I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for truth and justice.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Is this the smoking gun that will take down the Bidens? What do you think?

From House Committee on Oversight and Accountability. House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) today released a bank records memorandum detailing new information obtained in the committeeā€™s investigation into the Biden familyā€™s influence peddling and business schemes. The Oversight Committee has obtained thousands of pages of financial records revealing the Biden family and associatesā€™ complicated network of companies set up during Joe Bidenā€™s vice presidency and the millions the Bidens received from foreign sources. The financial records also reveal how the Bidens used complicated transactions to hide payments from foreign nationals, including CCP-linked associates, and provide clear indications of influence peddling schemes during then-Vice President Bidenā€™s tenure.

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ā€œThe Bidens intentionally sought to hide, confuse, and conceal their influence peddling schemes, but bank records donā€™t lie. The Bidens made millions from foreign nationals providing what seems to be no services other than access and influence. From the thousands of records weā€™ve obtained so far, we know the Biden family set up over a dozen companies when Joe Biden was vice president. The Bidens engaged in many intentionally complicated financial transactions to hide these payments and avoid scrutiny. In at least one instance, the Bidensā€™ CCP-linked associates took steps to conceal the source of the payment to the Bidens.

ā€œThe Bidensā€™ foreign entanglements are breathtaking and raise serious questions about why foreign actors targeted the Biden family, what they expected in return, and whether our national security is threatened. We will continue to pursue additional bank records to follow the money trail and inform legislative solutions to prevent this type of corruption. Americans deserve answers, transparency, and accountability,ā€Ā said Chairman Comer.

  • The Complicated Web of Biden Family and Associatesā€™ Companies:Ā Ā Biden family members and business associates created a web ofĀ over 20 companiesā€”most were limited liability companies formedĀ afterĀ Joe Biden became Vice President.

  • The Biden Family Received Millions of Dollars from Foreign Sources:Ā Ā Bank records show the Biden family, their business associates, and their companies receivedĀ over $10 millionĀ from foreign nationalsā€™ and their related companies. The Committee has identified payments to Biden family members from foreign companies while he served as Vice President and after he left public office.
  • The Biden Family Used Business Associatesā€™ Companies to Receive Foreign Funds:Ā  Despite creating many companies after Vice President Biden took office, the Biden family used business associatesā€™ companies to receiveĀ millions of dollarsĀ from foreign companies.
  • Attempts to Conceal Large Financial Transactions:Ā Ā After foreign companies sent money to business associatesā€™ companies, the Biden family received incremental payments over time to different bank accounts. These complicated financial transactions appear to be meant to conceal the source of the funds and reduce the conspicuousness of the total amounts made into the Biden bank accounts.
  • Chinese Nationals Hid the Source of the Money:Chinese nationals and companies with significant ties to Chinese intelligence and the Chinese Communist Party hid the source of the funds paid out to the Bidens by layering domestic limited liability companies. The Biden family and associatesā€™ activities in coordination with Chinese nationals and their corporate entities appear to be an attempt to engage in financial deception. Multiple Biden family members received money from the Chinese after it passed through an associateā€™s account. Additionally, Hunter Biden received money directly into his companyā€™s account from a Chinese-controlled entity.
  • Biden Family and Associatesā€™ Activities in Romania Indicate Influence Peddling Scheme:Ā  The Biden family and associatesā€™ activities in Romania bear clear indicia of a scheme to peddle influence from 2015 to 2017. While Vice President Biden lectured Romania on corruption and ethics, the Bidens received over a million dollars from a company controlled by a Romanian individual accused of corruption, Gabriel Popoviciu, through a Biden family associate.

Read the second bank records memorandumĀ here.Ā The first memorandum can be foundĀ here.

What do you think of this press release? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Press Release from House Committee on Oversight and Accountability. Photo Credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

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May 17, 2023

The article’s title should be “No evidence in Biden influence peddling investigation” because it provides only innuendo and accusations.
No names, no criminal activity, no charges, just mudslinging. Brought to you by the less than credible James Comer.

