“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:13)
Twenty years ago, our nation experienced one of the darkest days in its history. America was brutally attacked by terrorists bent on evil, and many of us felt devastated. But, praise God, He was not devastated. He was not defeated. And He showed once again that He does not let darkness have the last laugh.
I remember the day very clearly. I was a recent college grad just weeks into a new staff assistant job working in the office of U.S. Senator Sam Brownback. As I readied the front office for the day, I remember turning on C-SPAN and noticing coverage of President George W. Bush’s visit to an elementary school in Florida. Suddenly, a fellow staffer popped in and told me to change the channel.
I could hardly believe my eyes. One of the towers of New York City’s World Trade Center appeared to be on fire. Smoke was billowing out of it. Had a plane malfunctioned and veered off course?
Then — on live television — the unmistakable shape of another plane hit the south tower. I stood there shocked. Could this be a second accident? I looked at a colleague and we both sensed the answer — no.
Soon there were rumors of other planes. And then a confirmed hit on the Pentagon. Could Capitol Hill be next?
Thankfully, amid confusion descending on the city, our chief of staff had the poise and discernment to break our team up into groups and to send us to predetermined locations away from the Hill. Together we were able to track the crisis and to make contact (despite overloaded phone systems) with loved ones around the country.
Then… the towers fell. First the south tower. Approximately a half-hour later, the north tower.
I will never forget those images. I will never forget the sound of fighter jets soaring overhead. And I will never forget the shock, the pain, and the fear of that day.
But I will also not forget the good. Even as darkness seemed to have its day, men and women in New York and at the Pentagon rushed TOWARDS danger — even likely death — to help others trapped and in need.
And I will be forever grateful to the passengers on Flight 93, the fourth hijacked jet. The rumors were true. The terrorists did indeed have designs to hit the U.S. Capitol. But the passengers decided to take the plane back, and after a struggle it crashed in a field in Pennsylvania only about 20 minutes flight-time from Washington, DC. Those passengers — including at least one couple with a Bible and prayer list — sacrificed themselves for others…quite possibly me.
In the days that followed many relief teams came from all over the country to help those directly impacted by the attacks. Soldiers, too, put themselves in harm’s way abroad to find and defang the terrorists. And people prayed. Churches were filled with individuals who wanted somehow to seek God and to beseech His guidance and protection.
Evil had not prevailed.
Now, 20 years later, may we reflect and seek the Lord anew. May the people of this land remember the darkness of 9-11 and the good that would not be squelched.
May we never forget.
Where were you on 9/11? Share your thoughts, and a prayer for our nation in the comments below!
Aaron Mercer is a Contributing Writer with two decades of experience in Washington, D.C.’s public policy arena.
(Anthony Fomin/Unsplash).
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None of us, who watched that horrific terrorist attack on 9-11, will ever forget it!! We will always remember the amazing way our country rallied around to help and to pray and to serve. That day changed our country forever!
However, twenty years later, last night, I was listening to young people interviewed, and over and over, I heard, “I don’t think we should really talk about it,” or “we shouldn’t teach about 9-11, it might offend Muslims,” or “America isn’t special,” etc., etc. I agree that people came together for awhile after 9-11, but, it didn’t last.
When I heard former President, George Bush, over the weekend, compare 9-11 to January 06, I couldn’t believe my ears!! That is truly unbelievable! There is NO COMPARISON! That deeply troubled me because he should no better!
God help us to remember 9-11 and remember all the sacrificing that was done on that day and after. Help us, Lord, to seek Your truth, in all things. But… us, more than anything, to remember YOUR great love and Your sacrifice for us. Help us, as a nation, Lord, to come back to You, to humble ourselves, to seek Your face, turn from our evil ways, and watch You heal our land!
Evil did not win? Not entirely. Not then. But now we have a government that is ignoring the nature of the evil that inflicted these attacks and is actively aiding and abetting the very entity that attacked us. We are arming those who have sworn to destroy us, and refusing to help our own citizens and allies living under the daily threat of torture and/or death.
Evil didn’t win that day. As a nation we came together, shockingly, in spite of all the lines others had tried to draw in the sand with a single patriotic purpose: we loved our country. I rber the day well. I had out of town company and we watched, in shock, with everyone else. We could not believe it. Someone had the audacity to do this??? We are the USA! Who could be so stupid! Unification over tragedy. Evil did not win that day. Father God, bring us together again as a nation of people who love our country and who worship together with common cause. Let us seek You as one and stop this us vs. Them functioning in our government and in our lives. Let us be bigger than that. Let us reflect Your compassion and sense of loyalty to the One capable of defeating evil. Evil won’t win today either but we recognize that You did, You are today and You will in the days to come. Amen
I remember exactly where I was. In my car at a traffic light at 10th and Cedar, turning left, when the news interrupted the music playing. The fear that permeated everything and the repentance and seeking Yah’s face that followed. May we turn to him in that fashion again without having to go through a tragedy to get there.