring legislation follow!
It is time for God-fearing Border Patrol Officers to be allowed to do their jobs. I hope there are enough who remained on the job to make a difference, despite having their hands tied behind their backs by the Biden administration. YHVH, please guard, protect and keep our Border Patrol, and give them Your wisdom and discernment.

Marta Gallegos
January 9, 2025


Raleigh Robertson
January 9, 2025

Shows the sickness of our politicians to have that many votes for the bill in both houses. Wake up sheeple and follow what your particular representative votes for. Thank you IFA for reporting how these sick politicians stand for the overthrow of our government.

Robert Skaggs
January 9, 2025

Absolutely need Law. Now to the senate to pass and make it THE LAW!!

Sandra Barringer
January 9, 2025

Thank you Lord for a fresh start in our government with lawmakers who are working together to make laws to protect us from threats at home and abroad! We give you glory and honor and praise for all that You have done, are doing and going to do on our behalf!!! Bless Your precious name!!!

Kay Ann Moore
January 9, 2025

It makes no sense for immigrants to be given the magnified benefits of an American citizen without being held to the rule of law, like every American citizen. I could argue against either, but allowing immigrants to unwind the very fabric of a nation that is the substance that attracts them is ignorance and willful self destruction! This is not wise and itā€™s not good leadership, but instead a blatant hastening of our country’s demise. Our government is elected by the citizens to provide a safe, free and orderly environment for citizens to thrive in. Yes, a country of compassion, but administered in wisdom, within our means and I would add, supported through much prayer! God, you are holy, patient and full of grace and mercyā€¦awesome in all your ways! We have arrogantly, pridefully and with an entitled spirit, made a mess of the prosperity you lavishly blessed our country with. Lord, shepherd our leaders! As your Church, we confess we have not honored you and have instead been asleep and need your help to rebuild walls and shore up your army of faithful servants. We need direction, discernment, more of you and less worldly thinking. Oh Lord, hear and act upon this prayer! You know the answers we need! Only you know the steps needed to turn us away from our mess and back toward you! Lord, we need you!

Linda Durant
January 9, 2025

Newd this Action to continue in prayer Thank and Praise God!

Claire Taylor
January 9, 2025

Thank You Jesus for common sense to begin to return to America! Thank You Jesus for Your mercy on America.
Psalm 18:2-3 The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised; So shall I be saved from my enemies.

Tiffany Pfleger
January 9, 2025

Love it we need it

April StClair
January 9, 2025

Father, thank you that when the enemy comes in like a flood, You raise up a standard. We war for the healing of this land and raise up a godly standard once again. I pray for wisdom and unity in Congress to come together to pass good, moral, God-filled laws for this land. For we are one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. I pray there be a cleansing, a purging and holding accountable every evil treacherous act that has been performed in those hallowed halls. In the name, and by the blood of Jesus, every curse is reversed, and the enemy is rendered powerless. I see God’s tsunami wave rolling through and carrying off witchcraft, mind control, perversion and every form of evil. Lord, we repent that we have been a church and people that has a form of godliness, but denies the power thereof. From this moment forward, we ask Holy Spirit that you reside in our every thought and that the church rise up and take her rightful position of authority. Teach us, mature us to walk in love and to recognize when the enemy is in the camp by pouring out discernment on your people, Lord. We are grateful and thankful for your mercy and Grace for we have been a vile nation in your eyes. I plead the blood over this nation and ask that you clean us by the watering of your word and there be a great revival that is everlasting in America. In Jesus name. Amen.

Jack Edling
January 9, 2025

I am in complete agreement!!!

January 9, 2025

Being a Christian of Catholic Faith, we need to help people in need. However we cannot be part of sin and of people breaking laws.

I fully agree with passing the Laken Law Act. And all who breaks it must be prosecuted. In Jesusā€™s Name. Amen.

Carol Kinsey
January 9, 2025

Continuing to pray for eyes to be open to the evil which is prevalent and for strength for those who need to take that step of faith to speak up for what is right!
Praise God for the passing of this bill.

William Lee Kohler
January 9, 2025

It’s way past time for this to be passed. HALLELUJAH!

Erilda Coleman
January 9, 2025

The bill is way past due. Our borders never should have been opened. Time to take our nation back.

January 9, 2025

Our Father as we are ambassadors for You help us to keep Your mind. America does not belong to us but to You. We have come from all over the world here any the enslaved Africans. Give us wisdom to love like You. May we not pick sides but pick You and Your heart. Abba help us. In Jesus Christ name amen šŸ™šŸ¾

Susan Petree
January 9, 2025

I feel it’s much NEEDED, and that it will do a LOT of GOOD for our country and its citizens!!!

George McSorley
January 9, 2025

Every Democrat that voted against the bill should be primaries. How ANTI-AMERICAN CAN YOU GET. THE WOKE EVIL IDEOLOGY MUST BE ELIMINATED FROM OUR GOVERNMENT.

    R M
    January 9, 2025

    George, I am in complete agreement with your comment. Illegal immigrants who murder Americans on United States soil need to be tried in federal court on capital charges and bypass states with no capital punishment laws, governors who refuse to sign warrants, etc. Biden has been the WORST president in United States history. In fact, if there is a way for President Trump or Congress to undo Biden’s pardons for the 37 condemned killers, this needs to happen. In fact, the entire matter of presidential pardons needs to be examined closely in Congress to assure a repeat of Biden’s pardons never happens again.

      January 9, 2025

      Yes, absolutely. Well said.

      A H
      January 9, 2025

      If there’s a way to prove that, when the incompetencies were done that Biden wasn’t mentally competent at the time, making them completely null and void. OR that it was one of the actors playing him at the time. I would think that either would be grounds to undo EVERYTHING that he’s done…. especially the recent things like forever banning drilling for oil, banning/tariffing certain beneficial natural remedies, etc.


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