Ann NMN Shaw
May 14, 2023

LORD, you know all things and we trust you to continue protecting and blessing the United States of America. Please help us to humble ourselves, seek your face, turn from our wicked ways, and, you would hear and you would forgive our sins and heal our land. In Jesus’s name Amen

Marta Gallegos
May 13, 2023

After all the hardcore evidence The Gov has on Joe’s corruption No attests no indictments And he is a fraud president Who is destroying our Nation What do you thinkā“

Kathy Emahiser
May 13, 2023

Father, we ask that the truth be quickly revealed followed by quick justice. Thank you Father in Jesus name Amen

May 13, 2023

I believe, We The People, are the actual leaders, but we have unfortunately allowed these “elected officials” too much control. Actually, these folks are our employees, so to speak. Our tax dollars actually fund the government. They have seized benefits for themselves that are basically illegal. They have seized control away from us by doing what they choose and disregarding our choices and our values. They also have given themselves benefits far beyond what is legal. This must stop. Since there is still breath in our lungs, it is not too late to get things and them in order. Jesus defeated the works of the devil when Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead. We are to maintain Christ’s Victory. He gave The Body of Christ back authority which the serpent seized from Adam and Eve. Christ spoke up to the evil in His days on earth and He expects us to do the same. Take your Faith in God and His Word off the shelf, dust it off and put it in your mouth to speak Christ’s Righteousness against evil, in this our day and time on earth. Remember, Christ Jesus is coming back for a Victorious Church! My Prayer: We, The Body of Christ Jesus, will do as Christ demonstrated and instructed us to do. Amen.

lawrence ratti
May 13, 2023

Our country I think is beyond repair.I’m a senior citizen, like all people my age I can’t believe what I’m seeing, its so demonic its almost like your living in an evil twilight zone,and this is not reality but the sad part is, it is our reality.The fact is that we all know GOD was not wanted or needed any more,no more morality.no more conscience the modern day Sodom is here . We must pray in earnest for GOD’s mercy and forgiveness for the unsaved people every where to know JESUS while there is still time. The prayer of the righteous avails much.HE will never leave us or forsake us. Be strong in the LORD. Amen.

Grant Windholz
May 12, 2023

Truth and justice can only be revealed through Christ Almighty! Demonic and evil processes from Biden will never last!!!

Kathleen Williams
May 12, 2023

I think the Biden Family should be brought to justice. I ask that the Biden family be charged with treason giving aid and comfort to the enemy of America. I pray Dan 2;22, Lk12:2, Lk18:3,5,8 2 Con 4:4,6, Mt.9:37,38 Acts 26;18. I pray they are removed from office. And we are delivered from the hands of our enemy Lk 1,:68-75.

Nick McCuin
May 12, 2023

It’s about time now let’s get behind this and push it right to the Limit there’s no limit we want our freedom and this is the way to get it let’s go get them.

Pauline Wikoff
May 12, 2023

There’s more than enough evidence of Biden’s wrongdoings Why is President Trump still the target of all these so-called wrong doings? And why is President Trump accused of things he never did? Can we go past all these politics and seek after the truth? Why do we get all these headlines on Joe Biden, who is not even the president, and see all the blame going to President Trump? When will this end?

Pat Appel
May 11, 2023

This is just plain crazy that Bidenā€™s never do no wrong but accuse other
of wrong doing. I pray The Lord will
allow all of the Bidens corruption be exposed. Itā€™s time

May 11, 2023

11 Timothy 4:14.
The LORD will repay them for all their evil deeds. But we hope justice here on earth is coming to them also.

Leila L Leidtke
May 11, 2023

It’s time for the Bidens to be exposed in the national press. They have peddled influence with foreign nations and now hold millions of dollars in payoffs.

John D'Agata
May 11, 2023

I donā€™t believe any part of our government will prosecute the Bidenā€™s as there is so much corruption through and through, the only hope of justice will be from the Lord and he alone will decide what will come of the Bidenā€™s and the rest of our corrupt government. All glory to him!

    May 11, 2023

    And.. I just hope and pray that we as a country, life in the great Republic that we were founded as.. can survive it.

Ron Humphrey
May 11, 2023

It is great we have all these committees, upon committes, however all we get is talk , talk. talk and no action. They all need to be taken to jail. They are trying to destroy the United States of America.
However, God is bigger and better then all these bums and their day will come. AMEN!!!!

May 11, 2023

Heavenly Father, we pray for your wisdom & guidance in this situation. We ask you to expose the evil & corruption in our government & lead us as your soldiers to rid our country of this hate & anger that has taken over our society. Give us the strength to do your will, knowing that good always wins over evil. Thank You Father for the salvation You have given us through Your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. AMEN

Sheila Price
May 11, 2023

Yeshua IS The Way, The TRUTH and The Life.

TRUTH always wins… in The Father’s timing. He is uprooting lies and deceptions… showing us that the swamp is deeper and wider than anyone thought… and it isn’t over yet.
Father, Your Will be done on Earth as in Heaven.
In Yeshua’s Holy Name.
Yes and Amen!

Ezra W Hodgson
May 11, 2023

Itā€™s alarming that none of these true hardcopy facts have been mentioned on public news media networks which could prove influence peddling, tyranny, betrayal, and treason. The bias propaganda regurgitated by the media has destroyed the honorable profession of journalism as well as our 1rst right amendment.
I pray for truth, Justice, and righteousness to be revealed and prevail in this nation.

Karen Secrest
May 11, 2023

I grew up with the idea that this was one of the perks to having attained a high office and no o.ne said anything could be done. No one suggest anything should be done. As an adult we saw Lady Bird siphon off govt
contracts so her construction company was first in the nation. No one suggested this wasn’t done.
And now
What a novel idea that we CAN be bounced out of our e stablishment to question why there are those willing to give our nation to the enemy..

Candace Hallett
May 11, 2023

My heart aches for our nation, so blinded by our enemy’s evil schemes that we can’t even see the Truth when we’re faced with it! O God, raise up more people who love Your Righteousness and Truth above all else. Increase our levels of intercession so that Your Kingdom truly can come upon this earth/nation as it is in Heaven.
Lord, the evidence is mounting but who will hold them accountable? Only You, Lord, Who hold all power and authority.
Continue to raise up righteous ones to serve in our government and hold the wicked accountable as You have promised!
I offer You my thanks and praise for You alone are worthy! We put our trust in You and You alone!
In Jesus’ Name, Amen!

Marilyn A
May 11, 2023

The American people, for the most part, will not hear or see the evidence of the Biden family’s corruption as media, the three letter agencies and the Whitehouse mouthpieces will conceal it and perpetuate lies. But God sees. (Psalm 37:35 I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a native tree. 37:38 But the transgressors shall be destroyed together; the future of the wicked shall be cut off.)

    May 11, 2023

    But how far in the future… is my question.. and I concur with Candace.. my heart aches for our nation that has become so accustomed to being hypnotized.. that the veil over the eyes of many people will not allow them to see or believe what is happening.. however I still believe there is a Groundswell of Revival and that there is an Awakening happening and I only pray that could happen faster..

    oh Lord let us stay focused on you and not how circumstances appear. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen

      Larry Waring
      May 12, 2023

      Yes a groundswell of revival. Iā€™m praying with you on this

Marty Rutherford
May 11, 2023

I pray this BOZO REGIME is held for treason of the United States, and the shame and madness they have brought upon all Americans, is put to a end. This illegitimate so called president, and company,, needs to be in prison, not the whitehouse.

Mary Anne Smith
May 11, 2023

You ask me what I think…I think “maybe” if found guilty, nothing will come of it! Scotfree!!!!!

May 11, 2023

The Pharisees called Baal “the chief of the demons”. He is also the money god of satan’s kingdom…Jesus said he bound the strongman of Baal and spoiled his house. Lord, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, we bind the strongman Baal and we thank your for the spoils of great victory. Open the heavens and send your lightnings as it says in Psalm 18. Deliver us from this evil/fake regime!

Sharon Hoerle
May 11, 2023

We pray for justice, but also for salvation. A eye for a eye, I will never forget Gods Grace and mercies.

Linda Bilton
May 11, 2023


May 11, 2023

Very soon 9 cell phones will be discovered. The evidence will be so damning that everybody will understand what Biden has done to this country.

    May 11, 2023

    Why 9

    Kathryn Dahlstrom
    May 11, 2023

    Is this a prophecy, Sarg? Something the Holy Spirit has shown you? Because it rings true in my spirit. (Pardon the pun!)

      Sally F
      May 12, 2023

      I think the confiscation of the 9 phones of the Biden crime family is a logical predictiongiven that this is a common evidence gathering tactic. The FBI took My Pillow founder Mike Lindellā€™s phone in a very public way in a fast food drive thru. I think we should demand the Bidens surrender the phones, and their assets, and the offices they hold, in a very public way as they are guilty of treason, bribery, and money laundering.

Micala M.
May 11, 2023

I never trusted the Bidenā€™s from the moment Joe stepped into the White House illegally. Come on people! No decent, moral, Sane INTELLIGENT, Christian American would ever vote for someone like Joe who was caught numerous times ā€œfeeling upā€ young female internā€™s breasts while being V.P. under Obama! I knew then that Joe was a dirty, immoral old man and totally incapable of leading our Nation anywhere but into the dumpsterā€” which he has done so with gusto!
Then after Joe was installed, out came a very ā€œtellingā€ video from Hunter Bidenā€™s computer he left at a Computer shop. It showed a half naked Hunter prancing in front of a bunch of preteen girls in his undershorts, bare chested, smoking crak looking like an inmate from the local sanitarium! It was then I realized that the ā€œAPPLE DIDNā€™T FALL FAR FROM THE TREE!ā€ Hunter was as perverted as his dad!
The Biden Family is an EMBARRASSMENT TO OUR COUNTRY AND ONLY FOLLOWING THEIR OWN WANTS AND NEEDS! This is extremely typical of the Democrat today ā€” selfish, egocentric, arrogant and 100% CORRUPTION FOR THEIR OWN COFFERS! The Bidenā€™s fit this description completely!

Letā€™s hope ā€œIMPEACHMENTā€ hits Joe right in the face and jail time finds Hunter strutting his butt around a prison for all those hardened prisoners to enjoy!!
How do you pray for someone that the Devil has their Soul? Waste of words, God will deal with these sinners eventually; but until then, these sinners must experience Manā€™s Law 100%!

    May 11, 2023

    Imprecatory prayers are in the Psalms and they are designed to pray that the Lord bring judgment on the heads of the crafty and wise which represents the evil -,and then we turn them over to the Lord that he will judge them -,which allows for ( the Lord)giving them a chance to repent.. I had to have someone explain that to me- but that’s how it works- and it’s His way-, so not only is it the way it’s supposed to be,.. but it’s actually merciful.

Regina Whitley
May 11, 2023

Lord, this is the moment we all have been waiting for, I pray in Jesus’ name that you bring Joe Biden and his family down in the name of Jesus and show the world that no one is above the law. We pray that he will be impeached and put in prison, as well as his son Hunter. We pray that every lie that was told back in 2020 concerning the laptop will be corrected and further exposed in Jesus’ name. I pray that Biden will reap what they have sown. We pray that there will not be a way for Biden and his family to escape punishment. Lord, we can’t have a liar and theft serving as Commander and Chief over our nations. Let the evidence be so mounting that there is no way for them to escape. In the name of Yeshua Hamashiach Amen.

Isaiah 13:11 Thus I will punish the world for its evil and the wicked for their iniquity; I will also put an end to the arrogance of the proud and abase the haughtiness of the ruthless.

Isaiah 3:11 Woe to the wicked!!! it will go badly with him, For what he deserves will be done to him.

May 11, 2023

I join with others in petitioning God to shine light onto all the crimes and that the word of the crimes be blasted over the entire country and abroad. I pray that eyes, ears and hearts be opened to the truth of these crimes and those same eyes, ears and hearts be opened to Jesus Christ.

Kay Rogers
May 11, 2023

Biden and his whole family are shameless criminal extortionists, selling influence and proximity to power in the U.S. government to foreign nationals. They have been doing this for over 20 years. The FBI, DOJ, CIA, and other alphabet government organizations have known about this and are not only not stopping them–they are actually keeping the facts out of the public eye and protecting the Bidens. This means they must also be on the take. Money and power are the absolute agents of corruption unless you bow your knee to the King of Kings, Jesus Christ. Now that this information is “out” we are not hearing anything about it from the legacy media. They are also on the take and part of the problem.

May 11, 2023

Biden is a Bozo!

Katherine Whalen
May 11, 2023

Many prophets have been speaking of the corruption in the White House. God has said it will be revealed & it has been. He has said this evil will be removed & justice will come. God does not lie. Gods mind or plans for America has not changed.

May 11, 2023

Praying & Declaring Luke 12:2-3 over all the hidden corruption and suppressed Truth in our nation & leaders. In the mighty name of Jesus:
ā€œ2 For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known. 3 Therefore whatever you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have spoken in the ear in inner rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops.ā€œ

Jo Ann Cuevas
May 11, 2023

All this information clearly indicates to me grounds for treason against our country, the problem is the people who should really take notice will just sweep it under the rug, Sad and frustrating!

Roseann Davis
May 11, 2023

Poor immoral man and his puppet-master, Obama, needing our prayers to open his heart in Truth. Amen

May 11, 2023

I decree and declare that the congressional oversight committee will quit just giving us information and that they will take definitive action against treason to the American people and government. Lord guide this committee, give them the clarity, wisdom, insight and boldness they need to stand up for what is right and take the appropriate steps to end this reign of lies, deception and theft in America.

Nancy Johnson
May 11, 2023

I pray for righteousness to prevail, for judges to decide justly with total truth!

May 11, 2023

This needs to go public in a way that the entire country sees it & is made aware of their crimes & continued corruption & lies.

Linda Fisher
May 11, 2023

Again, this makes me sick! Especially the fact that our Justice System will probably not pursue it.

Rose Marie Distefano
May 11, 2023

This president should not only be impeached, he should be incarcerated for treason. There is so much corruption in our government, I doubt this will happen. He may get a slap on the hand. Everyone has know since before he was elected, that he was dirty, but the republicans didn’t do anything about it, because they hated Trump more than they did Biden for doing what they are probably doing themselves. I don’t think Biden is the only one guilty in this fiasco.

Allena Jordan
May 11, 2023

My heart hurts! I weep. Be sure that your sins will find you out. Ps. 90:8
You have placed our wickedness before you, Our secret sins [which we tried to conceal, You have placed] in the [revealing] light of Your presence.
Amos 5:11 For I know your transgressions are many and your sins are great (shocking, innumerable), You who distress the righteous and take bribes,
And turn away from the poor in the [court of the city] gate [depriving them of justice]. 13 Therefore, he who is prudent and has insight will keep silent at such a [corrupt and evil] time, for it is an evil time [when people will not listen to truth and will disregard those of good character].
Father, it appears to me that this family is guilty. However, no one is more guilty than we who have allowed this to happen. Forgive us our sins. Cleanse us (me) from all unrighteousness. Deliver us from evil. In Jesus’ Name and for His glory, cleanse our land, our waters, our government, our systems, our very selves. Amen.

Nancy Bryda
May 11, 2023

In Jesus name I decree what is built on sand will crumble but the Kingdom of God continues to expand. The Biden family is under the heavenly microscope of God and whatever they tried to hide is coming into the light. Light dispels darkness. The judges are being judged by the supreme judge of heaven. Angelic forces are being unleased to bring justice and to expose and prosecute corruption. The Lord has lethal weapons to fight the hordes of hell and his arrows of fire are hitting the bullseye of the demonic forces. I decree the crime families in government are and will continue to be exposed and prosecuted in God’s Issachar timing. Suddenlies happen suddenly. The ekklesia is releasing the heavenly language into the atmosphere to confuse the enemy and confound his purposes.

Bonnie Phillips
May 11, 2023

Praise GOD for His love for America and the covenant He has with usā€” for those who have eyes to see, ears to hear whatā€™s really going on and who are not afraid to pull blinders off of others who have played along! Truly the TRUTH will set the people FREE!
Thank you for seeking truth and putting it out so we can continue to pray for America!

Patty V
May 11, 2023

I believe Truth will win out over every lie. I pray that what has been done in secret will be shouted from the rooftops. God will not be mocked. What a man sows, he will reap. I pray that Joe Biden and all corrupt leaders will be shaken so severely that they might repent and turn from their evil ways before final judgment comes. His only hope is to vomit up the truth and fall on his face before God.

Brian Lynch
May 11, 2023

It will be interesting to see what happens. As bad as Biden has done as president, being the N.W.O/Global Elite puppet, this is about when he was V.P. under Obama, the then- puppet for the same. If Biden goes down, then we would be left with Kamala Harris. Lord, you know what America needs. Let Your will prevail!

May 11, 2023

Lord continue to expose all the corruption you are the only one that can. I asked for justice and those you are using to bring this about have ears to hear your directions and a heart to follow your leading. Remove the veil of those that are deceived and give them mercy. Lord let America be saved.

Liz Lewark
May 11, 2023

Lord bring it all to light and that there will be enough good people in the DOJ and FBI to incarcerate them all. Lord send the fire of the Holy Spirit to burn up the evil plans of the enemyā€™s of God and Your people. That the would be caught in their own webs of treason and corruption. That the money that they have would be given to Godā€™s children to use to bless those in need. That even the countryā€™s that they have taken money from would turn on them.
There is a Smith Wigglesworth prophecy that when a woman becomes President of the US, then the rapture will come. Help us to be ready for it is soon!!!! Come Lord Jesus Come.

Ralph Bowie
May 11, 2023

Yes he is involved

May 11, 2023

I think that this can ā€œpossiblyā€ take Joe Biden down but the damage is done. I know thatā€¦
ā€œHe [the Most High God] changes times and seasons; He sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. He reveals deep and hidden things; He knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with Him.ā€ (Daniel 2:21,22)

This corruption is one of the many ways that the US is being taken down. Completion of prophesy is on schedule. These things are part of Godā€™s plan. We are to speak truth, be bold, be strong and be courageous even though we may be persecuted!

Lord, I ask for mercy on those that are blind with delusions, like your Word says people will be in the last days. Open unbelievers eyes to see truth before itā€™s too late!

I ask this in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen!

May 11, 2023

Abba let truth and justice reign quickly. Expose and depose.

May 11, 2023

Father, reveal the truth. Protect your people. Bring mercy and justice. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Linda Phillips
May 11, 2023

Pray it will take them out all of them

Linda Pierce
May 11, 2023

The Biden family is as corrupt as the Clinton family. Period

May 11, 2023

Let’s not get distracted, folks. We’ve known for a long time that Demroids like Biden have been playing this game. But what about the environment that makes this possible? This level of corruption requires tacit approval from the GOP at large. Then we have the military industrial complex…who makes WAR our #1 export…what about that? We’ve been weakened beyond comprehension by Woke Demroid political philosophy, while simultaneously breaking lances with China and Russia…either of which could take us down right now. And who can forget the new Central Bank Digital Currency? I guess the Demroids got their wish…finally “IN GOD WE TRUST” if off our money. If the Biden Crime Syndicate pays one dime, it will only be because they are sacrificed for the WEF/WHO global agenda.

    May 11, 2023

    Has anyone noticed in Revelation the symbol of dragon is used much. Dragon is Chinas symbol. No mention of eagle there which ,of course, is our emblem.
    Makes me wonder if the Lord is a comin’. Come Lord Jesus. Your people pray for your appearance.

May 11, 2023

This President is a disgrace. If he open his mouth he is lying! I feel like everything he does he actually tries to screw the Middle class! I have no faith in him or his minions! The only positive from this moron was lowering the price of insulin!

May 11, 2023

We know there has been fraud in Biden family but will we see justice? Will they be punished while other politicians have been pardoned, it makes me doubt we will see punishment & jail. Sad for America

W. Thigpen
May 11, 2023

Sadly, it pays to be a Biden.šŸ˜­ Praying for all to be revealed.

Joanne Bierschenk
May 11, 2023

Praying for justice

Concerned Citizen
May 11, 2023

It will be interesting to see if the DOJ, Attorney General, or whatever agency is supposed to prosecute will do that or just sit on it like they have done with Hunterā€™s laptop, and evidence that Mike Lindell brought forward showing that votes in the 2020 presidential election were changed from IP addresses in China and other countries.. Iā€™m not sure if anything was ever done when True the Vote turned over info to the FBI shown in 3000 Mules documentary.. If corrupt federal agencies do not prosecute and corrupt/biased media doesnā€™t report these facts, itā€™s kind of like it never happened and gets swept under the rug. I pray for wisdom for the Oversight Committee and the House to ensure these findings are brought to justice and if itā€™s clear that these funds served as bribes to use Bidenā€™s influence for those countryā€™s gain and hurt US national security, then isnā€™t this treason in its worst and highest form?

    May 11, 2023

    Yes it not only is treason but mafia oriented. Now we can surmise why all those classified documents appeared in this guy’s garage. That story just went away. It may resurface if they really do go after demi, playing god, Biden. Pray for justice and removal along with ding dong cackling Kamala.

May 11, 2023

The Biden are just the tip of the iceberg which is sinking America with corruption. The swamp (government agencies & institutions, media, corporations, NGOs) are complicite in the Biden. Obama, Clinton treason which is destroying America from within. At this point our fervent hope is that God intervenes because instead of repentance our leaders double down on their sins.

Erilda Coleman
May 11, 2023

We believe Biden & his family of assiciates have committed crimes of treasonous acts & should be prosecuted to he fullest extent of the law for these crimes. These foreign entities have paid big Bucks to this family for favors associated with Bidenā€™s time as vice-president & still today as president.

Jamie Hotelling
May 11, 2023

Praise God who reveals hidden things with His revelation light. Let us continually pray that all corruption and those involved be exposed and brought to justice. ā€œGod is not mocked. For whatsoever a man sows, so shall he reap!ā€

Jerome Hebert
May 11, 2023

In Proverbs 29:2 & 4 it says ā€œ When the righteous increase, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules the people groan.ā€ And ā€œ The king gives stability to the land by justice, But a man who takes bribes overthrows it.ā€ What has happened to our government leaderā€™s integrity of our nation? Itā€™s in the process of spiraling downward because of the illiteracy of Godā€™s Word. A great deal of this chaos would disintegrate if our nation would return their attention back to the Lord our God in the name of Jesus Christ. Our nationā€™s standard have gone beyond the protective commandments of what God has designed for mankind to live securely. So we Christianā€™s continue to pray because at this time the Lord is far from the wicked but He hears the prayers of the righteous (Proverbs 15:29).. Thank you Lord., May You be glorified.

May 11, 2023

Somebody get him out of there. He has destroyed the American dream

May 11, 2023

Lord open people’s eyes to the corruption. Lord stop the double standard treatment. Lord bring swift and appropriate justice to all who are involved.
Lord continue to bring whatever is done in darkness to light. Lord let the guilty be held accountable for their wrong doings. Lord we desperately need godly leaders. Amen

May 11, 2023

The CCP owns the Bidens and is destroying our country from within. Time to fill some cells in Gitmo and hold trials for treason.

May 11, 2023

Under Obama Biden , 8 years of open border, drugs, illegals, refugees and we didn’t have any updates on what Biden was doing in all the countries after Obama visited about 70 foreign countries right before Trump took office. What did he promise these countries? What was Biden doing with Hunter in China and other foreign countries? How and why was China allowed to buy our biggest Packing plants, Smithfield and Tyson? Obama was allowing China to buy farms and business after they failed. We have great Chinese people who wanted out of China and they don’t want China taking over our country. God Bless America Amen prayers for the caravan people, they are being paid to come here by Soros and our Democratic government. Obama has been running the country with support from Soros. How far back do they go? Prayers f and r the world. God is in control but we must pray and thank our Fathervin Heaven for taking care of our country and leaders. God Bless everyone. Amen

May 11, 2023

How long will it take before the U.S, Taxpayer has had enough of being sold down the river?. I believe the U,S. governmentt should seize all the assets of those involved and seize all chinese businesses and land that the communist chinese government has bought thru questionable means! We ought to tell China you know that money we owe you werll thanks to covid we don’t owe you anything! Those who took money from China should be tried for treason!

    Robert Funderburk
    May 11, 2023

    We’ve been hearing for years from the Republications about the “breathtaking” evidence against the Bidens. What have they done with it?…NOTHING. TALK, TALK, TALK. I can only surmise that the Republicans are either cowards or engaged in Biden type criminal enterprises themselves. I still pray for the government, even the ones who are trying to destroy our country.

    Teresa Fowell
    May 11, 2023

    I agree with Fred .
    Treason was committed by Hillary Clinton , Obama , The Biden Family, Dr Fauchi , and all those involved in the falsified accusations and lies presented in the US Supreme Court and spying on Donald Trump
    The list of names is long and pray they will all be punished and banned from our government forever. We have been lied to . We all need to be angry at the destruction of the USA caused by the deceit and control by the democrat liberal New World Order media controlling lying climate change propagandists . It is too big to fix without God’s help . Pray and only defend what is right .

    May 11, 2023



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